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Mystery Science Theater 3000 - You Think You Know TV?

moonsammy says...

Wait, did they only do one live show? I got to go because a friend won a 4-pack of tickets by calling into a radio contest while he was grounded. Best grounding ever! Had no idea that was a one-off. One fact I learned at the show: Joel's jumpsuit had the bottom parts of the legs cut off when they were damaged in a fire, so while you never see it, he's always in shorts.

Gerrymandering: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy (Member Profile)

Jinx says...

Perhaps I am being obtuse but I feel that one of us, or perhaps both of us, are not understanding the other.

A parallel: After Brexit there was some rather ugly anti-immigrant stuff flying around. "Polish vermin" etc. I did, in my bitterness, fantasise about a UK without immigrants because it would be such deliciously ironic justice. I mean, in reality I'd have my Polish friends and a country that actually functions rather than "I told you sos" and packing bags... but still, sometimes I do wish lessons would be learned the only way some will ever learn them.

newtboy said:

Yeah...except that ignores your original point, that without non-whites efforts, 'merica would implode. I don't feel like a racially pure white supremacist nation would be a utopia in any way, even though I'm extremely white. (for one, my wife would have to go, not cool, and probably me for marrying her)

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

Asmo says...

1. You don't speak for all trans/POC/gays etc, so you can only describe your personal experience. There are a number of documented trans people who agree with Peterson and don't want the state strong arming people in to mouthing the words...

2. Peterson does not promote transphobia, he resists being forced to speak certain words. They are not synonymous. If the fuckwits yelling their heads off spent the time to listen, they'd understand that.

3. Peterson was fine with the idiots at the event chucking a trantrum because it showed them up to be the intolerant idiots, not him. He was calm and reasonable, and if they had listened to him then put questions to him, they may have advanced whatever cause they claim to represent. Instead they came across as a pack of morons. /shrug

4. You talk about drawing lines around things, lines that should not be crossed, but without people daring to propose going outside those lines, gay rights would not be a thing... You see? It takes a brave person to step outside the lines and propose something that may be offensive to some. Same with women rights, transgender folk etc.

5. You have the right to be offended. You do not have the right to not be offended.

6. Mobs strongarming people in to silence has far more to do with Nazi ideology than resisting being forced to speak certain words. It's okay to punch Nazi's right?? \= )

Imagoamin said:

Wasn't there, but I'm sympathetic to their cause.

I would say, like the people quoted in the article linked by Scud, these people aren't against "stepping out of their comfort zone" to learn. But there are certain norms and boundaries to ideas we hold in both every day discourse and academic discourse.

Some of that is how we don't entertain the idea of bringing back phrenology or that the earth is flat in serious discussion. But, unlike those antiquated ideas, other sorts of ideas lead to real and harmful consequences to marginalized groups. Ideas like entire classes of people either not being worth basic human rights or specifically targeting them for dehumanization/harassment.

I think people who shut down events like that or ones where Milo Yiounappolos specifically singled out trans individuals are weighing whether giving a larger audience to ideas like "these people aren't normal/don't deserve basic rights" is worth the real harm and harassment that follows. People see it as essentially saying, "Hey now, lets hear what these National Socialist fellows have to say about Jewish people without all the whining, ok?"

And these things aren't really as cut and dry "they don't want to hear differences of opinion" when every single trans person, person of color, gay person, etc has had these "differing opinions" yelled at them or forced into their life on a daily basis.

I had no idea cats liked bread this much

NirnRoot says...

It's not the bread. A lot of plastic bags are covered with tallow (animal fat) to make them slippery and keep them from sticking together (necessary so the machines can pull them apart when they pack the bread in the factory). Cats love the taste; that's why you'll often find them licking or chewing plastic bags (side note: don't let them chew: if they swallow a tiny piece, it can lodge in their intestines and block the smooth flow of food and waste, causing bloating and potentially a rupture). This cat obviously /really/ likes the taste.

What We Know about Pot in 2017

PlayhousePals says...

