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The Media's Desperate Search for Violent Liberal Rhetoric

quantumushroom says...

The majority of the American people aren't buying the leftmedia's BS spin about this lone vermin, whose heinous act was apolitical.

When the spotlight shone on the vermin, it was discovered those around him considered him to be a left-wing crank, who listed the communist manifesto as one of his inspirations.

Leftmedia MADE this political to preserve democrat power, aid ratings-crippled obama and denounce Palin (who, if she wasn't a real threat to the left's power, would be ignored).

Why attack Palin? Oh, that's right.....Rule 11 from Scum Alinksy's Rules for Radicals

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

What's this?

Violent imagery!

But those aren't crosshairs! you say. Are these?

Compared to (paraphrased from memory):
Don't retreat, reload
First to the ballot box, if that doesn't work, then to the bullet box
The recent news story of the gun manufacturer who was offering a limited edition run of a automatic weapon gun part inscribed with "you lie"
Water the tree of liberty with blood

Metaphors all, like when liberals accuse conservatives of trying to "kill children" for suggesting cutbacks to government programs.

Water the tree quote? Democrat T. Jefferson: "And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

I think you have to give it up, Q. That, or find some better examples. These don't make it.

“The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength." ---Scum Alinksy. Again.

I'm on VS for fun. It is not necessary for me to provide examples to counter a leftmedia fabrication, and the stupid quotes from liberals are their own monument, whether or not they exactly fit the occasion.

The real required response to recent rampant liberalism was delivered November 2nd.

Smugglarn (Member Profile)

Porksandwich says...

I totally agree that it's not simple. That's why all of this bothers me so much. Congress members like to see it black and white, what they want (and their contributors want) should be kept or voted in. What they don't want (and their contributors don't want) is communist/socialist/anti-american/against God/whatever. There absolutely no sway with these people, and that's because they are paid to think the way they do. It's not the best interest of the country, it's the best interest of who paid them off.

It's pretty blatant when the people who are making out like bandits during a very bad economic recession if doesn't become a depression and still want more tax cuts and profits, while the food banks don't have enough food and people are literally losing their houses because they won't extend unemployment benefits.

And trust me, unemployment in the US does not pay enough to cover what you would have made with a job. Especially when healthcare is primarily provided by companies and not by a universal health plan, people simply can't afford coverage on unemployment and they are not provided coverage unless they meet stringent criteria.

And it has been shown that unemployment benefits stimulate the economy, for every dollar put into unemployment compensation a 1.60 or some such is generated. Rich tax cuts don't even come close to generating that, not even in the same ballpark. And they are supposedly the people who make the world go round if you listen to the bought and paid for Congress members.

In reply to this comment by Smugglarn:
While I agree with som of waht you say there is a caveat to all those wonderful programs. In my country (Sweden) the model of governance was that the ruling party (Social Democrats) essentially paid their voters with unemployment programs and social security benefits. You could actually earn less working than going on benefits. Immigrants who by nature of their endeavours are quite industrius and hard working quickly became pacified and dependant on the system. The only thing asked of the poorer classes is to vote "correctly" every four years. Remember though - they are only loyal voters for as long as they are not suffering as much . As soon as they get successful they get the full force of the tax system and change alliances. It stifles entrepreneurship and innovation.

Thankfully the Social Democrats were voted out. Regrettably, there is a high unemployment rate, a nationalist party gained a lot of seats in the parliament and violence plagues the projects and large cities around the country.

The left seeing the voters abandon them cry out for expanded immigration and more refugees. At first glance this could be thought of as a compassionate move - but in reality they want more party members to feed the machine. On the other hand the right want to expand immigration as well - for specialists nad other high quality workers - but also for cheap labour obviously.

What I'm rambling about is that it is not that simple.

In reply to this comment by Porksandwich:
Really no one knows what will fix the economy, often times opinion of the economy means just as much as actual changes. If people think the economy is in the toilet, they play safe with their money....if they think it's great they invest in more risky things (to me the tech bubbles demonstrate this, they don't know WTF they were investing in half the time but it sounded good).

But it strikes me as odd when you see a sudden decline in the economy and opinion of it tank....that they don't undo what they changed a few years prior to the economic downturn. Yes there are outside influences and other hard to account for things. But if tax cuts on the rich stimulated the economy in a beneficial way, we would not be in the situation we are in. Yes bank deregulation and other stupid moves, plus a blind payout to people who abused the system really hurt us. But the people who made those decisions also tend to be rich people with rich friends, after all it takes millions upon millions to campaign for any federal level job and you're going to notice the guy giving you a couple hundred thousand versus the guy who gives you 10 bucks.

As for making up the taxes in other methods...sales, consumption, sin tax, whatever you want to refer to. 1% of the population can go day to day without buying as much or can go to lengths to offset or remove the tax burdens they would otherwise face if they have many resources at their disposal. They could simply live somewhere else where those taxes do not effect them. And the rest of the people making, I think it's 250k or less a year to be the non-rich, they simply do not have the resources to avoid living near their jobs and are going to have the basic necessity expenditures as any rich guy.

