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Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

scheherazade says...

Syria had a fractured military, where part went with Assad, and part went with the [effectively "Neo Hama"] rebellion (i.e. anti secularist rebellion).
Russia supported Assad.
Militants from the region came to support the rebellion and were given shelter and resources by rebels.
(Which is why moderate Muslims, Christians, atheists, etc, are now hiding on Assad's side of the conflict (or running to Europe))
That place really sucks. If you're a regular person, the options are bad and worse.

Land and buildings don't produce wealth and taxes without people.


newtboy said:

Same ratio or worse in Syria with insanely more powerful weapons available to citizens and a far lower grade military...actually far more tilted against the military....the military that has won.
Yes, bombs damage assets, but not territory, which is what's really at stake. Buildings only have value if they're in your territory, so if they aren't, it's beneficial to destroy them.
No civil population has successfully denied an armed military what they need to function since the Nazis failed in Russia that I know of. It's really not as simple as it sounds, the only effective way to deny them your resources is to destroy them.

In the Arab spring, I think the government was overthrown because military leaders decided to stand with the people in short order. It could have been quite different, in places it was. This is a better, more recent example of your point.

Why Switzerland is the Safest Place if WW3 Ever Begins

SFOGuy says...

The reason Switzerland is the safest place in case of a war is not its bunkers and fall out shelters (though, referencing the book "Place de la Concorde Suisse" by McPhee, this video does do a good job explaining Swiss paranoia)

Switzerland is the best place to hide in a war because:

Everyone from oligarchal and totalitarian states hides their assets there. In Swiss banks. And no one has been stupid enough in 200 years to blow up the bank holding their assets.

Ashland Cops Use Taser On Restrained 18 Year Old

C-note says...

The fact that the spousal abuse rate for cops is up to 15 times higher than among the general public is just the tip of the iceberg. Wives of cops who are beaten and abused have to deal with the fact that their abuser is armed with a gun. Their abuser knows the location of battered women's shelters, and knows how to manipulate the system to avoid penalty and or shift blame to the victim.

In a way they have it worse then the occasional citizen who finds them self dealing a jackbooted thug with a badge. A citizen if left alive doesn't have to go home and live with an abuser.

Baby Raccoons toy with angler

Ashenkase says...

You can hear the road near by. Mom probably met here demise there as you would never see cubs on their own with out Mama putting up a massive stink.

Racoons are mostly nocturnal as well so its not common to see them out and about in broad daylight.

Hope this guy took them in or found a shelter for them.

Dog Feels Petting Instead of Abuse For The First Time

ulysses1904 says...

I agree, these videos tear me up (both definitions of "tear"). I'm not bothered by watching videos of some moped rider in Bangkok get wiped out at an intersection but these videos have an effect on me. I can't watch those videos of a happy dog being adopted from a shelter because all I can hear is the dogs barking in the background that are still in cages. We have 4 rescue dogs in the house and I wish I had the resources to have more. Upvoted anyway.

newtboy said:

Sorry, this kind of thing upsets me more than makes me happy the pup is better now, because I had to see it terrified of being touched first.
It reminds me of the aspca commercials with abused animals, trying to touch your heart and get your donation, but that's abusive of the very people they are soliciting, animal lovers.
My wife blocked her sister on Facebook because she constantly posted similar videos and pictures, bumming my wife out to near tears daily.
I can't blame the poster, he labeled it well, but I still wasn't prepared for the screaming terror.
I need to go watch some more playing baby pygmy hippo now.

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

MilkmanDan says...

I totally agree with what he is saying, and am very glad that people are saying it.

...That being said, is it hopelessly shallow to wish that the person making the argument looked just a little bit less like the Crypt Keeper? Sex sells, man. I just don't see any 19-22 year old kid that has been sheltered enough to buy into SJW stuff listening to this guy. Unfortunate, but there it is.

Why I Left the Left

newtboy says...

Well, I believe words will never hurt me (unless I let them).

My parents both work for Stanford, and there, and at many other decent colleges, being exposed to new ideas and people is certainly an integral part of the educational experience. That doesn't mean you have to become a SJW, it means you learn how to discuss topics with those you disagree with, not just live in an echo chamber.

I think many today are so sheltered and deep in a bubble that they do make it to colleges having never had their beliefs challenged in any meaningful way. That they can graduate with the same flaws is horrendous, IMO.

17 Programs Trump will cut that cost you $22 yr - Nerdwriter

bobknight33 says...

