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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Pennies

Dermajeun Anti Aging Review - How It Works

lost in space- a tribute to a cult classic

nanrod says...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one around hear who actually watched this show when it came out. Although not being 8 yrs old (13) I became disillusioned fairly quickly. I was a fan of the comic book version and was disappointed with the changes made to the storyline. I kept watching though, I was waiting for Dr. Robinson or Major West to shoot Zachary Smith. And I had the hots for Penny.

Climbing + Fucking = Clucking

Victor Frankenstein Official Trailer

Gutfeld Schools Geraldo: PPH debate. Explosive debate

newtboy jokingly says...

How dare they make fun of our propaganda!?!

Good job calling the Fox News team "comedians" though....terrible comedians, but that's a good description of their profession.
Astonishing to see Geraldo be the voice of reason in any context.

These people can't even understand separating the funding, which is kept separate by law, and not a penny of public money goes to abortion, by law, a law written by their party.
Just like they can't understand that there's no such thing as full term, live birth abortion. It does not exist. When you kill a child that was born, that's not abortion.

At least these 'comedians' are willing to say they believe 'you don't have the right to donate organs'.

This really needs to be removed from the education channel, Fox is the opposite of education.

Here's hoping that all of "The Five" have spinal chord injuries that can only be treated with treatments derived from fetal tissue....EDIT: or Parkinson's, or AIDS, or diabetes, or Huntington's, or etc. I'm certain they've already used numerous vaccines derived from fetal tissue research, so they have no moral superiority when denouncing the medical benefits, only hypocrisy.

The Last Guardian - E3 2015 Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

It will eventually (when we can run PS4 emulators )

So are Team ICO developing this or not? It's certainly got that desaturated look of Ico and-and Shadow of the Colossus, in fact, it really does look like a PS2 game in terms of the engine.

But I care not one solitary rats arse about the engine. The animation is beautiful and the architectural design is stunning.

Ico and SotC were amazing games. They had great puzzles and genuinely engaging stories, all without a line of understandable dialog.

If this actually comes out, I will rent a PS4 to play it, and it will wreck me

lv_hunter said:

this needs to come to PC!

Why Do Paper Cuts Hurt So Much?

00Scud00 says...

Copper still resents us for switching to zinc to make pennies.
And paper is definitely not smooth edged, every time I get a paper cut time seems to slow down and I can swear I feel every bump like a tiny buzz saw ripping through my skin.

Dumdeedum said:

Now explain copper wire finger stabbings!

The Best (and Worst) Ways to Shuffle Cards

MilkmanDan says...

I disagree with the insinuation that that is intuitive...

I think to answer @Zawash 's concerns, the seven riffle shuffles is probably close to the "sweet spot" because even a card on the very bottom or very top will likely move at least 1-2 places away from those extreme positions (top or bottom) in a single shuffle. Then, on the second shuffle, it is likely to move even further -- the probable "distance moved" is even higher and goes up rapidly away from the extreme edges. By the time that you've riffle shuffled 7 times, it should easily have shifted far enough away from either extreme end to be sufficiently "random".

Sorta like the old elementary school math question of would you rather have a million dollars NOW, or one penny today and then double that amount each day for the next month. We tend to underestimate the value of option 2 (over $5 million after 30 days, $10m+ for 31) because our brains are much better at grasping/predicting geometric growth than exponential growth.

That doesn't have anything to do with "inability to perform a proper riffle shuffle", just a very human tendency to underestimate exponential changes over a few iterations.

yellowc said:

The maths is 7-11 riffle shuffles result in a random deck. Your inability to perform a proper ripple shuffle doesn't change the maths.

Is Obamacare Working?

newtboy says...

So we'll assume yes, she now pays nothing, can't be refused, but somehow in your mind she's in a worse position than spending $500 per month and having no security that she won't be refused next month by a corporation that fights her on every penny they have to pay out.

No, the VA is NOT the same thing as 'single payer''s a separate medical system designed solely for veterans and their specific range of issues, which is consistently intentionally severely under funded by the same people who claim to have nothing but love for the military because 'national debt'...but that doesn't matter when the issue is wasting $billions-trillions on unwanted military equipment.

So, you wish to completely disband the military, Interstate Highway department, police, homeland security, interstate communications, internet, electricity, and water systems because relying on the government is a bad thing, eh? No? You socialist commie!

Obviously your last statement is completely wrong, that was the point of and reason for the ACA, and even it fails to cover everyone. The only way to cover everyone is to actually cover everyone.

