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Bush Cuts Iraq Tour Lengths

Verdict: FOX Tries to Make McCain Look Younger

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^ Much as it pains me - I have to admit that MSNBC is just as biased as FNC. These two channels are not news at all - more like competing OpEd stations.

Of course I watch MSNBC because I agree with it. Just like heartlanders watch FNC.

I can't help but think that both of these stations are just playing sycophantically to our comfort spots.

MSNBC is owned by GE, FOX by Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp. There is only one thing that both of these companies care about ... hint ... it's not journalistic integrity.

Olbermann, Rails, On, Oreily

doogle says...

Big. Freakin'. News.
I think the title suggests this. Olbermann criticisms on Papa Bear O'Reilly, are, not new.

Not to say I don't like Papa Olbermann - but him criticising O'Reilly is like watching Tyson eat an ear of corn - interesting, especially for the fans - but it gets predictable.

Dog bites man = not news.
Man bites dog = news.

If Olbermann started praising O'Reilly, that would be news.

As I get off my soapbox, I still reluctantly *upvote

Why Do ALL Europeans Hate America?

Fedquip says...

I think it should be noted that this is not a "News" report. This is from CBN..they are not news. That should be in the title or the description.

oh and great to see Mink commenting again.

Jack Thompson is right! Gamers are violent!

Zonbie says...

This is stupid.
There, I said it.

Its not news. Its sensationalist bollocks at its worst. and SDGunDamX is right to call it *lies. Its an assumption he's a gamer, it's sensationalist to call it "news"

And yeah..."Don't taze me bro..." springs to mind because of that cop! Although he was acting like a spoilt brat, and an adult having a tantrum is not pretty.

Wow, stealing that is lame..

Ann Coulter talks about John Edwards

guessandcheck says...

She gets face time because she fills seats, so to say. When she's on your show, something absolutely bat shit crazy will come out of her mouth. What person/group will she wish dead/piss upon next? Tune-in to find out. News networks are not news networks, they're there for the ad revenue, not valuable information.

>> ^rougy:
Why do peopel give that skanky old whore any face time at all?
She is genuinely evil, and I'm going to party on the day she dies.

Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC refuses to report on paris

Big Brother Machine

dannym3141 says...

Ok some good points raised...

But again i'm forced to ask why news in america has to be hyped and dramatised to the n'th degree? Why must he go on such a rant, asking rhetorical questions, using sarcasm, trying to sway people with his incredulous tone?

Is presenting the actual stone-set facts in an unbiased presentation not good enough for their viewers? Do viewers really need to have an opinion dictated to them?

Right now, people have to decide which politician is telling the truth. Will people have to decide, as well, which NEWS PROGRAM is telling the truth? Because when you start giving your opinions, you stop giving plain ol' facts. Imagine the difference between "Bush has spent 5 billion dollars on war." vs. "Bush has spent 5 billion dollars ON WAR!?!?!?!?". One's a fact, the other's telling you what to think. That's what politicians try to do, not news.

Saying things in a certain tone, with a certain inflection, and throwing insults at the person you're 'speaking' to is giving an opinion.

People can say what they like about the BBC, but i think their delivery of news is perfect - which is no less than it should be. People here are arguing about freedom and liberty when the 'incorruptible' organisation that is supposed to present the truth to the people is force feeding their opinions to you. Free people need to have an organisation without an agenda whose job it is to show you facts and the truth!

DISCLAIMER - whether what he said is right or wrong is not the point.

Chicago Trib. and SF Chronicle Endorse Obama (Election Talk Post)

choggie says...

And hey dag-Not really one to run shit down in a list to support my views on Journalistic Publications that have sold their souls to the gods of "If it feels good, do it."....But, living in San Fran for 5 years and coming from a more conservative and sensible region (California is the clearing house for flakes in the U.S.-) Their politics, their politicians, if you dig past the words coming from their holes, and into their dealings, you will find the nasty- I could take today's copy of the SFE and dissect it article by article, and when done you would see not news but agenda, not reporting but editorialized disinformation.....

Gerry Brown
Nancy Pelosi
Fucking Arnold, see something like Universal Health Care and think, "Hey that sounds great."

Tell me this, taking the issue of Universal Health Care as an example....

Why in fuck, should I pay for someone's health care, when the other machinery in place, is diametrically opposed to America's health or well-being.

The machinery of Advertising unhealthy lifestyles-
The machinery of Illegals granted medical care
The machinery of Fast Food Restaurants, processed foods, and the only legal drugs Alcohol and Pharmaceuticals
The machinery of Pharmaceutical Companies destroying lives
The machinery of the 40 hr, 5-day work week

We don't need universal health care....we need people to get their heads out of their asses

One example of idiots, latching onto an idea because it sounds good on the surface-No solid foundation is reason or meaning, just going with what sounds good, to get yer vote.....

