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Our Greatest Delusion As Humans - Veritasium

ChaosEngine says...


The single hardest aspect of accepting the reality of the world wasn't a lack of god, it was the realisation of my own impermanence.

When I was younger and things went bad, I would sometimes resign myself to the outcome and think that things would go better "in another life", be that an afterlife, reincarnation, whatever.

Letting go of that was hard, but it forced me to confront the issues in my life and realise that if things were bad, I needed to change them, and if I didn't I would waste the short time I have.

6Months in Jail For Disagreeing With Feminists on on Twitter

Babymech says...

This is one of the reasons why I hate internet feuds - everybody involved seems to feel that it's not only ok but necessary to give their point of view in as one-sided, hyperbolic a way as possible. Like the Reddit CEO resignation, with some describing it as a clueless venture capitalist (Pao) ripping out the infrastructure heart of reddit until a popular uprising managed to stop her, and others calling it a white power assault on a woman of color (Pao).

The Techdirt article seems like a reasonable enough take on this situation; I'm not sure the friend testimony adds much. I am happy to learn of, and a little worried by, the Canadian vaguery of a peace bond. It sounds a lot like an asbo, which is also pretty icky.

Bruti79 said:

Here's a good article as well, it also confirms how terrible a person Christie Blatchford is.

Jinx (Member Profile)

radx says...

You would not believe how much attention the media over here spend on his appearance and overall attitude. Shaves his head, doesn't tug his shirt in, doesn't wear a tie, drives a motorcycle... a rockstar by every measure.

There were regular forecasts that the chicken would come home to roost for him any day now; that the public would recognise his responsibility in their suffering and that they would turn against them.

And every single time, the public cheered him on even more. The press couldn't understand it at all. What a glorious fella he is, throwing the entire establishment out of balance like this. Maybe someone should project his face onto the ECB monstrocity in Frankfurt at night, just to rub it in.

Anyways, I don't have a clue why he resigned. There are several rumours, but beyond that, nothing solid.

As for the comments: they are my way of processing my rage. Doesn't work particularly well though, I'm still pissed off. But it's nice to hear that it provides a different perspective for some folks.

Jinx said:

Haha, I totally thought of that "I welcome their hatred" quote as well. FDR went on to crush the following election and Varoufakis... err, resigns despite what I assume to be similar levels of support from the electorate? Maybe his opponents found his disdain for ties a bridge too far.

radx (Member Profile)

Jinx says...

Haha, I totally thought of that "I welcome their hatred" quote as well. FDR went on to crush the following election and Varoufakis... err, resigns despite what I assume to be similar levels of support from the electorate? Maybe his opponents found his disdain for ties a bridge too far.

I came here to say thank you for taking the time to write such golden comments re. the economic situation in the EU. Your perspective has been very enlightening.

radx said:

Well, didn't see that coming.

Edit: Prime candidate for FinMin appears to be Stathakis, who was also present during the conference in Austin, 11/2013. Lapavitsas would be fun though.

Edit #2: "I shall wear the creditors’ loathing with pride." -- bwahahaha, Varoufakis DID channel his inner FDR.

Why the UK Election Results are Worst in History - CGP Grey

Jinx says...

Tbh, it pains me that a result like this happened AFTER a referendum on voting reform. If more people had realised that voting for the 3rd/4th/5th party was going to result in a majority Tory government with only a 1/3 of the votes maybe less people would have listened to Labour/Conservatives propaganda.

It's pretty funny how maybe a decade ago this narrow of a win would have been reported as vote of no-confidence for any party. This time around it seemed people were so relieved to not have a hung parliament that they seem to have let the blues off the hook completely while they enact their bonkers plans for austerity without a real mandate from the people.

ps. I totally predicted the election result and I'd just like to tell all those political pundits that I am ready to accept their resignation and yes I told ya so.

Judge backs charges against cops in Tamir Rice killing

Mordhaus says...

They pulled too close, fired way to fast, even the judge agreed. Yes, some blame falls on the parents, but how many cops are being shot and killed vs citizens at this point?