You once again completely ignore your previous failed argument and move on to your next argument when called out. That's getting old, and is indicative of your having absolutely no strength of your convictions IMO. I'm not sure why you say these things if you can't stand behind any of them.

bobknight33 said:

Moving to a government plan is always a poorer plan.
Government controlled anything is always worse than capitalism.

Fully single payer plan is the VA system. I've been going to the VA for over 20 years. They are always inundated with patients. The buildings are outdated. And all are aware of the recent utter failure of delaying seeing patients for over a year and letting them die. The VA should be the shining example of single payer but its is the rotten apple down to its core.

To rely on government is a bad thing. Yes it will work for some but not all.

If the government wanted to cover the uncovered they could have done so with out affecting the current system.

newtboy (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

100 degree swimming pool. I bet that cost a pretty penny.

newtboy said:

OMG!!! Drinking liquid nitrogen?!?! *WTF people!?! *EIA

My brother's 16th birthday party was really close to that. He heated the pool to over 100 deg and put 50lbs of dry ice in it. Lucky for him, the fog wasn't as thick as in this video and no one had to be rescued, but the entire back yard was about 2 ft thick in CO2 fog and covered with drunken teenagers rocking out to Thriller (which had just come out at the time).

A Brief History of Piracy

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

entr0py says...

They could do another video on the proliferation of tipping. You see tip jars at drive up windows, coffee shops, fast food places. I know there's less obligation to the jar, but it's still pretty awkward. Am I an ass for not tipping? What if no one else is tipping, will doing so look like a sad attempt to ingratiate myself to the attractive barista? Is it fine to just throw a bit of loose change in there on a small purchase, or will they see the pennies as an insult?

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

enoch says...


thanks guys!
thats exactly what i was looking for.
though i have to admit a particular curiosity in regards to what a "decent" or "living" wage would amount to,which is too specific for most people to actually state.

the reason i am so curious is because since 1978 i have been in the business in one capacity or another.i have been a captain at a few 5 star places.ran two 4 star ballrooms and have bartended at some of the most amazing clubs.

i worked very hard to learn the techniques and particulars of my trade.i learned from the best so i could be the best.started from the bottom,listened intently and learned the trade from some of the most talented people i had ever met.

so what am i worth? what would be considered a "living" wage?
the reason i say this,tongue firmly planted in cheek,is because when people find out how much i made they..and i am not exagerating here..literally lose their mind.

i did very well,but i worked my ass off to get it.
and i was worth every penny.
but i didnt just do it for the money...thats just...soulless and void of any meaning.i did it for the challenge.i did it for pride and knowing that the majority of people out there could not do what i do.
and i happen to enjoy meeting people:bonus!
love what you do and the money follows.

or did.

i recently left the business out of disgust.
maybe i am just getting too old and cranky but corporate eateries have douched the profession i adored for decades.

a corporate trained waiter/waitress is just one notch above useless.
i know i know..thats my experience and does not reflect on ALL servers but fuck that,i am old and i am free to bitch about the younger generation.

no pride.
no discipline.
just whining crying and more whining.
and god forbid you offer advice to these know-it-all wankers...
"well,when i was at olive garden"..oh fuck me....
only been in the biz for 30 plus years..yeah..what would i know..
just let grandpa hump the ten tops because you got double sat and are now in the "weeds".
fucking pussies...

gah..sorry for the ranting,but watching my profession go down the shitter is upsetting.

tipping is not mandatory in the states.
though if you are experiencing the "new wave" of servers,who i have seen openly give stink eye to customers,i can see why you may think otherwise.

i always looked at my profession as a sub-contractor.
my relationship is with my customer.THEY are my business and i treat them should not do this job strictly for the money.might as well go sell your soul and become a crack dealer...same difference. i am just rambling.
suffice to say:
tipping is not mandatory.
new generation of servers are a gaggle of whiny non-conrtibuting pussies who think they know everything because they worked day shift at olive garden for a year.

and if ever offered minimum wage to do what i did,i would stab the person in the eye socket with a dirty ball point pen.

/end rant

folks i will be here every tuesday! dont forget to tip your bartenders and wai...oh....nevermind.

GOT GAMES? (Blog Entry by eric3579)

Phooz says...

Hey! I see a comment from 9 months ago so I figure I'm not too late! Love the old cartridges. My brother and I were always SEGA men ourselves. I have two SEGA Saturn games that I might offload through eBay for a pretty penny. One is Dragonforce worth roughly $150 now and the other is Panzer Dragoon Saga worth roughly $300 or so. These games gave me so much joy and entertainment as a kid and it makes me happy to see that other appreciate them as much to this day! Hope your old games found good homes and are loved.

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