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Internet Comment Etiquette: "Weed Channels"

StukaFox says...

Oh fuck -- you mean I've spent 20 years making wise-ass comments on the internet for FREE when I could have been video'ing myself smoking a joint, typing shit and scoring hella YouTube watches?


17 Programs Trump will cut that cost you $22 yr - Nerdwriter

Mordhaus says...

I live in Austin, Texas. Unfortunately for my Bahn and Pho addictions, Austin is sort of a high priced area for Vietnamese food. Back in the 90's, you could could get it cheap and plentiful in the few locations that served it; now with the foodies and all the transplants there are tons of places, but they are all expensive.

Houston is still pretty cheap because it is saturated, so when I am down there I can score good, reasonably priced Vietnamese food.

poolcleaner said:

I don't know where you live, but if you're ever near Little Saigon in Orange County, California, right off the 22 fwy at Westminster Ave and Brookhurst, there is a place called Pho Vie. I don't think I've spent more than 12 dollars for 2 bowls of pho + soda chanh. There are so many Pho places around the area though, it can be very easy to mistake the spot.

It's tough sometimes to find 5 dollar pho that's actually really really good -- but PLEASE never spend more than 20 dollars for 2 bowls of pho. Vietnamese food isn't supposed to be expensive. Sort of a thing.

8 years of Democrats failure to the rule of LAW.

bobknight33 says...

Ah yes Trump opened a can of whoop ass.
Up until 10pm election night every Democrat and main stream media outlet knew in their hearts that Hillary wold win Smug ass media....And that did not happen. Ultimate FAIL..

What a false argument you give.

Its like saying in football terms:

We ran more yards .
We has more time possession of the ball.
WE had more rushing.
Hence we should have won.

These, like your argument don't mean squat -- its the final score that matters.

newtboy said:

3000000+ more votes (and not one of them proven fraudulent) than Trump is hardly getting their ass whooped and more like having their pocket picked.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

There used to be, but for security purposes the savegame is moved to a safe location. You may be able to transfer it by doing a complete backup and restore, but don't hold me up on that - it works on iOS, but not sure on Android tbh.

If you're logged on to facebook on them, your score does transfer, but not the rest.

lucky760 said:

Hey gwiz. Is there any way to transfer your Subway Surfers progress from one Android tablet to another? All signs point to no (aside from options requiring rooting), so I thought I'd give you a try as my sons' last hope to carry their stuff over to the new tablets they got for xmas.

New Gangnam Style? The Perverted Dance (Cut The Balls)!!!!!!

eric3579 says...

What's up with this music?!

I am a philosopher, I like to provoke,
we live in perverted times,
so let me tell you a perverted joke!

A famous, dirty, horrible joke,
taking place in 15th century Russia.
A farmer and his wife walk along a dusty country road.
A Mongol warrior on a horse stops and says
"I'm gonna rape your wife and you should hold my testicles,
while I rape your wife, so that they will not get dusty."
When he raped his wife, the Mongol warrior went away,
the farmer started to laugh and jump with joy, his wife said
"Hey, how can you be happy?! I was just brutally raped!
And he says: "But I got him. His balls are full of dust."

Well, in reality we only dirty with dust the balls of those in power.
And now comes the dirty conclusion - the point is to cut them off!

Now let me warn you - this isn't Macarena, not Chicken dance,
not Aserejé, not Gangnam style and so on and so on.

We stand no chance, there's no time for romance,
it's time to dance The Perverted Dance™!

Cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
the balls of those in power!
We need to cut the balls
and our faces won't be sour!
Just cut the balls,
make them become Niagara falls.

Cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
the balls of those in power!
We need to cut the balls,
we can train with cauliflower!
Just cut the balls,
make them become Niagara falls.

Oh, my god, why am i doing this?! Singing, dancing?!
I feel like that disgusting guy from Canada, Justin Bieber...

So, the problem with capitalism is that it's in the crisis from its very beginning.
From somewhere, I would say, late 18th century, there are prophets who claim capitalism is nearing its end.
It's like that stupid bird Fenix, the more you, you know, it returns.
I got hungry, let's grab something to eat!
What?! No meat?! Only for vegetarians ?!
Degenerates, degenerates, they'll all soon turn into monkeys.

