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I Am A Scientologist

gggggeee says...

I know this is old and I can't *promote nor do I know how videosift works with adding comments to old videos as no one may ever see this yet I had to comment. I found it interesting that 1 person can ruin the whole bunch. I'm not defending Scientology or any religions here.
If you take this same model/idea of this video parody and apply it to Christians and Muslims and their religions, you can see how badly it perverts the message by having one "nutcase" claim to be of that religious affiliation but is way off-base of the true claims.
Here our conclusion (although I/we may admittedly be predeterminantly biasing Scientologists as kooks) that affiliates of Scientology are "out of this world" in their beliefs or at least strengthens unjustifiably our negative preconceptions.
In short, all Muslims are terrorists because we believe them to be so and our brush with Islam happens to come through as the dirtied image of extremists. Also, all Christian are Creationists who talk of the rapture and pray for a cure for "The Gay" affliction.
/end of sarcasm and rant

Why Atheists Are So (F*cking) Angry

thinker247 says...

"We're a virus with shoes." --Bill Hicks

I'm an atheist, but I'm not angry. Perturbed a bit, yes. But not angry. I can't be angry when humans do wacky shit, be it in the name of a god or in the name of voices in their heads. I guess that could be both. But anyway...

When you evolve a brain inside a limited body, the signals of past millenia intermingle with the ideas of today. Thus, chaos reigns in the human mind. And some people have the capacity to handle it better than others. Thus, religion is not the culprit. Rather, the problem lies with our evolution.

So I'm not angry at these nutcases. Just sad that they weren't able to understand their own evolution in order to live a happy life without forcing their ideas upon others.

Dennis Kucinich on HR676 (National Health Care)

vaporlock says...

I love how people forget the last 8 years. So... Obama's bill is pork... and Bush's devastation and nationalization of the entire financial sector was nothing.

In fact, many people voted for Obama because he isn't an extremist religious nutcase, nor a corrupt old dirtbag. But for sure, most people didn't vote for him because he's "the one". Since most secularist don't believe in the children stories of the bible.

"Hitler" Kids Removed From Their Home (Wtf Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

Of course one wonders wtf when you hear kids being named after Hitler. The parents are hateful nutcases.. But if you have no proof of anything other than the parents are idiots, then what can you do?

Hugh Hefner on Sarah Palin

rougy says...

I think Sarah is absolutely clueless, but when you look at pictures of her when she was a teenager, and you see her today, I have to admit she's gotten prettier with time.

A pretty nutcase, but pretty.

The Marx Brothers - A Night at the Opera -Cabin Scene

Proof Obama Is Not A US Citizen!!

furrycloud says...

Regardless of whether or not the lawyer is a nutcase (Most likely), why doesn't Obama just present all the documents to eradicate any shadow of a doubt? When applying for a job you have to provide documents proving you have proper qualifications, education, etc. Why should POTUS be any different?

McCain Claims Obama Rally Crowds Call Him Terrorist, Traitor

A New Standard for Deception by NIST

SDGundamX says...

>> ^jimnms:
From your own link...

(lots of info snipped)

If those fires were burning at 1500-1800°F, the people on that floor would have been dead.
I'm no conspiracy theory nutcase, but I'm also not stupid, the "official" explanations of collapse just don't match reality.

You're assuming that the entire floor is at a uniform temperature. That's not how a building fire works. The temperature only needed to be that hot in specific pockets to weaken the supports. You also don't have to weaken every single support (ie, the whole floor doesn't need to be engulfed in flames) to cause a catastrophic failure. Although built with redundancy in mind, every support beam can only take on the load of so much stress from other failing support beams before it too fails.

I know conspiracy theory-ing is fun, but there are more gaps in the conspiracy theories than in the official explanation of what happened in 9-11. That makes the official explanation "truthier" in my book.

A New Standard for Deception by NIST

jimnms says...

From your own link:

FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength — and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."

"Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F," notes senior engineer Farid Alfawak-hiri of the American Institute of Steel Construction. "And at 1800° it is probably at less than 10 percent." NIST also believes that a great deal of the spray-on fireproofing insulation was likely knocked off the steel beams that were in the path of the crashing jets, leaving the metal more vulnerable to the heat.

The Madrid fire burned for 24 hours at temperatures up to 800°C (1500°F) and did not collapse. In 2004, Venezuela's tallest building burned uncontrolled for 17 hours and did not collapse. WTC7 had two small fires which burned for 6 hours and it collapsed in what looks like a controlled demolition.

When the tapes from 9/11 firefighters in were released, there was no mention of communication problems as we were told, and firefighters only reported small pockets of fire, not a huge inferno that can melt steel.

Two hose lines are needed, Chief Orio Palmer says from an upper floor of the badly damaged south tower at the World Trade Center. Just two hose lines to attack two isolated pockets of fire. ''We should be able to knock it down with two lines,'' he tells the firefighters of Ladder Company 15 who were following him up the stairs of the doomed tower.

Lt. Joseph G. Leavey is heard responding: ''Orio, we're on 78, but we're in the B stairway. Trapped in here. We got to put some fire out to get to you.''

Ladder 15 had finally found the fire after an arduous climb to the 78th floor, according to the tape. They were in the B stairwell. On the other side of the fire were hundreds of people, blocked from fleeing by smoke and flame on the stairs. Chief Palmer was facing similar fires in the A stairwell, across the floor.

''We're gonna knock down some fire here in the B Stair,'' Lieutenant Leavey is heard telling one of his firefighters. ''We'll meet up with you. You get over to the A Stair and help out Chief Palmer.''

If those fires were burning at 1500-1800°F, the people on that floor would have been dead.

I'm no conspiracy theory nutcase, but I'm also not stupid, the "official" explanations of collapse just don't match reality.

Standup Comic Todd Glass Tells off Rude Girl

Duckman33 says...

Also for the folks ripping him for "giving up the stage". Remember what happened to Dimebag Darrel? I don't blame the guy one bit for bailing. Not that she had a gun, but you never know what kind of nutcases are out there.

Sarah Palin is a Religious Nutcase

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^Duckman33:
>> I think that's spelled "muslin"

LOL! That's classic.
Message for the sign maker: Better to be a half-breed Muslin than a half-wit illiterate inbreed.

I love how being a "half-breed" is still a bad thing for some people. As if we're not all two halves of something.

What about a quarter-breed? Shit, I'm like a 1/62nd breed and I'm still pretty convincingly white...

Oh, and let's just conveniently forget about the fact that if your ancestors were from southern Europe there's a good chance one of you grandparents was Muslim. What a second... Muslim isn't a race. Wow, it really is a "half-black" thing isn't it? That's just sad.

Sarah Palin is a Religious Nutcase

9619 says...

>> ^lantern53:
Oberbama cracks me up...he sounds like he's bringing the gospel that will change the world...dude really believes in his own importance.

We're all watching him, as are you. He is some importance.

I don't get self-importance tho - I just get cynical and overly satirical

Sarah Palin is a Religious Nutcase

rottenseed says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
"Religious nutcase" here defined as anyone who isn't a "secular humanist".
I'd rather have an atheist president than a Muslim cough one.

ME TOO! I'd hate the direction of my country to be decided by the...

...oh wait were you referring to Obama as a Muslim. Eh...Muslim is just as bad as Christian in my eyes.

Sarah Palin is a Religious Nutcase

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