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Canada's This Hour Has 22 Minutes Response to Redeye

detheter says...

Open letter to people who think American could succeed in an invasion and occupation of the Dominion of Canada.

Dear loser,

I'd love to see America, launch an attack on Canada, and hold our vast country, which is flipping really cold for most of the year. Canadian Soldiers are well trained modern day combat troops. They train for winter warfare / survival. American soldier huddling in -45 degrees below.

American Soldier: "Hey guys, the unarmored humvee won't start!"
Dude: "Do you have a block heater? It's fucking cold outside."
American Soldier: "What the fuck is a block heater?"
Other Dude: "The thing our military couldn't afford to equip all our vehicles with before they sent us to fight here!"
American Soldier: "Mutha fucking economy!"
Other American Soldier: "Who leaked our massive military renovation of all our vehicles to be able to function in combat situations in a winter weather environment that we couldn't complete in time before we had to sell this war to the idiot public on the prevailing social and political winds??"
First Dude: "Probably someone working on the project that has friends who ARE CANADIAN!"

You couldn't even put protective blast shielding on your vehicles before you ran off to fight in a country that you knew might dissolve into a massive underground campaign of anonymous and sudden violence in close urban combat settings.

By the time that you attempted and failed to route our forces, as you have failed to route men with AK's out of hills in Afghanistan, although you have a much larger force stationed there than we currently have offered to assist you for some idiotic reason and sacrifice our blood for your former political policy, as well as trying to occupy a land mass second only to Russia, with harsh, inhospitable terrain, and a populace utterly hostile, betrayed, and proud people who would, don't get me wrong, some would, but depending on the severity of your attack and occupation of civilian centers, would not help you in any way, as nobody would work, and you would have to pacify all the young men that I know would resist such a thing.

Your country would have lost the domestic, foreign, and political capital to continue to wage war on an obviously peaceful, well liked nation of the world community. Germans, Japanese people, Brits, French dudes, South Americans, North Americans, and people who play on XBox Live would fucking hate you from every corner of the globe. It would be seen as a monumental error in human history, where two well build and structured, peaceful, healthy, and productive nations on this fucked up rock collide and utterly destroy each other. Your nation rich, but divided left and right to the point of riot and civil war, and ours waiting for you to leave and realize that a move such as war would constitute the birth of a new fascist state in the US of A, where occupation and domination are acceptable means of preserving your standard of living.

You think that the left wing half of the country would ever support a war like this? It's unthinkable. You'd destroy and destabilize what is your main trading partner, and sow chaos on the North American continent. With your military withdrawing from Iraq, and losing in Afghanistan, and with your bleak economy, you would become overstretched, your economy may fail, and you lose the ability to defend the territory you destabilized from an advancing Russia, intent on claiming your abandoned natural resources that we deny you access to through arson, sabotage, destruction of oil producing facilities (we could always drill for more in Alberta after everyone leaves our country). You would be forced to patrol and defend disputed territory from Russia, who would, by attacking Canada, promise the local populations freedom in exchange for support, and then conquer Canada themselves. Naturally American acquisition of a short fly over the bearing sea, and a boon of natural resources by force of arms would be seen as a provocative attempt to gain enough oil and space for a staging are to launch and destroy Russian forces while not risking American cities as strategic targets for Russian counterattack.

To operate our facilities, you would need to import skilled labor from the US to fill those positions, unless you hold us at gunpoint and order us to work. You presumably believe that controlling us would be easy after you kill our families and at LEAST take from us our loved ones serving in the military. Outrage and dissent would be rampant for a freedom stolen is a rage born. Name one country that you maintain physical and dictatorial sway over on this globe, with American administrators, and American military personnel patrolling the streets? can you? Iraq, the country you are leaving? Afghanistan, another quagmire for the American empire?

Another thing, While you stay in our cities, please feel free to find yourselves at home with our McDonalds, 7-11's, Suburban Houses, and mounds of Americanized consumer junk that you shovel down our throats. I'm sure the treasure's gathered will be worth it. I'm sure gaining more retail space and warehouses, more empty houses, more mouths to feed and policing our cities, and all those good things that come along with occupation would be worth it. Might provide some jobs though, eh?


