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Doc_M (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

Sorry, should have been more clear with the first half of the sentence; I'm on the case to disprove your claim, but a 3 minute search only revealed one oddity, that the males of a species of bat nurse young... in other words you're claim is safe, ... FOR NOW! (lights dim, thunder/lightning in the background) MUAHAHAhahah...!

... but seriously, it does seem that mammals are pretty boring and uniform with their raising of the next generation, versus reptiles/birds/fish.

In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Read the rest of the post my fiend.

In reply to this comment by bamdrew:
... I feel sometimes like rules are meant to be broken, but all I could find with a quick search was this;

Cindy McCain = I'm a retard! [talking about Palin]

Animals in a Trance

Memorare says...

does it work on any mammals?

the playing dead theory doesn't seem to fit the gator, what would he have to play dead from, unless it's some ancient response, playing dead to fool a raptor or whatever.

also interesting that it works on birds and reptiles, lending credence to the theory that dinos evolved into modern birds. (jurrassic park theme)

The High Stress World of Snapple's Cap Facts!!!

pipp3355 says...

#36 A duck's quack doesn't echo

#37 A snail breathes through its foot

#38 Fish cough.

#39 An ant's smell is stronger then a dog's

#40 It is possible to lead a cow up stairs but not down

#41 Shrimp can only swim backward

#42 Frogs cannot swallow with their eyes open

#43 A cat's lower jaw cannot move sideways

#44 The bullfrog is the only animal that never sleeps

#45 Elephants are capable of swimming 20 miles per day

#46 Elephants are the only mammal that cannot jump

#47 Giraffes have no vocal chords

#48 Cats can hear ultrasound

#49 Despite its hump...camels has a straight spine

#50 Mosquitoes have 47 teeth

#51 There is 63,360 inches in a mile

#52 11% of people in the world are left-handed

#53 The average women consumes 6lbs of lipstick in her lifetime

#54 The average smell weighs 760 nanograms *

#55 A human brain weighs about 3lbs

#56 1/4 of the bones in your body are in your feet

#57 You blink over 10,000,000 times a year

#58 A sneeze travels out of your nose at 100mph

#59 Brain waves can be used to power an electric train

#60 The tongue is the fastest healing part of the body

#61 Pigs get sunburn

#62 The lifespan of a taste bud is 10 days

#63 The average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime

#64 Strawberries contain more Vitamin C then oranges

#65 A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations

#66 Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza a day

#67 There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal cracker zoo

#68 The longest one syllable word is "screeched"

#69 No word in the English language rhymes with month

#70 A "jiffy" is actually 1/100 of a second

#71 There is a town called "Big Ugly" in West Virginia

#72 The average person uses 150 gallons of water per day for personal use

#73 The average person spends 2 weeks of its life waiting for a traffic light to change

#74 You share your birthday with 9 million others in the world

#75 The average person makes 1,140 phone calls per year

#76 The average person spends 2 years on the phone in his/her lifetime

#77 No piece of paper can be folded more then 7 times

#78 Alaska is the most eastern and western state in the US

#79 There are 119 grooves on the edge of a quarter

#80 About 18% of Animal owners share their bed with their pet

#81 Alaska has more caribou then people

#82 August has the highest percent of births

#83 Googol is a number (1 followed by 100 zeros)

#84 Oysters can change genders back and forth

#85 The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows

#86 Until the 19th century solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia

#87 A mile on the ocean and a mile on land are not the same distance

#88 A ten gallon hat holds less then one gallon of liquid

#89 The average American walks 18,000 steps a day

#90 The average raindrop falls at 7mph

#91 There are more telephones than people in Washington D.C.

#92 Fish can drown

#93 A Kangaroo can jump 30 feet

#94 Lizards communicate by doing push-ups

#95 Squids can have eyeballs the size of volleyballs

#96 The average American will eat 35,000 cookies in his/her lifetime

#97 A turkey can run at 20mph

#98 When the moon is directly over you, you weigh less

#99 You burn 20 calories an hour chewing gum

#100 In a year, the average person walks 4 miles making their bed

#101 About half of all Americans are on a diet at any given time

#102 A one-minute kiss burns 26 calories

#103 Frowning burns more calories then smiling

#104 There are more then 30,000 diets on public record

#105 You will burn 7% more calories walking on hard dirt then pavement

#106 You way less at the top of a mountain then sea level

#107 You burn more calories sleeping then watching TV

#108 Licking a stamp burns 10 calories

#109 Smelling apples and/or bananas can help you lose weight

#110 Frogs never drink

#111 Only male turkeys gobble

#112 At birth, a Dalmation is always pure white

#113 The fastest recorded speed of a racehorse was over 43 mph

#114 The oldest known animal was a tortoise, which lived to be 152 years old

#115 Bamboo makes up 99% of a panda's diet

#116 The largest fish is the whale shark - It can be over 50 feet long and weigh 2 tons

#117 The starfish is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out

#118 Honeybees are the only insects that create a form of food for humans

#119 The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards

#120 The only continent without native reptiles or snakes is Antarctica

#121 The only bird that can swim and not fly is a penguin

#122 A duck can't walk without bobbing its head

#123 Beavers were once the size of bears

#124 Seals sleep only one and a half minutes at a time

Monkey Using Frog as Sex Toy

Krupo says...

