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Business Administrator Quotes GodFather Movie in Response

ALL News Nets Cut Away When Pelosi Talks Jobs Over Weiner

Dock Ellis and the LSD No-No

Dock Ellis and the LSD No-No

Suggestions to avoid comment clutter (Talks Talk Post)

Webcam strip tease fail - or is it?

Sarzy says...

>> ^GDGD:

I agree with most of what you have said, except the first question and second point could both be explained by the viewer doing the recording?
>> ^messenger:
Someone must have had a curtain fall while someone was outside, AND publish it on Youtube? Don't think so.
And there's a host of other problems that the conspiracy theorist in me can't accept:
-- A girl doing a real webcam tease and typing on a computer would be constantly looking at her own window to see what she looked like, and would notice the curtain down and two dudes staring at her.
-- Someone who was broadcasting live (she was typing to whomever she was dancing for) wouldn't normally be recording at the same time.
-- I find it hard to believe that there just happened to be a second guy there, and neither tried to hide that they were peeping. In this scenario they'd be either neighbours or family, and wouldn't want to get caught.
So fake VIDEO. No comment on the boobs.>> ^LarsaruS:
Considering the (at least) tens of thousands who do these kinds of things, I think it might be real... I mean statistically speaking someone must have had a curtain fail when someone was outside...

And the third point could be explained by the fact that those two men appear to be gardeners, and not neighbours/family. Personally I'm inclined to think that this is fake, but those three points don't exactly make it an open-and-shut case.

Webcam strip tease fail - or is it?

GDGD says...

I agree with most of what you have said, except the first question and second point could both be explained by the viewer doing the recording?

>> ^messenger:

Someone must have had a curtain fall while someone was outside, AND publish it on Youtube? Don't think so.
And there's a host of other problems that the conspiracy theorist in me can't accept:
-- A girl doing a real webcam tease and typing on a computer would be constantly looking at her own window to see what she looked like, and would notice the curtain down and two dudes staring at her.
-- Someone who was broadcasting live (she was typing to whomever she was dancing for) wouldn't normally be recording at the same time.
-- I find it hard to believe that there just happened to be a second guy there, and neither tried to hide that they were peeping. In this scenario they'd be either neighbours or family, and wouldn't want to get caught.
So fake VIDEO. No comment on the boobs.>> ^LarsaruS:
Considering the (at least) tens of thousands who do these kinds of things, I think it might be real... I mean statistically speaking someone must have had a curtain fail when someone was outside...

Webcam strip tease fail - or is it?

messenger says...

Someone must have had a curtain fall while someone was outside, AND publish it on Youtube? Don't think so.

And there's a host of other problems that the conspiracy theorist in me can't accept:

-- A girl doing a real webcam tease and typing on a computer would be constantly looking at her own window to see what she looked like, and would notice the curtain down and two dudes staring at her.
-- Someone who was broadcasting live (she was typing to whomever she was dancing for) wouldn't normally be recording at the same time.
-- I find it hard to believe that there just happened to be a second guy there, and neither tried to hide that they were peeping. In this scenario they'd be either neighbours or family, and wouldn't want to get caught.

So fake VIDEO. No comment on the boobs.>> ^LarsaruS:

Considering the (at least) tens of thousands who do these kinds of things, I think it might be real... I mean statistically speaking someone must have had a curtain fail when someone was outside...

Glenn Beck, 6/10/10: "Shoot Them In The Head"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

It's a two way street Netrunner. I made my position very clear. Most political speech in the US - including Beck's - is non-violent and in no way relates to blood libel. I made no bones about my position in that regard.

My initial post made no comment about whether Beck used violent or non-violent speech. It was just a full-context description of the Beck quote. I referred back to that initial post because that's what I thought you were talking about. I was mistaken in my understanding of what you were referring too. No need to go all drama-queen about it.

But on to the subtance rather than the pointless. You said, "You're saying Glenn beck talking about needing to shoot people in the head before they shoot us in the head is non-violent, while blood libel, which is just a made-up story about Jews using the blood of Christian children in religious rituals, is violent."

Your whole position seems to be that Beck's whole "you're going to have to shoot me in the head" schtick is the equivalent of Nazi blood libel... You've asked several times 'what's the difference'? I explained the difference. I'm not sure why you are so reluctant to accept the explanation. The only possible reason is that you reject the idea that what Beck said is 'not violent', but that you actually in fact and all reality believe that there is no difference.

I've said it afore in the Daily Show thread, and I'll say it again. I do not consider political bombast to be violent, nor is is a 'call' for violence, and it does not inspire or 'gin up' violence either. When politicians 'target' demographics, it is not violent speech. When the NRA says, "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands" it is not violent speech. When Glen Beck says, "You're going to have to shoot me in the head to get me to stop talking about the founders" it is not violent speech. When Robert Gibbs says, "We're going to put our boots on their necks" it is not violent speech.

No right-minded person who hears these things construes them as actual calls for real-world violence. These are political phrases, passionate rhetoric, 'metaphors' (as you once said), or stupid exaggerations. Bachman does not actually expect people to go around armed and dangerous. Obama does not really expect people to bring guns. Beck does not expect people to get shot in the head (himself or others).

What did you mean by "non-violent opinion"? Were you talking about Glenn Beck there? After all, that was what I had asked you about.

I didn't have Beck in mind specifically, but he is certainly included under the same rubrik. No one believes Beck was either calling for himself to be shot in the head, or for others to be actually shot in the head. Would I have used the phrase if I had a TV show? Highly unlikely. However, I defend the right of dummies to run off the mouth. It helps you see who they are. So when right wing bombasts like Beck flap their yaps, I applaud it. Much like when I applaud it when left wing bombasts like Maddow or Maher vomit out the true landscape of their minds.

Babylon 5 - Every Time I Say NO

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^WKB:

Quite possibly the most underrated show of all time. Such a shame that all the spin offs crapped out.

Ya, the universe they created was pretty interesting. Much beyond the typical star trekesk stereotyping of races as archetypes of the human condition. While many episodes are very single serving, the overall story arch of years or more was welcome, as it is so rarely or poorly done. My favorite dynamic was the role of the elder species, very neat concept of good and evil.


Damnit media, He just wants to eat his Cookie ( 2:14)

Skeeve says...

The media here in Edmonton is having a field day with this, but I have mixed views regarding this incident.

Firstly, he's being an ass and could have handled it much better. The first thing he should have done when he saw those vultures from CTV was stop, tell them that there would be a media event/press conference in half an hour and that he had no comment until then. Hopefully the media would have stopped following him then but even if they didn't there would be no story for them to run.

Secondly, the media people were being pushy assholes who should have just understood that he wasn't going to comment and should have just waited for the press conference for a comment.

Either way, it's stupid that this is becoming 'big news'.

Uma Thurman and John Travolta after taking laxatives

Babylon 5 - Every Time I Say NO

RFlagg says...

Also a shame the season box sets cost so much more than regular shows. If the show was down in the $15 perhaps even to $25 range I would probably splurge on it. But nearly $34 on sale from a $60 SRP is just too much.

>> ^WKB:

Quite possibly the most underrated show of all time. Such a shame that all the spin offs crapped out.

Training Tea Party Activists In Guerilla Internet Tactics

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