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The Designoid Dimension - mindblowing 3D fractal animation

FlowersInHisHair says...

Well, the artist who made this video (in Mandelbulb 3D) earns a living as a fulltime fractal artist using this software. He produces music videos and concept art, all kinds of stuff. There's another program out there called "Mandelbulber" that isn't as sophisticated but Mandelbulb 3D is capable of producing stunning results imo. I don't think it's all that limited.

kir_mokum said:

interesting. unfortunately "mandelbulb" looks extremely limited. good for hardcore fractal nerds but not good for serious productions.

The Designoid Dimension - mindblowing 3D fractal animation

FlowersInHisHair says...

This is 100% fractals. It's rendered in a program called "Mandelbulb 3D" with some post-production in AfterEffects. The artist has some nice tutorials on his channel!

kir_mokum said:

lots of aliasing issues but i'm curious about the process. could be standard procedural CG.

How One Gameplay Decision Changed Diablo Forever

SFOGuy says...

In the thumbnail, I had this slightly weird moment where I thought: wait, Adam Savage was part of the programming team for Diablo?
But no...

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

BSR says...

Sounds like you picked the wrong game to play. Your passport has always been worthless.

Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax", said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave"

Welcome to the Hotel California

"...all of life's riddles are answered in the movies." - Steve Martin, Grand Canyon

"There's nothing like bringing in the herd"

StukaFox said:

Welcome to the end game, motherfuckers, and the worst part is that I have to live it with you because an American passport is totally worthless now.

Hurricane Laura Destroys Controversial Confederate Statue

BSR says...



The police jury is the governing authority for each parish that operates under the police jury system provided by the general laws of the state.

The police jury is both a legislative and administrative body. Its legislative and administrative functions include enacting ordinances and resolutions, establishing programs and setting policy. As an administrative body, it prepares the budget, hires personnel, spends money, negotiates contracts and, in general, directs the activities under its supervision.

Police juries carry out their administrative responsibilities in various ways. Some parishes, for example, have made their secretaries responsible for over-all administration. In others, this responsibility has been delegated to the police jury president, who is selected from among the jurors. Some parishes have hired a parish manager as permited by LRS 33:1236.1. The law sets no qualifications for the position other than being a registered voter of the parish. Act 85 of 2006 repealed the provision that allowed a police juror to serve as the parish manager, but did allow for a police juror already serving as a parish manager to continue doing so. In still other parishes, there is no principlal administrative official, and all parish employees report directly to the entire jury or to committees.

newtboy said:

What in the Fuck is a "police jury" and why would they have any input on the decision at all?

BRUTAL TRUTH About Democrat-Run Cities

newtboy says...

Yep, the answer to any problem from you, cut taxes. Military underfunded, cut taxes. Can't afford universal health care, cut taxes. Debt and deficit are bigger than GDP, cut taxes. Infrastructure crumbling, cut taxes. Daddy Trump's businesses are struggling, cut taxes, especially theirs.

How many trillions more do they need? How much of that goes directly into Trump's families pockets? They already took dozens, up to hundreds of millions last round despite being specifically banned from the program.

Democrats want higher taxes because we like America being a sovereign nation, and bankrupting us into third world status could change that. When the final numbers for 2020 come out, I bet you that dinner you still owe me it will be double the deficit of any other year in history or worse, $6 trillion+ in spending and another trillion+ in lost taxes from lost production thanks to not shutting down in March-May....on top of the trillion+ deficit built into the budget.....and we're heading into a global depression with this deep debt, making borrowing money near impossible.

2021 is going to be a disaster too, no matter who's elected. Trump has ensured it. Any company that can afford to leave is leaving already, bud. They took the handouts from Trump and in pure Trump fashion took the cash and ignored what it was for, many using that money for expansions outside America, companies like Harley Davidson.

bobknight33 said:

JOBS JOBS JOBS will do wonders to turn around poverty.

Cutting taxes for companies to come in and create jobs is a good start.

Democrats seem to want higher taxes so Companies and those who can afford to leave, leave.

BRUTAL TRUTH About Democrat-Run Cities

00Scud00 says...

Actually many Democrats are like this too, you know who delivered the finishing blow to many welfare programs? Bill Clinton, these days both establishment Repubs and Dems try to keep the focus on social issues, things rich people don't care about but are a great distraction for the masses.

You wan to know how fucked we are as a species? Tell someone it's cheaper to give homeless people homes rather than put them in jail and watch them flip their shit when someone else gets something for free that they don't. They'll happily put them in jail and pay for it because at least that way they get punished for being poor.

We are well and proper fucked.

moonsammy said:

Crime stems from poverty and deprivation (and greed, but those aren't the sorts of criminals Rand McRandface is talking about).

Poverty and deprivation can be addressed through social services.

Republicans typically gut social services.

I know in my state we'd be much better off with more useful social services and better-funded schools, but every damn time republicans get control of the Governor's office or the legislature, they cut social services statewide. So the areas that most need those services suffer regardless of who they may have elected to local leadership. When dems manage to get back into control they reform things a bit to provide extra funding to social services, and things improve for a bit. Then republicans get back in, etc yadda wash rinse repeat.

So yeah, democrats tend to be elected in population centers, because for the most part they seem to actually want to help people. The current Republican philosophy seems to be "lol shutup poor people are stupid figure it out fuckers." I'm perfectly happy to examine any evidence to the contrary (by which I mean policy positions advanced by republicans that actually help improve the lives of most people).

