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Trump Just NUKED Democrats From Orbit With Hilarious Letter

newtboy says...

Best to investigate Trump and his cronies in real time, it minimizes the damage he can do. The investigations have already exposed numerous senator's insider trading attempts to profit from the pandemic. It's also revealed the reason Trump refused WHO tests and put us months behind S Korea...the company that makes the American test donated over $1.5 million to political campaigns this year. That must be why it was worth waiting months to get them at all and still be in short supply. They paid for the contract.

So, Democrats work hard to try to save the lives of their constituents, Trump, because he has nothing better to do besides play more golf, wrote a nasty political smear filled with ignorance and self congratulatory lies. Keep in mind, he's admitted he's so incompetent that his impeachment, which he claimed was a nothing burger, distracted him from having time to properly deal with Coronavirus....but he had plenty of time to golf.

Trump was pushed to enact a travel ban from China a month after the danger was clear to everyone with a brain, it was not him dragging the CDC like he claims, but he had dragged his feet so long that most airlines had cancelled those flights well before he acted....but not before numerous infected were here. January first he should have acted. That would have made a difference.

Trump called this a flu until it was too late, telling the nation there's no need to prepare through February. This led to panic when reality hit us hard.

Trump publicly said that if Democrats aren't nice enough to him his Whitehouse won't respond to their state. That's politics being played with millions of lives by Trump.

Trump has publicly told governors to go find supplies on their own, don't look to the Fed to procure and distribute necessary medical devices, then ordered the Fed to bid against those states for that same equipment. That's playing politics with citizens lives.

Trump STILL refuses to order a nation wide shelter in place order because he doesn't want any responsibility for one. That's playing politics.

Trump inexplicably didn't use the defense production act until last Friday, but he's used it reportedly hundreds of thousands of times to procure materials for the military....chemicals for missiles, materials for aircraft carriers, using the law to put the military orders first in line repeatedly. That's playing politics.

Trump reluctantly had ventilators sent to a few hard hit states, <5% of the numbers needed, but shipped broken units to Democratic states and told them they need to be appreciative (translation, kiss his ass on TV) or he won't send more. Again, playing politics with citizens lives.

Also don't forget Trump ended the CDC international pandemic detection program last September, months before the outbreak in China. This program was designed to detect and protect from New viral outbreaks, and would have given America a fighting chance to avoid any infections at all had it not been killed by Trump.

This kind of ignorant propaganda is exactly what I expect from @bobknight33. Using Trump's statements as if they're fact is incredibly dumb, Bobby. Even you admit the man doesn't tell the truth, you just prefer his divisive lies to the truth.

Hilarious you tag this philosophy, it's, it's not.....*lies , that's a proper tag. *facepalm
I would downvote, but this drivel isn't worth watching through. I was at my lie limit under one minute in.

BTW, someone should remind him, nuking them from orbit didn't stop the didn't even stop that outbreak of xenomorphs, it only exposed the ignorance of the Space Marines for thinking "nuke em" answers all problems. So dumb Bobby.

Tesla Towing Silverado Truck Out Of A Charger Station

Payback says...

Sorry, I'm definitely only referring to the coal-rolling shitstains that have nothing better to do than passive-aggressively bully other people.

If you don't like electric vehicles, don't buy one.

Don't see anyone blocking diesel pumps.

Ps. I don't own or want an EV, and my Mustang definitely gets worse mileage than any diesel, by design. If someone looks down their nose at me, I'm not going to do shit to innocent bystanders just because I'm a whiny little bitch like the ICEing dicks.

ChaosEngine said:

That seems a little harsh given the vast majority of the car owning public can’t afford a BEV.

Although parking in a charging station is definitely a dick move.

THIS SITE IS A JOKE (Comedy Talk Post)

chingalera says...

The sites a joke for reasons other than this user has chimed-in without understanding the jyst of 'reading anything before purchasing:' Here's a short list:

Hypocrisy/Double standards: Popularity fuels status through brown-nosing and robotic insincerity garners votes rather than content quality prompting the same.

