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You're F*ckin' High

Stormsinger says... about setting up false binary choices. I'd hate to live the way you describe, in fact, it would be absolutely impossible. I trust many people who have differing opinions. Following any one of them in lockstep would directly counter others.

I trust Bernie to work for things he values. I trust Clinton to work for things -she- values. Both have made their values clear...and they're utterly different. You may choose to abrogate your responsibility to make choices for yourself, I will not. I wouldn't have pegged you for an authoritarian, but clearly I missed some signs.

bareboards2 said:

@Stormsinger If you trust Bernie, then follow Bernie. That is just a cold stone truth.

If you don't trust Bernie, then don't follow Bernie.

Bernie is closer to the reality of the situation then you or I will ever be. He has worked with Clinton. He knows her weaknesses and her strengths and her basic trustworthiness.

So yeah. IF IF IF you think Bernie was the only good choice for President because of his basic integrity and his desire to work towards progressive goals, and Bernie says vote for Clinton to protect progressive gains? Then you either trust him or you don't. He either has integrity or he doesn't.

I call that voting your conscience. You don't like my choice of words. But you know what? Voting your conscience means you do the hard thing sometimes. Not the easy thing. Voting for Clinton is a hard thing to do, when you want Bernie.

It is the right thing to do though. Stopping Trump is of paramount importance. Bernie, Mr Integrity himself, knows that. You think it is easy for him to fight so hard for the Presidential nomination and then say vote for Clinton? No, it isn't. But it is the right thing to do. And he has the integrity to say so.

Of course, if you don't admire Bernie, if you don't think he is smart enough to make an intelligent choice, then of course, vote your "conscience."

If you do admire him, then there is no other choice but to vote for Clinton. You either trust him or you don't.

Time Lapse of Rescue Dog From Puppy to Adult

blutruth says...

I found an update on the youtube page.

Update: A lot of people have asked about her now. I never thought it would get so much interest. This video is a chronicle of our time together, which I finished making a while ago. Subsequent to making the video, I had to travel a lot, and struggled with keeping her where I was living. A saviour stepped in and helped look after Pegs while I tried to make a plan and she moved back and forth, which was disruptive for her. After months of no solution, it was obvious that her new set up with incredible love, a bigger garden and a new best friend in Luna, another great dane was more than I could offer. I am lucky that I get to visit and take her for short periods, and maybe that's why in my heart she's still with me. It’s always difficult. If the dog is happier, do you forsake your happiness? I think yes. If a dog is negligently bred, should it be killed to prevent more negligent breeding? I think no. Who's to say. In the end we try our best and our pets teach us lessons about love, humility and non-judgment.

The Streets Of Bangladesh Run Red With Rivers Of Blood

Rashida Jones coaches Stephen on how to be a Feminist

Asmo says...

Aww, now I'm all hurt because some prick with a high opinion of himself doesn't want to talk to me anymore... /sadface

re: the "private" comment, you don't get to write the rules when you decide to take your snipes out of public view. I never agreed to keep confidences for you, and you're even more of a fool than I had you pegged for, and that's saying something, if you thought I would.

By the way, it's "your", not "you're". One would have thought an English master such as yourself would get that. They probably should have double checked those test results.

And the icing on the cake:

Sook: English from 14thC, Scottish from 19thC. From Old English sūcan ‎(“to suck”). See suck.

sook ‎(plural sooks)

(Scotland, rare) Familiar name for a calf.
(US dialectal) Familiar name for a cow.
(Newfoundland) A cow or sheep.
(Australia, New Zealand) A poddy calf.

So yeah, it's English, and you sure do suck... = D

It's been fun, toodles!

newtboy said:

Yeah, I found it on urban I said, it's not English.
So, not only are you incredibly poor at comprehension, you're a complete douchebag....but no, I'm not unjustified, nor does it matter that you posted my private reply to you, I stand behind every word. It only goes to show you are the kind of asshole that posts private comments publicly if you think it helps you be an asshole.
thank you come again....actually don't, I'm done with you're 12 year old girl bullshit. Fuck off, douchebag.
Smell you later, forever.

Susan Sarandon Broke Up With Hillary

moonsammy says...

I'd love to see him announce Warren as VP immediately. Hell, Cruz jumped the gun on the VP call, so apparently that's no longer something that we need to wait on until after the convention.

While it wouldn't necessarily be the best possible scenario, I can't help but fantasize about a post-convention outcome of Clinton vs someone other than Trump (due to a contested republican convention), and then having both Trump and Sanders run as independents. It would keep a single third-party candidate from "spoiling" either side, and could really knock both parties down a peg.

newtboy said:

EDIT: If Bernie can really get Warren to run as his VP, he might still take the win outright. I really wish they had gotten together and hashed that out long ago, we could be working on the general election by now.
I also really wish they would both run as independents, not beholding to either party, since neither major party represents the people anymore.

