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Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation

Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation

Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation

Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation - BBC Review

The Lord Humungus' Speech

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Zero Punctuation: Tomb Raider Underworld

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^faceman:
Upvote for "you die a lot because the camera's being operated by 8 year old autistic child hooked up to an IV full of sherbert"

The main reason it took me a month to finish the game was I'd get fed up with the horrific camera movement and walk away for days. Note to the TR devs: Make the camera a fixed distance and have it not clip on object, end of problem! Is that so hard, it's been 9 games and you haven't figured that out yet?

Yahtzee may be right that Lara's jublees are the selling point for pubescent males, but I'm in my 30s, I got it because I like the games, and the Crystal Dynamics TR games have been the best of the series.

Ann Coulter is a Miserable Harpie

Zero Punctuation: Awards for 2008

Reset Button: Most Innovative Videogame of 2008

14087 says...

Hear Hear! I've dabbled with hard core gaming for years, and once I stop playing for any amount of time (like when I have a new born) I can't get back into the franchises/genres that I like. The game industries recent solution to this has been shorter and/or easier games, but I've found those unsatisfying. I don't want to grind in a MMORPG, I want fast paced, skill based game play that doesn't provide so much negative feedback.

I haven't played the new Prince of Persia, and probably never will because of the price tag and the short game play, but I did play Braid, and it was an amazing experience. The puzzles were incredibly tough, but the in-exhaustible time reversal kept the focus on ONE obstacle at a time. Oh, and unlike Yahtzee I LOVED the story(s).

Games like Burn Out are also on the right track (no pun intended), minimizing the set backs and making failure, and therefore risk taking, fun.

I tried the latest Tomb Raider demo. I love the franchise, but after missing that jump from the sliding ramp for the 4th time, I decided it wasn't worth the effort to climb that rock face again (despite the much improved models and animation).

a Capella tribute to John Williams (Star Wars)

spoco2 says...

John Williams is SO the man.

He has created more iconic themes than you can point several sharp sticks at (He had already had an extensive career before here, but let's just stick with themes most will know):
Star Wars (All 6)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Raiders of the Lost Ark (All 4)
Empire of the Sun
Hook (Hey, I love the film, don't care what you think... nerr)
Jurassic Park
Schindlers List
Harry Potter (All of them)

And the fact the many of them have multiple themes and songs that you will instantly recognize just shows how brilliant he is as a composer.

edit: In fact, it inspired me to go and look for youtube tributes with clips from the actual scores. Here's a good collection I found.

Indiana Jack (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Gremlins Attack VOD!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'film break, fan, VOD, gremlins 2, Batman, Goonies, Raiders, Exorcist, King Kong' to 'film break, fan, VOD, gremlins 2, Batman, Goonies, Raiders, Exorcist' - edited by joedirt

PETA Alert! Lara Croft kicks vicious tigers IN THE FACE

Duckman33 says...

Most likely because Angelina Jolie is no longer the person (model or voice) behind the Tomb Raider character.

Olympic gymnast and NCAA Women's Gymnastics champion Heidi Moneymaker was the model used for motion capturing.

Keeley Hawes will provide the voice of Lara in this installment, as she did in Anniversary and Legend

US Marine Raiders: the Origin of "Gung Ho" (10min)

ridesallyridenc says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
I always loved the body-carpet (laying on the concertina wire) or the rifle stairs tricks.
I feel like a boyscout whenever I compare myself to these heroes.

Yeah, I asked a Marine buddy of mine, "Who actually does that body-carpet stuff?" Without breaking stride or cracking a smile, he said, "Privates."

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