Most people are afraid to cast a down-vote for content rather, they do it when they don't 'like' someone. Petty, pussified, and worthlessly dishonest.

Others, users with nothing better to do than to single out another for divisive abuse when his/her opinion or message doesn't jibe with their cloistered or developmentally-disabled world view, push the envelope with sophomoric rambling or graffiti in the form of retarded commentary on profiles or blatant rule-breaking while admins turn a lazy blind,or otherwise complicate eye....Seek professional help or leave the house every once in a while....Works wonders, kids.

Cocksuckers-by-choice, continue to bring the overall quality of the site down with inane ink-well-dipping and hair-pulling or other wise goading for example, Christians, those with conservative-leaning sensibilities, or constructive-critics, enough so that they stop contributing altogether, lurk, or disappear.

From time-to-time, it has been the job of the strongest-willed and long-suffering,to gently guide these users up the pathway upwards and into their own asses rather than enjoy the place and make whoopee with great content....

Yeah mygamesarefun, don't care if you joined by mistake or were simply dull, there is indeed an air of douche here that's entrenched which continually befouls the collective spirit of community.

Won't name names on my list, cocksuckers-by-choice have mirrors on walls in their funk-caves, down the hall from their game-controllers and pizza-stained and blistered microwaves, as well as the lavatories at their shit jobs or in their fucking mother's basement....Any doubts? Just look at the banter above and save your fucking money.

Oh and.....Have a NICE day.

(cue comment down-votes, and fuck-off.)

Some of the most egregious of violators are sure to chime-in on this thread, stay tuned for more guano, coming-up next.

Django Reinhardt - Ultrafox

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

gorillaman says...

You can sign me up @bareboards2. If there were some broad agreement on terminology I would switch to gender neutral language instantly. Fucking sick of it.

Coincidentally I was thinking about this just this afternoon, because luckily I have nothing better to do at work than stand around contemplating gender politics; pleased and proud as I am of genderqueer crusaders trying to wrestle pronouns into shape, I've been generally unwilling to join them. For fuck's sake, I spend enough time every day arguing about the excess syllable in the number sev, I can't afford to multiply that by every sentence with a person in it.

Singularising plural pronouns is offensive to me on a practical and aesthetic level, Spivak's no damn good, you've got your zes and your hirs and your hens, it's a pain in the ass but as soon as we get some consensus and momentum it's going to be cool.

Can't see that feminism really has anything to do with all this, well, I have trouble seeing that feminism has anything to do with anything. Not to go all Trancecoach here with male world problems but they're similarly told that to be professional they have to knot a piece of cloth around their neck for no reason or slice the hair off their face every day for no fucking reason. The situation is that we have a bullshit tribal culture with endless absurd customs and arbitrary rituals which is perpetuated by morons.

So we should always be rationalising - language, culture, behaviour, expectations.

Gender neutrality is obviously the way to go. If you get shoved in a box you don't become the champion of the box and work to make your box the best box it can be; you break out and start beating your captors over the head with box fragments.

I don't give a fuck about women's problems; I don't give a fuck about women, but I'm glad to consider anyone who stops wearing makeup a part of my team because I don't wear makeup for the same reason I don't shave my stupid face.

Anyway that was my choggie impression for the day. Too much caffeine, not enough sleep, not enough time spent bathing in the blood of my enemies.

Bad Ventriloquist Bombs Hard on Stage... Gives Up Mid Act.

chingalera says...

But you might have a good friend who offers-up your self-immolation to masses of sophomoric douche bags who have nothing better to do than point, laugh, and project their own insecurities upon those deemed unworthy, and that would spoil their groove!

braindonut said:

Man... takes guts to get up in front of people and bomb like that. I couldn't watch it...

If I were going to do something like that, I'd hope my friends would be good enough to keep me from embarrassing myself.