America puts a blockade on Canada. Canada withers economically without US assistance. Canada eventually caves.

a: False.

America withers as Canada denies access to drinking water and electricity to large portions of the US, leaving millions of people high and dry in the dark.

America forms a "security" pact with "Canada", something of a new world order conspiracy theory.

a: Either Or

America is ripped apart internally by Left Wing, and dissent over such a blatant display of the highly unpopular One World Government idea. America could also pull it off, given the state that television has left the brains of all the citizens in both our countries.


Why Obama is silent!

13735 says...

there's is a simpler solution
Israel should hand over West Bank to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt.
then when hamas begin attacking Israel again, it'll be Egypt's and Jordan's responsibility to pacify hamas.

Deleted Family Guy Scene: Quagmire and Marge

Dennis Hopper On The View - I Voted For Obama

LeadingZero says...

I am unaware of, and cannot locate, any reference to Thomas Jefferson having stated anything specifically regarding changing political parties every twenty years. However, there is the following Jefferson quote that I suspect Hopper may be referring to:

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure."

--Thomas Jefferson to William S. Smith, 1787.

Christopher Hitchens:Religious Morality (53sec.)

gorillaman says...

If Dawkins and Hitchens achieve anything it's to confuse a few of the monsters into mindlessly adopting the correct position. No true human being needs atheism explained to them, we wouldn't even have a word for it if it wasn't for them - it's fundamentally obvious to anyone in possession of our unique and beautiful perception. How can we destroy our enemies if we can't tell who they are, because some idiot's taught them to put on a show of rationality?

A human being is a mind perfect in attitude, an acuity driven by reason. A theist is a black abyss of lies, tainting the animate corpse of the child it murdered. They're nothing but vapid parasites on our glory. Poisoned emptiness forced into the defenceless mind of a child, which becomes one of them and does the same thing to the next generation.

They're not us. They're not people. No amount of debate or cultural progress will eliminate the blight of the monsters among us. They can't be reasoned with, they can't be repaired or pacified, they have to be exterminated or they'll continue to inflict their disease on our world.

Rachel Maddow - RNC Spends $150,000+ on Palin's Clothes

burdturgler says...

This is just what's been disclosed since September.
"A review of similar records for the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee turned up no similar spending.

But all the spending by other candidates pales in comparison to the GOP outlay for the Alaska governor whose expensive, designer outfits have been the topic of fashion pages and magazines.

What hasn’t been apparent is where the clothes came from – her closet back in Wasilla or from the campaign coffers in Washington.
The answer can be found inside the RNC’s September monthly financial disclosure report under “itemized coordinated expenditures.”
It’s a report that typically records expenses for direct mail, telephone calls and advertising. Those expenses do show up, but the report also has a new category of spending: “campaign accessories.”

September payments were also made to Barney’s New York ($789.72) and Bloomingdale’s New York ($5,102.71).
Macy’s in Minneapolis, another store fortunate enough to be situated in the Twin Cities that hosted last summer’s Republican National Convention, received three separate payments totaling $9,447.71. The entries also show a few purchases at Pacifier, a top notch baby store, and Steiniauf & Stroller Inc., suggesting $295 was spent to accommodate the littlest Palin to join the campaign trail. An additional $4,902.45 was spent in early September at Atelier, a high-class shopping destination for men."

We Need an Anti-McCain/Palin Channel (Politics Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Republicans do get research, they believe that the private sector can handle research tasks for society, which is not really true since Pfizer and other biomedical firms would not go undertaking research or publish their work if there is no monetary pay off at the end, especially given that almost 80% of research ends with no pay off.

These firms are corporations seeking a profit, not a social good. Viagra was a shot in the dark, they were trying to make something for the heart when they noticed that alot of the testers mentioned getting boners.

