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Liquid Sand Hot Tub

newtboy says...

Probably, on top of eyes and ears packed with sand.
I thought it looked like a great new spa treatment, full body exfoliation bath, once they solve the flying sand issue.

My_design said:

Wouldn't inhalation of silica be really bad for those kids?

The Tragedy of Jon Stewart

Drachen_Jager says...

Wrong! Fake news! This is such an unbelievable pack of lies and speculation. I bet you work for Crooked Hillary! Couldn't be more wronger. Covfefe!

His real name is Yuri.

So there.

newtboy said:

At this point, I'm fairly certain Bob is really a Russian hacker/propagandist named Dimitri posing as an insulting parody of the worst kind of hyper partisan willingly gullible American "conservative".

The Megabots vs Suidobashi Giant Robot Duel

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Wonka Cocaine Packing Machine has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Social media videos with captions (Geek Talk Post)

Eklek says...

There's YouTube and Facebook making it easy to add captions, there's the Apple Clips app and there are "social media video text packs" to use in editing software..

Subtle subtitling is fine though.

New Rule: Fee F**king

Asmo says...

So basically you're not to blame if you contractually agree to a shitty service and then forget to maintain the conditions? There's a good reason I do my credit business through reputable establishments with reasonable T&C and interest rates rather than Bruce the leg breaker at the local fucking pub... Because Bruce is a cunt and his T&C are ass rape...

I have 55 days interest free on my platinum card and I've not spent a single cent in interest in about 16 years. Mostly cos my wife would kick my ass harder than the bank, but it's a matter of discipline rather than the bank being a pack of pricks. I agreed to the terms, I need to meet them.

There's probably a fair point to be made somewhere in there about usuary rates re: credit cards, but the airline bit is a fucking silly...

Budget airlines offer everything as a pay for after the ticket price service because people want cheap fairs. In some cases, it's actually cheaper to fly today than it was 30 years ago in the 80's... (

Well, funny that, people don't want to pay for a premium product and they get a shitty one that nickel and dimes them to death to try and keep the margins up (aka "staying in business").

You can look at plenty of markets where cheap, shit products are now the standard because people either won't or can't pay for quality ones. It's the entire reason why many industries outsource to foreign wage slaves and why cheap Chinese shit shows up everywhere as well known and reliable brands go out of business.

Yes, the US certainly has a problem with a lack of oversight on various industries which allows them to get away with a lot, but the customer/end user has to take some responsibility as well.

ANTIFA Returns To Berkeley

bobknight33 says...

your are so misguided.

The ANTIFA have been on a rampage of violence and intolerance.

The KKK have held many peaceful rallies over the years promoting their sick ways. Antifa are nothing but violence. Thungs not worthy of holding an American flag.

ANTIFA preach that Trump is a Fascist but are so wrong. Same goes for those who support Trump and other Americans that are sick of you radical kind.

So were were the cops/? Berkley they really protected the peace and in charlottesville???

If I went to an America first rally and knew you and your kind would be showing and bring you violence Yep I would be packing... Its called self defense.

TRUMP 2020 becomes more and more a reality every time ANTIFA show up. AND you know ANTIFA is making it happen. FUNNY.

newtboy said:

Really. Can you name a number of Nazi marches that didn't end in violence then? I can't.
Nothing was traded, the right still wears their hoods....more than the left wears black, btw. The left has never courted these people, and doesn't excuse them. The right can't say the same about Nazis and the KKK.

No, sorry, they're confused kids. Fascism is not liberal...not extreme liberal either. They might think, because their goals are quasi-liberal, that makes them liberals, but their methods are totally antithetical to liberal ideals.

Liberal and Democratic leaders have denounced them repeatedly. Just because Fox tells you they embrace them doesn't make it true.

Huh? Leaders calling the cops doesn't help? Really. It's seemed to disband them in the past without campus burnings...what are you talking about? How do you arrest them without calling the cops? What?! The alternative? Just let the nazis/fascists and the antifascist fascists fight in public.

So, there you go, again, the right escalates the violence to the next level, murder, and you blame the left. Typical Bob.

Hiker Followed By Bears

Detroit Lt. Arrested For DUI

Payback says...

Uh... no... "Blood Alcohol Content" levels don't work that way...

He blew a B.A.C. of 0.28%, not 28%. Around a quarter of one percent of his blood was alcohol. Alcohol is THAT toxic to you, that less than half a percent can kill you.

28% is like, embalming fluid kinda shit...

His .28 is like, 2 dozen american beer or a Canadian six-pack.

I also figure he probably downed a flask to get rid of the evidence before being pulled over and that probably dropped him from "merely shitfaced" to "mortally endangered" by the time they tested him.