To be fair some of those programs should be eliminated. In the big picture these table scrap spending issues.

Homeless need food and shelter more than I need PBS or GOV funded arts programs.

Americans need to work longer before opting for social security.

Our defense spending does need to be cut.

Our national debt does need to be lowered.

WE need not to be fighting if /when defenses cutting / social security adjustments issues come up.

Death panels and throwing grandma off the cliff scare tactics need to stop.

Stephen Colbert Is A Bowling Green Massacre Truther

transmorpher says...

Regardless of how broad the definition of rape is, it's still disproportionately committed by immigrants, and not just rape, all crime - which was the point I was making, that there is a correlation between immigration and crime.

I got the stats from here

Also your linked Global Mail article states "Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them". LOL if living in a camp is so dangerous, it's down to the people living there right? Tents don't commit crime.

Actually that author has interpreted the statistics with what is called survivor bias.

EDIT: also the global article has some very good comments by C.Ben and vikki 4U

hazmat22 said:

Can I ask where you got your info on the rape crisis in Sweden exactly?

Last week the G&M reported that here in Canada 1 in 5 sexual assault claims are filed as baseless and never investigated. Back in 2005 Sweden started expanding their definition of rape and working on ways to avoid issues like we're having, such as people not reporting it and people who report it being ignored.

So you broaden the definition of rape to protect more people (the infirm was a major one for them), make it far more socially acceptable to report it and stop turning away victims and surprise surprise you get more reported rapes.

There are many times that statistics are used to misinform us or to cast a certain light on topic, "How to Lie with Statistics" is a great book for learning more.

IMPORTANT - Save The Day (America's Response)

newtboy says...

Yep....Trump supporters are exactly that dumb. Make sure you remind them to go vote on the 9th of December.

30000? That's about how many "donations" Trump illicitly solicited for his illegal tax shelter, right? Many of those "donations" are turning out to be payments to Trump directed to his "charity" to avoid paying taxes...that's why he thinks it's proper to spend on himself, he thinks it's his money, just hidden from the tax man.

Momma raccoon taking the kids home for the day...

Debunking Gun Control Arguments

scheherazade says...

Then you end up with people taping mags together and reloading within a second or so.
Even faster if they count shots and stop firing at capacity-1 before reloading.
There are work-arounds...

Realistically, the end game of the political left is a gun ban + confiscation. The end game of the political right is total gun deregulation.
Each side needs something to argue to excuse their existence, so they will argue in their direction so long as there is anything left to argue, and those are the natural consequences.
Gridlock is literally the best thing that can happen for folks in the middle.

Syria isn't the best example. The people were not armed, and they turned to foreign auxiliaries to fight for them. They invited and gave shelter to all sorts of foreign militants to fight against their government, and made a mess of things. They would have been better off with a home-grown insurgency.

Not like a home grown insurgency would have done much good either way. The Syrian Arab spring was a democratic call for ... Islamic law. It originated in Hama, where an earlier Islamic insurgency was put down (the muslim brotherhood) by Assad's father. Half the country didn't support the insurgency against Assad, and anyone who is non-muslim or secular, or even moderate, is sitting on Assad's side of the country hoping he holds out.

But generally speaking, insurgency with small arms is what defeats occupiers over time. Not in pitched battles, but by making occupation so expensive and tedious that the occupier loses interest over time.


newtboy said:

I can't understand the "assault rifle" thing. It's already illegal to have a fully automatic without a special license, and any semi-auto gun fires one bullet per trigger pull. What difference does it make what the gun looks like if they all work the same?

Gee, there's a guns=mo gun problems. Who knew?

The "they protect us from our government" argument has been ridiculous since the advent of mechanized warfare. Your rifle can't stop their F-16. Just ask the Syrians.

It's not the cash that the NRA spends lobbying that their power comes from, it's the willingness of their members to jump when they say "jump". Their political power comes from the ability to push politicians out of power through voting, not cash.

The AR-15 is a red herring. My Ruger .22 can shoot well over 45 rounds per minute, as can almost any semi-auto rifle. It's the clip size that makes a difference. If you have to reload after every 10 shots, you simply can't shoot 45 rounds in a minute. I just don't get the outrage over guns that OPERATE exactly the same as nearly all other guns. Either these people simply don't understand guns at all, or they're total liars and they're trying to 'trick' us into banning all semi-auto firearms.

Trumps Crazy CNN Interview about Mexican Judge

shang says...

