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The Governator Trailer

The Governator Trailer

Neil Degrasse Tyson explores autotune and sings a song

bamdrew says...

I think a certain Neko Case interview quote is appropriate there;

Case: 'When I think about Jackie Wilson or the Platters and then I think about modern, Top 40 music that’s really horrible, it makes me mad. … It’s not to do with the people who are doing it as much as the people who are producing it. There’s technology like auto tune and pitch shifting so you don’t have to know how to sing. That shit sounds like shit! It’s like that taste in diet soda, I can taste it– and it makes me sick.

When I hear auto tune on somebody’s voice, I don’t take them seriously. Or you hear somebody like Alicia Keys, who I know is pretty good, and you’ll hear a little bit of auto tune and you’re like, “You’re too fucking good for that. Why would you let them do that to you? Don’t you know what that means?” It’s not an effect like people try to say, it’s for people like Shania Twain who can’t sing. Yet there they are, all over the radio, jizzing saccharine all over you. It’s a horrible sound and it’s like, “Shania, spend an extra hour in the studio and you’ll hit the note and it’ll sound fine. Just work on it, it’s not like making a burger!”'

PITCHFORK: She’s pretty busy making videos and shit though.

CASE: It’s rough, I know. She’s so rich she could get somebody else to do the other stuff while she spends that extra hour in the studio. Or Madonna! Just hit the note! Don’t pretend it’s William Orbit being crafty — we know you’re not hitting the note because you have other shit to do. You can do it, I have faith in you. But don’t leave the studio before you hit that fucking note. And you know what? When you do hit it you’re going to feel so much more valid that it’ll come through in all the other shit you’re supposed to be doing later in the day. Seriously!

And if Celine Dion is supposedly the great singer that she says she is why is there auto tune on every fucking word in her songs? Can’t you just hit it, Celine? Do you have another baby book to shoot? You gotta paint your baby to look like a pot of peas? What are you doing that you can’t be singing in the studio? It’s your fucking job!

Rebecca Black: Friday (Kill Me Now)

The real cost of faith - Matt crushes poor caller.

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Totally disagree. MSNBC & Fox are peas in a pod, just on opposite sides of the pod. MSNBC doesn't lie & distort and it's hosts aren't insane? No offense, but only a person who had been braised for decades in the bile of liberal bias could possibly think that.

I dont live in the US, but from my perspective I have watched rightwing broadcasting in the US descend into utterly paranoid absurd nonsense the last 10 or so years, largely because of FOX. From my perspective, and the rest of the world,, FOX isnt even rightwing, its just insane, a network that has basically constructed its own reality that it operates within, in this pseudo-reality Reagan is still the king, False, Christian versions of the Founding Fathers were infallible gods who freed the slaves and Glenn Beck is considered sane.

The same kind of crazyness is found in places like Italy, where Berlusconi owns most of the media. Luckily there are always alternatives in the US, but because FOX have been so successful in setting up the right wing pseudo-reality far into crazy town, the balance point between left and right is now far off to the right. Everything becomes "socialist" in comparison, MSNBC, BBC, AlJazeera,CNN, compared to Fox, these are basically the red army propaganda channel compared to FOX

So which worldview do you think is closer to the truth: One where FOX is plain nuts, or one where the rest of the world are all brainwashed liberal-socialist-marxist-communist-nazi sympathizers?

Think about it.

Take Obama as an example: Now talk to ANY proffesional political analyst in the WORLD, and they would all say that Obama is a Center-leaning Democrat, more to the right than, say JFK or Jimmy Carter, for instance. But because FOX and others has, ever since Obamas campaign started, and perhaps even a bit before that, they have distorted, lied and insinuated systematically for close to 3 years now, and now you'd do extremely well to convince even one person at a tea-party rally that he isnt a reincarnation of Stalin. Just forget about even trying to place him on the political spectrum in america, Fox and friends have made him into a socialist maniac. A SANE analisys of Obama would perhaps land him as a right-center leaning democrat.. Now what does this tell you about how fucked up FOX really is?

The real cost of faith - Matt crushes poor caller.

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...


Ah - my mistake. It was a reference to your comment, BRP.

What they did was to ask an honest question: WHY? it wasnt a pleading whimpering "ooh please dont attack our precious,frail belief/disbelief!" Quite the contrary, they wanted him to elaborate and explain why.