When does officer safety trump the fact that they are supposed to serve and protect, not shoot at the first option and sort it out later? They fired on Tamir within 2 Seconds of arriving on scene, 2 seconds...

What is even more disturbing about this case is, after shooting him, the police walked around the scene and looked for the weapon while the kid lay dying on the snow. Tamir laid there for 4 minutes bleeding from a torso gunshot wound until a police detective and an FBI agent who happened to be nearby came and rendered aid.

Both cops also had issues.

In a memo to Independence's human resources manager, released by the city in the aftermath of the shooting, Independence deputy police chief Jim Polak wrote that Loehmann had resigned rather than face certain termination due to concerns that he lacked the emotional stability to be a police officer. Polak said that Loehmann was unable to follow "basic functions as instructed". He specifically cited a "dangerous loss of composure" that occurred in a weapons training exercise, during which Loehmann's weapons handling was "dismal" and he became visibly "distracted and weepy" as a result of relationship problems. The memo concluded, "Individually, these events would not be considered major situations, but when taken together they show a pattern of a lack of maturity, indiscretion and not following instructions, I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct these deficiencies." It was subsequently revealed that Cleveland police officials never reviewed Loehmann's personnel file from Independence prior to hiring him.

Garmback, who was driving the police cruiser, has been a police officer in Cleveland since 2008. In 2014, the City of Cleveland paid US$100,000 to settle an excessive force lawsuit brought against him by a local woman; according to her lawsuit, Garmback "rushed and placed her in a chokehold, tackled her to the ground, twisted her wrist and began hitting her body" and "such reckless, wanton and willful excessive use of force proximately caused bodily injury". The woman had called the police to report a car blocking her driveway. The settlement does not appear in Garmback's personnel file.

Amazing pieces of work, and both out there to take care of us. I feel safe, do you?

bobknight33 said:

Is that the "gun" the kid had and was point / waving? A colt 1911. A great hand gun to have, no orange tip? Where is parental control on this?

video of the incident

It seems to me that since the cops pulled up directly on the kid they had not choice except for self protection.

That being said the cops should not have pulled up that close but close enough to have a stand off and have the kid surrender the weapon.

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

lantern53 says...

Well, it appears to me that there has to be a better way of handling things than that two-striper decided.

I do know that people complain when outsiders crash their 'territory'.

I thought most of the black kids did do as they were told, which was to sit on the ground. Some of the black girls got mouthy or something which led to physical force.

Too many people now are being taught to disobey the cops, so the verbal escalates to the physical and everyone loses. White people do it too..."I know my constitutional rights!" etc etc etc

And Genji, I don't know if Bob was being racist to you, I'm sure you'll be the arbiter of that, regardless. If Bob wasn't being racist, then I'm sure you'll find someone who will, or has, or will be.

Bottom line is, the cop was suspended because he made a bad situation worse. The other cops don't like that shit either because they have to deal with it too.

But I'm not going to paint all cops as racist just because one might be, as opposed to you guys, who like to paint all cops as racist, just as I don't consider all black people to be troublemakers, just because a few are.

Also, not all black people consider themselves victims as GK does.

Update: the officer who pulled the gun has resigned.

Last Week Tonight - FIFA 2: The Bribening

Last Week Tonight - FIFA 2: The Bribening

Neil deGrasse Tyson explains meaning of life to 6 year old

shinyblurry says...

Hey kceaton1,

I'm sorry to hear about the narcolepsy and sleep paralysis. I remember watching a video someone put out recently ( that sort of explained what it is like and it didn't seem like very much fun. I can't really imagine what you're going through. I have a friend who has narcolepsy but it must be a mild version because it seems like she kind of winds up to it and comes out of it pretty easy.

In regards to your question, I appreciate you not writing off my response as one thing or another. In regards to supernatural experiences, I can see why you have a lot of skepticism as well. You have experienced things on the order of what you've heard other people call supernatural experiences, but you have a natural explanation for them.

Having a supernatural experience can be hard to quantify, and usually when God is revealing something to you, it goes beyond sense impressions. You could perhaps write some of them off as one thing or another but three experiences in particular stand out to me as being undeniable. They aren't necessary what led me to Christ but they really defy any kind of naturalistic explanation.

