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Authors@Google: George R.R. Martin (Game of Thrones)

EDD says...

>> ^eventualentropy:

Warning: Riddled with spoilers despite their claim otherwise

Thanks for the heads-up. I was just wondering whether to go ahead and watch this, since I'm going to buy all 4 books in a couple of weeks.

*edit* Lilithia - it would be awesome if you included a SPOILER ALERT somewhere high up in the video description and/or the tags!

Authors@Google: George R.R. Martin (Game of Thrones)

Hit and run caught on dashcam, driver chased, denies it.

rottenseed says...

I don't EVER cross at those shady blinking-yellow-lights crosswalks. Seen too many near misses involving mothers with strollers. Don't use them...they shouldn't even exist because they give a false sense of security. Just spend the money on a pedestrian bridge.

edit: I realize this is riddled with sentence fragments>> ^longde:

In my town, we have an crosswalk that is frenquented by kids going to a park. This cross walk has yellow lights embedded in the road and on street signs for crossing pedestrians. And still you have assholes gunning past people who activate the lights.
I think drivers should absolutely always yield the right of way. I get annoyed too at slow walkers, but I figure I will get to where I'm going alot faster than they will half the time.
>> ^sixshot:
>> ^chilaxe:
She needs a new brain, but so does the pedestrian. A rationalist could never get hit by a car like that.

The bitch swapped lanes (or was that she went into incoming traffic lane to pass), which lead to hitting that elderly man. Sure the old guy should have looked one last time but that's besides the point. Reckless driving inevitably leads to shit like that.
I've seen assholes behind the wheel out on the roads all the time. And they do the most dumbest shit out there. Though I have yet to witness the result of their stupidity, it's only a matter of time when they get what they deserve.
At the same time, people who cross the street frequently needs to be more goddamn courteous. I've seen people who cross the street with no fucking regards to themselves or to whether or not it is even safe to cross. And that alone pisses me off as a driver and makes me hate the pedestrian law we have in America (whereas any vehicular hit to a pedestrian results in the driver being at fault 99% of the time). People like that makes me want to run 'em over Grand Theft Auto style. And in today's day and age of techno-gadgets, people are more prone to getting hurt due to not being attentive enough to their surroundings.

Students from Hogwarts four houses say what their thing is.

Sagemind says...

Gryffindor values bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. Its emblematic animal is the lion and its colours are scarlet and gold. Minerva McGonagall is the most recent Head of Gryffindor. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington aka Nearly Headless Nick is the house ghost. The founder of the house is Godric Gryffindor. Gryffindor corresponds to the element of Fire. The common room is located in one of the highest towers at Hogwarts, the entrance is situated on the seventh floor in the east wing of the castle and is guarded by a portrait of The Fat Lady. She permits entrance if given the correct password which is changed numerous times throughout the school year.

Hufflepuff, founded by Helga Hufflepuff, is the most inclusive among the four houses, valuing hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. Its emblematic animal is the badger, and Black and Gold are its colours. Pomona Sprout is the Head of Hufflepuff. The Fat Friar is its ghost. Hufflepuff corresponds roughly to the element of earth. The Hufflepuff Dormitories and common room are located somewhere in the basement, near the castle's kitchens.

Ravenclaw values intelligence, knowledge, and wit. Its emblematic animal is the eagle, and its colours are blue and bronze. The Ravenclaw Head of House in the 1990s was Filius Flitwick. The ghost of Ravenclaw is the Grey Lady, who was the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, the house's founder. Ravenclaw corresponds roughly to the element of air. The Ravenclaw common room and dormitories are located in a tower on the west side of the castle. Ravenclaw students must answer a riddle as opposed to giving a password to enter their dormitories.

Slytherin house values ambition, cunning and resourcefulness and was founded by Salazar Slytherin. Its emblematic animal is the serpent, and its colours are green and silver. Professor Horace Slughorn was the Head of Slytherin during the 1997–1998 school year, replacing Severus Snape, who as well, replaced Slughorn when he retired for the first time several years ago. The Bloody Baron is the house ghost. Slytherin corresponds roughly to the element of water. The Slytherin Dormitories and common room are reached through a bare stone wall in the Dungeons. The Slytherin common room is a long, low underground room (probably under the Hogwarts lake, thus Slytherin house's affiliation with water) with rough stone walls and round greenish lamps hanging from the ceiling.


A Very Successfull Porshe Shoot - *Sigh*

Stephen Fry on God & Gods

shinyblurry says...

You didn't understand my post, and I can't be bothered to explain something that's not simple to someone who doesn't have any desire to learn. Sorry.

