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Only Bikes and Pedestrians go here

ChaosEngine says...

So basically the guy in the truck was some kind of maintenance worker and had a right to be there?

In that case, I'd say the blame is fully on the cyclist. The driver wasn't going that fast and even pulled over to his right. Meanwhile, the cyclist couldn't even navigate the more than adequate gap.

blahpook said:

Some answers here from the cyclist. SHE responds to a lot of the comments from others:

Mother of Four Cures PTSD With MDMA

chingalera says...

....and to interject here for clarity and general edification and enlightenment, that the OVERUSE of the words 'just', 'actually', and my personally-peevish pet-polemic, 'CLEEEARLY' -(God, I fucking detest the abuse of this particular word esp. when used to begin a sentence/statement with a view to arguing some complete and utter bullshit with very telling emotionally-fueled, idiotic prattle), should sound as a warning to all that what you are about to read is a load of self-delusional horseshit.

Please smarty-pants, argue and defend MORE bullshit and reveal to all your lifetime extant of dysfunctional programming with these flaccid idioms designed to abuse logic, reason, and common-sense and experience the warm sensation of having your fuck-shit-stack of words inserted gently into and up your own ass.

Ahem. That said, any psychoactive drugs (some are better than others) combined with proper navigation through a qualified proctor, set, and setting can be utilized to re-write or substantially inhibit or reverse the ill-effects of traumatic imprinting and programming.

Making The Sift more user friendly (Sift Talk Post)

Warmth- says...

Hi, I'm a long time lurker. I happened to see an interesting 'Videosift lounge' -link in the top of the page yesterday, clicked it, and found out that the site has a chat lounge, which is quite nice!

I wound up chatting with @eric3579, and found out that the chat had been enabled for everyone just a few months ago. We got to talking about how hard it can be for a first time user to find out more information about what VideoSift is, and how it actually works.

I had seen this thread a couple of weeks ago, when I first time tried to find out some extra info on the site. I skimmed @Zawash's great post through for some info (on what power points can be used for etc.) - I didn't find the link to the FAQ then, I found the FAQ-link just today.. as it never occured to me to look for the link at the very bottom of the page, but from the top menu navigation bar instead.

I sketched that above linked image as we chatted, and now I just noticed that @dotdude had suggested just that idea already above. The sketch's question mark and font color is not as cool as the real design is, but in anycase, I too think that something of that sort would be more noticeable/clear place for FAQ/Help for the new people?

Do you guys think that to make this happen, we could perhaps cut the task in to two? One for the mighty Admins, and one for the helpful, interested parties in this talk thread? Admins would create cool graphics and code the link for the help menu, and the layout views for a sectioned help text, and then another task for all the long time pro sifters, in creating all that text for those help sections? A bit like @Zawash has done here?

Could that work be done in anonymous google document (does require Google-account (I think, maybe, note sure if it even requires that), but editing and commenting on the document doesn't reveal identity in any case)?

If there are helpful and knowledgeable people, perhaps this document could be used for the work of creating a good help section and updated FAQ?

I'm going to currently just copy all the material from the FAQ in there, and edit it to look nice and clear, and then separate 'Help/instructions' sort of stuff in to another section, and leave only actual basic Questions in the FAQ-section. Anyone's free to help and contribute! And if you come up with a better way of organizing everything, or want to write a completely new section, just use the document and do it!

I'm a total newb when it comes to anything related to actually using this site and its features (only submitted a couple of videos), so I think I'm underqualified for doing this by myself, so I sure hope you guys could help!

Just hop on in to the document and start doing useful stuff when ever!
Don't worry about accidentally doing anything, there's a complete undo feature in Google Docs, and each edit revision is saved as its own version, so if someone decides to vandalize (I heavily doubt anyone would do such a thing!) this, I can get the last good version back, and then put on restrictions on to who can edit etc. But, I'll do those things only if there is a need for that, let's keep the document super easily accessible and commentable for now!


(BTW. I really appreciate all the effort of the Admins and sifters have put in to the site over the years! I believe that there's quite a few other people besides me, who mostly just lurk around, and do not contribute much to the site actively.
That reluctance to participate might of course be due to us lurkers being like we are, but also it could heavily be related to the way in which it's a bit hard to find out about how stuff works currently..)

Cat vs. Bat

BicycleRepairMan says...

Also, he could have gotten the cat out of the living room and opened a door and a window and watched some tv, or the bat. It would have found its way out, no problem. unlike birds, bats navigate enclosed spaces with echolocation, so they wont crash into the windows, or anything else.

Al Sharpton Versus The Teleprompter

Yogi says...

What's interesting about Al Sharpton is rarely have I seen anyone come under such scrutiny throughout their entire life. All their choices places under a microscope as they navigate the already perilous political landscape of Activism. The wild speculation and misinterpretation would be enough to crush most men.