"Today's Politics in America"'s like looking at 3 different methods of self-immolation, and mindlessly playing the game of which would be the best, and making a spectacle of the game, and charging admission to play. Then upon carrying out the deed in your chosen method, spending the next 4 years regretting having played at all, only to return to the game like a dog to its vomitado......

Why choggie won't vote

Romney "We are a nation 'Under God' and in God we do trust" (Religion Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

That's what politicians do. They appeal to the crowd that supports them. It's not news. And most politicians are religious and have made similar statements. I'm curious as to why you keep attacking Romney and not people like Huckabee who was a minister. Or do you just have something against Mormons?

Halo 3: Homophobia Evolved (NSFW)

9168 says...

I've been gaming since 1997 and this has always been around. It's not even the worst of it. It's unfortunate and annoying as I grow older and the gamers are still just as immature. But, I'm just saying, this is not news.

Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions

quantumushroom says...

The voice of the "Plutocratic Kleptocracy" known as the US government. You are kidding yourself if you think the USA is a Democracy. No matter what party is in charge.

>>> Actually, the USA is a Republic w/ a representative democracy. BTW nice work with the 2-dollar words. Usually the beret-wearers say "plutocratic oligarchy."

QM you're talking that polarised shit again.

>>> PolariZed? Why? Because I choose a side and have values? The answer is Yes. I wonder if you'll ever do the same. If you're a bloody "--ist" of any kind, just say so.

By the way, how is that Bush/Cheney small government going?

>>> Hey I'm still for small government as are all real conservatives. Bush pissed off a lot of conservatives with his liberal spending and immigration stances. We have to win the Iraq war almost singlehandedly cause Europe is too busy kissing the asses of Muslims, so yeah, we've had to hit the ATM more than we'd like. You'd think American liberals would be joyous Bush spends like one of them, but they're never joyous about anything, they thrive on misery.

What next QM? Weimar backstab after the war in Iraq cascades to shit?

>>> What are YOU going to do when we WIN the Iraq war? We're winning it now, why do you think your uh, "non-liberal" media is so silent?

These motherfuckers at Faux News should be thrown into jail for the rest of their lives... and they deserve worse than that for what they do on a daily basis.

>>> More of that liberal "free speech for all" I see. Thank God you guys are out of power, even with a majority in Congress, you're hated.

This is nothing short of ideological sabotage on a national level. The end result is people like QM- blithely ignorant, totally convinced that they are right and that their worldview is the only one which is acceptable (EVERYTHING else is just "libs").

>>> The "need to be right" is a deadly human disease. I would never claim to be right ALL the time, only 98%. I think the left, for all its moral relativism and nihilistic fervor, doesn't stand for jack shit and has no spine, and that's why they can't bear to hear anyone with a point of view.

Qauntum Mushroom - do you even realize how moronic your statement is? Was it sincere? Or do you know its bullshit, and say it anyways?

>>> Do you even realize how to spell?

Thats the question I've always wondered about dumbass neocons - do they know they are evil, or do they somehow think they are in the right on this?

>>> No need for insults, mamaluke. And how can you call anything or anyone evil? According to the left there IS no evil! Everything is relative! See, how can we tell a cannibal his culinary choices are wrong? That would be judgmental!

now let's compare the two ideologies' media footprint:

Conservative bias...FOX News and talk radio (which is not news but mere commentary.

Mainstream Liberal Bias...New York Slimes, St. Petersburg Slimes, Washington Compost, San Fran Carbuncle, MS-DNC, CNN (Crescent News Network), ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, USA Hippie, Slime, Newsweak magazine, BankruptAir Amerikkka and 99% of Hollywood dreck.

The drive-by media no longer hide that they're a fifth column liberal propaganda machine, working and walking in lockstep for the 'Crats.

Libs had 50 years of unopposed 3-network bullshit. The party's over. ha ha ha ha.

William Rodriguez - Janitor at the WTC on 9/11 (CSPAN)

Profound Incompetence

A three minute history of Middle East Oil

choggie says...

here's a perfect example of diversion, keeping someone happy as a clam to think they are somehow superior to a so-called conservative..
"Because most conservatives don't bother to learn the truth unless Fox News spoon feeds it to them."


just like YOUR favorite news organization, is a tool, just like the candidate you think will do best, is a tool.......

fox news is not news at all
Associated press, reuters, tools
cnn is not news at all
msnbc, major networks....they are tools in the hands of a powerful few....though they were at one time some of the first-gens, reputable sources, they have putrefied, and the masses along with them, as feeding on such, will contaminate the organism......

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