The Launch of Perseverance to Mars

BSR says...

I lived in Cape Canaveral during the shuttle program and have witnessed all but 5 launches live, once from within the 5 mile zone. The sound at that distance is very loud but, also different compared to a 15 mile distance away. The sound is very sharp and "cracks" unmuffled by air until it gets further away. You can feel the sound waves in your body. It is pretty emotional, even if you've been waiting for hours for liftoff and then the launch gets scrubbed.

I was in Georgia when Challenger exploded. I watched it live on TV and for a short while I couldn't understand why the launch looked so different on TV. It really took a few a seconds to realize what was happening. I cried that day.

How a President Leads

luxintenebris jokingly says...

i think i know what you think you're's better to have a working leg than one that's gangrenous...but that should be obvious?

silly! it sounded like you were saying biden wouldn't be a huge step up!

yeah...i know...sometimes pine for an AI program to check the work...but those are expensive...unjustifiable if it's used primarily to tongue-lash nutty 'net trolls.

Janus said:


Well, I can't argue that he is as bad as Trump, as horrendous as Trump is, but that's not saying much at all.

Beautiful Trigonometry - Numberphile

BSR says...

You could recreate this with the exception of 3D.

Been playing with program for years and it's fairly simple once you play with it for a while.

Algodoo is a physics-based 2D sandbox freeware from Algoryx Simulation AB as the successor to the popular physics application Phun. It was released on September 1, 2009 and is presented as: a learning tool, an open ended computer game, an animation tool, and an engineering tool.

PS5 Demo

fuzzyundies says...

I'm a game graphics coder, going way back to PS2 and Dreamcast. This video overstates things a bit... Somehow, with a little bit of programming, memory is unlimited, bus transfer speeds are infinite, drawing 10,000 triangles onto a single pixel is worthwhile and doesn't result in swim, etc.

The real version of this video would have said that they have new procedural LOD and batching technology that minimizes the content creator's work to get into game at a good frame rate.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

When did you become a welfare queen like that? Like I'm just wondering what made you change your mind that you said "that's it im going to start being on welfare."

I thought you hated stuff like that, i still haven't gotten my check, but I believe in good government policy that uses socialized programs to help people in times of need. I thought you would be living in the woods or on Walden pond or something by now.

Instead you became a welfare queen. I never would have thought you were a welfare queen but I guess tha'ts the way of it.

WELL I'll look forward to you NOT giving people a hard time for taking needed help in the form of government handouts in the future since you're a welfare queen now too.

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

JiggaJonson says...

Just fyi

The supposed sexual assault happeend in the middle of 1993

Isn't it a bit odd that the person who passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 (so he was lobbying to get it passed and the bill was introduced in January 1993), am I the only person who thinks its odd that he passed this bill:
see also for the full text

So you mean to tell me
While he was co-sponsoring/writing/passing THAT PARTICULAR LAW that created the following:

--- established annual $1.6 billion toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women

---codified sex crimes to make them Federal crimes

---imposed automatic and mandatory penalties on those convicted

---allowed civil cases to be brought in cases prosecutors chose to leave un-prosecuted

---created confidentiality protections for victims

---created a training program for judges to encourage them to prosecute sexual assault crimes against women

So WHILE he's making it easier to sue and bring charges against former employers and creates mandatory minimums for those found guilty and if the prosecutors don't want to do it, created a pathway for civil lawsuits to be brought - you're telling me that WHILE he's doing that, he sexually assaults one of his employees from his offices WHILE he's doing that?

That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.

That the best you got you little bitch?

bobknight33 said:

Finger banging Joe 2020

Well this will sink his 2020 chances.
Hillary at the dugout warming up.

Trump talked about grabbing by the P.

Joe actually did.

Why You Can't Name A File CON In Windows

OAN: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Genomic sequencing has proven conclusively that the virus has a natural origin, it's not man made. Sorry. Another race baiting lie bites the dust.

Approximately 40000 were allowed in from China AFTER Trump's Jan 30 Gina Ban. Sorry, another Trump lie bites the dust. The ban only included Chinese nationals who did not have family in America.

January 8 the CDC issued public warnings. Trump had a rally on February 9 and many since, so his claims that he knew how bad it was before anyone is either a lie or he tried to kill hundreds of his most rabid followers....which is it? (Trump after outbreak rallies-Jan. 9 (Toledo, Ohio); 14 (Milwaukee), 28 (Wildwood, N.J.) and 30 (Des Moines, Iowa), as well as Feb. 10 (Manchester, N.H.), 19 (Phoenix), 20 (Colorado Springs), 21 (Las Vegas) and 28 (Charleston, S.C.). and played golf Jan. 18 and 19, Feb. 1 and 15, and March 7 and 8 ) Trump claims he doesn't remember any of that and that he hasn't left the Whitehouse for months.
Not to mention, March 4th the administration put out notices in China that they had a new program to facilitate China buying PPEs and ventilators from America in the midst of a massive shortage in America. Not until March 12th did they relax tariffs on medical equipment being imported into America, but by then there was a worldwide shortage.

bobknight33 said:

It indicated it was collaborated with the Chinese lab in Wuhan . Studying is fine, Chinese letting it loose in Wuhan is not.

Keep spinning Truth to negate the fault of Chinese.

Are you part of the 1000 talents? Probably not you most likely a stooge

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