His life is what I could see happening to Martin Luther King Jr. if he lived. MLK was about to make a speech and start a campaign against specifically poverty and inequality before he died. It was going to be his next project and one that had a lot of support among blacks and the lower class. It was already starting to happen that mainstream state supporting media was turning against him. It's the idea of "Ok we agreed with you on this but now you've been radicalized." The idea that radicalization is when you try and do something we can't possibly support, like fair wages or money out of politics.

Not trying to say that MLK and Al Sharpton are equals, but if MLK had lived I'm certain that his Wikipedia page would be, along with Sharptons, an essay on every misspoken word, every misguided action. Everything placed under a microscope which not even the most pious and dedicated man could escape. It would be a farce, and that's how you destroy an opponent, any opponent. This is why our politicians are all pieces of cardboard that suck.

"Chef" Trailer

deathcow says...

Actually at the very end they drive to a food competition in Phoenix and sleep in the food truck but a running burner fills the van with carbon monoxide overnight and everyone but the Chef is killed. Despite this he goes on to win the competition that day, whilest navigating around his family the entire day.

kymbos said:

How can that not be 80% of the film plot? Then they have a crisis, then they overcome it in the last 20 minutes leaving us feeling satisfied and a bit hungry.

Colbert responds to #CancelColbert

andyboy23 says...

Eh. Ultimately, satire can offend, but its goal is to enlighten people. If it's good satire, there should be a net positive societal gain.

I'm arguing that if you end up offending more than you enlighten, there's no net positive societal gain there. Especially if you offend a subset of the very group (targets of racism in this case) than you're trying to uplift with the satire.

It's got to be case-by-case, and it's often a very tough call. As I mentioned above, Dave Chappelle himself, by most accounts a comedic genius, struggled with it immensely in his material. And figuring all of this out is a tricky, ongoing process of discovery and dialog which requires a more nuanced viewpoint and empathy than you're showing a willingness to take on. Honestly it's a lot to process and I often wonder and question my own ability to navigate these issues.

Ultimately, I feel like you and many others just want win an argument and not really have to think about things like this anymore in the future. You want your racial satire and you want your rape jokes without talking about or thinking about any boundaries or grey areas for the purveyors of that comedy, and that's that. Black and white.

If something like this comes up again, welp, you already have an answer for that. You can just pull out your rubber stamp that says:
"It's satire people! Those offended don't get the context of the joke."

Colbert's character is a satire of just that kind of black and white way of thinking, so it's highly ironic for his viewership to mimic it.

ChaosEngine said:

I view it as similar to "rape jokes". It's the target of the joke that matters, not the content as such.

Buts let's say the cotton picking version did air. I wouldn't be telling the black community to "lighten up" anymore than I'm telling the Asian community to lighten up now. It's not about taking a joke, it's about understanding the context of a joke, and realising that you are not the target.

David Mitchell on Atheism

CreamK says...

Firm agnostic here too. The most sane ideology to have today. Tomorrow it might be something else but i feel agnostics are the only ones to use diplomacy between godders and no-godders. Both groups can never understand each other, agnostics understand them both.

To anyone saying that agnosticism is simply just indecisiveness, and that is both sides: it is not. We simply don't think it's an issue you need to be on one side or the other. That's what you do. We accept both views and navigate between them trying to find what is real and what is not, since both sides try to manipulate true facts all the time according to your needs. We don't do that. If something, agnosticism is the true scientific approach; trying to find out what is true without any predisposition or beliefs...

It's ONLY that both sides are now so far apart that anything that contradicts them, is totally blasphemous/unscientific. There is no such thing as true agnosticism. There are people who are closer to believing in god and further away and no one cares how you think. People who belong to either of the marginal camps seems like idiots to me who are never going to be coaxed in either way; the more evidence you put on the table for one argument, you will oppose it even more. Its a futile discussion. We got much bigger problems to solve than if there's a god.

At the moment, there are more evidence pointing that there is no god. Nothing has been proven as a fact in either way. There would be same amount of violence with or without religion, the reasons would change superficially but nothing would change or will change if you abolish or religion. It takes about 10 years that new batch of believers arrive even if you eradicated all religion and all history: if you wipe people minds now, tomorrow someone believes in angels or goblins.. Or dragons.. It's inbuilt survival mechanism: you don't get it all, there must be a bigger plan etc.. it's human nature, not a part of our society. The feeling the presence of God is scientifically proven to be just a short circuit in our brain.. That alone makes it certain that belief in supernatural will go on.

Amphibious boat/car/rescue vehicle that actually works!

NirnRoot says...

So... it's a Duck?

(Okay, admittedly the ability to raise the wheels in the water means it can navigate faster than the WW2 Duck - which had a top water speed of 5mph - but other than that it looks remarkably similar. And the DUKW had a 50mph top speed on land ;-)

Questions for Statists

chingalera says...