The first was from before I was a Christian, when I was into the new age. At the time I was exploring a lot of eastern spiritual practices. There is one in particular, which I wont go into detail about, that for a few minutes allowed me to see with my eyes closed. When I was in the shower one day I closed my eyes to rinse my hair and when I did I was utterly shocked and amazed to be looking right at my feet and the water falling down upon them. It was real time and the only difference from normal vision was it had kind of an energetic haze over everything, kind of matrix looking. It was otherworldly but still completely in sync with my normal vision when I opened my eyes.

I wasn't hallucinating because I was able to test it in real time by opening and closing my eyes and looking at various things. It was all completely consistent and completely real. I could see what was going on to minute detail with my eyes closed and when I opened them everything matched perfectly, and vice versa. I wasn't dreaming because I immediately got out of the shower and told my then significant other who would vouch for that happening. It didn't last long but I did experience it and there isn't a naturalistic explanation.

The second thing that happened to me is that is undeniable is that I was physically healed by a Christian praying over me. My left leg used to be shorter than my right leg by a quarter inch. I know this because I measured it a few times and it caused me to walk somewhat unevenly. The man prayed for someone else who had the same problem except worse, and I saw their leg grow out and even up with the other. When I saw that I asked to be prayed for and the same thing happened to me. I know it did because I measured my legs and they are exactly the same length. I also had to learn how to walk correctly after this happened. Again, no naturalistic explanation.

The third thing happened at my baptism. I knew I needed to get baptized, although at the time I didn't really understand what it was all about. When I got baptized, it completely changed me. The easiest way to described it is, when I went into the water I was one person, and when I came back up I was a different person. Different in this sense, that I was cleansed on the inside. Emotionally and spiritually, it was like a thick black sludge had been removed from the walls of my heart. An emotional weight had been lifted, depression and anger and sadness disappeared; it was replaced with an incredible lightness, with true peace and joy. This wasn't superficial; I was utterly changed. I was a different and better (healed)person, and on top of that I could sense the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit, from that moment on until now.

People have given me different explanations; hallucinations, psychotic break, etc. I've have a lot of experience with people who have mental illness; the things that happen to them aren't positive, they're negative. When they think they have entered Nirvana, their behavior is completely off and often self-destructive. Delusional psychosis doesn't heal, it hurts. One way or another, the whole thing is going to unravel because it isn't real. What has happened to me is very real and I experience Gods love, care and guidance every day of my life. The Lord is good, and He is faithful; He cares even about the little things of my life.

I am a Christian not simply because I have seen miracles, it is because I believe the gospel. I know I am a sinner and that I need a Savior. I know that Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for my sins and was raised to life on the third day. The Lord has made that clear to me and I don't have any trouble agreeing with Him. He gave it all for me; why should I do any less? Before I knew the Lord I was resigned to a meaningless death. Today, I have a living hope. But I didn't come to be a Christian because I am afraid of death. I came to be a Christian because God revealed Himself to me, that He created me for a reason, and that my true fulfillment and purpose can only be found in Him. Since I have given my life to Jesus Christ, I have found that to be completely true, in ways I could never have imagined. My life affirms the truth of this scripture:

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,
Ephesians 3:21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, forever. Amen.

kceaton1 said:

/off-topic & longish

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers

Asmo says...

I think the public thing is just resignation. While traveling on the rail link from San Fran to LA (I'm from Aus), I watched what I presumed to be a crack deal go down right outside the train on a relatively clean looking platform, 2 black guys. They just don't care if they get busted or whatever because at the end of the day, it means very little to them. Nothing to lose, so why care?

Whites, on average, have a lot more to lose, so they work harder to keep their activities hidden. Doesn't hurt that you are less likely to get stopped and searched as a white drug dealer than you are as a black law abiding citizen.

; )

As an aside, look up Dr. Carl Hart's TED talk on drugs being a socio-economic problem and punishment meted out for crack (the drug of choice for poor communities) being orders of magnitude higher than the punishment for selling/buying/possession of powder cocaine (used by predominately white people...). Despite addictiveness and effect being close to equal when ingested in the same method.