Bionic limbs are becoming more...human...(surprise reveal!)

rebuilder says...

Huh. How does this work? I mean, this is a pretty elementary question, but it seems it's a pimped-up peg leg - the only actuator is at the ankle, right? So no muscle or motor to bend or extend the knee joint? Which would explain the slightly odd gait - he'd have to throw his foot ahead a bit to get his leg to straighten out.

edit: I'm an idiot. It's a below-the-knee amputation.

Bill Nye Bets Climate Denying Meteorologist $20k

bcglorf says...

Well, January-March 2016 temperature records are already in. They are all the hottest on record so far. I can't find the source but it's been pegged at a 99% chance from that point that 2016 will be one of the warmest on record already. I think Bill Nye's playing this one pretty conservatively.

Rashida Jones on her new documentary: Hot Girls Wanted

poolcleaner says...

It's a difficult thing to really justify or demonize because sex is a head game, a dance but also a match of submissiveness versus dominance; it can become violent and abusive through the ebb and flow of permission and denial. One moment I'm smacking her ass during sex, after a year of smacking her ass, she needs to be spanked before sex even begins, and now 10 years later there's whips and clamps and shackles. It all started with a mildly amusing smack to the ass that over time became a mutual fetish.

All of that extreme abuse porn is a matter of course, just like the secret fetish in a relationship starts with something innocent then leads to something semi-professional. This is the end result of a fetish that started with Deep Throat in the '70s opening the world to oral sex. Now it's facial abuse. She doesn't need a deep throat, now she just needs to undergo a hazing.

Will regulation change an industry piloted entirely by desire and sex starved user demand? Or would the culture simply evolve around the regulations?

Japan blurs out genitals, so what happens? The culture evolves around the restrictions and now we have a thriving bukkake subgenre. You want cum in eyes? Niche. Cum in hair? Niche. Cum on teeth? For real though, the focus is on teeth. We don't even need genitals now! Just pick a spot on the body and then ejaculate in mass! What a phenomenon.

Niches form and when they trend, that's when you end up with a popular site like facial abuse.

But hazing porn exists in the reverse and is also quite popular. Pegging? Come on, where's my face sitting fans? Hey now, there's also a lesbian variety of big assed Brazilian women who abuse skinny blond girls. I don't know what they're saying, but clearly it means something along the lines of dig that white caucausian nose further up my brown latin pussy. One woman is empowered, the other not so much, but she likes it, so... empowered? But who watches it? Men? Surely not women. Well, I know several women who watch the shit out of lesbian domination porn.

I had the absolute pleasure to sit with some really open lesbians and watch lesbian domination porn where the women wrestle each other, and the winner gets to fuck the loser in humiliating and abusive ways. I mean... the topic of empowerment is tough here. If you do porn just own it. Damn. Come on, it's just sex. People just like giving each other a hard time and they're always worrying about the next generation, even though they know humans are all dirty, filthy, sex craved fiends.

I think the most abusive porn I've watched (was sort of forced to watch) was a man having his penis hit with a hammer by a very mean woman. He liked having his penis hit with a hammer for some odd reason.

The First Person To Run A Marathon Without Telling Anyone

poolcleaner says...

Seriously, every time someone says they're going to run a marathon I automatically think, "Screw you."

But only because I'm fat -- not because I expect modesty. Being fat allows me to make all sorts of judgement calls that people who are in shape have no moral access to.

Never promote yourself. Unless it's promoting your anti-self promotion rhetoric. But that's not promoting yourself. Just your shitty attitude, which isn't shitty, because you're not like that other person who goes around self promoting -- you're only taking someone else down a peg because "screw them". Selfless.

Understanding the Financial Crisis in Greece

radx says...

Pure quality by John, as usual.

There are a few points I'd like to add, in order of appearance.

5:10 – Greek default or Grexit could be manageable by the rest of the EZ, economically. Italy looks a bit shaky and Spain still looks like shit, so things could spiral out of control, but chances would be better now than they were in, say, 2010.

However, Grexit would be a political nightmare. EZ membership is supposed to be irreversible, so Grexit would reduce the Euro from a common currency to a peg when viewed from the outside. That's open season on the rest of the PIIGS. If Greek then rebounds, other people might very well decide to give Germany the finger and leave as well. If Greece fails, you have a NATO member turn into a failed state, which not only gives NATO the shivers, but also buries any notion of solidarity within the EU. This union survives because of the promises it makes, which include increasing standards of living and solidarity among different peoples. Without it, we're left with... what exactly?

