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Computer Generated Eye Is Awesome!

spawnflagger says...

the resolution of reality is that which can be observed using tools, so 0.05 nm (single atoms) with the right equipment (HRTEM).

Our perception of reality with the naked eye depends on the distance away and how good our vision is. Someone with 20/20 vision can resolve 1 arcminute (1/60th of a degree).

This CG looked real because of all the little details that are part of a real eyeball, that most CG leaves out. Really fantastic indeed.

phyman said:

What resolution is reality? That seemed about right.

Computer Generated Eye Is Awesome!

ChaosEngine says...

Resolution isn't really relevant. Standard def tv is more realistic than the latest video games even at 4k.

Pre rendered photo real cgi has been around for several years now, but one of the hardest challenges are human faces, because we have evolved to spot incredibly subtle signs within faces. Look up the Uncanny Valley.

To answer your question directly, the human eye can basically detect ~300 dpi at reading length (hence Apple marketing "retina" screens)

phyman said:

What resolution is reality? That seemed about right.

Computer Generated Eye Is Awesome!

Beaching a Boat

2013 is dead, long live 2014! (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Productive and Joyful New Year to All ~ Resolution: To make friends of my detractors here on the sift who regard me as some base, UN-civilized, UN-educated, self-absorbed, delusional, drunk-ass monkeyboy. The shits getting old

You children know who you are, let's have a group-hug and plant lilacs, eh??

Yo babies, chogg's got way more time on the planet under his belt than most of yas, and paid way more dues than the bulk of ya combined most-likely.... y'all need to start showing a bit more respect for old, ornery cats!

Now, back to your gaming consoles

Skybox Imaging Captures First High-Res HD Vid of Earth

How the Lord of the Rings forced perspectives

Mother keeps her cool in the middle of a Detroit car-jacking

The Problem with Civil Obedience

chingalera says...

You simply can't SEE a scenario without force, because you've drunk the Kool Aid, Stormsinger, we all have.

Anarcho-Capitalism sounds good in ether, eliminate the state's influence on yer shit. Hire private security firms to dole-out justice, and fuck the police. Sounds REAL good. Privatizing currency structures, anything goes. Sounds righteous and fair-Keeps out gangsters who will eventually become masters.

Eliminate compulsory taxation. Good thing. Ombudsman-like dispute resolution rather than laws and a punishment to follow. Sounds fucking SANE to me. Problem is , with all the robots programmed by the state for the past 100 years, it's kinna hard to convince idiots that something like this could free them from the inevitability of the failure of the current paradigm. About the only problems I can see with a switch would be how to maintain environmental impact standards, but these problems' solutions would become evident when people become responsible for themselves, for another's well-being within the social structure, and their own destinies.

Democracy (the meaning, 'rule of the people') has been lost to the rule of a very few, and historically it never works for very long before assholes find a way around it.

You're in a pot of water being slowly heated, Stormsinger-Warm 'n cozy now, melting skin from your screaming carcass later.

Stormsinger said:

Free Market Anarchism...what an oxymoron. You cannot have a free market, without laws to prevent (or authorize) the use of force. Without laws, too many of the big guys would just take what they want, and screw everyone else. At least with a government overseeing things, they have to take the extra step and effort of corrupting/co-opting the mechanisms of government.

Then we can have a bloody revolution, execute the perps, and start a new organization, that can, if we're lucky, last a few decades before the next crop takes over. It's beginning to look like that cycle is about the best we can hope for.

Quadrophonic (Member Profile)

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars trailer

enoch says...


i did not posit drones are bad.
i didnt posit anything actually,except to refrain from the conversation entirely.
(our government,not you or i).

you or i can discuss ad nauseum and would have every right to.
we can and many do actually volunteer their time to help those in need,helpless or hurt.
some very brave souls travel to these broken countries to help ease the suffering of ordinary folk.

and you already know my answer to your query.
diplomacy is the only resolution and the reason is twofold:
1.diplomatic talks almost always are started with a cease and desist of all aggression. allows a multilateral approach therefore diffusing the hypocrisy i spoke about.

many people in this country are reluctant to look at what their own government has perpetrated in their name.
maybe out of fear...or pride.
but in my opinion any real conversation has to begin with absolute truth.

so by my vicious criticism of my governments foreign policy over the past 50 years does not mean that i ignore all the great achievements,great accomplishments and great ideals.

so if i was to posit anything on this thread it would be this:
we have lost our way.
the very things that made us great have become whispers lost in a cacophony of paranoid musings by the powerful and we sold our freedom to be cocooned in the safety of consumerism.
and while the wolves howl at the door we are fed platitudes of american exceptionalism and handed flags to wave in remembrance of good-deeds from days long past.
individualism has been ratcheted up to a fever pitch of self-aggrandizing twitter feeds and selfies.
that a persons self worth is based on their ability to purchase status symbols.
where news has become opinion and everybody has a right to one.
where facebook is a place to post your own,personal cartoon all the while never really communicating with anyone.

we have become afraid little children.

and its time to grow up.

GOP's Little Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

Stormsinger says...

And one small faction of the Republicans promised even before the 2010 elections that they were going to shut the government down. They've continued to make exactly that claim for 3+ years now...why would anyone be surprised they have done exactly that. It's not even an issue with the ACA, they're out to destroy the government.

And if it wasn't for a ball-less, spineless Speaker of the House, they couldn't have done it. All he had to do was offer a vote on the compromise "clean" funding resolution the Senate sent back to the House, which would very likely pass. But he appears to be more concerned about losing his position than he is about working to make things better for the citizens of this country.

Ohmmade said:


One party - the Democrats - want to preserve the status quo, but tweak it just a little.

The other party - the Republicans - want to privatize all levels of government, and service the rentiers.

30 years of money moving into the hands of fewer and fewer people is not because of "both sides". It is because of the overwhelming force of one side, and the weak capitulation of the other.

TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

entr0py says...

What seems particularly fucked up is that a simple majority of one of the two houses of the legislative branch can shut down the government. Failure to pass a budget and relying on continuing resolutions just shouldn't be an option. Whichever proposed budget gets the most votes, just go with that one. Or have runoff votes if there are several proposed budgets and it's a close vote.

Speed Test Comparison Between All iPhones Ever Made

EMPIRE says...

Don't do it. Stick with Android, just change the brand. I highly recommend one of 3 chinese brands. either Jiayu, Oppo, or Xiaomi.

I know, I know.. Chinese phones, they must suck right? wrong. These 3 brands are not only really good, they have a much lower price.

I have a Jiayu G3 Turbo, which cost 199€ and it outperforms a Samsung Galaxy s3. 1280x720 resolution, Gorilla Glass, Quadcore 1.5ghz processor, 1gb ram, 4gb internal memory, and a decent design.

It comes rooted, and it works great. Investigate one of these 3 brands. Supposedly the Oppo Find 5 is a very high quality phone, but it costs a bit more. Still a lot cheaper than a samsung or iphone

Yogi said:

I've never owned an iPhone, I've always been droid all the way. But I'm looking into buying the 5s because my Samsung G3 just sucks. Also the people badmouthing Apple just seem like such haters I don't know why anyone listens to them.

Everyone I've known with an iPhone hasn't ever had a problem with it, they work very nicely so I don't get the big deal. People are dying just as much to build your Samsungs and LGs than they are your Apples.

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