The Most Amazing Footage Of The Moon In Decades

Romney vs Roosevelt

Yogi says...

>> ^bobknight33:

That's what Obama said. His plan would cut your bill. WRONG.
Obama will get his monkey spanked on election day. The press will cry foul and the Obama media will blame it on "white raciest". There will be riots in the streets by the brothers and sisters feeding on the media lies that will be propagated by Ed Schultz and the rest of MSNBC. OWS will help with the riots since they have nothing better to do.
Netrunner will be crying

Nah man, even with Romneys bump in the polls it's pretty obvious who's going to win.

Romney vs Roosevelt

bobknight33 says...

That's what Obama said. His plan would cut your bill. WRONG.

Obama will get his monkey spanked on election day. The press will cry foul and the Obama media will blame it on "white raciest". There will be riots in the streets by the brothers and sisters feeding on the media lies that will be propagated by Ed Schultz and the rest of MSNBC. OWS will help with the riots since they have nothing better to do.

Netrunner will be crying

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

chingalera says...

It's edited for this viddy there, shuac-

Koppel rode the wave following the perfect storm of the Iranian hostages prior to Khomeini to fix his legacy in television stone-These veteran news heads can back away from their agenda-oriented handlers once they achieve some tenure amounting to "trust" (whatever the fuck that means in the realm of programmed news coverage) from the masses of robots (at least 80% of the world's population in so-called, 1st world countries).

O'Reilly? Complete cunt piece of shit. Such a cunt, that were it his job to promote a so-called, LIBERAL bias according to his employment with ACME news corp. etc., he'd have all of you fans of Maddow, Maher, Colbert, etc. just as fucking fawning as the next dupe.....NEWS NOT/NEWS-It's all designed to turn your brains liquid so information can be inserted and predictably called-upon to further the cause of assholes and cunts.

Yes, your mind is not your own, oh children of technology and of nothing better to do than work and fuck....planets' going places, wish it were another direction-

This is a Nailbiter: Ducklings Crossing Highway In Toronto

messenger says...

My fake-o-meter is beeping.

There just happened to be a helicopter with a camera with nothing better to do than film ducks walking in the grass, which happened to cross a major highway. That or the camera operator by luck had the camera rolling pointed and zoomed on the exact spot where a family of ducks was about the cross the highway, and they were already going slow enough.


The Real Reason Mitt Romney Will Not Be Elected As President

VoodooV says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Unless you have young kids you have no room to talk. You don't have knowledge to make any judgement.
Parenting IS filtering out inappropriate material.
I'm talking when a 6 year old is clicking channels to get to his cartoon channel it at times comes across inappropriate material.
WRT to web serving same thing. The kid can be you You-tubing or sifting for kitty cat stuff and come across some wild stuff. Sure I don't want my 6 and 7 year seeing women and men rubbing up against each other or to watch some brutal gang violence event that some posted. What parent would? Some parents don't mind at all and that a darn shame. There are limits for kids and parenting filtering is a must.

I take responsibility for my kids upbringing. If other parents stepped up to the plate kids would have better moral compass.
When you have kids, revisit your post.
You don't seem to have high regard for the parenting skills from you mother. sorry to hear that.

>> ^VoodooV:
Instead of blaming television @bobknight33, the responsibility is still ultimately the parents. You don't have to be a parent to know that. Parents are not helpless to modern television. If you can't be bothered to educate your kids on the difference between made up television and reality, you don't get to blame television. My mom was a pretty horrible parent, but that is one of the first things I recall her ever teaching me. So since I'm actually armed with this thing called knowledge. I can watch any TV I wish and it's not damaging to me because IT'S NOT REAL!
It's the same thing with the teachers. Parents don't want to be the parents anymore, they want to be their pal. So when little billy doesn't do well on his test, who gets chewed out? Not little billy, that's for sure. Parents blame the teachers when they should be blaming themselves.
You can believe television and commercials are inappropriate all you want. Still doesn't absolve you from your responsibility. History has shown over and over again that when you try to hide shit from your kids, they always find it eventually. The more forcefully you dictate how bad something is, the more the kids want to do it just to spite you and rebel. So instead of trying to trick and coerce your kids into behaving, maybe you should actually try to educate them. If your "education" has any merit to it, then it will stick. Education beats coercion every time.
Parenting is not rocket science, it just takes effort, so you can get off your moral high horse. You've demonstrated time and time again you have no claim to any moral high ground, especially not any morality based off made up deities.

