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pigeon (Member Profile)

The Greatest Shot In Television

Living Pez Dispenser

School coach Keanon Lowe disarms student

viewer_999 says...

Without hostility, I gotta be honest here: I don't really know what you're trying to say. My best guess is, "Treating him with compassion is good for [me]." In this case, at least, I disagree. If I were immortal and/or striving for sainthood, perhaps. But I have one life with limited time, as do those I love and seek to protect. Those who are in search of said sainthood may care for this person all they wish; and may they do it away from society and the rest of us who choose life.

It is foolish to issue probation to someone who brought a loaded gun to class. They've already demonstrated intent to harm and thus should have the option/means to do so again removed.

BSR said:

Funny thing about compassion. What you think is meant for others is REALLY meant for you.

The buck stops here

GOP Says Trump Was Joking as Damning Ukraine Texts Emerge

NEWS: The Mystery of 42 is Solved - Numberphile

What Happens Next?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Shepard Smith: Yet again in America

Plane Crash and Rescue from the Quebec Wilderness

jimnms says...

Yes, the parachute is standard equipment in the SR-20/22. Also, aircraft are required to be equipped with Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) which in the event of a crash automatically (or can be manually turned on) begin to transmit a signal which is picked up by satellites and notifies local search and rescue.

eric3579 said:

Maybe just a tiny bit considering there is a tree sticking out of the cockpit Although he did say that same tree helped him get out of the plane. As you noted, he did what he could to save himself. I would be curious to know if that chute is standard on that plane and if having a way to communicate your emergency, is normal or mandated by law.

Plane Crash and Rescue from the Quebec Wilderness

Payback says...

This. This is why I never have any sympathy for the "hikers" who go out onto the ass end of nowhere without even a GPS. This guy even spent the money to get the whole-plane parachute. Which, I might add, is why he got home that day, and not have become a statistic. Although I wish he had noted the first shots were file footage of the emergency chute tests, not of his actual plane that day. Internet People are not known for their intelligence.

Sat phones can be rented pay-per-use, for virtually nothing. If you don't use it, it's a pittance. If something happens, broken leg, whatever, emergency crews can come straight to you.

I have no problem whatsoever with the government saving your life. That's what it's there for. My issue is with the huge searches due to adult "victims" negligence and stupidity.


AeroMechanical says...

No, I spent a couple hours searching once, but I've never been able to find it. I can only narrow down the air date by where I lived when it was shown. It was B-roll stuff and it was 2 or 3 years after it was filmed that it aired (or at least that's the way it seems in my memory, but it was definitely long enough that I'd moved house twice in between).

ant said:

Where can we see it? Is there a video of it online?

Dead Spot on Hisense Arena Explained

A.I. that can generate videos from a single image

newtboy says...

Wait....are you saying you've seen him doing interracial gay porn?
Better clear that search history.
...on second thought, just throw out that computer.

Payback said:

Trump is actually a really thoughtful, nice, well-spoken man and we've just been mislead by the Deep State who keep him silent by force and all we ever see are videos from this technology.

...but he does love the BBC.

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