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Xbox One Kinect Calls Foul on Bad Language

Shepppard says...

It does? Since when does PS4 require an always-listening device to play any of its games?

It doesn't? And navigating most of the U.I. is damn near impossible without that piece of equipment on Xb1? well, shit. Guess it's a good thing people are defending a useless trinket that should never have been the focus of a console then.

Seriously, go ahead and back up whatever console you prefer, but Xbox One was supposed to be online-only, and always have a kinect, and a lot of the aspects of the console show it. In a battle where graphics are now essentially moot (Both consoles are beefy enough that they really don't matter anymore)
the comparisons fall to the features they can provide.

Is walking into a room and saying "Xbox on" and having it turn on your stuff cool? Yeah. it is. Is that worth an extra 100 bucks? not to me, it's not.

TheFreak said:

Some people in this discussion are expressing pretty negative reactions towards XBox One and Kinect 2.0 over this feature.

Guess what. It's the game developer who added this feature, not XBox or Kinect. Go complain to 2K Games.

But then, that would have occurred to you if you didn't have such a hardon for bashing XBox. Still want to bash Microsoft over this? Oh, wait...PS4 has the same feature in these games! If you're the type of person to go into a rage spin over something like this then turn the feature off.

Sportsmanship And A Big F**k You To The Ref

chingalera says...

Oh and it's the fine line barely navigable, to turn a friendly football match into some visiting-team's mayhem on city streets aft-

entr0py said:

I've got to side with the ref on this one. You've got to keep these footballers on track or they'll do nothing but tie each others' shoes and braid each others' hair.

Obamacre Navigators Exposed Coaching Applicants to Lie

aaronfr says...

So, someone went into an 'navigators' office looking for help getting health insurance. Then he confessed that he had been cheating on his taxes. The navigator advised him that the forms he was filling out would be sent to the IRS. They also advised him that unless he was ready to deal with consequences of his initial lie, he should maintain it.

Also, there is a controversy because some old lady thinks a group is part of the DNC. Oh, and a 501(c)3 is working with a PAC. Which is only allowable under certain conditions. Which O'Keefe fails to tell us and fails to show how those rules are being broken here. Instead he chooses to insinuate that a PAC which has a political strategy is somehow nefarious because they are implementing that strategy.

>>>Huge iPhone Security Flaw<<<

chingalera says...

May we suggest the most glaring (common sense with a view trumping the most gracious of mortality odds) 'security flaw' inherent in ANY similar device (including off-brand/hype models) with functionality requiring two thumbs, a pair of eyes, and a challenge to their users of navigating the useless shit whilst performing mundane tasks such as saaay, crossing a street, waiting in line for groceries, operating a motor vehicle much less, operating your legs while not looking at the GROUND? Who needs any of this engineered obsolescence garbage anyway?...The cunts who want you under their thumbs, that's who and if they are LUCKY(all indications point to this a inevitable)-you or someone you just texted die crossing a street using some ineffectual device, car wreck while the manufacturer staffs lobbyists while crunching quarterly loss numbers.

Incorporating distraction into large populations who can afford these ancillary toys is KEY to these cunts who compete to make available these consumer grey-matter-killers and it has been the goal of providing you with the convenience of your own self-importance and slow death from the OUTSET.

Use less of the shit (civil and economic disobedience), stop fawning-over it and selling it without compensation to your friends (because after all, you have nothing else to communicate about of substance or meaning since yer skills have fallen-off a bit after the in-crowd hi-jack feeds on trashing or band-wagoning the latest devices every week..(gotta have one gotgaotta have the best)) HINT: THEY ALL HOBBLE YOUR MIND, THEY ALL SUCK-

EVERYONE do the experiment collectively (don't use their services for a month and threaten to drop service altogether) and YO, maybe develop some lasting relationships along the way....remember "eye contact!?"

Watch how miraculously interesting, stress-free and simply satisfying your unnecessarily complicated, dull-fucking life changes overnight and adds 10 more quality years to it when you numb or otherwise mitigate your use of this and all tech connected by satellite or cable. Ssuddenly, the emperor has no billy-club, a birthday suit, and the obvious becomes clear:..He's a FUCK THAT CONTROLS YOU WHO SHOULD BE ON AN INTERNATIONAL SEX-OFFENDERS DATABASE.

TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

silvercord says...

I guess I must be out of the loop as far as how the Republicans see things. This is just me talking. I am bi-vocational. I work as a substance abuse and marital counselor and I also own my own business, These are just things I have thought through, not been told about.

I am wondering if there will be enough money to fund the ACA without the employer mandate.

