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A disturbing bit of Trivia

Sequel to the Hardest Game Ever Made - Trailer

Tymbrwulf says...

For those of you you haven't played any of these games. You only get 1 life, everything kills you in 1 hit, almost everything kills you, and all you get to work with is a double jump and a pea shooter.

Still want to play? Good luck!

The worst song in the history of recorded music

Benny Benassi - Spaceship

EMPIRE says...

What a crappy song! and I do hate everything even remotely related with Black Eyed Peas. This has been tainted.

Also, Bruno Benassi should take that ship back to the shop, and ask for a proper flight control system. A turntable doesn't seem very efficient.

Pea Plant Grows in Man's Lung

Doctors Find Small Fir Tree Growing in Man's Lung

Birdseye Commercial going to far!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'birdseye polar bear parody funny commercial' to 'birdseye, peas, polar bear, harsh commercial' - edited by kronosposeidon

Orianthi ft Steve Vai "Highly Strung"

handmethekeysyou says...

I know I'm not supposed to feed the troll, but:

It is not a song if it is not sung. An instrumental is called a piece, and songs are a subset of pieces. You can hum any piece, song or otherwise.

You are more likely to hum a theme from a piece if it has a straightforward structure (but with just enough deviation to be "catchy"), is frequently repeated in the piece, and if it strongly stands out from the rest of the piece's elements. That said, and in the vein of repetition, usually the largest determining factor for recall is simply being subjected to it frequently.

This is why I will get Lady Gaga songs stuck in my head despite not owning any of her albums (I hear people blasting it from their cars at least once a day) or why you may have found yourself singing "♫ that tonight's gonna be a good night ♫" to yourself, even though you find the Black Eyed Peas abhorrent (the line is repeated ad nauseam at the top of the song).>> ^DrewNumberTwo:

If it can't be hummed then it's not a song. Thanks for clearing that up.

Korea fails at being subtle

mxxcon says...

>> ^entr0py:

Wow. . .I'd love to think this is a brilliant parody. But groups like the black eyed peas have proven this sort of hilariously inane bullshit can be pretty successful with the young people.

you don't give Korea enough credit, just look at these fine examples


Korea fails at being subtle

entr0py says...

Wow. . .I'd love to think this is a brilliant parody. But groups like the black eyed peas have proven this sort of hilariously inane bullshit can be pretty successful with the young people.

The myth of drinking eight glasses of water a day

cybrbeast says...

>> ^ButterflyKisses:

Something to consider:
The amount of fluoride in a pea sized blob of toothpaste, is the same as that in a glass of water.You should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
If you ingest just one pea-sized blob of fluoridated toothpaste, you are told on the tube to seek immediate medical help.What is the equivalent of 8 blobs doing to you every day?
Also, Tea can have up to 11ppm in it as well.
This being said, I don't drink much tea but I know of many people that make their tea with water directly from the tap and they drink it daily.

That only goes for crazy countries who put a topical medicine in their water. Where I live, and as far as I know in the rest of the EU there is no fluoridated water, only some chlorine in some countries.

The myth of drinking eight glasses of water a day

ButterflyKisses says...

Something to consider:
The amount of fluoride in a pea sized blob of toothpaste, is the same as that in a glass of water.You should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
If you ingest just one pea-sized blob of fluoridated toothpaste, you are told on the tube to seek immediate medical help.What is the equivalent of 8 blobs doing to you every day?
Also, Tea can have up to 11ppm in it as well.

This being said, I don't drink much tea but I know of many people that make their tea with water directly from the tap and they drink it daily.

Ron Paul: Obama Is Not a Socialist

shagen454 says...

Yeah, you could call Obama a corporatist and I'm sure the republicans would love that. Though, Republicans are mainly the ones who have created this shit monster we have here. They were the OG corporatists - corrupting everything including your grandma's potato salad. I'm sure they love hearing this new vocab word "corporatist" as another word to toss at the "opposing side" and get all high and mighty about Jesus Christ, protesting scientific FACTS, humanist goals, healthcare and letting the top 1% take everything from their pea brained families and everyone elses.

But, one cannot proclaim anyone else is a corporatist unless that person tossing around the term acknowledges that this is NOT a democracy that we live in. It's completely misleading to toss around new "gotcha moments" and not put that out into the open. So, since this is NOT a democracy what difference does it make? If Obama is a corporatist what does that make the Republican party? Megalithic Elephant Testicle Sack Corporate Dingbats & complacent globalist murderers? Seriously, don't even listen to Ron Paul he is a Pro-life, Christian nutcase...

and I cannot even stop with that thought, here is the rest of my rant: everyone in that party needs to shut their huge gaping lie spreading mouths and open up their assholes to receive their nightly $10000000 fistful of cash up into there from good ol' Captain America (Enron, Bechtel, Lockheed, industry lobbyists, the couple of corporate media conglomerates showering the country with bullshit ideas, the insurance companies, big oil, etc etc etc) Open up, piggies! Eat your shit inorganic food, here's some shitty tuna and some shitty fries don't forget to chug it down with some high fructose corn syrup so you can get diabetes, let's watch your brains decay but only after you hand over your wallet to the top 1% who already own everything.

Copenhagen Siftfap - Crake, jesseofthenorth and gwiz665

choggie says...

i vote this up for the sake of sheer tenacity on whizie's part.....("GAaaaaze into my bathroom....seeeee, how my mom taught me to clean up after myself through an enabling example.....buuuuuy my DVD's")

looked like a great night in from the cold, mates...glad ya frittered $$$ on a nite together away from where you all have to dwell, all, out on the/a town an shit. Peas, whirled, shaken not tossed.

Maddow Interviews Tim Geithner, Part 1

marinara says...

im surprised this got 10 votes, it's obtuse and complicated like japanese kabuki theater. No?

Still it was instructive to see Geithner evade the same question on payday lenders 3 times in a row.

Should we really thank maddow for wading into beltway rhetoric thick as pea soup. <-i rock at sentences

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