Lawdeedaw said:

Unfortunately drugs are prolific in public by blacks. What this means is that blacks are more likely to sell their wares at parks and such, in broad daylight. Cops arrest. Whereas whites keep that shit on the down low. That does not explain ALL THE DISPARITY, but it is significant. Other than that, yeah, we are racist. It is bullshit. (Now let's see if people complain about my comment...come on race baiters...papa needs an argument!)

Bill Nye: The Earth is Really, Really Not 6,000 Years Old

shinyblurry says...

I feel the same way Bill Nye does; I don't think they should teach Darwinian evolution to children. It is especially damaging to children to adopt the belief that they are a random accident with no purpose or meaning to their lives rather than a special creation of God, made in His image, and created to fulfill the destiny He planned for them.

Bill seems to think that those who believe in God are simply too weak to accept the idea that we are all glorified apes living on a random mudball, but that isn't true for me or the other Christians I have met. People believe that God exists because an honest conviction, not because they are intimated by the philosophical blackhole that a belief in strict naturalism ultimately leads to. I was a true believer in the secular creation narrative before I came to know that God exists. I was resigned, as some of you are, to die an ultimately meaningless death. I changed my mind because of the evidence revealed to me, not because I was scared about my future.

ChaosEngine said:

I'm sorry your Mom died, but what you have is an anecdote.

I'm sure your perceived experience means a lot to you, but the most probable answer is pretty simple: you imagined it. Human memory is incredibly fallible and at times of emotional stress even more so. There have been numerous studies that have shown this.

And yes, science can't explain everything.... yet. But that doesn't mean we just get to fill in the blanks.

There is no "fact" that there is "something beyond us". In fact, everything we know has shown that there almost certainly isn't anything beyond us (at least in a supernatural sense).

Meanwhile, where's our resident young earther? Cmon @shinyblurry. Bill Nye is calling you out.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Deadbeat Non-Father, forced to pay $30K in Child Support

scheherazade says...

TBH, self centered is not a requirement.

Not being busy means management will pick on you, so you stay busy, even if there isn't really anything worth being busy with. Basically that simple.

The right thing to do is simply say : "hey, I'm really just forcing it here, so I'm gonna resign". Followed by the department management not replacing the employee, and allowing their funding to shrink. Not a realistic expectation.


newtboy said:

I'll agree the system does not properly incentivize doing what's right over doing what's easy far too often. That said, not all people are self centered, and some do work for the greater good, to their own detriment. We do need more of them, but they are out there, even in government jobs. I've been fortunate enough to run into many....along with the other variety.

Bill Nye: You Can’t Ignore Facts Forever

Trancecoach says...

@dannym3141, I understand that you are "stepping out of the debate," but, for your edification, I'll respond here... And, for the record, I am not "funded" by Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Solar, or Big Green. Nor am I a professor of climate or environmental science at a State University (and don't have a political agenda around this issue other than to help promote sound reasoning and critical thinking). I do, however, hold a doctorate and can read the scientific literature critically. So, in response to what climate change "believers" say, it's worth noting that no one is actually taking the temperature of the seas. They simply see sea levels rising and say "global warming," but how do they know? It's a model they came up with. But far from certain, just a theory. Like Antarctica melting, but then someone finds out that it's due to volcanic activity underneath, and so on.

And also, why is the heat then staying in the water and not going into the atmosphere? So, they then have to come up with a theory on top of the other theory... So the heat is supposedly being stored deep below where the sensors cannot detect it. Great. And this is happening because...some other theory or another that can't be proven either. And then they have to somehow come up with a theory as to how they know that the deep sea warming is due to human activity and not to other causes. I'm not denying that any of this happens, just expressing skepticism, meaning that no one really knows for sure. That folks would "bet the house on it" does not serve as any proof, at all.

The discussion on the sift pivots from "global warming" to vilifying skeptics, not about the original skepticism discussed, that there is catastrophic man-caused global warming going on. Three issues yet to be proven beyond skepticism: 1) that there is global warming; 2) that it is caused by human activity; 3) that it's a big problem.