I am wondering if there isn't going to be civil disobedience on a massive scale with our young people who don't yet have insurance but now must buy it.

I read the article from Forbes and also the one from Reuters on a Google search because I was having so much trouble trying to navigate the website. After repeated unsuccessful attempts and some strange pages popping up I began to think it was more than just overloaded servers causing the problem.

Until you mentioned the Republicans wanting to delay the mandate for a political advantage in 2014 I hadn't really given it much thought. Honestly, I really don't care why the Republicans want to delay the mandate. You wrote that there is absolutely no reason that the current admin may want to delay. I thought of a few scenarios that might end up being good reasons to delay it.

And just an FYI, I need to sign up for this. So the delay is hurting me. I'm not for delaying it. But the delay for me isn't coming from the the Tea Party. It's coming from the freaking website.

Ohmmade said:

The reasons you listed have nothing to do with how the administration sees things. Rather, how the republicans see things.

And you cannot honestly tell me the republicans have any other reason, other than putting this as an issue for 2014 mid-terms, to want to delay the mandate.

The Forbes article you posted is an opinion article from a right-wing thinktank hack. AEI wants nothing other than destruction of any social safety net this country has. You may as well link to a breitbart or Glenn Beck diatribe.

It's fine if you feel so bad about the veterans not getting to have their gathering. But what about all the head start kids who're locked out of school because of the bagger hostage-taking?

The Democrats have already given two enourmous gifts to republicans.

1- CR at sequestration levels
2- The Paul Ryan Budget

There is absolutely no way in hell that our economy needs to suffer more.

The baggers need to be destroyed. Period.

enoch (Member Profile)

Trancecoach says...

Hey @enoch,

> dude,
> i totally appreciate the time you took to respond.

Sure, not a problem. It's a complex issue, and requires the time to consider and understand the details.

> "for a free market to exist there also has to be absolute liberty.-
> adam smith we have neither.
> IF we did,i would not be against a free market system.
> at least not in totality."

Uh-oh, I hope this isn't a "lesser of two evils" argument.. That is, "since we cannot have a free market lets go for full-blown socialism because it is supposedly better than fascism." It's a false choice and not one I think any true humanitarian would be willing to entertain.

> "should EVERYTHING be subject to a free market? police?
> firefighters? roads?"

In short, yes. Aversion to socialism is based on reality, in contrast to what you're saying. Socialism is failure. Central planning inevitably fails. Central planners do not have the required knowledge to plan an economy. You need economic calculation and economic calculation is impossible to achieve in a socialist "economy."

> "to me health should be a basic part of civilized society,by your
> arguments you disagree. ok..we both have that right."

Are you trying to conflate "socialized healthcare" with health? Let's not confuse the facts with personal attacks. You seem to be saying, "if you are against socialism you are against health." That makes no sense. None.
I might as well say, "If you are against free markets you are against health."

> "my argument is that some things should be a basic for civilized
> society. in my opinion health care is one of them."

In no way did I ever say that I am against healthcare. So what are you talking about?

> "for a free market to exist there also has to be absolute liberty.-
> adam smith we have neither."

You cannot have a free market without liberty any more than you can have liberty without liberty. This is obvious, so?

> "IF we did,i would not be against a free market system.
> at least not in totality."

So, if we had a free market, you wouldn't be "against" a free market? Hmm.

> "the reason why i dont feel a free market is the way to go is
> mainly due to the fact that politics and corporations have merged
> into one giant behemoth (plutocracy)."

That's fine, but this is not a matter of "feeling" but a matter of economic reality and empirical evidence and deductive truth.

> "i never really understood americans aversion to "socialism""

Perhaps some economic education will clarify things. Understanding economic calculation, for example, might be a good place to start.

> "i deal with the very people that could NEVER afford you."

You're wrong. For one thing, while I do work at a significant fee for my primary clients, I do a significant amount of pro bono work, as a choice, and because I, like you, believe that health care is a human right. And that's a key point you need to understand. You seem to believe that, if the state doesn't take care of people, then no one will, and so we need to steal money from people in the form of taxes, under the auspices of "helping the poor," when in fact, the bureaucrats ensure that only a portion (if any) of those taxes actually arrive with their intended recipients while those who would willingly help those people themselves are deprived of the resources to do so, by depleting their income with said taxes. It's an unnecessary middleman, and faulty logic. The fact that people have, do, and will continue to care about people is the fundamental fact the needs to be understood. As a "man of faith," I would hope that you have enough faith in other people that they would care about and for others (even without being coerced by the government to do so, by force).