Once again, bob laughably attempts to claim moral superiority over everyone. Sorry, but you aren't magically granted wisdom the instant the kid pops out of the womb.

When you fail to educate your kids WHY things are inappropriate and just filter because "you said so" then you're not accomplishing anything. Authority without the actual facts to back it up fails EVERY time to kids with nothing better to do than to rebel. It's the hot stove analogy which you apparently failed to learn. Parents will tell you to not touch that hot stove. Kids disregard this and touch it anyway and are immediately introduced to the facts of WHY you shouldn't touch a hot stove and guess what..they never do it again.

If you told a kid to never touch a cold stove...because you said so. The kid eventually touches it and learns that nothing bad comes of it. Not only are they encouraged to rebel. Your authority is undermined and they learn that you're full of shit and continue to ignore you.

In other words, since bob probably hasn't been following. Moral authority means absolutely jack unless you have provable facts to back it up. When kids find out you're bullshitting them. Kids have this pesky thing called the ability to learn and the ability to detect bullshit. Telling them not to do something only because your imaginary friend up in the clouds told you so has a way of coming back to bite you in the ass when the imaginary friend in the clouds doesn't punish them because that imaginary friend doesn't exist.

Bob lives in the typical republican bubble where he deludes himself into believing he's the good parent and everyone else is lacking. What's it like being so self-centered bob?

And once again, Bob cherry picks what he wants to hear and disregards everything else. I praise my mom for teaching me that TV is make-believe and all bob chooses to hear is the negative part. You are utterly incapable of having a rational discussion bob. I've proven this time and time again. The sift is going to continue to beat you over the head with logic and rationality every time until hopefully you learn something.

5 Historical Misconceptions Rundown

A10anis says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

I was being fatuous.
>> ^A10anis:
>> ^Gallowflak:
Awesome! Except I wouldn't really call Coventry a "town". When I was growing up there it was a perpetually miserable, industrial city, with a collapsing car industry, full of ugly and hopeless people with nothing better to do than try to sell you coke or put dog shit through your letterbox after you beat them up with a baseball bat for threatening to kill your dog.
Man, fuck Coventry.

Every city has it's bad side. The Coventry I know is, thankfully, not the generalised one you recall.

Sorry, it certainly didn't come across that way. Maybe next time you might consider ticking the "sarcasm" box.

5 Historical Misconceptions Rundown

Gallowflak says...

I was being fatuous.

>> ^A10anis:

>> ^Gallowflak:
Awesome! Except I wouldn't really call Coventry a "town". When I was growing up there it was a perpetually miserable, industrial city, with a collapsing car industry, full of ugly and hopeless people with nothing better to do than try to sell you coke or put dog shit through your letterbox after you beat them up with a baseball bat for threatening to kill your dog.
Man, fuck Coventry.

Every city has it's bad side. The Coventry I know is, thankfully, not the generalised one you recall.

5 Historical Misconceptions Rundown

A10anis says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

Awesome! Except I wouldn't really call Coventry a "town". When I was growing up there it was a perpetually miserable, industrial city, with a collapsing car industry, full of ugly and hopeless people with nothing better to do than try to sell you coke or put dog shit through your letterbox after you beat them up with a baseball bat for threatening to kill your dog.
Man, fuck Coventry.

Every city has it's bad side. The Coventry I know is, thankfully, not the generalised one you recall.

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