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First Max Payne trailer

dag says...

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^ Hmmm, there must be one ... Tomb Raider? no ...

There are movies about video games that were decent. Tron, The Last Starfighter ...

But no, just checked here and you are right. I might give Final Fantasy partial credit for its groundbreaking cgi.

Jedi Gym

SDGundamX says...

Wasn't feeling it until Vader showed up. Too bad Lucas didn't let us watch Anakin go all Dark Side on the Tuskan Raiders like that in Ep. 02. Would've been a much better movie.

Video Games and Sex (inspired by Zero Punctuation)

mas8705 says...

*If I offend anyone in anyway, I apologize in advance*

If I really wanted to be serious about this issue, I could have a two page essay ready by tomorrow... Of course I'm not going to do that since I want to get my point across within the first paragraph... From how I see it, most of us were born at around the same time games started, and as we grow older, they have been adding more mature stuff... True we enjoy the shooting, the slashing, the blood pouring out of someone like a waterfall, but one thing that has always stur up contreversy has always be the idea of sex, or sex icons...

What this guy said is true for during the time when tomb raider came out, people were more interested in Lara herself than the actual gameplay... It was either two things you always look at her, either look at her butt or her breasts... and since Tomb Raider, that is when I really started to notice all these sex ideas coming up, custer's revenge was just stupid though... Since then and now on systems in which we have the best graphics yet, it seems that we have been focused more on how a game looks rather than how it plays... The parts of where game developers try the "sex sells" and focus on just is that when their game runs into a brick wall and crash and burns when the time comes for it to be released... Just look at all the female characters nowadays... I could name a good handful of characters that have breasts so big, it is almost hard to imagine that they can move, and when they move, it would look like that it bounces all over the place... It is sad that some developers have to go on this path of selling a game due to a woman barely wearing any clothing and for us to buy the game so that we can fully enjoy every time she is laying on the floor with legs spread out...

This guy has the right idea though, video games are about 20-30 years old now, and if you want to sell games, keep with the format that works, and if we ever get to a time sex is ok in games, it should be done at a slow pace and done like the movies, in which there is enough to satify watchers, but not too much for it to be a porno... Till then, games like Mass effect will be considered most offensive, when people barely see what's happening... if that was the case, you would be hearing of a new game making news every month...

Angry Elephant Charges Ignorant Tourists.

Damn you, Angelina Jolie!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Angelina Jolie, Tomb Raider, remixed trailer, jolie doctrine' to 'Angelina Jolie, Tomb Raider, remixed trailer, jolie doctrine, womb raider' - edited by MarineGunrock

Indi fedora hats available at ThinkGeek! (Actionpack Talk Post)

Best Car Chase on Film. (Cinema Talk Post)

'Wanted' Trailer #2 - Bends your puny laws of physics

Zero Punctuation Review: Drake's Fortune

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'playstation 3, racism, drake, tomb raider, Yahtzee' to 'playstation 3, racism, drake, tomb raider, Yahtzee, good water effects' - edited by Fjnbk

Zero Punctuation Review: Drake's Fortune

Indiana Jones: Wrong Grail = Become a skeleton

Indiana Jones: Wrong Grail = Become a skeleton

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^*doubleblasphemy! First you haven't seen BSG and now you admit to liking Indy 3 and SW 3 best? What next? Are you going to tell me you liked Titanic or something? Wait..... don't answer that.

Just kidding. I actually do stick up for Return of the Jedi when Star Wars nerds bash it, tho I must admit to liking Empire the best.

FTR, Raiders is one of my all time favorites. I find the love story superior, the overall tone to be more adult and film noir-y, the characters to be better developed and executed, the action scenes to be a tad more believable and the writing to be absolutely flawless.

Indiana Jones: Wrong Grail = Become a skeleton

Sarzy says...

I've got to admit, I'm actually partial to the Last Crusade, myself. Don't get me wrong, I love Raiders, but I think the third one is a slightly superior film (but then again I'm some kind of weirdo when it comes to beloved trilogies -- Jedi is my favourite of the Star Wars trilogy).

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
The two sequels don't even begin to measure up to Raiders. I have very low expectations for Indy 4.

Indiana Jones: Sword vs. Gun

Indiana Jones: Sword vs. Gun

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