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Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

The march is on for the normalization of sin in our daily life. This is what the bill says:
(b) "Bullying" means any written, verbal, or physical act, or any electronic communication, by a pupil directed at 1 or more other pupils that is intended or that a reasonable person would know is likely to harm 1 or more pupils either directly or indirectly by doing any of the following:(i) Substantially interfering with educational opportunities, benefits, or programs of 1 or more pupils.(ii) Substantially and adversely affecting the ability of a pupil to participate in or benefit from the school district's or public school's educational programs or activities by placing the pupil in reasonable fear of physical harm.(iii) Having an actual and substantial detrimental effect on a pupil's physical or mental health or causing substantial emotional distress.
Meaning anyone who said to a gay student that they think that being gay is a sin would be indicted under the law as a bully. This is the ultimate goal of the gay movement, not just for the toleration of the lifestyle, or even the integration of the lifestyle, but the stifling of any dissent. They want anyone who says being gay is a sin to be labeled a bigot and to have it be declared hatespeech.
My question is, if gays are born that way, what about pedophiles? Aren't they just victims of their genetics and the behavior is irreversable? If a man can marry another man, why not his horse? Why not his car? Once you open these doors, you can never close them.
God has blessed this country greatly, and gave us much favor among the nations. Yet, from those who are given much, much more will be required. We have failed to do what is required in every respect. Judgement is upon us for breaking His law, it is at our peril to allow these things. If He didn't spare israel for them, He certainly won't spare the United States.

Luckily, this law allows me to state that I have a moral conviction that you're a moron. And I religiously believe morons should be punched at every available opportunity. The FSM told me to. Also...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Meaning anyone who said to a religious student that they think that being religious is retarded would be indicted under the law as a bully. This is the ultimate goal of the religious movement, not just for the toleration of the lifestyle, or even the integration of the lifestyle, but the stifling of any dissent. They want anyone who says being religious is retarded to be labeled a bigot and to have it be declared hatespeech.


Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

shinyblurry says...

The march is on for the normalization of sin in our daily life. This is what the bill says:

(b) "Bullying" means any written, verbal, or physical act, or any electronic communication, by a pupil directed at 1 or more other pupils that is intended or that a reasonable person would know is likely to harm 1 or more pupils either directly or indirectly by doing any of the following:(i) Substantially interfering with educational opportunities, benefits, or programs of 1 or more pupils.(ii) Substantially and adversely affecting the ability of a pupil to participate in or benefit from the school district's or public school's educational programs or activities by placing the pupil in reasonable fear of physical harm.(iii) Having an actual and substantial detrimental effect on a pupil's physical or mental health or causing substantial emotional distress.

Meaning anyone who said to a gay student that they think that being gay is a sin would be indicted under the law as a bully. This is the ultimate goal of the gay movement, not just for the toleration of the lifestyle, or even the integration of the lifestyle, but the stifling of any dissent. They want anyone who says being gay is a sin to be labeled a bigot and to have it be declared hatespeech.

My question is, if gays are born that way, what about pedophiles? Aren't they just victims of their genetics and the behavior is irreversable? If a man can marry another man, why not his horse? Why not his car? Once you open these doors, you can never close them.

God has blessed this country greatly, and gave us much favor among the nations. Yet, from those who are given much, much more will be required. We have failed to do what is required in every respect. Judgement is upon us for breaking His law, it is at our peril to allow these things. If He didn't spare israel for them, He certainly won't spare the United States.

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

hpqp jokingly says...

Yay, the Mormons can finally stop pretending black people will go to heaven (other than as slaves)!

>> ^entr0py:

Here's the text that was added at the last minute:
“This section does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil and parent or guardian.”
So, apparently even teachers are free to inform their kids that god hates whatever minority they might belong to. As long as they do so with sincerity, and aren't just faking religious bigotry.
And here's the full bill
>> ^rebuilder:
Does anyone have the actual text of the bill?

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

ghark says...

>> ^entr0py:

Here's the text that was added at the last minute:
“This section does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil and parent or guardian.”
So, apparently even teachers are free to inform their kids that god hates whatever minority they might belong to. As long as they do so with sincerity, and aren't just faking religious bigotry.
And here's the full bill
>> ^rebuilder:
Does anyone have the actual text of the bill?

Which religious bigots committee gets to decide if they are faking it or not?

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

entr0py says...

Here's the text that was added at the last minute:

“This section does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil and parent or guardian.”

So, apparently even teachers are free to inform their kids that god hates whatever minority they might belong to. As long as they do so with sincerity, and aren't just faking religious bigotry.

And here's the full bill

>> ^rebuilder:

Does anyone have the actual text of the bill?

oritteropo (Member Profile)

DerHasisttot says...

In Germany, it's mostly like this: Whenever you are doing math yourself, you use commas before decimal digits (or whatever they are called) and the point every thousand- step is optional, but make it easier to quickly see how big a number is: 1.234.567,89 is one million twohundredthirtyfourthousand fivehundretsixtyseven point(comma) eightynine; and so is 1234567,89. Up and coming is the version with spaces between the thousands: 1 234 567,89

Some companies have started to use a decimal point in their advertisments: , but this would be wrong if used by mathematicians/pupils. And I have just checked on a receipt, the prices on there are with comma again.
On menus, you would most likely encounter commas as separators, and I don't think we have any roadsigns on which there is a decimal number... if there are, it would be with comma (I think). In publications there are almost always the periods for thousands, some few times the spaces between the thousands (1 234 567,89).