I love him, hate political correctness, media is ignoring the over 400 rapes and murders dubbed "the femicide" in Juarez in border, none of the perps caught, they run into US get welfare, timestamps, HUD housing and pay zero taxes.

Liberals enjoy sheltering rapists with tax money but every day more found dead in Juarez as young as 6.

I hate political correctness, and voting Trump. Already voted him in primary and my neighbor is Guatemalan he became a US citizen legally and his entire family and cousins voted Trump at primary but Guatamalans tend to hate what cartels are going at border and know exactly what's going in more than any kids online believing what is said on television..

Hell the exit poll in my town was awesome Trump got 62% black vote , 78% Guatemalan vote (large population)

Folks are absolutely fed up with hypersensitive sissies , we need blunt directness .

I'd rather have Bill Hicks, as a President :-P

But when John Cheeseof Monty Python says political correctness and liberalism in America has gone too far and he's joined all other comedians in banning tours at colleges and he hopes Trump will end political correctness sissiness you know the country is about to destroy the Democrats just like they did in 1968.

In 1968 the time called "white riot" but whites and blacks rioted and Democrat convention shut down and Democrats lost the next 10 elections. Over political correctness.

Proof that history has repeated itself. The liberals collapse every 60 years. 60 years before this Richard Henry Pratt the man who invented the word "racism" out of thin air as a slur when he invented political correctness and attached individualism, claiming individualism is racist, that all cultures should be forcefully eradicated and forced to mix , be caused the genocide of Indians and extinction of dozen languages until violently stopoed.

1968 white riot ending all Democrat for decade

Think tank Industry social change political correctness rule maker director gives speech how just like Germany and Sweden to destroy America

I do hope Trump can win and stay blunt, cuss out the retard media and idiot corporate owned government and at least get folks back to those of us of generation X who were adamantly Anti political correctness, to quote Rage Against The Machine "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me"


Morning Joe Destroys Clinton On Email Report Lies

radx says...

"Can [They] be so insanely sheltered that they think her 'answers' help her?"

If you piece together all of her statements on a plethora of different topics, it is inescapably obvious that they (!) truly have no connection to anyone or anything outside their bubble. Surrounded by sycophants as the Clintons are, people have wondered, and justifiably so, whether she cares or even knows that she's lying on a regular basis. One might make the case that the entire concept of an objective "truth", connected to reality, has no meaning for them.

Additionally, she really does suck at campaigning. But that's not punishable by extended prison sentences, unlike, I don't know, sending Special Access Program (SAP) info through your own bloody email server.

Lastly, Joe mentions Powell (6:16 onwards). When Colin Powell was SoS, his office was connected to the internal system, but had no connection to the internet or the outside world in general. You can't get shit done that way, not in this day and age. That's why he had additional gear set up to at least send and receive emails. This was done separate from the internal network and, if I remember correctly, his entire staff was not only open about it every step of the way, they applied for and received special permissions before they touched anything.

Clinton didn't give a jar of cold piss about the rules that are meant to safeguard access to sensitive information. It was inconvenient to her, and since the rules and laws only apply to plebs, she and her posse set up their own system.

A whole lot of people have to adhere to tedious rules and procedures, with severe punishment looming just around the corner. One guy was in the press for receiving three years of prison after he placed a document on the wrong desk. So, if the FBI drags out the investigation or even buries it, you can bet your ass that a lot of people at different agencies are going to be fuming. And between the FBI, the NSA and CIA, a lot of people have access to the remaining emails from Clinton's server. That opens Clinton up to blackmail, a lot of it. Can't have a compromised president. Not to mention that someone's going to take the data and just drop it over at WikiLeaks or the Intercept.

Why So Much Tax Money Is Wasted

Lawdeedaw says...

Um, I don't think that was Bob's or Milkman's point. And the point is all that matters because the fact that America is fucked up is irrelevant. Just as saying country A is okay so all government will not fall into the trap.

Fact is EVERY government since the start of mankind has fallen into this trap. Some take longer than others, and there are insulating features (such as nations that are sheltered by natural terrian, those with rich resources, those with low populations, and those that have never had a TRULY meaningful impact on the world but just kinda get by.)

America's problems are myriad but I think it's because they won too much in the last century and are about to fall, as any great boxer has.

Edit added later:

And no, most other governments are not. Russia, China, North Korea, many South American nations, Mexico, the Middle East, all those examples are not minor. Now you could say "many" governments.

ChaosEngine said:

Oh, the government in the US is fucked, undoubtedly.

It needs major change. Most other countries are not that bad though.

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