Mordhaus said:

the dude blew a .28 after the ride to the station and going through booking. That isn't a typo, literally over 1/4 of the blood in his body was actually alcohol.

Real Meaning of Chota Packet bada Dhamaka-Sachin Chaudhary

ant says...

*dead -- "'Real meaning of Chota packe...' This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Aiplex Software Pvt Ltd..."

Life Cycle of the Hercules Beetle

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

OverLord says...


I just buy cheap rump steak or whatever bulk from Costco, lightly season, and pack individually in heat seal bags and freeze. Chuck in overnight or first thing in morning before going to work.

Tastes fantastic, just as good as the expensive cuts. I do them at 54°C for med-rare.

Thing is, wife likes well done, so I cook them all the same and just leave hers on the skillet for longer. It fully cooks, but it stays tender and melty, so much better than just doing a well done steak in a pan.

TheFreak said:

You can also sous vide it for about 4 hours. That breaks down tough steaks. A brisket flat cooked at 141° for 72 hours is as tender as a ribeye with tons of flavor.

New Rule: The Lesser of Two Evils

enoch says...

i have to agree that when the election was nearing the end,and it was time to vote.the choice was pretty clear.

i never liked the "lesser of two evils" argument,but when faced with a choice of:

soft fascist,narcissistic used car salesman,who spoke in bombastic and racially charged rhetoric,but really said nothing.


a war-mongering corporatist,who never saw a war she didn't want to send your kids to go die in,or a corporation she didn't want to extract donations from for political favors and who basically said nothing as well.except for 'well,at least i am not that THAT guy"--->points to trump.

i am still gonna say...go with the corporatist.

because in the end,at least on domestic policy,hillary would have been adequate.oh she would have signed the TPP,and fucked millions of american workers,and she would have most likely expanded the drone campaign,and continued with the american empires policy of "regime change",but she had/has the knowledge and capabilities to actual lead a government.

hillary knows how to politic,and understands how shit gets done in washinton,and things would have remained relatively unchanged here in america.maybe..maybe.... some incremental change due to the political pressure the sanders campaign brought.

so i get it,and maher is not exactly wrong per se",but i think he is missing the bigger picture that so many in the beltway have missed,and CONTINUE to miss,because they reside in their own,tiny and insulated bubble.

the american people were desperate for change,and they have been for decades.after obama's campaign of 2008,and his "hope and change" platform,which ignited the american people,only to see,not "hope and change" but rather "more of the same".

and what was hillary offering?
a new message or vision? a new path for america that would include everybody to blaze a new path of invention,creativity and imagination to create an america everyone could be proud of? and feel a part of?

nope..she was offering "more of the same".

well,americans had already had their fill of "more of the same".they had lost faith in a system that appeared to no longer represent they chose the nuclear option for change.terrifying and horrifying change.

so go ahead and blame the "bernie bros".feel free to slap responsibility on those "uneducated and redneck hillbillies".cry and whine and point the finger at those liberals who refused to abandon their principles,and by all means bask in the glory of your own self-righteous moralizing,and condescendingly condemn anyone who voted for trump,or who refused to vote at all.

you can sit in a small room with everybody else who voted for hillary,and self-righteously smell each others farts and call it a rose,because you are obviously a better quality human being than the rest of us.

and by all means,refuse to examine the fact that hillary ran a shit campaign,and had no real message,vision or path to the future.ignore the corruption and blatant,and politically motivated shenanigans of the DNC.god forbid you experienced a moment of honesty.

is trump going to be a disaster of presidency?
well,it sure is shaping up to look that way isn't it?
but we have survived horrible presidents before,and we shall survive trump.

and on a positive note:
trump has brought many people out of their apathetic slumber,and they are scrutinizing everything he does with a fine toothed comb.the amount people who are becoming politically engaged is quite impressive.

there is nothing in our representative democracy quite as powerful as people gathering together to put pressure on our elected representatives.

town hall meetings,that used to be wastelands,are now being packed to over-flowing.with citizens calling out their their FACE..on how unhappy they are.

so go ahead and ridicule those who voted for trump,but it is due to trump that so many have gotten off their couches and are taking it to their congressmen and senators.

just a non-controversial,and easily predicted side effect,when you put someone like trump in power.

man,the politics in my country is getting really fucking interesting!i cannot WAIT to see what happens in the next episode!

what do you guys think?
/end rant


U2 "Two Hearts Beat As One" 1983

lurgee says...

War was the album where I started. I bought everything before it. I have at least 3 remixes of this song. One is a unreleased promotion 12" 45 rpm. Remained a huge fan until Unforgettable Fire which is my favorite album. I also have 3 U2 4Play packs(4 45 rpms). One containing some tracks yet to be released digital from their Boy era.

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