If you look here: versus here: at the population numbers etc, you can see the difference, until now I had never really thought about it.

In reply to this comment by oritteropo:
I have an American/UK studies question for you, if you have a minute to spare.

In the Patriotic-Millionaires-TAX-ME video, your countryman luxury_pie put in a comment using the period as a thousands separator and the comma as the decimal radix... which I would expect as I have always been taught that much of continental Europe uses this convention. Then in later discussion an Englishman who has traveled widely in continental Europe and lived in Spain pointed out that in his travels, he has never seen this.

So, my question is how widely is each convention used in Germany in the parts an English speaking visitor would encounter? Should he have come across the period thousands separator and/or the comma decimal radix at all? Road signs? Menus?

The on-line (American!!!!) information just says that in Germany this is how it is, and never says "oh, but in shops the price might use a period".

Matt Damon speaks to teachers at SOS March

entr0py says...

Growing up in Utah, the state with the lowest spending per pupil, I've been in some pretty bad schools. But I never thought the teachers were to blame even as a kid. It was all down to underfunding, overcrowding, bullying and a focus on bad standardized material. I'm not sure I've ever had what I would call a bad teacher, just great ones and adequate ones. The very worst teachers I've had are ones that only had us drill stupefyingly dull textbooks. And that's exactly the sort of teaching that these policies encourage.

I'm not saying bad teachers don't exist. But that there must be a more intelligent and accurate way to identify them that's less directly harmful to students. And at it's core the push to blame teachers is meant to distract the public from the actual problems; underfunding, budget cuts, and badly designed but strictly enforced curriculum.

Matt Damon defending teachers

longde says...

Since two folks haved shared education stories, I thought I'd share.

I grew up in Jackson Mississippi, yet despite how people perceive education there, most of my teachers were phenomenal. They cared about their subjects, and cared about us well enough to push us in ways we didn't like. I ended up graduating with a few college credits, and an eagerness to learn.

I remember a science teacher assigning me a science project to enter in a local competition. I did a eighth half ass job on it, the night before. But on a school day, she drove me to the convention center and made me stand there in humiliation in front of all the other kids who actually worked on their assignments and the judges who scrutinized me and asked me questions. That embarrassment and exposure woke me up a little about the consequences of doing a low quality job.

I've also had great civics and history teachers who cared enough to seriously address me and others when we challenged some of the assumptions underlying our system of government and its history. From what others have told me of apathetic teachers, I now think this engagement is/was not so common.

I remember taking trigonometry one summer; not because I had to take it over, but because a teacher volunteered to teach an extra course for people where were interested. She showered attention and encouragement on all of the pupils, and made an intimidating subject actually fun. That allowed me to take calculus in the fall with higher confidence in my math abilities.

These experiences stand out in my memory, but the level of engagement and enthusiasm was typical for my k-12 teachers.

A "bad" teacher? Once we had a physics teacher who had recently immigrated from China. His english was terrible, and he taught the class as though we were graduate students, not high school kids. He was also fit the stereotype of the awkward, bumbling egg head; once, in a lecture, he somehow bumped into an eye washer, and drenched his pants (worn up to his upper waist). In the middle of the semester, he had visa problems and we saw little of him since. I'm not sure how we learned any thing in that class.

Our books were OK, but the teachers were never shy about using outside materials to enhance the lesson, or having us bring in things relevant to the lessons.


Lithic says...

Well obviously Twitchy got the uppers, Sleepy got the downers, and the other two are just being owls. >> ^hpqp:

Pinpoint pupils, erratic blinking...what sort of drugs is Twitchy on?


They do things different in Russia -- here, they medicate

Kindergarten teacher keeps kids calm during gun fight.

Prosthetic Eye Removal & Insertion

Gamble says...

I felt myself cringing through the majority of this video. The sad thing is, even though she handles that semi-gruesome task like a champ, she's probably still grossed out by things like bugs. Cute girl though, if you can get over the crazy pupils.

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

Reefie says...

>> ^Pantalones:
That was pretty weak. Hot sauce and a cold shower? Please, I'd have taken that any day. Y'all need to see some real child abuse before you accost this woman as the spawn of hell. She was in control of her actions and the consequences sounded like they were predetermined.
Here's a measure of rationality: you're siding with Dr. Phil.

I mentioned getting mouthfuls of fairy washing up liquid when I lied or swore as a child, but didn't mention the thick leather belt with the huge buckle my mother kept for special occasions (well, mostly when she was drunk or in a bad mood so most of the time really), or the cane that my headmaster used for giving pupils 6 of the best (even the best behaved boys and girls could expect to be caned once a month). Did I mention we were also forced to take cold showers in the morning at school? Yes, it was a boarding school but thankfully a co-ed so it wasn't all bad Must've been worse for the Eton boys! I can take it, and I reckon most people who grew up with such abuse can too. Mind you, our definition of child abuse can be very different to the extremes of abuse in some other countries.

What I find hard to decide in any absolute terms is how much punishment is necessary to make people aware of the consequences for their actions. While I would never go to extremes with leather belts or canes I think there is a balance to be found for each individual child. Having said that, some things are just torturous and really aren't necessary. Finding the right balance of unpleasantness as a consequence is something that has to be decided and warranted for each wrongful act. Premeditated consequences like this only enforce a mental conditioning that prevents the child being able to properly express himself in later life.

Hippy dancing naked in the rain will freak you out

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