And nevermind the humanitarian catastrophe taking part in Greece. We've conditioned ourselves to block out the pain and suffering of people in Africa. We even manage to shrug at the cesspool of corruption that is Kosovo. But if we do that to Greece as well, what little moral authority Europe might still have left would be gone then.

5:32 – The last payment Greece received was in August, long before Syriza took over. The previous government was in disagreement with the Troika and therefore transfers were frozen.

5:57 – Troika payments are required to service previous debt obligations. They are separate from what the Greek banks require to maintain their liquidity. That would be Emergency Liquidiy Assistance (ELA) from the ECB, which is a different thing entirely, even though it comes from a member of the Troika.

The ECB is bound by law to maintain and ensure the stability of the banking system(s) within the EZ. If a bank runs into liquidity problems, support is provided by the national bank of the respective country, which funnels funds from the ECB to the troubled bank. That's ELA, and a limit on ELA is a limit on the amount of funds that banks can draw from through this process. If an illiquid bank is cut off from ELA, it goes belly up. Bad idea.

Some argue that the ECB should not provide ELA to those Greek banks anymore, since they are insolvent, and ECB rules forbid ELA to insolvent banks. But as Varoufakis said, even the ECB's own Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) department, which is the new banking oversight, declares the four large Greek banks to be solvent. So there is no reason for the ECB to cut ELA to Greek banks. It's all political, and the ECB is designed to be outside of politics. That's also a reason why its membership in the Troika is so controversial.

The political argument for cutting off ELA is that Germany et al. are on the hook for the total amount should Greece itself go belly up. Somewhere along the line, someone made the glorious decision to install the ECB as a currency issuer without providing it with the attributes of a regular currency issuer. If the Bank of Japan or the Bank of England racks up losses, noone cares. They issue their own currency, they cannot go bankrupt, whatever debt they have in their books is irrelevant, for this discussion anyways. But the ECB has to balance its books, it has to receive funds from its members to balance losses, and in proportion to their economic size.

They made sure that politicians can scare the demos by pointing out how they have to foot the bill for this shit, even though it's the one entity where debt truly doesn't matter at all.

By the way, the funds that Greece is hoping to acquire are meant, primarily, for two purposes: making debt payments and to provide financial room to convert ECB(?) debt into EFSF debt (4% interest down to 1%). That's all. No spending.

6:54 – "Printing" money is generating demand out of thin air. There is a shortage of demand throughout the entire continent. So yeah, if the folks at the ECB could type in a few numbers, that would be swell.

Even Germany has a shortage of demand. We are merely hiding it behind the €200b+ of demand that we steal from other countries, i.e. our current account surplus. But the infrastructure and investment spending over here is at all time lows. We'd need an additional €200b+ just to get the infrastructure back to the state it was in a decade ago.

There is no productivity growth in Europe. The UK actually lost a lot of productivity by its introduction of zero hour jobs and other forms of slavery. Without sufficient demand, there is no need to improve production capacities – they can't even sell what they could produce right now.

43 Cartoon Theme Song Ensemble

Shepppard says...

So, lets see.. It's been a while since I posted this, but lets try and peg all of cartoons from my childhood.

X-men / Sailor moon
Powerpuff Girls
South park
G.I. joe?
Family Guy
Pinky and the Brain
Pink Panther
Dexters Lab / The Rescuers
Inspector Gadget
Adventure Time
Doug / Rugrats
Dore the Explorer
Futurama / Magic Schoolbus
Muppet Babies
The Simpsons
Dragon Ball Z
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Johnny Bravo
Tiny Toons
Duck Tales!
Bobbies World
The Jetsons
The Flintstones
Looney Toons

...I know I'm missing a few in there, not sure what they are. Lets see if we can get some people to actually figure them out. *Promote

Oh.....So You Wanna TRAP Me Huh??......Think Again Dude.

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

xxovercastxx says...

One of the ugly side-effects of tipping that I didn't see mentioned above (though I didn't read all the comments), is that the waiter/waitress get pegged for anything that's wrong.

Meal cooked wrong? Bad food? It comes out of the tip. The chef still gets his/her full check even though they're at fault.

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

Mordhaus says...

Christina Hoff Sommers alluded to Sarkeesian as part of an "army of critics, gender activists and... hipsters with degrees in cultural studies", who she said have unfairly attacked masculine video game culture.

Just in case anyone wants to hear what a real, level-headed feminist thinks about Sarkeesian and the current wave of Neo-Femmes that seem to not want only equal rights, but greater ones then men. Feminism today is not about equality, even though Sarkeesian paid brief lip service to it in this interview, it's about knocking men down a peg or two below women.

I'm all for equality. I love games with the option for a male or female protagonist. What I don't love, and will never support with my money by purchasing it, are the games that shoehorn a female character in with no regard to story or content.

newtboy (Member Profile)

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