When I ask about one, they dance around to another one of these points, rather than responding. And all they have in response to the research is the IPCC "report" on which all their science is based. And most if not all published "believers" say that the heat "may be hiding" in the deep ocean, not that they "certainly know it is" like they seem to claim.

They don't have knowledge that the scientists who are actively working on this do not have, do they? It's like the IRS saying, "My computer crashed." The IPCC says, "The ocean ate my global warming!"

Here are some links worth reading:

And, from a different rebuttal: "Referring to the 17 year ‘pause,’ the IPCC allows for two possibilities: that the sensitivity of the climate to increasing greenhouse gases is less than models project and that the heat added by increasing CO2 is ‘hiding’ in the deep ocean. Both possibilities contradict alarming claims."

Here's the entire piece from emeritus Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT, Dr. Richard Lindzen:

And take your pick from all of the short pieces listed here:


"Just where the heat is and how much there is seems to depend on who is doing the modeling. The U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center ARGO data shows a slight rise in global ocean heat content, while the British Met Office, presumably using the same data shows a slight decline in global ocean heat content."

Dr. Lindzen had this to say about the IPCC report: "I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to a level of hilarious incoherence. They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase."

So just as "believers" can ask "Why believe Heartland [financier for much of the NPCC], but not the IPCC," I can just as easily ask "Why should I believe you and not Richard Lindzen?"

"CCR-II cites more than 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers to show that the IPCC has ignored or misinterpreted much of the research that challenges the need for carbon dioxide controls."

And from the same author's series:

"Human carbon dioxide emissions are 3% to 5% of total carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, and about 98% of all carbon dioxide emissions are reabsorbed through the carbon cycle.

"Using data from the Department of Energy and the IPCC we can calculate the impact of our carbon dioxide emissions. The results of that calculation shows that if we stopped all U.S. emissions it could theoretically prevent a temperature rise of 0.003 C per year. If every country totally stopped human emissions, we might forestall 0.01 C of warming."

Again, I have asked, repeatedly, where's the evidence of human impact on global warming? "Consensus" is not evidence. I ask for evidence and instead I get statements about the consensus that global warming happening. These are two different issues.

"Although Earth’s atmosphere does have a “greenhouse effect” and carbon dioxide does have a limited hypothetical capacity to warm the atmosphere, there is no physical evidence showing that human carbon dioxide emissions actually produce any significant warming."

Or Roger Pielke, Sr:

Or Lennart Bengtsoon (good interview): "Yes, the scientific report does this but, at least in my view, not critically enough. It does not bring up the large difference between observational results and model simulations. I have full respect for the scientific work behind the IPCC reports but I do not appreciate the need for consensus. It is important, and I will say essential, that society and the political community is also made aware of areas where consensus does not exist. To aim for a simplistic course of action in an area that is as complex and as incompletely understood as the climate system does not make sense at all in my opinion."

Bengtsson: "I have always been a skeptic and I believe this is what most scientists really are."

What Michael Crichton said about "consensus": "Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science, consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus."

Will Happer on the irrelevancy of more CO2 now: "The earth's climate really is strongly affected by the greenhouse effect, although the physics is not the same as that which makes real, glassed-in greenhouses work. Without greenhouse warming, the earth would be much too cold to sustain its current abundance of life. However, at least 90% of greenhouse warming is due to water vapor and clouds. Carbon dioxide is a bit player. There is little argument in the scientific community that a direct effect of doubling the CO2 concentration will be a small increase of the earth's temperature -- on the order of one degree. Additional increments of CO2 will cause relatively less direct warming because we already have so much CO2 in the atmosphere that it has blocked most of the infrared radiation that it can. It is like putting an additional ski hat on your head when you already have a nice warm one below it, but your are only wearing a windbreaker. To really get warmer, you need to add a warmer jacket. The IPCC thinks that this extra jacket is water vapor and clouds."

Ivar Giaever, not a climate scientist per se, but a notable scientist and also a skeptic challenging "consensus":

Even prominent IPCC scientists are skeptics, even within the IPCC there is not agreement:

And for your research, it may be worth checking out:

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