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Fox pwned after claiming nobody covered 912 Teaparty rally

CNN Ad Responds to Fox News Lies

drattus says...

There's a relevant article I saw on this recently and a longer attached clip someone can sift if the want. I'll include a quote from near the end of the article though. Rick Sanchez is pissed and explaining the difference between reporting an event and promoting an event.

SANCHEZ: Here's the fact. We did cover the event. What we didn't do is promote the event, just like when thousands marched on Washington to protest the war in Iraq, we covered it as well, probably less than we covered this event. But we didn't promote it.

Bottom line is, we do cover the news. And we did extensively cover this event. We didn't promote the event. That's not what real news organizations are supposed to do. We covered the event.

I would invite you to look into that distinction between those two words, promote and cover. Cover is kind of like a fair and balanced way of doing things. You get it? You might want to look into that.

edit to add, seems it's already sifted

Psychologic (Member Profile)

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

Sanchez Destroys Scott Of Conservatives for Patients Rights

Bradaphraser says...

Sanchez, "Yes, but let me tell you what some people say about your company..."

"...some people say..." Those are weasel words. I agree that public health care is better (find someone from Canada that doesn't like their system, I dare you), but weasel words make a poor interview if you don't already agree with the interviewer. Even then, it's a lousy interview, you just agree.

Comon, Sanchez! There's so much dirt on this guy all over the place! SURELY you can cite some sources or something!

Sanchez Destroys Scott Of Conservatives for Patients Rights

MaxWilder says...

I want universal healthcare. I don't believe what this guy is claiming.

I just want somebody to disprove his claims, that's all. Because if you can't disprove his claims, he has an argument. Are you the type of person to take a position that cannot be swayed by opposing facts? I'm not.

If Sanchez wanted to "destroy" Scott, he would have said why those patient surveys were bullshit, and why costs weren't truly lowered. Without countering those arguments, Scott wins.

Sanchez Destroys Scott Of Conservatives for Patients Rights

RedSky says...

Very good interview. For what it's worth although he did delibarately avoid answering some questions, I thought he had reasonable claims, assuming they were true, to back up his position if in fact his chain of hospitals did statically have some of the lowest costs and the highest levels of patient satisfaction.

Although I am very skepital of this, since as Sanchez correctly pointed out, the strategy when it comes to operating private hospitals in the US does typically involve killing off competitors in a region and thus removing the incentive to innovate, keep prices low and keep patient satisfaction high. There is no doubt that more stringent anti-trust regulation is needed in this area. Given that, this certainly wasn't on the same level as the guy who got owned on Hardball for not knowing what appeasement was in a historical context.

Although of course some of what he said, and really his main message was clear FUD: that public systems are inherently bad, that government operated system are inherently bad and that taxes going up is the main issue.

Sanchez Destroys Scott Of Conservatives for Patients Rights

Hell Yes Drug Legalization Would Help Our Economy!

Dr. Sanchez (best buddies mix)

Keith Olbermann: Rush Limbaugh Compares Obama To Al-Qaeda

shiner_man says...

>> ^Trancecoach:
This tete-a-tete interface between various media figures (Olbermann, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Sanchez, etc.) is beginning to smack of a sort of WWF kind of "threat-down" when wrestlers used to taunt their opponents before a match with Mean Gene Okerlund. Anyone else?

I am sorry that it has taken me this long to respond to you and tell you that your "threat-down" remark is such a complete display of internet awesomeness. It really points to the absolute theatrics of these cable news figures today.

Ten More Examples of Journalistic Excellence

burdturgler says...

I don't see how O'Reilly saying the GOP is shrinking equals journalistic excellence. Oh, hey .. the sky is blue! Guess I'm a journalist now. Does he tell the truth so infrequently that now he gets an award when he does it? Same for most of the rest of it. Wow, known liars say something that isn't full of shit. Good journalism.

Glenn Beck? Are you kidding? It's like I beat the shit out of a thousand people in the face with a bat and then I gave the last guy a band aid. Then I get a prize for it.

I also think it's unfair the way Rick Sanchez is portrayed in this with the audio cutting out on him saying "Alright" and Rachel Maddow stepping in to save the day. I can't find the full interview but I'm pretty sure Sanchez wasn't too happy about that KKK reference either.

Chip Reid explains for a few seconds some basic commonly know facts.

Brian Williams voices a headline of a popular story.

blah blah whatever this is not journalistic excellence as I understand it.

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

enoch says...

the more i watch rick sanchez,the more i like him.maybe because he calls people out on their BS,which Bill-O needs a huge dose of,megalomania is not conducive to objective reporting.then again,Bill-O is not a reporter,just a popular commentator.
media matters is a great watchdog site to check ALL of Bill-O's lies and obfuscations out.

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

Asmo says...

>> ^lavoll:
why not just ignore the billidiot

Because if you don't challenge the idiots, the idiocy becomes fact...

That goes for all channels, not use Fucks and Bill O'Faily. I would have thought that was abundantly clear after 6 years odd and thousands of deaths in Iraq on the false premise promoted by the last government...

It's almost impossible to win, you fight the idiots on their home turf, you become like them, you ignore them, they sway the populace with emotive fictions. The only way to challenge them is to present the facts and show them for the charlatans they are...

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

Nithern says...

Well at least we see the caliber of Journalism between CNN and Fox 'news'. CNN hires people reporting the news, Fox hires people who fail to be reporters and journalists. I like Rick Sanchez, he does a good job at putting the news forward.

Then again, Fox News is the ONLY news source for the republican party. Which is fitting, since that poligical group lies at everything. They represent conservatives, who are all to willing to put the USA in peril with their lies. So, its rather fitting that all these groups lie so often, they cant keep their lies straight.

If you want to know the unbias news, watch CNN. If you want to be treated like an idiot and fool, watch Fox 'News'.

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