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Glenn Beck Has A Brief Moment Of "Self-Awareness"

xxovercastxx says...

I hate to say it but, despite the hypocrisy, Beck has a point.

I know I'll be downvoted into oblivion for saying this, because I've been through it before, but maybe one or two of you will hear the message and understand it.

You can oppose immigration without being a racist.
You can oppose Obama or his policies without being a racist.
You can deny the Holocaust without being an anti-semite.
You can oppose gay marriage without being a homophobe.
You can oppose the US Government without being a terrorist.
You can oppose the War on Terror without hating our troops.
You can oppose hydrogen powered vehicles without supporting big oil.
You can oppose abortion without being a Bible-thumping misogynist.
You can oppose war without being an appeaser.

Do many people oppose gay marriage because of their hatred of gays? Certainly. Do many people oppose Obama because of racism? Clearly. Are some who deny the Holocaust anti-semites? Probably.

But some people are just mislead and some people are just nuts. Some even (*gasp*) have different and legitimate opinions. We've gotten to this place where any level of disagreement warrants the most extreme vocabulary that can be conjured and the liberals are just as guilty as the conservatives.

You want to know why there's no progress in government? It's because of radical preconceived notions. Anything the left proposes is Nazism, Fascism, Marxism or Socialism. They hate good Christian people and the country. Anything the right proposes is Nazism, Fascism or Discrimination. Nobody even hears the other side because they've decided ahead of time what those people will say.

And the vast majority of you here on the sift are the same way. Open your eyes and ears. There are a lot of people with differing and/or opposing viewpoints to yours and not all of them are nutcases who want to destroy the country. You serve nobody's interests by shooting them down with extremist labels before they've even had the chance to make their case.

US Soldier Exposes American Policy

Duckman33 says...

"Conspiracy-theory nuts"? "Crackpots"? Are insults really necessary?

Why is it that you people have to call us who question the obvious flaws in the "official explanation" on what brought down the twin towers "crackpots" and "nutjobs"? Just because we don't believe everything we are told by our corrupt Government doesn't make us crazy, whackjob, nutcases.

How about since I don't like or agree with what you just said here I call you a douchebag, idiot, jerk, or asshole?

Airport Wants to See You Naked

Nithern says...

If I understand it correctly, fundies of every religion (you know, the one's who hate all the rest of us?), hate this concept. It would mean, they have to be us. So, in the end, it cuts down on hostile religious nutcases hijacking a plane.

Yeah, my body isn't in the top 10 sexy...or 100...or even 100,00....

But at least I'm not fat!

Bill Maher Gets Schooled On Vaccines By Bill Frist

Bill Maher "Phil The Flag Guy"

Ron Paul "No One Has A Right To Medical Care"

Stormsinger says...

>> ^gwiz665:
I'll say this about Ron Paul, I agree with him on some points and disagree on others, but unlike most politicians, he's damn consistent. I admire that.

The problem is that consistency, by itself, is utterly worthless. Bush was incredibly consistent...but virtually always on the wrong side. Paul, like Bush, is an ideologue (different ideologies, but still)...the important thing to him is the ideology, not whether or not it actually works.

To my way of thinking, he's only one small step short of being a total nutcase conspiracy theorist. And consistently being so, isn't a good thing.

The 912 Teabagger Assault on Washington

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I doubt we'll get a real estimate at this point. Even if we do, it'll be filtered through the exaggeration machine before it gets to us.

Sigh - true enough. All I can really do is go with the overhead shots of the crowds that were taken LIVE. These did not show 'light' crowds, empty space, or a few isolated lunatic groups. The news feeds of the actual events on the day it happened showed pretty dense crowds that stretched out over 17 city blocks. Say what you like, but that kind of density in that setting makes it physically impossible for the crowd to just be '60 to 70K'. That kind of crowding is well into the hundreds of thousands. I'm sticking with my guesstimate of between 150-300K. I bet I'm more accurate than most folks with that figure...

Hahaha look at all the stupid people - oooo - I'm trembling in my boots for the future of America...

I had the very same reaction when I saw all the lunatics, freaks, idiots, morons, conspiracy theorists, and other nutcases at all the Iraq War protests. It is very easy to go to these kinds of big rallies and find the lunatic fringe. As I said before - the lunatic fringe ALWAYS loves to show up at big rallies wearing tin-foil hats and saying stupid stuff to get attention. It doesn't mean anything.

