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have you found yourself longing for the apocalypse?

shagen454 says...

Needs more warnings at the end - May cause poisonous burns, itching, rashes, scars, insects / bites, decapitation, potent hallucinogenic plant experience ego death (this is a good thing), wild fire, sneezing, rashes, pulled muscles, sweating, potential flash flood, tornado, blunt force death (hail storm), suffocation (ie quicksand), dehydration, drowning (helicopter drops retardant on you or otherwise), hypothermia, freezing, lethal stings, booby traps, rednecks, cannibals, serial killers, getting lost and starving...

Atheist Commercial that Compares God to an Abusive Husband

BriannaFox says...

In the midst of serial killers, pedophiles and pastors wanting to kill gays, i can understand how this video came into light, people can badmouth it all they want to, but I have seen what Christianity does to people. It tears them apart emotionally, sexually and psychologically. Perhaps in another several years this might be more appreciated, only after another event like the Witchtrials or another any rate I thought the message it was trying to convey was obvious, dont be a christian because the religion/relationship really messes you up.

Roman Army Structure

JustSaying says...

Here is something I saw in the video that I can never unsee thanks to that stupid Dennis Quaid serial killer movie:


That shit gets me every, e-v-e-r-y fucking time.

Piggy Sue

Bill Burr Weighs In On Gay Marriage

poolcleaner says...

I doubt there is a single thing left that can be considered going too far -- other than going too far and inciting a riot or having people kill for you with jokes that control people's minds. Or just a simple, classic killing joke. Yes, when the listener hears the punch line, they die because they're a faggot. Oh, I forgot to tell you the joke only kills faggots and has a side effect of transforming a foetus into a raving mentally challenged serial killer that kills other babies and wears baby faces. Hmm... I'm thinking 3d printable action figures.

Too Many Cooks

VoodooV says...

I'll admit it was a bit of a roller coaster for me. the first couple minutes and they were beating the Full House horse, I started to get bored, but then they started switching to other shows and that drew me back in again. Then they kinda over did it with the serial killer guy and I started to lose interest again, then they got to the sci fi meme and I started smirking again.

certainly reminds me of this: *related=

"Dear Mom and Dad." About demented US gun culture.

JustSaying says...

Obesity kills more US citizens than terrorism.

Alcohol kills more people than pot.

Religious extremism kills more americans than Edward Snowden.

Choking on food kills more humans than serial killers.

Car crashes kill more children than pedophiles.

What's your point here?

bobknight33 said:

Boo hoo hoo.

98+% of gun violence is from illegal gun use.

Abortion kills more children then every statistic listed if this filth film.

Abortion kills more children than ALL murders in the USA.

Guns are not the problem. Morality is.

Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

shveddy says...

I do understand that the purpose of Godwin's law is to reduce the worst kinds of hyperbole, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

Whatever you think about Israel's policies regarding the Palestinians, referring to it as extermination only shows that you haven't taken the time to understand anything about the current conflict and you are just reacting emotionally to the terrible horror of war. Extermination is the total elimination of a certain population by killing, and such an action is so far beyond the state of oppression we see in Gaza today that I just can't take your comparison seriously.

The only way you bother to support these outlandish statements is by telling me that death is death - no matter what the cause - as if that mindless tautology is enough to render two wildly different sets of circumstances and tactics equivalent.

Should we also call all murders murders and not bother to make distinctions between first degree, second degree, involuntary manslaughter, etc? Should we treat the serial killer the same as the drunken brawler who hit someone too hard in a bar fight?

Of course not. As thinking people we analyze factors such as intent, quantity, severity, remorse, and perhaps most importantly, we consider what measures can possibly be taken to correct the underlying cause. All of these elements are wildly different in the different degrees of murders, and having an honest grasp of these differences helps us understand how we as a society should react to each degree, both in terms of punishment and rehabilitation.