I mean we all have things we need in common.

Shelter (electricity, gas)

Toiletries (unless we're gonna wipe our asses with tree bark and not wear deodorant or brush our teeth),

Methods of transport (which is usually going to be a car, most places have pathetic public transport and riding a bike in sweltering heat or freezing cold is not going to cut it)

Medical - which at this point in time you have to be pretty destitute or disabled to receive government help with. And everyone at some point in their life is going to need medical assistance whether it's through a fault of their own or not. It's a stupid system where if you can't afford your treatment "RIGHT NOW" you may end up crippled and a burden on everyone else for the rest of your life over a few thousand dollars.

Rich people don't need to eat any more than poor people, they might have richer tastes but they can survive on poor people food. Rich people don't need any more than the minimum shelter. Same with toiletries, fancy colognes and perfumes are frills. BMWs versus 20 year old clunkers, rich can drive beaters too. Medical, rich people are going to have the basic care they need when they need it at every stage of their life....because they are rich and of course luck in genetic lotteries count for a lot.

So unless every rich person lives extravagantly INSIDE the US at all times, taxing them on anything but income is only going to get what they spend money on inside the country...even though they make their money and protect their money and assets utilizing what everyone else helps subsidize - roads, utilities, police, firefighters, etc.

It's the "I got mine, so fuck you." attitude that seems to be popular now. You can see it in a lot of things, unemployment extensions (I got a job, so fuck you.), universal health care (I'm not sick, so fuck you.), public transportation (I own a car, so fuck you.), Visa workers/offshoring (I can get cheaper labor, so fuck you.), etc.

So we end up with absolutely no positive future growth besides what you can afford to do for yourself. And we have more and more people falling onto government welfare programs where they are going to find themselves stuck until the problems become so blatantly apparent that no one can deny that paying your share benefits you just as much as it benefits others.

Freek Like Me - She Likes to Suck

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Freek, Freek Like Me, Episode 1, BBC, Suck, Sucking, Oral' to 'Freek, Freek Like Me, Episode 1, BBC, Suck, Sucking, Oral, Pacifier' - edited by calvados

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Um, NOT punching teenage girls in the face is a good start.

Edit - Also, I'd really like to *talk about this issue of law enforce vs citizens further.

>> ^Mcboinkens:

>> ^Raaagh:
Face punching is a legitimate physical recourse to pacify a 17 year old girl?
Fuck you.

What was he supposed to do? Ask them nicely? Like that was going to work. What is your suggestion for stopping an unruly crowd member from interrupting an arrest of someone resisting arrest?

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^Raaagh:
Face punching is a legitimate physical recourse to pacify a 17 year old girl?
Fuck you.

>> ^ToKeyMonsTeR:
sorry for all the fucks, this shit bugs me and it bugs me that the majority are ok with it.

Precisely, all of you defending the cop like he has the right to be a dick because he has a title "officer of the law making an arrest" don't care about the larger social context of: You shouldn't be a prick toward other humans?

Think about it. If it were a citizens arrest or rent-a-cop at a school.
Would it be okay for the average person to punch your 17 year old daughter [aka a child] in the face?

His actions aren't protecting or serving anyone.
It's a misdemeanor charge that should have been handled with a verbal warning like our sensible @swedishfriend mentioned.

We already know that power corrupts and bureaucracies make rules for the sake of rule making.
We already know that police precincts nation wide are pressured to meet quotas & falsify crime stats.
We already know that swat teams can & will bust into your house and kill both of your dogs for no reason.

If you support this officers actions you're only supporting a broken "justice" system where white collar criminals [upper class] get away with ruining the economy and normal common class citizens get hassled.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

US Involvement in Afghanistan since 2001

honkeytonk73 says...

So when is the oil pipeline going in? I mean.. when is Afghanistan going to be a united, productive, modern, developed nation? Who is going to fund it? Why only Afghanistan? Why not Somalia? Why not <insert third world nation>?

Afghanistan is not a nation. Get this through your heads. The tribes cannot be stomped on and quelled. The British failed there. The Russians failed there. The U.S will fail there.

What is the mission? What determines success? Eradication of the Taliban globally? I don't think that will happen. Eradication of religious fundamentalism? I don't think that will happen. The U.S. needs to single handedly invade and modernize/pacify all questionable 'nations'? Impossible task, one that will break the U.S.'s back, bankrupt it, and cause it's collapse.

No nation has unlimited resources. No nation can police the world. No nation can force it's values or lifestyle upon everyone. It is up to the Afghanis to build their nation. They failed to numerous times before, and the internal strife/battles in the region have been going on for thousands of years.

Wake up people. The world is not black and white. No matter what the Bible/Koran/<insert fictitious tome name> says.

Fall of the Republic - The Presidency of Barack Obama

bcglorf says...

so THIS is garbage to pacify my ignorance.
Not to pacify it, but to feed and profit from it in some manner.

