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Black NRA

dogboy49 says...

I guess I am missing something. As a 60+ yr old white male, I don't see what's problematic with more black people (young or otherwise) having guns. And, no, I am NOT being sarcastic.

I suppose if the attitude of the vid's creators was that all black people were inclined to criminal activity, then the vid might lay claim to some level of ironic humor. Kinda sad.....

Putin Speaks Out On US, Obama, UK and Syria

ChaosEngine says...

How do you propose we do that? I'm not being sarcastic, I would genuinely love to hear an option that wasn't
a) leaving Assad to murder his own citizens
b) aiding a bunch of unsavory religious fanatics by bombing Syria and essentially starting another Iraq situation.

Neither is particularly appealing to me.

Also interesting to note the co-operation in washington over this

Health care?
Fuck you
Make the rich pay a bit more tax?
Fuck you
Tiny bit of control on lethal firearms?
Fuck you
Blow some shit up?
Hell yeah, let's do this thing.

robbersdog49 said:

I think the third choice is the best choice, how about we actually help people?

Bruce Willis being a Jerk (Red 2 interview with Magic 104.5)

artician says...

That is a man who is sick of playing the game.

He certainly didn't seem like a jerk though. Maybe restraining fatigue and irritation with the whole farce of the scenario, but I thought he was pretty kind, even if his compliments to the host were slightly sarcastic.

Pastor: Why Blacks Blame Zimmerman

artician says...

This scenario could happen outside of racial prejudice, but in this scenario race was the catalyst that sparked the whole event. I believe if a white punk had been walking through his neighborhood with the same objects, Zimmerman wouldn't have batted an eye.

Also, truly hope your lean example was meant to be sarcastic!

chingalera said:

Uhhh, skittles and watermelon ice tea?? He may have been stoned but he was carrying raw materials for "lean"-Seen it done with Jolly Ranchers and flat Big Red before-Punk was a punk and Zimmerman, an over-zealous paranoid speed-balling on anti-depressants and adderal. Recipe for disaster: Two dumb-asses, one gun. Race was an ancillary to this fubar and Florida laws kept one dumbass from being burried in a broken system.

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

VoodooV says...

Miss, you're not helping.

As much as I might agree with you, being snarky, sarcastic, and ranting isn't the way to advance your case. All you're doing is providing the opposition with easy ammunition and an easy reason to dismiss you.

She said she had something more eloquent prepared, I would have rather heard that.

Sorry, this isn't bravery.

Bitchy Resting Face

Amazing Rescue Moments on CNN - by Zefrank

Bill Maher Discusses Boston Bombing and Islam

aaronfr says...

@hpqp Thanks for taking the best of what I said and ignoring the slight and/or sarcastic comments. Well done to you sir. And your two bolded points:

Religious (and non-religious) ideologies should be strongly and non-violently denounced whenever/wherever they do harm.

So long as the distinction between "Islam(/religious ideology)" and "Muslim(/person)" remains clear, we should be free to criticise and denounce the former to our hearts content.

are a most appropriate conclusion. I can wholeheartedly agree with those points and find no cause for concern.

Sometimes it takes a dissertation worth of words to get to the underlying truth behind what is being said.

hpqp said:

My apologies for the dissertation-length comment

Turkish Television Show Forgets To Add C.G.I. Effects.

Game of Thrones Cello Cover

Building the World's Largest Ship (in 76 seconds)

Payback says...

I was all ready to answer you with a sarcastic comment like "what do you think this ship will be floating in for the next few years?"

Then I read this:

...and I decided it wasn't all that funny.

brunopuntzjones said:

Humm, 25 seconds to about 30 seconds or so it looks like the flood the bottom level with sea water and tug it out, then bring it back in. Wouldn't all that salt-water be bad ju-ju long term? Or am I seeing it incorrectly?

Awesome Gunfight/Showdown on Justified

Problems with French Numbers - Numberphile

Sagemind says...

Apparently you, sir, have never tried to explain to anyone who is French, that they are wrong. I believe that too is another word they choose to ignore in the French language. (the word, wrong)

My Mother in Law was French and being correct was the only option - ever. Which led to my wife explaining to me that "I" needed to be the one to let it go. Something that is very hard when you know the facts and they do not.

Things like "No it's okay to cross the white line and drive on the shoulder of the road, that's why they pave it. (the line is just a guide) It's up to pedestrians to to stay clear of the shoulder and never walk on it because that's just for cars!"
(That's a little one) Now, telling me it's daytime when it's clearly night time was an argument I'd rather not relive

PS: I know you were being sarcastic and facicious and all that. But I'm not -It's still a sore spot with me

gorillaman said:

Can't someone explain to France that they're doing it wrong?

French is just a terrible language in general; the sooner everyone's speaking English exclusively the better for humanity.

Conan Busts Jordan Schlansky & His Elitist Espresso Machine

poolcleaner says...

Here's a serious answer: This was so very, very real and he is an honest to GAWD douche bag. That's why they humiliated him against his will and edited out his true defense of himself. Because real douche bags can defend themselves pretty well, so it's imperative that they be made to look even more foolish than they really are. Justice has served... bad... coffee. In fact, it's in his contract now that he can only drink coffee made by this Windmere device.

I work as his production assistant that's why I know. And that's not a lie. Just like it's not a lie that I believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the original member of the band Nazareth.

And if I were being sarcastic, surely I would click the sarcasm box.

def said:

How real was that? Is the guy an actor or really one of his producers, because he was pretty convincing in being a huge douche... (this is a serious question).

I checked and he really is his producer. Good acting skills (or a serious douche - still can't tell).

Del Potro,Nadal, Ben Stiller and a cute girl play tennis

Payback says...

One can be sarcastic about positive statements too... it's universal.

Sniper007 said:

I think you're reading a negative undertone to his comment that just isn't there...

I think he meant it, not so much a "[please] tell me she isn't going to play lots of tennis..."

but more like "[I dare you to] tell me she isn't going to play lots of tennis..." "... 'cause you'd be wrong. ... 'cause she is going to play a lot, and that's a good thing."

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