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If you could make a Poll, What would you do? (User Poll by Sagemind)

Diver Saves Puffer Fish From Hook

SKYFALL - Official Teaser Trailer

kymbos says...

Look, Casino Royale showed up twenty years of Bond films to be the mindless derivative drivel that they were.

The film reintroduced the darkness that was at the heart of Bond that hasn't been seen, arguably, since the death of Bond's just-married wife at the end of the highly underrated "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" (which coincidentally had the best soundtrack of all Bond films). That was in 1969.

Some would contend that Timothy Dalton captured the true essence of Bond's dark moodiness in his too-short stint as Bond in The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill - but he had the advantage of actually being able to act, a skill no one could accuse Pierce Brosnan of bringing to the franchise.

I believe that the Bourne films effectively modernised Bond and the franchise was forced to follow, after years of meandering aimlessly with Brosnan whose films retained a misplaced focus on gadgets and 'witty' lines. There is a place for these, but they superseded plot, character and genuine style. Product placement became too much of a cash cow as well (although I hear an agreement has been made to replace Bond's signature martini with Heineken in Skyfall).

Casino Royale returned Bond to his rightful place. Bourne is great, but he's no Bond. Compared to CR, Quantum of Solace was indeed inferior. But Yogi is right - it was way better than every Brosnan Bond film, which were total disappointments to genuine fans.

So there.

Our very own Barseps gets an infected finger lanced!

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^jonny:

No, it was not. nochannel health anatomy
>> ^JiggaJonson:
Come on guys, get with the program! This is what the Horrorshow channel was MADE for!

"bottom line, whatever makes you scream in the dark!"
-Horrorshow description
Other examples of horrorshow channel posts placed there for a similar reason (eg they make you squeemish/jump/scream in the dark):

And, more distinguishably similar to the medical procedure we see before us:

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

shinyblurry says...


I think you go about prostylization the wrong way. I see you as kind of a digitized version of the guy who stands outside of bars with a megaphone and a sandwich board, passing judgement off on revelers that just don't care at best, and want to pick a fight with you at worst. Well intended, but not persuasive or well received.

I went about things the wrong way when I first arrived here, being somewhat of a neophyte to evangelism, which set the tone for the rest of my time here. Along the way, I've made some mistakes and said some things which further served to marginalize me, which the antitheists here have throughly capitalized on.

I was more hot blooded when I arrived, and cocky, being throughly schooled in all manner of philosophical argumentation, and having been *experienced* in the transcendent, I was more interested in dismantling arguments than showing the love of Christ. I regret that, but what's done is done. What's true is that God makes everything new.

My main failure was to take the bait of the innumerable insults that have been thrown my way. This was simply an immaturity in my faith, not really understanding what Jesus said about how I should react to them. He said to love that person, no matter how much they hate you. Pray for those who persecute you and despitefully use you. The insults are not as bothersome anymore. I'm more interested now in love than argument.

You write these large blocks of text filled with Bible verses, judgement and a good deal of fire and brimstone. FYI: Bible verses, judgement, fire and brimstone only work on people who already believe in and fear God, just as you probably have no fear of Xenu, Allah or Mitt "White Horse" Romney (google it - funny story)

I have a wide variety of conversations on the sift, many of them on historical, philosophical, and scientific topics. People ask me questions about nearly everything, and so I think it would be difficult to pigeonhole my comments this way. Certainly, I have witnessed the truth about Gods judgment, but this isn't my main focus. As far as fearing God goes, you're right, many do not, but their conscience is still witnessing against them.

I'll look up Mitt "white horse" Romney.

The Christians in my life that make me most sympathetic to Christianity are the ones who express their faith through actions, not words. I've only met a handful of these people in my life, but they've all made a positive impact on my life. These are the people who exude love, empathy, understanding and compassion. These are the people that say 'I love you' when you really need to hear 'I love you.' You feel it almost like an aura around them. And, in every case, I had to inquire about them to discover their faith - with none of that uncomfortable evangelizing that comes off more like used car sales pitch than deep expression of faith. And, unlike the used car sales pitch, when I did learn of their faith, I felt a genuine respect for it.

Certainly, Christians should be doing good works at every opportunity. Faith without works is dead. Scripture advises two approaches to reach people. It says some save with mercy, and others with fear. Some people are so hardhearted that the only way to pierce their armor is to make them realize that they will have to answer for their secret sins, the ones that people hide behind their masks of public purity. To let them know that they didn't actually get away with it, whatever it may be. That's kind of why it kind of amuses me when I hear someone say something like "If I saw God I would tell Him off", as if God doesn't have them dead to rights on a list of sins 5 miles long.

Others are like a fragile flower, which must be handled very carefully and gently. Ones who have been abused by the church, for instance. It is truly sad how common this actually is. Of course there are many situations inbetween these two approaches, but in general, it is some combination of the two, leaning towards one of them.

I appreciate what you're saying about your friends. Perhaps this is the way the Holy Spirit has called them to deal with you. They are most certainly praying for your salvation. Again, it depends on the situation. It depends on the kind of relationship, and how much time you have to invest in someone. It is usually expedient to share the gospel in most cases.