Your post was very propose an argument that we will eventually know everything (or rule god out) because science has explained things people use to think God directly inspired..which is has not ruled out a supernatural causation for natural phenomena..we may know some of the ways but not the means

You then further try to say an infinite universe and a supernatural Creator are somehow logically equivilent ideas because they can both solve a particular problem, which is patently false, but of course this is what intellectually dishonest people do when they conduct their argument through ad homs. I advanced the questions I did as being fundemental to understanding life, which they are, and they are ones science knows nothing about. You go on to say I should "read a book". Well, I think that's a great idea and I recommend you do the same..specfically one on antisocial personality disorder.

Read Dawkins, instead of reading people quote-mining (or "summarizing") him. If you have read Dawkins, you haven't understood anything (at all). No way around that, sorry.

I did read dawkins, specifically his abominable God delusion where the idea is postulated that any appearance of design can be explained away by multiple universes. Of course, no word on where all those multiple universes come from, but that's the fun of science. You can postulate any lunatic theorum and cover it under an avalanche of imaginary "data" based entirely on speculation and conjecture. Then of course any ignoramous will buy it because science said it was true.

It will almost certainly happen in our lifetimes (assuming you're under 50) that people create life starting with inorganic chemicals. Will that change your mind at all? Of course not. How could it, when your belief system wasn't founded on reason to begin with? And, as before, there are already interesting ideas for how the first life could have formed. You may not find them credible (and certainly none has compelling evidence yet), but they're not metaphysical. But even if there was credible ideas it wouldn't matter to you, really, would it? Of course not, just move them goalposts.

They are entirely metaphysical, ie taken on faith. Evolution and abiogenesis are not testable theories. The mechanism of natural selection is not proven, and cannot even begin to account for the complexity of life. These theories have been elevated as some sort of unquestionable absolute that dogmatic materialists (and undoubtably secular humanists) take on faith, while pointing to pseudo-scientific research as science fact. As if somehow the methodology of scientific inquiry was respresentitive of the limits of reality itself. As far as abiogenesis is concerned, what was once a marxist wet dream hasn't moved one inch away from the sad experiments conducted in the 60s when they electrocuted pea soup. The theories it was based on have been entirely falsified. Abiogenesis is dead in the water, literally, and just wishing it was true isn't going to make it happen.

I guess add probability and infinity to the list of things you have no idea about. In short, yes those monkeys would - and we could make detailed predictions about how long it would likely take to get a sonnet, a play, or the entire collection. It would take a very, very long time for that last one obviously, but it would happen. Want to dispute that? Don't tell me about it. Again, I can't be bothered to teach you things you aren't interested in learning. Idiot.

lol, your entire post is just riddled with ad homs and childish conclusions with no supporting evidence. You have failed to prove that you know anything what so ever..extended diatribes and assertions of knowledge a counter-argument does not make. The probability of any of that ever happening in the timeline of the Universe is null and void. The odds of anything as complicated as a cell or dna arising from random mutation is expodentially less. The mechanism is completely unproven. Much like your presumption of superior knowledge.

you want a more detailed treatment of all this related stuff, Dawkins has written books that are easy to understand (very "pop science" level) that go over all this very clearly. At least by reading a couple you'd understand the other side (which you clearly, clearly do not at this point).

But if you don't want to know, just keep getting your stupid information and talking points from wherever the hell you're getting them now and go back under your rock.

read dawkins? He may be a passable biologist, but beyond that, its completely amatuer hour. Now that I know where you are getting your information from, I can understand why you think that using personal attacks is a demonstration of intellect. Have you ever had an original thought in your life? Lets see you flex this intellectual muscle you are bragging about...

So, what happens when the world doesn't end?

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^grinter:

It's not the strongest argument, but, for the sake of continuity, consider what the reaction of Sift omnivores would be if they were forced to slaughter their own meat. Even those claiming they feel no moral imperative to respect the suffering of other animals might wince just a bit as that calf calls for it's mother in its last moments of consciousness.

I'm sure at least a few sifters are also hunters or at the very least, anglers. Personally, I've never killed a farm animal, but I have caught and killed fish. I am morally comfortable with killing for food. Hell I'm comfortable with killing for a lot less than that and so are most people, including vegans. Or are they happy to live in a cockroach infested apartment or a termite/woodworm riddled house?

Texas Female Legislators Get Angry on the House floor

bareboards2 says...

"Riddle later said she was referring to an isolated incident when she saw pornography on a lawmaker's cellphone."

All the women were sick of a hostile environment. This was the final straw.