I dont say let's do nothing,
I say sometimes doing nothing is the most violent thing to do.
So cut the balls, just cut the balls!
And racism is also a problem,
so be like Kung Fu Panda - be white, black, asian
and cut the balls, just cut the balls!
They call me The Borat of Philosophy,
The Marx Brother and The Elvis of cultural theory.
Cut the crap and cut the balls, just cut the balls!

Hey, I am Slavoj Žižek!
No, I am Slavoj Žižek!
No, I am Slavoj Žižek,
Fuck that, whatever, let's all be Slavoj Žižek!

Grab and pull the imaginary balls from the sky,
cut through the air and say bye, bye, bye.
Let's join together, let's fall in trance,
let's dance The Perverted Dance™!

Cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
the balls of those in power!
We need to cut the balls.
and then take the bloody shower!
Just cut the balls,
make them become Niagara falls!

Cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
the balls of those in power!
We need to cut the balls,
let them face the final hour!
just cut the balls,
make them become Niagara falls!

Cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls,
the balls of those in power!
We need to cut the balls,
we need to cut the balls!
Just cut the balls,
make them become Niagara falls!

This stupid repetative mechanic music!
Stop it!

Thank you, thank you very much!

The problem is maybe not the big act "Cut the balls",
but you make small changes and all of a sudden, balls are no longer there.
Those in power look down and say "Oh, where are my balls?"
and suddenly their voices get higher and so on and so on and so on.
I stand by my joke. The structure of the joke is that this so called progressive intellectual,
in order to score his small narcissistic point, oh, I dusted the balls,
totally ignores the suffering there and that's the whole point of the joke.
So cut the balls, we need to cut the balls!

Detroit Lt. Arrested For DUI

vil says...

Mordhaus: not sure how you measure it in the USofA but my guess is it must be .28 percent, that would be 2.8 parts per thousand over here which is a good score but not quite lethal.

Who do you blame for the election results? (User Poll by newtboy)

vil says...

Of course its not productive, but this is the internet so why not? And to blame someone they dont have to be guilty.

Did third party voters really do the best thing to promote their interests? If so then I dont blame them. But did they really?

Ultimately the dems and Hillary thought everything would work out fine and it did not. Which is a good lesson to learn. You actually have to score to win a game.

Before the Flood

ForgedReality says...

Mine came back as 3.8. It says: "Your total score is 0.4x the national average". However, it does fail to take into account that I drive a v8 with open headers. Though, I do drive it sparingly these days, and typically just to the gym and back. I bus to and from work.

eric3579 said:

This quiz was listed at the end of the movie to compare your carbon footprint.


Benzema, expert in opening to scoring,SPORTS WORLD

eric3579 (Member Profile)

How To Correct Donald Trump In Real Time

dannym3141 says...

It's happening hardcore over here. It seems like sometime in the last 5 years, all the stops came out and it's become utterly shameless. They will say or do anything, and if they are wrong or found to be acting improperly they print a very small retraction - but the damage is already done. And other media outlets report on the false report!

Recently the Labour leader here has been repeatedly smeared by anti Semitism. They say his supporters are anti-Semites, that he doesn't express enough outrage in condemning anti-Semitism. The guy is famed for his tolerance and acceptance, says in almost every speech he gives that he wants to challenge any and all xenophobia, is the biggest cheerleader for women and minorities, has appointed the most diverse shadow cabinet in history, issued a full independent investigation into racism and abuse....... He does all of this, but now the stories are "claims of anti-Semitism appears to follow the Labour leader around" -- they are now reporting that they have reported false claims of anti-Semitism!

He doesn't even defend himself - he asks people instead to stop instrumentalising minorities to score political points. So then they claim he's not taking their false claims seriously enough and therefore not taking anti-Semitism seriously and the smear cycle goes on.

The worst thing about all of this is how complicit his opponents are in the game.... fair enough if you don't like him, it's ok to rubbish his policies. But this media misrepresentation is destroying a democracy that was already on its knees. And politicians, guardians of our society, manipulate and utilise this poisonous shit to get their way!

This year has completely turned me off politics again. To see what these people will to do an honest man has broken my spirit, but to that 70 year old bloke's credit, it hasn't broken his.

ChaosEngine said:

Jesus, how much do they need to do this.... but they fucking won't.

Journalism is failing democracy.


The Marvel Symphonic Universe

nock says...

An original score and AC/DC aren't the same thing...IMO, John Williams is the most consistent and memorable cinematic composer alive today. Scores for ET, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Goonies, Indiana Jones are all evocative.