Ultimately, it is out of our hands. I can't save anyone; only the power of God can change someones heart. When someone is saved, it is a true miracle.

Of course you can't choose what you believe; what you believe chooses you, so none of these people have brought me any closer to God. But that's OK, because they've done something much more important, they've brought me closer to my fellow humans. They've shown me the power of empathy (not that I'm always the most empathetic person - I've a ways to go in that category) and how contagious just being a good person can really be.

You believe according to your experience, and how interested you are in what is actually true, versus what you appear to see. If you believe that you are generally right about everything, then you will never look beyond your preconceived notions. I only changed my mind about God because He showed me the spiritual reality. I could not logically believe in naturalistic materialism as being a legitimate description of reality after that.

It's wonderful that your friends have taught you something about life, especially concerning the love of God. What Jesus teaches is that every human being has intrinsic value and is worthy of respect and love. He teaches us to love unconditionally and sacrificially, disregarding our own preferences for the good of others. If you can move past all of the contentious issues that surround these topics, and look to the words of Jesus Christ, you will find a transcendent love superior to the wisdom of this world. He gives us a standard of behavior that is impossible for any human being to live up to (without His help). Jesus asks more of you than any other person, in this time or any other, ever will.

I'm not sure if this helps you, especially considering it's pretty hard to refute aggressive atheists if you don't talk a great deal about your faith. Maybe a better path would be to understand where these atheists are coming from and what you have in common. Mutual respect. I don't know.

It does help me, and I appreciate your advice. There is always a better path when there is an argument, although, there is simply no avoiding having to debate certain things, when certain misconceptions are presented as the truth about what Christianity is. Even though you may be predisposed to agree with religious criticism, you must notice the distortions that are bandied about in the atheist community about Christianity and religion in general. I hear the same ones, over and over and over again.

I mean you no offense by this comment, my religious spite phase has mostly passed. I'd like to see you have a little better time on the site and not be the subject of scorn. Many of the discussion you have with atheists seem like a waste of time for all parties, because it's just a clash of worldviews rather than an attempt to find common ground and make progress. Some of the atheists on this site can be very cruel. I don't really follow these long back and forth theological battles anymore, but if someone crosses that line and is cruel to you, I'd be happy to join in on your side. If that appeals to you, drop me a PM.

I'm glad to hear that you are no longer in the business of giving theists a hard time. There are certainly enough people working doubleshift on this that you can walk away with your head held high. Yes, I agree, common ground should be sought out as a matter of course, although it is not an exaggeration to say that convinced atheists and theists typically disagree on almost everything. It's also hard to approach this on a human level, being that this is the internet, and the medium is far inferior for interpersonal communication. It is good for certain kinds of communication, but when it comes to empathy for instance, much is lost.

In any case, I genuinely appreciate your offer. Thank you for your magnanimousness. I may take you up on it sometime. I might also ask you how you see humanity avoiding a dystopianfuturetomorrow.

Jesus Returns.

shinyblurry says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:
You know my feelings on the subject Shiny, but there's one thing I appreciate about this video: his rant about how the rich are not getting into heaven. I've heard all sorts of different interpretations and people trying to "translate out" their own beliefs in Matthew 19:24, but I just can't see it in any other way than: "If you have it, give it all away. You can't take it with you and we certainly aren't taking it into account when you get here."

Far from bashing Christians (and I know I'm ignorant where the bible is concerned), I agree with and support this particular idea. It frustrates me to know end when I hear people try to rationalize their selfish excess.

The idea of the rich rarely being saved is well supported by scripture. First, I think Jesus couldn't have been more clear about it in Matthew 19:23:

"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven"

However, I do not believe this is a condemnation against having wealth in general. Rather, I think is a condemnation against those who use their riches for selfish gain and not for the greater good. This interpretation supported by James 5:1-6

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days.

Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in self-indulgence. You have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.

You have condemned and murdered the righteous person. He does not resist you.

It is condemning those rich who have lived in luxury and in self-indulgence, who have gained by cheating more righteous people of their just due. It even rises to the level of murder in Gods eyes, perhaps because of the impact of a poor person losing even a few days wages could be fatal.

This is illustrated even more plainly in the Parable of the Rich Fool

13Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”

14Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” 15Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

16And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. 17He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

18“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

20“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

21“This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God.”

God is condemning greed here, and this is something we can see is nigh universal with the rich. Too much is never enough for many of them. But what this is saying is that it is not money itself, it is the love of money that is the issue:

1 Timothy 6:9-10

But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil: which some reaching after have been led astray from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows

The love of money is a snare and a temptation to people. It is what you can call a false idol, because those who pursue riches cannot serve God:

Matthew 6:24

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

It comes down to what you love; God or the world, and whatever you love more, your heart will be in that:

Matthew 6:19-21

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also

That's why Jesus posed these two questions:

Matthew 16:25-26

For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

Steve Jobs is a good example of this. He had about as much money, power, celebrity and accomplishment as you could desire in this life. Yet, what good did his riches do him when it was his time to go? They couldn't keep him alive, and they couldn't insure his eternal future. In the grand scheme of things, they were nothing but a millstone around his neck.

