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Guide to Pro Video Blogging (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

Abuse Addition for the FAQ (Sift Talk Post)

mas8705 says...

*raises hand* I have a question...

Usually my videoes are always at the bottom of the "to expire soon" list and usually the ones that would soon expire that have 9 votes, I usually give the video its 10th vote so that it can be queued and my videos can move up in rank of soon to exire...

Is that illegal activity? If it is, I will stop right away...

10 Worst Foods in Nutritional Value

The Latest Unified Theory of Everything using the E8 Lattice

siftbot (Member Profile)

Candy Land

Candy Land

Drum & Bass insanity

Submit a Video Problem (Sift Talk Post)

Dave Chappelle on Dr. Katz

choggie says...

SUPERMAN: AKA STRONGGUYMAN-"Ok, who in the audience wants to go to the moon?!"

VOLUNTEER:- (raises hand) friends cheer and push him to the front, he's way in the back....superman inhales in his direction, and the man instantly appears on stage, with a hugh hickey on his stomach, his shirt hangs ripped around superman's head.
SUPERMAN: "Ok fella, curl up inna ball like this (superrman curls him
in the ball he wants) and hold yer breath.... READY!!??"

VOLUNTEER:(muffled, strained, mumbling)"R....Y!"

(superman squats, disappears, is gone for about 10 seconds, while the
startled crowd mumbles and looks around, then appears in the same spot,
holding a dead guy)

SUPERMAN: (holds the corpse by the back of the neck, rolls him out in
a standing vertically, and begins to ask him how was it...using the
corner of a free finger to move his lips...superman practices his true
passion before a captivated audience....ventriloquism

he is then fired, but says later, that he quit.....

The Making of 300:Part 1

Default CSS Competition (Sift Talk Post)

No comment (Sift Talk Post)

So, who here has a list of videos to submit to VS? (Sift Talk Post)

Tommy Tutone: Jenny (867-5309)

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