The Marvel Symphonic Universe

Jinx says...

I couldn't think of any, but then the "I've got no strings on me" from the Avengers trailer came to mind... but did they ever actual use that theme in the movie? It's strange that they'll use a fairly oddball re-imagining of a Pinocchio song for a trailer and then they score the movie quite so blandly.

Hillary Clinton appears to faint stumble during 911 Memorial

dannym3141 says...

I have a few questions if anyone would care to satisfy my curiosity, I've seen/read a lot of stuff and I don't know what the reliable sources are for this. I'll list them so they're easy to answer, and I'm not trying to imply stuff or score any points, I just want to know. Sorry if any of this is tin-foil hat rubbish but I've been unable to sleep recently and ended up watching a lot of old crap, in a weakened mental state.

1 - Were those people with her yesterday, and does she often travel with, a nurse and a doctor?
2 - What's with the coughing and sicking up green globules into the glass of water? Never seen anything like that green stuff before.
3 - Did she need help getting up some stairs a while ago, or were they misleading photos?
4 - Why did no one react to her going completely limp? I can understand the well trained entourage explanation, but they didn't even look around to check for danger, considering their VIP went lifeless.
5 - Why did they take a collapsed elderly woman with pneumonia to an apartment rather than a hospital?
6 - Why say it was heat stroke?
7 - Has she really been pulling out of a lot of campaign events?

To be honest, I don't find her collapsing a worry at all. I've collapsed due to illness and I'm healthy and fit. What i do find strange is the reaction and lying about it. Somehow that makes me question the other things, but there you have it - my questions.

I think Clinton and Trump are equally bad. Clinton represents everything that disgusts me about politics - the 1%, 'the establishment', privilege and modern society, she will continue to sign off murdering innocent people and destroying the ecosystem for profit worldwide. Trump is.. well, offensive, sexist, racist, but i think only because it makes him popular, like a school bully, but he doesn't understand the new platform he has or what effect his words have on how people behave, and all in all that makes him a cowardly, selfish, egotistical weasel who we're about to give the keys to everything. Either way, we are fucked.

NOFX Oxy Moronic

eric3579 says...

I've been called an oxy-moron
Because I question which drugs our war's on
Why are there more drug stores than liquor stores
You can score on
The healers have become the harmers
They're just pharmaceutical farmers
What we used to call dealers
We now call doctors
I might be a seedy cynic
Cause that crack house is now a clinic
It's time they change the name of the oath to
The hypocritic or the parasitic

It isn't adder-altruistic
By over prescribing
How can we fight them in a [?]
I'll throw a proz-accusation
With a sub-keta-meaning
They'll say my fears are quaa-ludicrous
They should be ati-vanishing
With every demurr-altercation
They'll have a good xan-explanation
You're just cialis-tated
Cause we made your dick deflated

It's oxy-moronic
It's oxy-moronic

It should be doctors getting busted
For their klon-opinions we trusted
We're not the sinners there the ones
That served us the vico-dinners
I don't want to be an alarmist
But in that harmacy there's a harmacist
And those scrips are making us [?] minded pacifists

It's oxy-moronic
It's oxy-moronic
It's oxy-moronic

Don't think that I am being crazy
The medical industrial complex
Keeps us vi-aggravated and hard to come
Because of perco-sex
How can we hydro-condone
Their blatant misconduct
They don't care for patients
They care about pushing product

Are you oxy-moronic
For wanting your daily chronic
And making your mom's house hydroponic
You're oxy-moronic

I've been called an oxy-moron
For getting my metaphor on
Linoleum is the floor on
I'm an oxy-moron

It's time to be alarmed
We're not being healed
We're being harmed
Our country's being factory farmed
It's Oxy-moronic
It's time to sound to alarm-a
We can't put our faith in karma
We got a common enemy
And they're called Big Pharma

And it's oxy-moronic
And it's oxy-moronic
It's all oxy-moronic
It's all oxy-moronic

Daily chronic, now most of your house is, okay
"Most of your house is" what does that even mean?
He's turned most of his house into hydroponic
Why wouldn't he have turned all of it into hydroponic?
Well cause he lives there
"Now all of your house is hydroponic"
Most is sappy
Really? It's like saying maybe
How about "Now your mom's house is hydroponic"
Yeah! That's fucking way better
God you fucking woke up
Come on Mike, where you been
Where you been all month?


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