>> ^gwiz665:

Yes, a baby nursing is porn. I see that now...
But seriously, is that picture the only thing that happened? How is that hateful, violent etc.? How is it an attack on women? I must be missing something.

Texas Female Legislators Get Angry on the House floor

bareboards2 says...

I'll bet they are back in their jobs as soon as the furor dies down.

Some clarification on the final comment on the vid:

"Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, then asked Thompson whether she thought a symptom of the disrespect toward women was the "pornography on the floor of this House." Riddle later said she was referring to an isolated incident when she saw pornography on a lawmaker's cellphone.

Read more:"

westy (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Yeah, I'm not really surprised it wasn't to your taste, it's quite similar to another one you didn't like (but, at least took the time to comment on, and thank you )

I have posted one or two things which, although I'm not sure you will like, I'm not sure you would hate.

This one is a C64 demo (predecessor of the Amiga): (although actually I liked this other one more, posted by Croccydile - )

Finally, this one at least sounds different, since it has Reggae style steel drum -
In reply to this comment by westy:
coming to a generic indi film near you.

Mia Riddle and her band - Grand Children

Imagine If All Atheists Left America

FOIA Lawsuits Cause Release of New WTC7 Collapse Video

enoch says...

conspiracy theories have a tendency to grow exponentially in order to keep itself viable in a persons desire to keep it alive.
so i will let you and duckman continue your discussion concerning the reasons/logic/science behind the fall of the towers.i am no structural engineer and do not hold a doctorate in physics but i think it a worthy debate,it's just not one i am that interested in.i tend to be of the school of "though they may have prepared for a jet to hit...they fell anyways".
i see you have posted..multiple times..that noone has answered the question of "whats to gain"?
now THIS is the area i do have great interest in and i did (among others) answer that question you stated nobody answered.
lets remember that the version that the american government gave to us itself..a conspiracy theory and it is a flimsy one at that.
but ...for the sake of argument..lets put that aside and begin with the assertion that the american government version is correct and not riddled with fallacies.
whats to gain?
the power to capitalize on the collective fear and rage of a country to push through unpleasant and unpopular legislation.
do i need to hold you hand and walk you through the shitstorm of half truths and blatant lies beginning in sept 2001 to march 2003?
i do not expect you to know about:
the lusitania
gulf of tonkin
(though you should)
but you were THERE for those years where our own government looked us all in the face and bold faced LIED.
and we are still there.
over 1,000,000 dead.
tens of thousands disfigured and maimed.
millions more displaced.
we even moved it into another country and are planning on a third.
iran is next (read the grand chessboard.bryzenski called this in 1999 to the letter).
what is to GAIN?
is that question even serious?
if so you have not been paying attention my friend.
billions...possibly what is to gain.
not for you of course..nor i..but for those who would subjugate and pervert the grief of a nation in order to expand its control over resources on other shores.
because governments lie..THATS why!
so i dont accept my governments version of the "why".it does not hold up to scrutiny and as evidenced by the last 8 years makes their version even more suspect.
did the towers fall?
by planes crashing into them?
looks like but there are those who disagree and many of them have compelling i say keep arguing.keep debating and asking the questions.
so go right ahead duckman and keep asking those questions my friend.
did terrorists enact the most elaborate attack ever?
possibly they did.
was it because they "hate us for our freedom"?
using volumptuous's terminology:no..thats fucking retarded.
the reasons are diverse as they are far more understandable than that inane statement of "they hate is for our freedom".
while we can learn the "why" fairly easily,the HOW is where i get skeptical and is where my incredulity comes in because our governments version is just....weak.
too many variables and supposed professionals having a collective and simultaneous "duh" moment.
still possible, though unlikely.

i guess it comes down to trusting the government.
maybe you do and if thats the case we will not come to an understanding nor an agreement concerning this because i do NOT trust my government.
power only wished to consolidate its power and to garner even MORE power,be they king,tyrant or dictator and yes..a government can be grouped in the same category.
i state this again:this is not opinion but historical patterns over the centuries.

there ya go bcglorf.
your question has been answered.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Chomsky on Egypt

quantumushroom says...

Way to post that pdf in every video about Chomsky, and hide when someone points out that its full of shit. Go back to posting inane, pun riddled one liners; your ad hominem attacks makes FOX news look classy and intelligent.

It takes less time to shoot a mugger than explain to him why his actions are morally wrong.

Facts are to liberals what DDT is to bugs. If you are over age 25 and still believing the likes of Chumpsky, you are one of those Lincoln referred to as "some of the people fooled all of the time."

BTW your "anti-capitalist" hero is worth 2 million dollars, which he hid in a trust to avoid taxation---taxation he demands for everyone else.

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