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The Power of Online Prayer

very disturbing video on the somali famine-(graphic)

Bill Gates on iPad and Microsofts pad/touchscreen leadership

ponceleon says...


I have to disagree and it comes from someone who was in a very similar position to you when the first iPad was announced and came out. I've worked 13 years in IT and have a pretty good feel for technology and I was CONVINCED there was no real market for a device larger than a smartphone, but smaller than say an airbook. In my mind, the macbook air would have been something 100x better than an iPad for a lot of reasons.

When the iPad hit, I watched and initially felt vindicated because I felt it was just a larger iPhone that just didn't do all the things an iPhone did.

Over the following year though, I saw (at least in my office environment) a very clear niche that it fit far better than a laptop. While it is not as powerful, it was impressively useful in meetings. What people don't seem to get is that when you have a bunch of people with laptops in a meeting, it can actually get quite loud and distracting. There is also the physical barrier of the screen which seems to put people behind a wall in a subtle way. The iPad sits almost flush against the table, allows you to take notes silently and really reduces the distractions of larger laptops.

What impresses me so much about it as a productivity tool is that it doesn't replace a laptop or a phone, but allows for a very specific type of subtlety when in meetings specifically. A year later I got it to replace a macbook air and I'm VERY pleased with how good it is, specifically for meetings. The fact that you can turn it on and off quickly and the battery life is pretty damned good for all it does, I'm really sold for my own business purposes.

This said, I do have some major problems with the way that tablets are being pushed for things they absolutely SUCK at. I'm an avid gamer and I feel that while the iPad has been good with games that work in a touch-screen environment (puzzle games, rpgs, etc.) the insistence that apple and game developers have to try to shove motion/tilt control down my throat, or really shitty third/first-person shooter control is really really annoying. Puzzle Quest 2 - perfect on the iPad, Dead Space - unplayable on the iPad.

As for this video, he really didn't have a choice. Absolutely anything he said would have turned into a giant front-page BS article that would have hurt MS... I'm not surprised at all that he went with no-comment.

Bill Gates on iPad and Microsofts pad/touchscreen leadership

Deano says...

Poor old Bill. When you have to say "no comment" you pretty much admit you're in a position of weakness. Microsoft have missed the boat with tablets all because they don't want to give up the money they make from Windows.

I've played with tablets and I might even get one very soon. I definitely see a use for them in terms of casual browsing and general entertainment. I've had many situations where I'm moving my laptop room to room and I know the keyboard is not needed and the mouse positioning is difficult.

Sitting with a touchscreen device that almost anyone can use is a big win and a far more elegant scenario than balancing a laptop awkwardly and wondering how to site the mouse.

I can see even my dad using one which would be a marvelous achievement. And if someone asks me to look up some info I can bring it over very easily.

Weird Anomaly Found On Ocean Floor - UFO or NO?

Yogi says...

>> ^ponceleon:

Christ this mentality is absolutely stupid. How do you go from "I don't know what this is" to "I know EXACTLY what this is and it is a flying saucer with aliens in it."

USO? Unidentified Sunken Object?

Weird Anomaly Found On Ocean Floor - UFO or NO?

Weird Anomaly Found On Ocean Floor - UFO or NO?

Weird Anomaly Found On Ocean Floor - UFO or NO?

Neil deGrasse Tyson & The Big Bang: it's NOT "just a theory"

MrFisk says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Common sense is not on your list.
Nor should it be.
>> ^shuac:
Great talk but we have more than merely five senses, the way we were mistakenly taught as youngsters.
1) sight
2) hearing
3) smell
4) taste
5) touch
6) balance/acceleration
7) temperature
8 ) proprioception (related to touch, provides the brain with the relative positions of parts of the body. this is how you can touch your nose with your eyes closed)
9) pain
10) other internal senses (gag reflex, urinary bladder 'fullness', sensations felt when swallowing, etc)

No comment on the paperprompter?

Al Franken shreds anti-gay witness

Al Franken shreds anti-gay witness

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Sorry, but I don't see it. Let me state from the start that I think it's complete bullshit that same-sex couples can't get married. But this study doesn't help.
The study defines a nuclear family as "2 parents, married to each other and kids". Given that same-sex marriage isn't recognised in the states, surely the study is actually talking about a heterosexual couple exactly as the homophobe says? Again that is not to say that same sex parents are any worse, merely that this particular study doesn't seem to back Franken up.
Does anyone know of or have a link to the study in question?

ChaosEngine has it right, I think. From the basis of this clip, we can figure that the study was done in 2010 in the USA. We know how they define "nuclear family" in the study, which doesn't explicitly exclude same-sex couples, but they would be de-facto excluded or at a minimum very under-represented since same-sex marriage isn't recognized in the US (yet).

So basically, the study has no comment about same-sex married couples with adopted children. I think that it is likely that kids in such a household would have many or most of the same benefits of a heterosexual marriage. To be fair, kids in such arrangement are likely to face some stigmas and possibly bullying, but similar things have historically been / are true for adopted kids of heterosexual couples.

I think that both sides are interpreting the study in ways that aren't actually supported by the data in it. I'd wager Franken is right, but he would need another study that includes familes of same-sex marriages to prove it.

Adding thumbnails has never been easier (Sift Talk Post)

How to poop successfully while in the orient

We're ban happy on the Sift and it sucks (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Business Administrator Quotes GodFather Movie in Response

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