So yes, I think there is clear evidence that scripture condemns the rich, but only the greedy and self-serving rich. Not those who use their wealth for the greater good and not for themselves.

Rat Race- Piercing comparison scene.

BoneRemake says...

>> ^crotchflame:

God I love this movie...

... yea I watched it last night, surely under rated. No one I know has even heard of it, to the extent of recollection that is. They may have watched it before but the name does not solidify it seems.

It really is a fun time to watch with adolescent friends/family.

Here is a link to the movie if you wish to watch it on the inter webs.

+ Continue as free user + is all you have to click to get it going.

Rat Race- Piercing comparison scene.

Jim Carrey - tribute to Clint Eastwood

Bill to Prevent Employers getting Passwords - Countdown

Porksandwich says...

Wonder if Hooters is going to start making them show the full monty, just so they can make sure they don't have weird nipples.....because they want the candidates to be perfect for the job.

Or perhaps full nude pictures so they can make sure you don't have an unsavory body art, piercings, stretch marks, moles, or hair they think might negatively impact the company if someone were to see them.

It's a good way for all the freaks to see the goods...on facebook and otherwise.

It's akin to having the secretary who has to put out to keep her job, despite what the laws might say.

"Mister Rogers & Me" HD Trailer

notarobot says...

>> ^zaust:

Never encountered Mr Rogers before and have to say his very disturbing. Beyond creepy, is this a spoof trailer of a horror movie?

Growing up in Canada without cable, I seldom watched Mr. Rogers (we had Mr. Dressup ) so I can understand how his demeanor can seem a little... different than how most people operate on television or in person. I found the way Mr Rogers spoke a little hard to get used to, but over the last few years I've come to appreciate the way the man can speak simply and directly, right through the television screen. His words can be simultaneously piercing and comforting, yet always kind.

Without the sift I'd never have discovered the kind of impact he has had *promoting honesty and good nature over a generation of children and grownups.

These clips are among my favorites:

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

TheSluiceGate says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Jesus was not a scapegoat. He laid down His life, willingly, to take the punishment that you and I deserve. He paid the price for our sins, paid it in His blood; He was bruised for our inequities, and pierced for our transgressions. He died so that you and I could be forgiven for our sins and to give to us eternal life. He did what He did out love, love for us, that even while we drove in the nails, He loved us.

So let me get this straight: God sent himself to earth so that he could sacrifice himself to himself so as to appease himself into changing a rule that he had made himself?

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

Maze says...

So how does this work, exactly? Jesus is paying the price for our sins.. A price set and collected by his own father? God makes the rules here, right?

So god decided that because people did not do what he wanted then they should go to hell forever. But wait! God has a plan.. Send Jesus to earth for a bit, let him die then bring him back up to heaven. Debts settled!

Though, I'm still going to hell anyway, so I kinda don't see the point in that plan..

Someone explain.
>> ^shinyblurry:
Jesus was not a scapegoat. He laid down His life, willingly, to take the punishment that you and I deserve. He paid the price for our sins, paid it in His blood; He was bruised for our inequities, and pierced for our transgressions. He died so that you and I could be forgiven for our sins and to give to us eternal life. He did what He did out love, love for us, that even while we drove in the nails, He loved us.

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

shinyblurry says...

2 Peter 3:3

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

What I say here, I say out of love, in hopes that God would have mercy on you. I say this because you have no fear of Him, and no sense of the coming judgement, and because you mock God out of ignorance, not knowing that by rejecting Jesus Christ you are condemned already.

Jesus was not a scapegoat. He laid down His life, willingly, to take the punishment that you and I deserve. He paid the price for our sins, paid it in His blood; He was bruised for our inequities, and pierced for our transgressions. He died so that you and I could be forgiven for our sins and to give to us eternal life. He did what He did out love, love for us, that even while we drove in the nails, He loved us.

I speak to a valley of dry bones, and it is a miracle that you would hear the gospel and believe. You live in a fallen world and you don't realize it. Realize what your conscience tells you; you have lied, you have cheated, you have stolen, you have murdered, you have lusted, you have mocked, you have dishonored, and because of these things, the wrath of God abides on you. No sin is worth what you are facing. Wake up and choose life, and He will forgive you.

Matthew 5:30

And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

Kristen Bell meets a sloth

Payback says...

>> ^TheFreak:

she's adorably cute (Kristen, not the sloth, although sloths are pretty cool I guess)

No, they're not cool! They are terrifying.
Oh sure, they're adorable hanging out in trees in your National Geographic.
But just wait until the day you wake up on the floor of a Panamanian jungle and look over, half asleep, to see one of those monsters crawling, inexorably, eerily slowly...towards your face. Each outstretched limb like the leg of an improbable hell beast spawn of spider and morlock, covered in green moss like the dried ichor of Yog-Sothoth that birthed the abomination. It's void black eyes piercing into your own as your brain tries to form a maddening scream that will never find your lips, as you lay paralyzed in terror.
Wait for that day. It will happen...oh yes, that day is coming for you too.
I mean, sloths...not Kristen Bell. She's adorable.

To me, Sloths are Badgers on Quaaludes.

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