To similar ends, it is very important that we consider analogous distinctions in the different degrees of atrocities between nations or ethnic groups. The fact that it is obvious that I would much rather be in Gaza today than a concentration camp in 1943 is very much so relevant to this sort of analysis. The fact that there is no Israeli intent to exterminate the Palestinians is also relevant.

But if you want to leave the depth of your understanding at "dead is dead" then I guess that's your choice.

Asmo said:

Is it nuance to be an innocent family on the receiving end of a high explosive round? Last time I checked, whether it's via gas or a shell, death is death. Do you think the Palestinians suffer less fear waiting to see if they are about to die? That you raise scale as a method of differentiation is laughable. Israel has has ~70 years of slowly whittling away at Palestine and it's people.

And the facile differentiation between a German concentration camp and Gaza is beneath you. You would much rather not live in fucking either, and neither would all of us if we were given a choice. That the Israelis are going about the business of eliminating Palestine slowly is more about international backlash. If they thought they could get away with it, they'd sweep them in to the sea and be done with it.

And in response to the invocation of Godwin's Law, you do understand that the purpose of the Godwin is to reduce/remove ludicrous hyperbole, not to shut down legitimate comparisons? Much as you could draw parallels with Idi Armin, Stalin/Russia etc, Israel is engaging in similar tactics. Fascism, racism, segregation, making war on civilians etc. That it isn't a 100% carbon copy is irrelevant.

Beware: Friendly Homosexuals!

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

lantern53 says...

My example of the severed heads in the car trunk was taken from a book written by a judge. It was his statement that he wanted to hear it was a legal search whether it was or not, because he would not want a serial killer to walk on a 'technicality'. I know that in this case a 'technicality' is the law, but the law changes based on what people want.
I have never lied in court and a cop would be a fool to lie in court because perjury means you can't be a cop and if you lose your job, you lose your pension.

Skull Fracture with Epidural Hematoma...

EvilDeathBee says...

In his adult life, Kevin McCallister was the most inventive, yet hideously sadistic serial killer the FBI ever investigated. They only managed to capture him by working with 2 reluctant convicts, the first and only surviving victims of McCallister reign of terror, in a plea deal to reduce their sentence they agree lure McCallister out with the most tempting kind of bait: the 2 that got away

DOOM (Original DOS Version) Episode 1: Knee-Deep In The Dead

chingalera says...

The first game to that began the transformation of teens worldwide (and especially American kids) into future serial killers-Desensitization of blood, guts, trauma, and the handing of weapons-Start 'em young, and they'll run straight into a wall-

Oh but viiiideo games don't promote violence and have NO effect on imprinting or the psyche...Yeah. Keep thinking that shit.

Wait till the suspension of disbelief regarding civilization and society slam them in the ass and watch 'em switch-on. All it will take will be a nudge-

Why Violent Video Games Don't Cause Violence | Today's Topic

chingalera says...

Be damn the violence, future serial killers of America unite, be it Doom or Civilization, GTA or Mario Cart, what of the retarded social and motor skills created in 2 generations of peepatrons? I have noticed a direct correlation between lack of Vitamin D in the form of limited exposure to sunlight and Cheetos-stained crisp finger, as well as a general lack of interest in the vagina or practical skills and video-gaming, so please, "let them legalize homicide and debut this thrilling and encouraging youth-sensation, our hope-for-the-future, an exciting new video first-person-atrophizer and herding platform, Couch-Killers"!!

Low Security Jail In Norway

EMPIRE says...

you clearly have no idea how the justice system in a civilized country in the 21st century is supposed to be.

The judicial system (of a proper nation) is not about what people WANT. It doesn't cater to wishes of the victims OR the criminals. It's a neutral party. An eye for an eye is not justice, it's revenge.

And of course, a serial killer wouldn't just be released after 21 years, like he was suddenly a nice person. What would probably happen is that he would spend the rest of his days in a padded room in a psychiatric hospital.

edit: by the way, I don't know if you understood what that small text said at the beginning of the video, but it says that 80% of the inmates that go to this prison don't return to a life of crime. I would say that is pretty, pretty, pretty good.

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