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Mitt Romney strapped dog to roof of car for 12 hours

bamdrew says...

This show is way too much the bizarro O'Reilly. I'd seen Mo Rocca give a show once that was pretty okay, but bleh this is really bad and not news.

Very telling that they fall into Paris Hilton jokes at the end.

Bruce Willis Drops the F-Bomb on live TV

gluonium says...

Ok that's it, I have to take a stand on this. I'm downvoting this and all future 'x celeb said y naughty word on tv' videos. Everyone and their 5 year old niece has already heard the english words fuck, shit, asshole, cunt, balls, tits, cocksucker and every other swear word you can think of many, many times over. This is not news. Society hasn't collapsed in on itself. Every time one of these 'oh noooees she said fuck on tv??!?' videos comes up and goes to the front page it merely serves to perpetuate the perception that these words are so shocking and inexcusably objectionable that we all have to lose our collective shit and gawk for ten minutes at the bad, bad man/lady. Well it isn't shocking because I'm not in third grade anymore and so these nipple slips and fuck takes should be treated as the total non-events they are!

Soldier surprises son in class

anna nicole nuts

Band Aid - "Do They Know It's Christmas?"

Farhad2000 says...

Raise awareness where Theo47? That Africa is in crisis mode? Everyone knows that... it's reached saturation levels now in the media. I heard of NGOs having trouble getting press to show up because the topic they covered was deemed not news worthy (donation of out-phased PCs to inner city schools/universities in Africa).

It's never news worthy until they can take a video or picture of a child with a large belly due to malnutrition and flies all over their faces.

And what happens then? It goes on media networks and is totally tuned out, because "God how many times have you seen it already"? Of course the coverage of wars, genocide, famine, corruption does the exact opposite... it makes Africa seem like an a bad place to invest in.

No one ever talks about positive things, things that are changing, like Rwanda's drive to increase IT usage in it's population. How most African countries have ridiculously large expansion of mobile phone networks because it's cheaper to build towers instead of laying conventional copper/fiber optic lines? Right there is a large untapped, high rate of adaptation market for cell phone companies.

Theo, thats the same reasoning NGOs give all the time, saying Africa is not ready for free trade, globalization or capitalism or whatever the 'word' of the moment is. I heard that excuse a billion times. I could tell you a million stories about why that's not the case, but... I know you wouldn't listen to me but I hope you read this Der Spiegel interview with Kenyan economics expert James Shikwat. Which is about as close as from the horses mouth as you can get.

Everyone thinks Africa is some kind of disabled person that NEEDS donations. That is simply not true, did 1st world nations have donations drop from the sky when implementing new technologies like phones? power lines? Of course not. What made it happen is sound economic and development strategies of improving infrastructure, subsidized by the goverment and offered to the population at low prices. Exactly the kind of advice, deep thought and planning that doesn't go into the mindset of 90% of NGOs involved in Africa today.

If you want to make real change in Africa, go there, see for yourself. Be a tourist, see Kenya, Zambia and South Africa. Spend your American dollars there, because that would create infinitely more change and improvement in life then any donation or dollar-child-adaptation scam that is run. And again...

Why not protest about the restrictive agricultural subsidies and tariff systems that the EU and US possess that destroy the import/export competitiveness of agricultural products from Africa? (Africa is mostly agriculturally based) Of course you won't your governments will warn you of dangerous lower food standards in the Third World, which is so ironic considering food borne diseases sprung up in the UK first with BSE.

Try this next time at Live 8 Aid, ask an NGO representative how they want to actually promote change, you will receive ambiguous answers that show no understanding of the situation on the ground... How I ever managed not to punch out my colleagues and their delusional views, I don't know... NGO people think they are just morally superior because they have a good humanitarian agenda, but don't realize that even good causes can be carried out poorly, like the Democrats.

Middle-Eastern reactions to 9/11

theo47 says...

That we are hated in the Middle East and there is plenty of misinformation is not news.
To make it appear as though all Muslims feel and believe this way is misinformation itself, and to have right-wing tool Ron Silver as the narrator doesn't help things, either.

anti-gay protestor vs. fox news "bimbo"

BayAreaGuy says...

Dear Conan: Get real! FOX is not news, and it's not one of our "biggest." It's a joke. They're owned by an Australian named Rupert Murdoch who's a multi-billionaire and has close ties to the Bush Administration. As a result they pretend to be a news station, but take their orders directly from the Bushites.

anti-gay protestor vs. fox news "bimbo"

Catalyst says...

Fox News! It's not news. It's the Fox Show dressed as news. The reporter is another one of the well trained Fox Show hosts.

The religious woman is like many bible people. You can take most parts of the bible and make it mean what you want; just like horoscopes.

Both of these people i.e. the Fox Show hostes and the religious woman were to loud to hear what either were trying to say. In the end, both said nothing.

The Bilderberg Group

boilerplate says...

Kudos to you for posting this. As a long time so-called "Conspiracy theorist" who has been reading and watching this stuff for a decade now, it's not news to me...but it might wake up others.

I often tell people about Leo Strauss, the Straussians, Alan bloom & Richard Perle, University of chicago...and they just stand there with their mouth agape, shocked beyond belief. I even sent in an editorial about this to my local paper. Very well researched...and it blew everyone away when they printed it.

Wake people up!!!!

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