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Zero Punctuation - Prince of Persia

Yoshimoto Cube Blows My Mind then Fries My Brain

maximillian says...

I saw something similar (8 cubes that can roll around to make a rectangular solid or a cube) as a baby toy. The 8 cubes have pictures and you are able to "transform" it to change the scenery.

Vanishing Point: Kowalski reaches complete freedom

schmawy says...

I love this movie. Here's the trivia section from IMDB:

* Charlotte Rampling had a role as a hitchhiker whom Kowalski met while en route, but her scenes were deleted before the US release. The scenes were re-inserted for the UK release. The DVD release includes both the US and UK versions.

* The car featured in the film is a 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T, with a 440 cubic-inch V-8, and not a 426 Hemi V-8 (as is often believed). Five white Challengers loaned from the Chrysler Corporation were used during the filming.

* The Challenger had Colorado plates: OA-5599

* There were actually four 440 Challenger R/Ts and one 383 Challenger R/T, which was an automatic with green interior. This one was used for some exterior shots and it pulled the 1967 Camaro up to speed so the Camaro could hit the bulldozers. As confirmed by property master Dennis J. Parrish, all of the cars were NOT originally white. They were just painted white for the film. During the scene where Kowalski has a flat tire, you can see green paint in the dents.

* Cameo: [David Gates] The singer/songwriter (of Bread fame) played the piano during the rousing revival in the desert with the J. Hovah singers.

* The city names on the California Highway Patrol tracking board (where Kowalski never made it) were Stockton, Oakland, Berkeley and San Francisco.

* Director Richard C. Sarafian's original choice for the role of Kowalski was Gene Hackman, but the studio, 20th Century Fox, insisted on using Barry Newman if the movie was going to be made.

* The color white was chosen for the car simply so the car would stand out against the background scenery in the movie. White was not symbolic in any way. The director says this in the DVD commentary.

* A 1967 Camaro shell (no engine) loaded with explosives was used for the final crash. You can see the "Camaro" fender nameplate upside-down in the lower left corner of the screen after the crash.

and now.. for something completely dystopianfuturetoday (Happy Talk Post)

kulpims says...

My tongue hurts just from reading this

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I guess I don't see the problem with seeing two... secret sea men [who generally see the scenic scenery of the sea (such as seashells and such) as seemingly seeded with superfluous secretions and seahorse semen] in seedy scenes. After all, C is for Cookie, which is good enough for me, see?

and now.. for something completely dystopianfuturetoday (Happy Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I guess I don't see the problem with seeing two... secret sea men [who generally see the scenic scenery of the sea (such as seashells and such) as seemingly seeded with superfluous secretions and seahorse semen] in seedy scenes. After all, C is for Cookie, which is good enough for me, see?

Thanks berticus, very funny.

Documentary Program "Sex in Japan"

Don_Juan says...

Enjoying delicious food, exquisite scenery, human sexual pleasure, beautiful music, exquisite art are all aspects of HUMAN delight. Human bodies are subject to being classified when certain "parts" are "exposed" as "Indecent Exposure"? What the hell? We are ashamed of our pleasure between us and believe parts of us are "indecent". Truly sad. Truly human supression! Let us REBEL!! Let us RECLAIM our HUMAN FREEDOM!!! AND.... Hey - wanna ride in my new car (heh, heh. heh - wink, wink)???

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

10444 says...

Hobbies rock, glad you found something you enjoy. And you're welcome!

Justin's gonna hit you up with a lot of resources, he likes fiddling with rendering and all that himself.

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
I've done 3d stuff for many years, although it's always just been odd simple things like objects for scenery in video games! I've been trying to learn zbrush lately though, and this is one of my more successful attempts so far!

And yes just a hobby. And thank you!

In reply to this comment by karkarlee:
Ooh lookin' good. How long you been doing this? Just a hobby? EXPLAIN MOAR

10444 (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

It is really wonderful here. People really ARE more friendly and welcoming in this part of the country! I think it helps that this is one of the most beautiful and inspiring places - in terms of spectacular scenery/ nature- that we have ever experienced. Going To The Sun Road - in Glacier Nat'l Park - was soooo amazing. I will definitely post a blog to display many of the pictures from our trip when I get back.