Furthermore I think the investment priorities have been heavily skewed in the favor of defense and security industries, along with the usual military research (flavor of the month? Network centric warfare). Even then alot of these projects are being funded by the government, alot of them as well end up having no viable real world application, if you really think everything researched or built has an application we must live on different planets.

I believe in government funded research but I also think that for the last 8 years there has been alot of wasteful spending on high tech military and security projects, panic has lead to a shotgun like application of funding resulting in a massive growth in the security industry and creating its own lobby component in Washington - look for them to push forward various threats to guarantee continued growth/existence, not an announcement that America remains safe.

This kind of approach has meant that the US has overlooked other threats such as biochemical and cyber attacks. There isn't a cohesive plan, only more investment into network centric warfare, which as a doctrine of war has been marvelous in conquering uniformed armies but is unable to bring victory in Iraq and Afghanistan because the doctrine was not written to fight a asymmetrical war with combatants being part of the civilian population, so you have very few soldiers trying to pacify very large populations.

Okay I didn't mean this to turn into an essay.

I doubt either candidate will reign in government expenses. The whole "pre and post 9/11 world" thing is highly political and would mean a continued military and security industrial complex for the foreseeable future. Alot of it will consist of eavesdropping on Americans themselves.

You Get Nothing! You Lose! Good Day Sir! (0:15)

You Get Nothing! You Lose! Good Day Sir! (0:15)

TPM: Speechless

rottenseed says...

the funny thing is, neo-cons are voting for McCain just because. McCain can come out in a diaper and a pacifier talkin' about "goo goo gah gah" and a lot of people would still vote for him.

There's something wrong with your system of politics when that's the case. I think that it's time for a change you can believe in.

Obama responds to McBush's "appeasement" smear

NetRunner says...

^ Well, for one, it's bad pool for the President to be smearing another American politician while overseas.

It's also a false assertion. Appeasement would mean giving things away in the hopes of pacifying an enemy (Iran in this context). All Obama's said is that he'll talk to them, because you should at least try diplomacy before attacking.

Plus, it isn't clear he was talking about Obama with the smear anyways, it could've been his close friend McCain.

Finally, what, Bush should get to say whatever he likes about Obama, and not have Obama respond?

Damn, those conservatives are morons.

The WTO wants to control what you can eat

fissionchips says...

It's not clear to me how national sovereignty and free trade can co-exist. Perhaps the nation state is on its way out, but I haven't heard any good proposals on a system that could take its place.


The speaker uses silly word games and a pandering tone that is all too typical of activists, but the subject is important enough to get my vote.

The anecdotal remarks about the use of flouride to pacify prisoners in gulags was profoundly unscientific. If it had any validity surely she would have cited a source?

How Hollywood Gets It Wrong On Torture

highdileeho says...

This video bothers me to no end. It seems to aid in pacifying people. Look at the first example where the chick is dunking a guy's head under water. Immediatly after some profesional says that these senarios don't exist. "no ticking time bomb" The reality is we are using a similar technique. And everyone around the world does consider it torture except for us. It paints a very fluffy picture. The reality is people are being held without charge, and subject to beatings (wich I have personally witnessed). This is very well done peice of propaganda, and is the cornerstone for how american's allow this evil bullshit to continue.

Sexism Strength and Dominance:Masculinity in Disney Films

persephone says...

Sounds like people don't like to question their daily dose of propaganda, 'round here. 'Spose if that's what you've been spoon-fed since diapers, it's a bit like taking the baby's pacifier away. I think this video raises some really good points and if we don't question the trash we feed our kids, there's no hope for cultural change in what can best be described as a cultural wasteland, as far as I'm concerned.

George Carlin - Please Wake Up America

Ryjkyj says...

"If people really believe that all politicians are just figureheads, put in place to pacify the crowds - then people may lose the power they do legitimately have."

Just what power are you refering to? To make the choice between Democrat or Republican?

To vote Nader?

This country is still the best on earth in my opinion. But Carlin is right. This system was bought and paid for a long time ago. "The entire systen is balanced on an intricate and ever growing web of lies. To introduce the truth would bring the whole thing crashing down."

I truly believe that.

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