What surprises me is that neolib are SURPRISED about it. I honestly think that the neolib kook fringe believes that the neocon kook fringe is 'out there' - but that they are myopically unable to see just how 'out there' that they themselves are. They honestly think they are 'mainstream'. Neolib kooks are as much (or more) insane as the neocon kooks though.

Leave us not pretend that the appearance of the neocon kook fringe as a TINY percentage of the 9/12 protesters in any way represents the larger majority of the protesters who simply are concerned about the insane spending, deficits, and rapid increases in federal power. That is a neolib LIE (channeling Wilson). Just like it was a neocon LIE (Wilson) that the Iraq war protests were nothing but kooks. Yeah, both protests have kook fringes to zero in on, but the vast majority are just normal, everyday folks who are concerned about the direction of their country. I for one refuse to accept the propoganda that my fellow citizens are nothing but a bunch of insane lemmings. I tend to think the people as a whole are better than that.

Your Opinion is Requested on a Court Case. (Politics Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

If usernames were blacked out on this page and I had to guess who the nutcase with the pink background calling everyone childish names was, I'd either go with imstellar or that halfwit Texas secessionist from the recent TYT clip.

Seriously, blankfist, Statist? Stalinist? Are you sure you don't want to go straight to Fascist Highway Nazi?

But to the topic at hand... I think traffic control laws and procedures need an overhaul. I doubt being a dick in traffic court is going to bring about much change, though.

The Privileges and Immunities Clause has absolutely nothing to do with this. That protects people visiting another state from discrimination based on their guest status. It also protects people who move to another state from being discriminated against as an outsider or newcomer. They can't stop you at the Nevada border and tell you "Californians aren't allowed here!" Neither can they hold you in Nevada when you attempt to leave based on your Californian citizenship. They can, of course, hold you for breaking a law or something of that sort. It doesn't matter if you're driving a car, a motorcycle, a tank; walking; riding a bike, a bus, a pogo stick, a Segway or a unicycle.

Bobknight33: To Ban or Not To Ban (Controversy Talk Post)

Dan Savage on anal sex to preserve virginity

Bidouleroux says...

>> ^Yogi:
I consider myself Agnostic I suppose, and I really think most religious nutcases are morons and shouldn't be taken seriously. However, he's picking a target that I just can't approve of, these confused teenage girls. It's not cool to me, makes him sound like a douche, and I love this guy on Bill Maher.
I don't know I just don't see how mocking Christians helps atheism in anyway, seems like just a childish thing to do. Kinda tired of hearing Christians being hated on everywhere, and I certainly don't like their stupid antics. It's just, some shit gets old.

The fact that these "confused teenage girls" do have anal sex despite their sex educators telling them not to, and rationalizing it by saying anal sex preserves your virginity, shows that they are in fact very lucid about the whole thing. It's simply a loophole in their religious upbringing (read: brainwashing) that they exploit. Children are not stupid, adolescents even less. It's not their fault if society continue to infantilize them. They are simply doing what they can with what they have in order to respond to their growing and often sudden sexual impulses.

Dan Savage on anal sex to preserve virginity

Yogi says...

I consider myself Agnostic I suppose, and I really think most religious nutcases are morons and shouldn't be taken seriously. However, he's picking a target that I just can't approve of, these confused teenage girls. It's not cool to me, makes him sound like a douche, and I love this guy on Bill Maher.

I don't know I just don't see how mocking Christians helps atheism in anyway, seems like just a childish thing to do. Kinda tired of hearing Christians being hated on everywhere, and I certainly don't like their stupid antics. It's just, some shit gets old.

Michael Jackson is Dead, Joins Farrah Fawcett (News Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

^ Yeah, I've often thought what a shame it was that he turned into a nutcase. He is and was a cultural icon, and I would've loved to see his music evolve through the last decade without it being overshadowed by whatever it was that was making him do the cosmetic surgery and all the other insane things.

Rachel Maddow: Eric Cantor Bows To Rush Limbaugh's Orders

Stormsinger says...

How can anyone not take the GOP as just one big long-running joke?

Honestly, if they were trying to destroy themselves as a serious national party, they'd be hard-pressed to come up with a more effective strategy than their behavior over the last 6 months.

I mean, seriously, letting a hypocritical drug-abusing torture-advocating hate-spewing nutcase like Limbaugh determine the party strategy is a good idea in what bizarro universe?

Mike Tyson The Most Unintentionally Funny Man On The Earth

The Tyranny of a Callous God - Christopher Hitchens

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