And how is King Kronos doing? I see SHENANIGANS going on in the emptying of my pqueue, and don't think I haven't figured out who's responsible for it. Shenanigans, I say!
Can't wait to get back to the kitties and share the places of our travels. I feel kind of guilty leaving them for this long, but I know they're in good hands. My friend who's watching them calls me about every other day to keep me posted. I am ever so grateful!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Boo! I see you. How's Montana treating you and pa?

Clarkson Kills a Corvette... With a Helicopter

rychan says...

Or haven't you seen his reviews? The man hates North America, and Americans in particular. There isn't a single thing about the continent he has ever shown any respect for beyond the scenery.

Jeremy Clarkson is an ass, there is no doubt. He'd probably admit it. And his view of America is unfair and stereotyped. But he did spend a lot of his own money to buy a Ford GT. And he credits the Ford Mustang as being the most important car ever.

Clarkson Kills a Corvette... With a Helicopter

Payback says...

>> ^Bigboomer:
>> ^Payback:
All driving a Corvette proves is Clarkson isn't used to pressing an accelerator pedal and have anything more than a pleasing sound happen. He's obviously a automatic traction-control driver.

Yes. Naturally. Jeremy Clarkson can't drive.
Or maybe it's the fact he's driven just about every car commercially available, and understands what it takes to drive them ?
But no, someone insulted a product from your country, quick throw out an insult! That'll get you respect.

" Quick! Throw out an insult! That'll get you respect! "

If you think a quick insult doesn't get you respect, then how do you explain your respect for the man himself? Or haven't you seen his reviews? The man hates North America, and Americans in particular. There isn't a single thing about the continent he has ever shown any respect for beyond the scenery. I have no respect for him, and will refuse to say otherwise. As a Canadian, I appreciate his wit, but the personality traits he has away from the camera sicken me. He's a racist lout.

I stand by my comment. You hop behind the wheel of something he loves, like one of the Lambos, and stab the accelerator to the floor, on wetted down concrete, OF COURSE YOU'LL MAKE MORE DONUTS THAN KRISPEE KREME!!

ps. Don't say I'm an American just because I disagree with you. Typical xenophobic neanderthal, just like your hero.

LittleRed (Member Profile)

RhesusMonk says...

Luckily, you can see the Swiss countryside from the alps only a few miles from Innsbruck (at least, that's what my friend told me I was looking at). Enjoy. If you make it there, head down into the Zillertal Valley. The scenery and people are incredible. Every family there really does make their own schnapps.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
If the Swiss were kicked out of Switzerland and the Austrians moved in, I'd probably live right outside Luzern. But since that's highly unlikely and the Swiss are generally unpleasant, Austria sounded like the next best choice. Innsbruck has that dense small-town feel to it. I just felt at home there.

Corporate Media Hissy Fit.

RhesusMonk says...

>> ^Constitutional_Patriot:
Hey.. the two most popular CFR candidates of the Democratic party had to meet up to discuss the next strategy. Some things the public is just better not involved in. They couldn't handle or accept it anyway.

Seriously? I'm as much of a conspiracy nut as anyone else here (in fact, I just today passed the CFR clubhouse on 68th and Park here in the city and felt the cold chill of evil--it's totally unmarked and blends into the scenery like a Victorian secret passage), but come on. Hell fucking yeah they should be involved in meetings to discuss the next strategy; who gives a fuck whether you like it or not, that's how politics--both good and bad politics--are done. It's all about making people happy in order to keep them subdued; the way this guy makes me happy is fine with me, even if it involves a smoky, locked back room (wow, did I just type that?).

Zero Punctuation Review: Oblivion

messenger says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
I don't see why people are bitching about the terrain.
Go outside and walk for three hours in any direction. I doubt the landscape will change that much, either.

Right. Since when is reality an excuse for lack of creativity in an entertainment product? You think people play RPGs because they want to see their own boring life mirrored back to them? I don't play RPGs much, but I've got a feeling there aren't any set in suburbia where pretty much the same boring crap happens all the time, you have to make decisions about patio furniture, you never kill anybody, and the biggest event is when your pet dies. Oh wait. That's The Sims. But anyway, nobody bought this game to see repeated scenery.

Best Car Chase on Film. (Cinema Talk Post)

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