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Ron Paul MD on the Swine Flu Scare

Atheist Michael Newdow pwns FOX

TDS 2/9/09 - Bill O'Reilly's Right to Privacy

IRS Tax Extension (News Talk Post)

Bizarre Republican Arguments on the Stimulus Bill

blankfist says...

>> ^NetRunner:
This is unbiased and fair.

Is it? Why because she uses facts to bolster her stuffy, superior anti-GOP rhetoric? And that's all it takes to make things fair and unbiased? The fact that there are facts present is enough? Interesting.

I say it's theater and smug, indignant partisan hackary whether you approve of her message or not. Everything from the GOP IN EXILE animation of the elephant making camp in an igloo to her smarmy holier-than-thou quips like "What happened in 1937? Oh yeah, that's when FDR put it on hold which is exactly what the Republicans want to do now." Etc. etc. etc.

For me, fair and unbiased news isn't smugly laden with partisan teeth thumbing. When it is, then it's unfairly biased and certainly not news, but instead nothing more than an opinion column or a comedy show. The fact that what she's saying is agreeable to you doesn't qualify it as news.

FOX News laughs it up over atheists

Limbaugh Worried That FOIA Will Expose Bush Crimes

Important Wisdom Everyone Must Ponder

Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed

Krupo says...

>> ^Kerotan:
From the end trailer I can postulate that Yahtzee has sold out faster that pele and his impotence adds.
I seriously wonder if he calls those people friends.
(on a side note, not that I'm against him selling out, good for him)
In addition co hosting something really kills the idea that he is a jaded sociapath of some description.

He already started and finished writing a PC Gamer column... not news.

>> ^PuffyJacket45:
Am I the only one who dislikes the horribly loud hard-rock intro/outro sequence of ZPR? Despise might be more apt. I have to be quick on the volume controls while watching these. Perhaps I'll do a narrated slideshow about it...

Blame the mini-Hitlers at the RIAA

>> ^RedSky:
>> ^Deano:
>> ^RedSky:
Sure, he reviews games no one actually cares about or are weeks old, is oblivious to multiplayer and generally seems to get it wrong some of the time but hell if I can get a couple of laughs from a 5 minute video a week I'm not complaining.

He's reviewed Assassin's Creed, Halo 3 in the past and Fallout 3, Fable 2 and Left 4 Dead recently. Those are big games that alot of people care about.
Also he's not attempting to get anything "right", he's expressing an opinion.

He reviews some big name games, but he also reviews plenty that no one cares about because they already know they're shit just to take the piss. When he does review well received games on the other hand he takes his bloody time, (L4D - 3 weeks late, F3 - 3 weeks late, AC - 3 weeks late ... you get the idea) by which point you'd expect a lot of gamers to have either finished them or be well on their way through them, making 'reviewing' them a wee bit pointless.
By get it wrong, I'm obviously referring to my opinion. I would preface all my comments with 'in my opinion', but that would be incredibly obnoxious not to mention redundant because it should already be readily apparent.

aw come on, you think everyone buys games within 2 weeks of release?

Ann Coulter - Obama Wants To Be Known As Hussein

If the automakers collapse

blankfist says...

There's some truth in these claims, but let us not be persuaded by fear. Has no one noticed this video was posted by GM? Companies that aren't sustainable will go out of business. GM has been struggling for years. This is not news.

I've had my Toyota since a month after the WTC attacks, and I've never had to take it in for repairs. My friend just bought a Ford Mustang last year and has already taken it in for a major repair.

As this industry suffers a collapse, others will take its place - possibly smarter American auto manufacturers? As people lose their jobs, they will find employment in other industries. We can't expect an industry to always be profitable and on top. Sometimes they cannot remain sustainable, and disappear. Here's an example: trains. When's the last time you (Americans) opted to take a train instead of flying or driving? Not often enough to keep that industry profitable, and this was the industry that helped build this country.

No bailouts. We need to stop.

McCain 2008 Campaign Secrets

Raigen says...

It's not news anymore, it's entertainment.

"We're in the boredom killing business!"

>> ^millertime1211:
The thing that shocked me most about this wasnt any of the secrets, it's that the news media AGREED to keep all these secrets!!!! It's their duty to us to report the news, not to powder coat the candidates until AFTER we've choosen!! This is a disgrace to american news, if such a thing even exists!

Nailin' Palin: Fox News Is Not Amused (Or Aroused)

Fedquip says...

two chicks gabbing about porn and then offering their opinion, thanks FOX! now, whatcha think about the America bombing Syria thingee? Maybe Kelly can look that one up and have a "court" session about the international legality of conducting raids into nations?

The thing about fox, it isn't about if they are "Fair and Balanced" anymore. It's about how people have to realize it's not news, its TV media designed for the lowest common denominator, its just hour 24hrs of horrible journalism and blatant propaganda.

This is Why I Love Rachel Maddow

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^ I don't think Rachel claims to be fair and balanced. It's an editorial type show with a definite slant. It's not news - it's opinion. More like a TV version of the Huffington Post.

Teacher Rejects the Madness of No Child Left Behind.

NetRunner says...

^ It is a close case, and I'm certainly willing to reconsider.

I considered it "not news" because it's not a news report (amateur or otherwise), nor is it a commentary on the media (not even a "this is a topic you won't hear about from the corporate media..."), nor an analysis of a current media meme (if Palin had spent 50% of her speech talking about NCLB, it'd be news for sure), and it's already in documentaries and politics.

I consider it important (so I upvoted), but I wouldn't call it news.

I've been thinking of widening the scope to include "things that should be news", but that seemed like it'd invite too much overlap with politics.

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