Furthermore, we have to apply the free market in toto, not half-assed. You can't have a Keynesian corporatists and an over-regulated system and expect that people will be be able to afford healthcare. The fact is that in a free market, the number of people who cannot afford my services would actually decrease considerably, because many more options would arise for those who still couldn't afford me would but need my services.

> "in a free market there will be losers.the one who always lose.
> the poor,the homeless,the mentally ill."

The free market has ways of dealing with all of these. And yes some win, some lose. But in a socialist system, everyone loses (except for maybe the rulers and their lackeys). This seems, again, to be coming from a place of fear, a sense of helplessness without the government. But alas, nothing contributes to poverty, homelessness, and mental illness more than government does. Fact.

> "the free market is still profit driven and the poor will have it no
> better,possibly worse in such a system."

So, what is your proof that the poor will have it worse? How do you know? Or is this what you "feel" would be the case?

> "the reason why i suggested medicare is because it is already in
> place."

So was slavery when the South decided they wanted to keep it.

> "two things would happen if this country went the medicare route:
> insurance industry would obsolete.
> 2.the pharmaceutical industry would find itself having to negotiate
> drug prices"

1. Yes, the government would have a monopoly on health coverage, and by extension all of healthcare. Economic calculation at this point becomes utterly impossible. Chaos follows. And healthcare quality and service plummets. I have research studies to support this if you're interested.

2. Why not nationalize pharmaceuticals while you are at it?

> "i may be a man of faith but i am a humanist at heart.for-profit
> health care will still have similar results as our current because
> the poor and working poor population is growing."

Without appealing to moral superiority, allow me to assure you that there is nothing -- not one thing -- that is moral or ethical about allowing the government coerce, aggress, commit violence, and violate individual's inalienable rights to self-ownership and property rights, as you proposing with such socialist "solutions." In my humble opinion, a true man of faith would not stand for such things, but would stand against them.

> "the poor and working poor population is growing."

Indeed we do, and we all have inflation, cronyism, Lord Keynes' bogus economic "system" and government's meddling to thank for this.

> "i am all for an actual free market but some things should be done
> collectively."

By "collectively," I assume you mean "by central authorities," yes? Because the free market is, in fact, collective. But there is nothing "collective" about central planning. Except for the fact that the "collective" is mandated to obey the dictates of the central planners.

> "its not only the right thing to so but the human thing to do."

1. Whatever your "feelings" are about it, there is an economic reality to deal with. Such a sentiment misses the point, and will result in hurting more people than it helps.

2. There is nothing "human" (or humane) in aggression, coercion, and violations of sovereignty, all of which underpins an implementation of a socialized system.

"The right thing to do" is to respect self-ownership and property rights. Doing anything else will eventually backfire. "People are not chessmen you move on a board at your whim."

Any one who is serious about contributing to solving and/or ameliorating the issues of poverty, homelessness, and/or mental illness and many of the other symptoms of our social detritus, needs to develop real, sustainable free market solutions to these. Otherwise, their efforts will be in vain (even if -- or perhaps especially if -- they are adopted by government for implementation). Anything else will not improve any of these but will only serve to make matters worse.

Going back to the basics, free market competition will always provide better goods/services at lower prices than the monopolies (fostered and engendered by the lack of economic calculations due to governmental intervention and regulations). Healthcare is no exception to this. Why would it be? Furthermore, why believe that the central planners/kleptocrats aren't profit-driven? Why believe that a "government" monopoly doesn't suffer from a lack of economic calculation? And what's wrong with being profit-driven, however you may individually define "profit?" Do you/I/we not act for what you/I/we consider the best? (Having faith is not a part-time job.)

Do you not act to achieve desired goals?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you haven't fully thought things through. But as I'm sure you know, "It is easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost."

> "thats my 2 cents anyways.i could probably ramble on for a few
> hours but i dont want to bore you. always a pleasure my friend.
> namaste"

It's not boring, but does take a bit of time to consider and understand all of the details. It's complex, and certainly a challenge to navigate your way through the morass of rhetoric, conditioning, and cultural misdirection that is pervasive in our society, especially when considering what passes for "news" and "facts." This is particularly true with regards to the economy, which is heavily politicized, despite being a rational science that can be understood if one takes the time to learn about its mechanism.

Since you signed off with "namaste," perhaps it would be worth reminding you that the first principle of yoga is "ahimsa para dharma" : non-violence is the highest duty.

Perhaps videosift isn't the best medium in which to educate people on non-violence and economics, but alas, it can be entertaining and, possibly have have some positive effect at some point.