Waving frantically ... 'I'm' the market!

The brand I smoke is made with organic tobacco ... no additives. In addition, the paper has no accelerants to keep the product burning on its own. However, the sin taxes over the years have raised the price per pack to hair raising levels, especially harsh now that I'm on a limited budget, buuuuuttttt [see what I did there?] ... I've always been a conscientious social pariah. I carry my own ashtray and only smoke outdoors [currently in our designated area] even when I owned my own home. For me it's been a stress reliever and a social outlet as it gets me out of the apartment. I'd be a hermit otherwise so I continue to justify the expense.

As for pot my favorite form is ingestion but, with the change in our state marijuana laws last year, I no longer have the option to obtain the products in sufficient dosage [and dependability] that I once was provided. I'm no Betty Crocker so the chemistry of producing accurate and effective efficiency is out of my wheelhouse [plus the process really stinks up the place]. So mostly I vaporize the flower from the most potent Indica money can buy with my PAX 2. No burning of vegetation like smoking.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

MilkmanDan said:

If so, shouldn't there be a market for tobacco cigarettes without any added ingredients?

The Bizarre Far-Right Billionaire Behind Trump's Presidency

newtboy says... you think the right didn't make sinister sounding documentaries about Clinton? Where have you been living the last 25 years, a cave in the Peruvian alps?

I think perhaps the "glass houses" complaints are being made by people living in a paper thin crystal snow globe who wish to distract from that fact.

Recall, Trump ran on the lie that he paid for his entire campaign and was beholding to no one, it was absolutely central to his candidacy, and was just another pack of obvious bold faced lies he sold the right, like draining the swamp, releasing his taxes, hiring the "best and brightest people", and putting his assets in a blind trust....all of which were total lies.

worm said:

Glass houses...

Its a good thing there were no secret, seedy campaign backers for HRC that we could make sinister sounding documentaries about. Love the conspiracy theory soundtrack though, at least it knows the sandbox it is playing in.

Wait for it...

Baby Powder In Hair Dryer Prank Gone Wrong

The Teen - A nordic commercial

newtboy says...

Isn't that a combination pack, with a straightening iron and a curling iron?
Not a clear message there, sometimes subtlety can be confusing.

lucky760 said:

I'm not sure I follow. Is she transgender?

Or is it really just about a dad realizing his daughter wanted a hair straightener (despite that her hair is already straight)?


Polar Bear petting Dog

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Diver may have found 'lost nuke' missing since cold war off Canada coast


"The US military said the lost bomb was a dummy capsule – packed with lead rather than the plutonium core needed for an atomic explosion."

Ah, ok then.

"Government records indicate that the lost bomb was a dummy and poses little risk of nuclear detonation, said a spokesperson."

Wait. "Little risk"?! What do you mean, little risk? I thought it's a dummy. Shouldn't it be no risk?

Movers broke his stuff

Payback says...

I suspect this is an insurance scam. His story changes as he tells it. Things like "the guy I bought this from is dead" then "it was my brother ". The packing is horrifically poor too. Who the Hell uses those flimsy plastic bins to ship stuff? Just silly. Even corrugated cardboard is tougher.

AeroMechanical said:

Also, though I'm sure it's not always practical, generally the irreplaceable fragile family heirlooms usually *don't* go on the moving truck.

Movers broke his stuff

AeroMechanical says...

Not that this guy doesn't have a valid complaint, but when it comes to freight companies and movers, you generally assume that your stuff is going to be dropped, fall, get thrown around, and just generally mistreated and pack it accordingly. It doesn't look like he did a terrible job, but not a particularly good job either. Maybe the company packed it. That's never a good idea. Surely they're bonded at least, right?

Also, though I'm sure it's not always practical, generally the irreplaceable fragile family heirlooms usually *don't* go on the moving truck.

Enough already, Eric3579 -- let us celebrate you! (Happy Talk Post)

jan says...

Beauty Eric, your videos are some of my favourites. I appreciate the people who put so much into the sift. You're at the front of the pack

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