>> ^deathcow:
That's it. I'm filing a lawsuit against Videosift, Dag, Lucky, Frogs, Monkeys, Nomino, any commenters to this article, as well as the anonymous foreign voices heard. Also, calling the local reptile/amphibian house right now.

That would be the *Asian Japanese, I think.

Monkey Using Frog as Sex Toy

deathcow says...

That's it. I'm filing a lawsuit against Videosift, Dag, Lucky, Frogs, Monkeys, Nomino, any commenters to this article, as well as the anonymous foreign voices heard. Also, calling the local reptile/amphibian house right now.

Platypus - bird, reptile, or mammal?

NIN - Reptile (Woodstock '94)

How do you find this many stupid people in one area?

Poetry: The Matrix

HIlariously biased Obama supporters (Election Talk Post)

choggie says...

I have that one as my next promote.....
The discussion threads were so vibrant when it came down to rabble rabble rabbling on about how ignorant G W is/was.....on the fucking contrary boys and girls, George and his ilk are quite the opposite of morons-crafty as wolves, and sneaky as snakes....or Reptiles-

Can anyone quick to cast stones claim an empire as impressive, and influence as far-reaching??

Even after Bushes are forever gone from the administration, we'll have only perhaps a year or two to wait, before the same folks who hate Bush, now hate the douche or turd up next to the , "Build Your Own Empire" spinner-..
WHIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!.....What putrification of process will the next generation of U.S. Citizens be a party to???...Can't tell ya, but you can best believe the instructions will be written in Spanglish.......

Viva La Revolución!
Remember The Alamo!
O' (shit n' better run to) Canada!

The Magic Gun - No need to Reload!


Rumor: Al Gore to Endorse Obama (Election Talk Post)

choggie says...

No mystery, that a tool would be used with another to achieve an end result-Gore is a mouthpiece like Obama, two peas as it were.

Gore is a hollowman, just like Obama-No agenda or vision of his own, he's a Beltway lamprey, Obama is the Uncle Tom Boy Friday of all the special interest that got him where he is today....poised to be inserted into the mainframe of US Government, so the script of the Elite can be eloquently delivered, to the braying masses.

People, people. Can you see the forest while standing on old growth?? This shit has been systematic, ever since Ike's farewell address-To say anything about these cretins than the inconvenient truth, is verbal masturbation on a grand scale.
Can we use Obama as a decoy to hunt for Reptiles???

Roast Survey (Parody Talk Post)

joedirt says...

1.What do you, do most of the day when you are not lounging, but not on the computer?
1a.If you had a time machine,which era would you go to, past or future, and trade that which you now understand as your reality?
wouldn't it still be "my reality" only in a different time? is this in fact a tiem machine or a dimensional transport? Is only my understanding of reality that is "traded", so this is some drug experiment?
2.Who are you more fond of?
"Most" fond of would be correct otherwise you have to list all but one person many pairs of shoes as opposed to matching undergarments....
own or wear regularly?
3b.boxers or briefs
boxer briefs (no, seriously)
4.mac or pic
PIC or other embedded, prefer MSP430
5. wouldyou prefer death by firing squad or salmonella
salmonella seems more survivable, thanks
5a.who would you wish lime disease upon???
a lemon
6.Faust, Asimov, Gore Vidal?
I'll take the salon styled hair
7.sprinkles, gravy, or cherry on top?
cheese and gravy fries
8.tits, ass, or leg man
and/or makes this a better question
9.chair stand or prostrate
i don't jump off the high dive dog or reptile
cat dog or at least the glow-in-the-dark cat bird or taco with both and fresh salsa
salmon turkey or spicy chicken soft
12.time, newsweek or USNews and World Report?
the only capitalization involves USNews?! I believe they use an ampersand FFS preference?
yes please
14.can you open it for me?
are you hot and female?
15.Ever arrested?
I only have to list felonies
16.cheetos: crunchy or poofs?
Cheetos flavored Doritos (seriously, the best shortlived product ever) or cat person?
18.bangs, balding or rug?
wood floors
19.five most cherished possessions
why don't you just say coveted? and then smote me. it's a trap.
20.clean shaven, beard, goatee or mustacthe
yes, yes, yes, no... also must he act? is this Inside the Actor's Studio?
21.religion, raised as
questionmark, missing is

For the record, I did this out of boredom, and not for any roast, in fact, I doubt I would attend such event, but you are welcome to send choggie to accept my award in absentia.

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