This isn't ENTERTAINMENT; if you want that, go to the local theater.
Nor is it Education, if you want that, go to the local Library or University.

FYI, the Congress is supposed to regulate our money supply, not a PRIVATE (bank owned) organisation called the "Federal" Reserve.
No, Congress actually agreed in 1913 that the Federal Reserve IS supposed to regulate your money(if your an American, anyways). You may not like that, but maybe you should educate yourself a little bit on basic economics and financial policy before leaping to the conclusion that some nutty far out conspiracy video has all the answers that've been missed by the last several generations of economists.

Fall of the Republic - The Presidency of Barack Obama

Rotty says...

>> ^bcglorf:
>> ^EndAll:
>> ^bcglorf
don't have to necessarily buy into any of this to view it, or even enjoy it. For some these videos and theories are simply entertaining. There may be some truth, but that's for you to discern - and it might be worthwhile. I don't deny that those truths are often buried by the heavy sensationalism, although one who agrees with such methods might say that's a good way to get people to "wake up." Give it a watch, see for yourself.

The same could be said of FOX 'News', and frighteningly enough it's on average less biased than this. If you want the contrarian view there are infinitely better sources, this is just garbage that attempts to sway people based on their ignorance of the mountain of facts that are left out because they are inconvenient to the films world view. THIS is garbage to pacify my ignorance. Should I feel better now? Or should I try to reap the truth, which you obviously already know, from this field of random plots?

This isn't ENTERTAINMENT; if you want that, go to the local theater. These are actual comments and events associated with the people who made the monitary decisions that you and Ihave to live by.

FYI, the Congress is supposed to regulate our money supply, not a PRIVATE (bank owned) organisation called the "Federal" Reserve.

Nor am I supposed to lulled into security by an administration who promises HOPE, Change and anything else they can find in my pocket.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I would take you up on it, readily.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
It has to be a major headache trying to keep everyone pacified. If I was near you, I'd buy you a beer. Or some warm sake. Ah.. Thanks for listening to me.

In reply to this comment by dag:
I appreciate your concern and you have a point- but I'm not dragging more people into this conversation- I've said my piece and have registered your disappointment, thanks.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
You'll never grasp the situation wholly unless you're a direct part of it. And who are these "several" people who have left the Sift because of him??

In reply to this comment by dag:
Why do you assume I'm referring to gossip? I don't think I referenced anything unsubstantiated in my comments and I have communicated with the people involved.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Wow. I'm really disappointed in you.. "Hurting the Sift" Every time I hear that phrase, I think less of it. For someone who claims to be impartial, you really take gossip to heart.

In reply to this comment by dag:
You continue to downplay your role in matters to the point of self-delusion- I'm leaving this discussion here- but my original message stands, please keep your feuds contained in profile comments or off the Sift. In complete honesty - I would prefer that you left the community- as I think there is some risk in your attitudes and behaviour to others. If you're going to stay, please prove me wrong by not hurting the Sift further.

dag (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

It has to be a major headache trying to keep everyone pacified. If I was near you, I'd buy you a beer. Or some warm sake. Ah.. Thanks for listening to me.

In reply to this comment by dag:
I appreciate your concern and you have a point- but I'm not dragging more people into this conversation- I've said my piece and have registered your disappointment, thanks.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
You'll never grasp the situation wholly unless you're a direct part of it. And who are these "several" people who have left the Sift because of him??

In reply to this comment by dag:
Why do you assume I'm referring to gossip? I don't think I referenced anything unsubstantiated in my comments and I have communicated with the people involved.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Wow. I'm really disappointed in you.. "Hurting the Sift" Every time I hear that phrase, I think less of it. For someone who claims to be impartial, you really take gossip to heart.

In reply to this comment by dag:
You continue to downplay your role in matters to the point of self-delusion- I'm leaving this discussion here- but my original message stands, please keep your feuds contained in profile comments or off the Sift. In complete honesty - I would prefer that you left the community- as I think there is some risk in your attitudes and behaviour to others. If you're going to stay, please prove me wrong by not hurting the Sift further.

Nina Hagen - Naturträne (Rockpalast)

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

rottenseed says...

Most agnostics claim that they don't think humans are capable of understanding the existence of a god on a higher dimension. I think this should make them default to atheist, as they can't believe if they themselves know they can't even fathom a god's existence. If you can't fathom it, you can't believe in it. Just like a baby doesn't believe in atoms or electrons.

Then there's the ones that don't really know, like it doesn't really make sense that there's a god, buuuuut, they don't want to really do any thinking nor do they want to piss off any potential if the simple cop out of being "agnostic" or "unknowing" to his existence would pacify his narcissism. I say, shit or get off the pot. You can even say "hey, as of now, I have not seen any evidence, but I am continually looking". I'll even accept "hey, the idea of god has really been engraved into my psyche but I'm currently going through an introspective journey whereas I question my blind faith".

...but the one I'll respect the most is "pffffffff god? HAHAHAHAHA...dude, it's 2009"

Iran Tries to Pacify Protesters With Lord Of The Rings Marathon (really) (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

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