No - I understood quite clearly what they were saying. Their central argument was that it is wrong to impute the harshest condemnation possible on a person when you know next to nothing about them. In other words - exactly what I said... "why are you thinking bad things about us just because we believe something you don't?"

Like your rather arrogant claim that Mark, surely a dedicated Christian if there ever was one, had no idea what "true faith" was, and that you could tell us.

Christ's message in the New Testament is not complicated - and it is wholly void of instances where he marched up to someone he didn't know and told them they were eternally condemned. True Christianity (faith) does not involve such things. The guy was out of line, and out of step with true faith. That's a fact.

Its all based on arbitrary interpretations of mistranslated text, and a good chunk of wishful thinking. Your true faith is probably blasphemy to mark, who knows?

Well - I don't (and didn't) presume to say that I had all the answers. I confined my comments about the caller & hosts to the topic at hand. In the end, I can think of no instances where Christ would have done what the caller did. It is far more likely he would have dropped a fantastic parable that encouraged repentance and good deeds in opposition to just relexively following dogma. In fact the parable of the watchtower comes to mind.

Lastly, Please dont make the false comparison suggesting MSNBC is the "FOX news of the left". Its not. Its biased as hell, but its nothing like fox. It doesnt pretend to be balanced, it doesnt systematically lie and distort and its hosts are not insane conspiracy nuts. Compared to FOX, MSNBC is actually fair and balanced.

Totally disagree. MSNBC & Fox are peas in a pod, just on opposite sides of the pod. MSNBC doesn't lie & distort and it's hosts aren't insane? No offense, but only a person who had been braised for decades in the bile of liberal bias could possibly think that.

Michael Jackson's Super Bowl Halftime Performance 1993

Kevlar says...

What I love about this is how it couldn't be more different from the Black Eyed Peas at Super Bowl XLV this past weekend - an NFL stadium more comparable to a Texas high school than today's monstrosities; clear lip syncing, lower production budget, fashions that in some cases are out of style today - and yet, somehow, this performance feels more authentic and filled with talent when compared to the most recent bombastic halftime disaster. slips in Obama support into super bowl show

westy says...

nearly all the black eyed peas tracks remind me of them kiddie songs that you get on them kids tapes.

they have way to much exposure its gr8 for people that like them but i dont and im subjected to there music constantly i don't Evan watch much tv or listen to the radio and i'm still bombarded with it.

With there music its so generic and so obviously built to make money all there tracks just to me feal dead. its not helped by the fact that majorty of there songs r simply about drinking and "going out".

I Never really liked Michal jacson but if had done this typ of performance it would have been allot better and there are probably hundreds of modern groups individuals that could produce something thats as mass market but at the same time not compelaty devoid originallty and personality.

black eyed peas track making methos 1) look at charts 2) coppy the main aspects of the current chart leaders 3) do some generic dance style mixing 3) add a brakeup segment with ethor rap or some "crazy" dance

Making a Hit Song in Eight Hours

Ponies don't take no shit!

ex-jedi says...

Does that mean I should get rid of my ant farm? >> ^handmethekeysyou:

Just because our nations have, for the most part, moved beyond using animals for physical labor doesn't mean it's unjust.
Our civilizations were built on this shit. Don't turn your noses up so fast.>> ^blankfist:
Well, that's what you get.
>> ^Crosswords:
Looks like the douchebag caught it on the jaw or lower face. Rattled his little pea-brain around for sure, but I doubt it would do much brain damage.
>> ^Gallowflak:
I know it makes me a douchebag, but it's nice to see people get appropriately rewarded for their cruelty every once in a while. It's relieving, like a shower of rain in 40c heat.

Ponies don't take no shit!

handmethekeysyou says...

Just because our nations have, for the most part, moved beyond using animals for physical labor doesn't mean it's unjust.

Our civilizations were built on this shit. Don't turn your noses up so fast.>> ^blankfist:
Well, that's what you get.
>> ^Crosswords:

Looks like the douchebag caught it on the jaw or lower face. Rattled his little pea-brain around for sure, but I doubt it would do much brain damage.
>> ^Gallowflak:

I know it makes me a douchebag, but it's nice to see people get appropriately rewarded for their cruelty every once in a while. It's relieving, like a shower of rain in 40c heat.

Ponies don't take no shit!

Rosebud Frozen Peas

Rosebud Frozen Peas

The Beginning of a Lifelong Erectile Disorder

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