Hope this helps.

enoch said:


Let's talk about Syria (Politics Talk Post)

enoch says...

this is such a multi-faceted issue and soo many pieces on the board.
we can use history as a guide but history is nothing like math i.e:2+2=4 always.
people can read the same historical text and come to a different conclusion.

so i use a basic meter that helps me navigate difficult and complex situations.
1.governments lie
2.cue bono-who benefits corporate media to taste the direction the government is pushing for i.e:propaganda independent news to get a flavor of whats actually happening and possible solutions.

i am still sifting through the information but there are emerging more and more troubling aspects to this conflict.

what bothers me even more is how many people i know are totally ok with military aggression.
my facebook page was alight with my right wing friends (mostly HIGHLY educated) chastising obama for "allowing" congress to decide.

never ONCE questioning the fact that the president never HAD that power to use military force without congressional approval until addington and woo came along and started rewriting the executive powers charter.

if we are going to use history as a template,then it would behoove the powers that be in this country to tread lightly.

well look at my optimism showing!
thats not going to happen.
i read a book years ago and i have been watching the details unfold in real time over the past 15 yrs.

i suggest:

this book laid out the reasons for a destabilized arab spring.

wish i could be more optimistic but governments lie.

Star Citizen Extended Trailer

shatterdrose says...

Um, well, if that's your only complaint . . Wings can actually be useful for a ship that does both atmosphere and space flight. Like the shuttle. It has wings. And it's a space ship . . . of sorts.

Let's see . . . Lasers. Yeah, we've already had lasers debunked as a weapon in space. Unless there's some breakthrough later on. But, that said, it wouldn't be visible as there's no atmosphere to reflect it back to us. It would be traveling at the speed of light.

Explosions would be limited to the amount of oxygen in the ship being destroyed. They wouldn't create sonic waves or sound, or cause the nearby camera to rattle.

Ships wouldn't fly in arcs. That's atmosphere. In space, a ship can turn 180° and still be going the same direction. Babylon 5 is a good example of newtonian physics in action while in space.

Humans wouldn't be flying small ships. It'd kill us. Literally. Unless we have inertial dampeners like in Star Trek, making those turns and twists would destroy our bodies. Just ask a pilot.

Lastly, anyone advanced enough to do FTL and navigate massive star clusters with pinpoint precision who DOESN'T have a targeting system that can predict a ships movements and then fire a at speed of light weapon and destroy it, well, failed somewhere.

Not to mention, we'd use missiles that would self-destruct. Fire a physical projectile at near speed of light velocities and it not hit it target? Well, you may have just fired a bullet that would take out your space base in 1,000 years. It's be fruitless, require tons of energy and end up killing yourself with your own bullet.

But I'm glad we focused on wings. The only thing that has a real legitimate use in space travel.

jmd said:

Looks bad. Really I thought it was a fan made EVE trailer. Also it kind of breaks a rule of good design, SPACE ships have no need for wings. Unless you have your engines mounted on them or they are carrying massive weapons, it just makes you a bigger target and there is no atmosphere in space.

bamatide (Member Profile)

Conversation w/ My 2 Yr Old - Reenacted w/ Full Grown Man

mindbrain says...

While bareboards2 and enoch navigate through their text-based misunderstanding in the politest of manners, I sit a the top of the stairs clutching a banister bar in each kid-hand and stare through these bars into the darkness of the foyer below wincing at every thoughtful agreement reached.

My developing unconscious, a quagmire of reason and understanding.

You alright. I learned it by watching you.


bi polar-psychology of being

Engels says...

I have never heard such a bunch of codswaddle in my years of studying psychology. Aside from the outdated and wildly prejudiced anti-Freud ramble, which is apparently still 'hip' to do, the entire field of existential psychology dedicates decades of study to this approach, whereas this twit makes it sound like something you can pick up as you go along as long as you're young and think you're Diana Troy.

You can't 'just be' with someone in psychosis. It takes a lot of training and experience to even navigate to the place in consciousness of an ordinary individual, never mind that of someone having a psychotic break.

Also, the perpetual stream of images of people having 'happy moments' all over the place like a hallmark card machine gun should be the first indicator to you that this is shameless profiteering.

Playlists no longer a thing? (Sift Talk Post)

Glass How-to: Getting Started

Yogi says...

I've got an iPad so that's all I need for screens in front of my face. The reason that I'm excited about Google Glass and thinking of getting it is because I ride a motorcycle everywhere...literally it's my only vehicle. When I ride to someplace with GPS I have my phone giving me instructions through my headphones. With the Google Glass it'll be able to navigate me with a bit more clarity. So it's cool and it's the start of something, not sure if I'll be an early adopter though.

Worst Rally Team Ever

Internet Explorer Is All Grown Up, Awwww

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