..yay verily dagmar, and some folks willingly pay to pass for your pet-project's site sake have myself in the past-One gracious being paid my way for six months having seen with an uncanny innate ability the value and grace with which I navigate the world...I thank you sincerely for the consulting fees already paid to myself and on my behalf....The fact that you and everyone playing suffer my tyranny is more than enough recompense

Winter Driving is Dangerous! Please slow down

AeroMechanical says...

Given it's Wisconsin, these people really should have known better. Generally, they're pretty good about driving in these conditions here. They're kind of breaking the fundamental rule though, which is however fast the car in front of you is going, you drive no faster than that and leave plenty of room to stop. You don't change lanes except when it's necessary for navigational purposes.

I'm also wondering about the lights thing. I don't see a lot. My new car has an "automatic" setting, but it doesn't really work properly and the lights are off a lot of the time when they should be on (the most important times, dusk and dawn). As a rule, I leave my lights on all the time anyways. That said, there are still a lot of people who seem to think the lights on the car are there to help you see rather than to help others see you.

Eight Great Moral Imperatives: Stop Fighting

Trancecoach says...

Actually, if you watch the previous videos in this series (listed in the menu at the end of this one), you'll see that he did not at all "forget" about fuels, food, environmental effects. . . In fact, those are the topics that the previous videos address.

The claim is that seasteading will address the problems of food, fuel, and environment.... But you have to watch the videos before you know that. Select the cause you care about to navigate to the appropriate video.

The video also estimates that only about 13% of the population will live on these seasteads. You, of course, won't be among them since, it's unlikely (albeit possible) that you'll start re-programming your mind, at this point. As some have said before me, for any new model to be widely accepted, you have to wait for the older generations to die. In the meantime, it's good educate the younger ones.

Sagemind said:

okay, this had me right up until he announced that this was more than philosophy - That he wanted me to sign up. I could sign up, but that wouldn't make water world a reality - ever.
Did he really just suggest we abandon land and live on floating islands?

He forgot about storms, waves, wind, fuels, food, environmental effects, ocean wildlife, and so much more.

Octopus Plays With Coconut

grinter says...

Thanks for the article. It kinda reads like an add for Jennifer Mathers' 'octopuses are smart' book. Her 2008 Consciousness and Cognition paper does a better job at laying out the most cephalopod behaviors impressive behaviors:
. Don't get me wrong; I think cephaolopods totally awesome, but I don't see the case for them being cognitive leaps and bounds above other invertebrates. The behaviors that they are capable of are found elsewhere among inverts, yet people (often encouraged by Mathers or her coauthors on that book) seem to imply they are basically eight armed dogs of the sea:

Behavioral conditioning in the lab (which Mathers likes to call "learning") - Bees, butterflies
Moving objects to close off burrows - mantis shrimp
Carrying objects as temporary refuges - crabs
Individual recognition - wasps, lobsters?, mantis shrimp.
Complex spatial navigation - ants, bees.
Learning via observation - I'm not aware of other inverts that do this, but the cephalopod evidence is also pretty weak.

Maybe there are some more recent, and more convincing results?

Escaped the wave at the last minute

SFOGuy says...

The appearance of larger than average waves is a known statistical phenomena to sailors---or should be. Looks like these guys might want to learn about the same rules (especially the two guys that reappears in the channel at 47 seconds)

So, if there are regular 10 foot waves, you should plan with startling regularity, on running into 20-25 foot high waves that will appear to come "out of nowhere"

This translates, BTW, into prudent navigation; since you know that waves start to "break" when the bottom is half the depth of the wave height, in a 10 foot swell, you should stay in water 25 feet deep with your boat unless you want the way-to-frequent for comfort big wave to come crashing down on top you as it "breaks" rather than sliding underneath your boat.

The most recent sailing accident attributable not following this rule was the sinking of the sailboat "Low Speed Chase" off the coast of the Farallon Islands (San Francisco Bay)---when she shaved a corner and ventured into the shallows and was crushed and sank by a breaking wave---(drowning some of her crew and the captain).

Diane Feinstein's Signature Party-Line Diatribe in True Form

chingalera says...

Point taken, changes made to title and for NEWT-BOY:
'Opinionated zealots' create sustainable programs in the form of either rectrification of dying paradigms or completely new models-Who founded your own country's constitution? I don't know where you reside so, how's your government doing?

You have a real hard-on for anyone with faith in my opinion, be that faith in man or some, omnipresent uni-being.

Places like Bulgaria and Switzerland don't have a large segment of their citizens in prisons or are making more and more laws to facilitate their incarceration so..perhaps the shits broken and needs fixing?? At the very least, a major douche.

I vote, kill the douchebags and put THEM in a box...Not the caring, thinking, passionate people trying to navigate the onslaught of the shit created by those in power for anyone but themselves and their buddies to remain comfortable and in control.

I am comfortable and in control of my own world to a great extent and see my way of being threatened as well as that of my countrymen, and it pisses me the fuck off.

A reasonable man would call a man like this, sane and healthy-

st0nedeye said:

Your video description is offensive. How about you keep the front page sfw, jackass.

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