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Rick Sanchez Rips Into Joe The Plumber

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

M'eh - "Joe" is at least as qualified to be a 'journalist' as anyone at CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, the AP, or any other news outlet nowadays. Pot, meet Kettle Mr. Sanchez. Sadly, gone are the days of journalists who will beat the pavement, do the grunt work, and give a fair unbiased report of events without editorializing (if indeed we ever really had such persons) or withholding facts they personally find inconvenient. We live in a day and age of advocacy journalism, and if Sanchez finds Joe's particular method of serving up news unpalatable then he can thank his entire profession for setting the table in a similar manner for 60+ years.

Rick Sanchez Rips Into Joe The Plumber

rychan says...

Upvoted for his passion, and because I think Rick Sanchez is an interesting anchor, but that wasn't really a very convincing indictment of Joe the Plumber. More of a personal attack. He even made fun of his last name; that's not cool.

But there is no doubt that Joe the Plumber is an amazing tool for criticizing war reporting. Joe's argument starts out as a complaint about the media giving away tactical information, but I don't think that's an issue at all, especially not in the Gaza strip. At the end, though, he lets slip what his real beef is -- reporting about atrocities. Oh, yes, "war is hell" so stop making a big hoopla out of every school full of children destroyed or every prisoner forcibly raped.

Rick Sanchez Rips Into Joe The Plumber

13439 says...

Hoo-boy. Bet it took two whole Kleenexes for the cameraman to wipe the spittle off the camera lens after that little commentary.

But Sanchez should have gone straight after the media mogul morons who hired Mr. Not Joe The Not Plumber to do some job that he was so completely unqualified and unsuited for, not the village idiot himself.

Songs to, erm... 'become intimate with someone' to (Sexuality Talk Post)

jonny says...

Like I said, it depends on the mood. Plump DJs is hardly romantic. It's for those time when you would describe it as fucking, not making love (though still with someone you're in love with, of course .

There's some other techno remixes that are pretty sexy.

not the mix I would use, but here's a decent example (probably worth stopping at 3:30, especially if you're at work!):

Roger Sanchez's remix of "Hella Good" is another (I actually didn't hear the original of this tune until fairly recently, and it is not nearly as good).

Of course, with electronica, you'll generally have to mix the songs, not just copy them together.

And, don't forget things like Ravel's Bolero, Clair du Lune, and all those other sexy/romantic classical pieces.

Really, the list of music that is bad for intimacy is probably much shorter. What music works really depends on who you're with and the mood. Even stuff like The Grateful Dead, or Benny Goodman, or NIN would work with the right partner.

charliem (Member Profile)

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Hey sry I meant to upvote your comment

In reply to this comment by charliem:

That guy certainly has his shit together, he had all the quotes ready, and all the counter-arguments well-thought out before hand. He knew how, and when to ask the critical questions, and call the guy on his bullshit.

Never thought id be congratulating a journo for actually doing their fucking job, but damn that was good.

CNN Sanchez Schools another Republican

Campaign Fail

Campaign Fail

CNN Sanchez Schools another Republican

thinker247 says...

No neo-conservative can understand the difference between Israel and Jews. But I love how Rick Sanchez mentions that some Jews living in Israel are against Israel. I wouldn't accuse them of being anti-Semitic.

CNN Sanchez Schools another Republican

CBS: GOPs Ask Palin To Leave

Karl Rove flees country to avoid testifying

bamdrew says...

"It was my understanding that he told you he wasn't coming, and we were still holding this otherwise pointless meeting because... Ms. Sanchez, I love you,... will you marry me, and be Chairwoman of my heart?"

'Donkey Punch' trailer - Seriously - It's a real movie.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Yeah, and what are those weird stringed things they seem to be caressing. Are they miniature harps or something? You're right, I need to get out more .

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
You've never heard this before!? Really!? Wow, you've lived a sheltered life. Seriously, I'm quite surprised. I would think a professional musician like you would be familiar with all the rock classics.

And thanks for the promote. I owe you a Dirty Sanchez.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
I've never heard this before. Very cool.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

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