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Leslie Nielsen meets with world leaders

ulysses1904 says...

Classic movie. Some of my favorite moments are:

Drebin using the men's room with his mic on
The guy throwing a pillow in his face in the hospital room
Sneaking into Ricardo Montalban's office then climbling out on the ledge
O.J. Simpson getting shot and then staggering around the room bumping into everything
Drebin singing the national anthem then playing the umpire
and the list goes on.

The first sequel Smell of Fear was pretty lame but the last one 33-1/3 was definitely an improvement.

Alien_concept gets crown, royal consort (British Talk Post)

Alien_concept gets crown, royal consort (British Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

>> ^Deano:

I wish we had a better anthem. Something a bit punchier. France and Germany are much better IIRC.

Oh god, my dad goes on about this alll the time. He thinks God Save Our Queen is presumptuous and our National Anthem should be Land of Hope and Glory, hehe.

Joey, don't give people the wrong impression, the coolness came from the pints and pints of pear cider and the charm was because I didn't bring enough spends to pay for said cider

Actor Leslie Nielsen dies at the age of 84

Ultimate Japanese WTF

Russian voice casting session with helium

mgittle says...

Haha...everyone's having a great time and then there's that chick at the bottom right singing the national anthem @0:51.

Also, why are half of the songs in English...why friggin Britney Spears and Celine Dion? I hope they were told to sing that crap for the audition and it's not some bizarre culture thing.

Toronto police charge G20 crowd singing "O Canada"

Krupo says...

People were sitting on the patios on this posh shopping street until moments earlier, enjoying their cocktails. This wasn't a rowdy/violent environment. That's what makes this horrible.

Also bad, all the madness @Tyrsis cites.

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Matthu:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 5th, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 0, 205);">NetRunner Siftstar celebrity extraordinaire,
So that's cool with you? Police charging dramatically at a crowd right at the end of a national anthem?
Seems like they did it for fun. Because we all like to scare the shit outta people.
Except, they're cops.
Serve and protect my ass.

It depends. There isn't enough information in this video for me to make any kind of substantive moral judgment.
If it was for fun, yeah, definitely bad.
But I suspect the police are sufficiently scared of these protesters not to fuck with them just for fun.
If it was merely a way to use intimidation to non-violently disperse a crowd of protesters, I actually like this a lot better than 90% of the kinds of things you usually see in these videos. No tear gas, no physical altercations, not even a sonic weapon. Just a sudden, terrifying charge forward, and the crowd disperses, and moves away from the area they were trying to clear.
There might be an argument about whether they had a legitimate reason to clear that particular area, but assuming they did, and it was actually as non-violent as it appeared, then I think the police did pretty well considering the kind of task they were charged with, and the kind of draconian tools they could have chosen to use instead.
There may be details we don't see here that make the cops look out of line, but the video itself actually looks like the cops doing things the way they're supposed to.

Toronto police charge G20 crowd singing "O Canada"

NetRunner says...

>> ^Matthu:

@NetRunner Siftstar celebrity extraordinaire,
So that's cool with you? Police charging dramatically at a crowd right at the end of a national anthem?
Seems like they did it for fun. Because we all like to scare the shit outta people.
Except, they're cops.
Serve and protect my ass.

It depends. There isn't enough information in this video for me to make any kind of substantive moral judgment.

If it was for fun, yeah, definitely bad.

But I suspect the police are sufficiently scared of these protesters not to fuck with them just for fun.

If it was merely a way to use intimidation to non-violently disperse a crowd of protesters, I actually like this a lot better than 90% of the kinds of things you usually see in these videos. No tear gas, no physical altercations, not even a sonic weapon. Just a sudden, terrifying charge forward, and the crowd disperses, and moves away from the area they were trying to clear.

There might be an argument about whether they had a legitimate reason to clear that particular area, but assuming they did, and it was actually as non-violent as it appeared, then I think the police did pretty well considering the kind of task they were charged with, and the kind of draconian tools they could have chosen to use instead.

There may be details we don't see here that make the cops look out of line, but the video itself actually looks like the cops doing things the way they're supposed to.

Toronto police charge G20 crowd singing "O Canada"

Matthu says...

@NetRunner Siftstar celebrity extraordinaire,

So that's cool with you? Police charging dramatically at a crowd right at the end of a national anthem?

Seems like they did it for fun. Because we all like to scare the shit outta people.

Except, they're cops.

Serve and protect my ass.

England's Robert Green fails to block a shot

campionidelmondo says...

>> ^Deano:

Some good points there. What the hosts might need reminding about is how this World Cup will be remembered. Currently the football's not great (and that might well be due partly to the vuvuzelas themselves) and so you'd hope the atmosphere would make up for it. These trumpets don't create atmosphere - I learned today they are primarily there to distract opposition players and obviously they do that very well.
The fact is that regardless of how bad the organisers screw this up, the World Cup is not coming back to Africa for sometime. Next up is Brazil and no African country is bidding for 2018 or 2022. Given that it's 44 years since England hosted I'm guessing it could be a similar gap for African countries as I don't know many who would be better equipped that South Africa.

I'd like to add that it's not African fans that blow those horns in games like Netherlands - Denmark. It's our fans who do it now and they won't really care if they're banned since they only know about vuvzelas since last week. I agree that it should be Africas World Cup and not our way forced upon them. That's why I'd say ban them for games without African participation. That way they can celebrate their games the way they normally do and we'll still have our atmosphere come the quarter finals.

FIFA screwed up big time here. Giving the WC to SA was questionable from the getgo, but we knew about the vuvuzelas since last summer's Confed Cup, and they did absolutely NOTHING. No noise cancellation, no filtering, nothing! Italy supporters had their own song in 2006. I bet they sang it yesterday, but I'll never know. England fans are known for creating a great atmosphere, singing their national anthem during the game. They probably did that during the game vs the US, but we will never know. It's a shame really, because this is what people will remember aout this World Cup. Ask people if the WC should go to Africa again and they'll say no. Ask 'em why and they'll say one word: vuvuzela.

Zero Punctuation: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Awesome Canadian National Anthem: Stanley Cup finals

Awesome Canadian National Anthem: Stanley Cup finals

dag says...

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3 years and seven months. All questions are answered on the Sift eventually.

>> ^Bruti79:
Dag, that's off the Bob & Doug LP, I used to listen to that a looooooooong time ago =D I think it was sung by Geddy Lee?
As for the Oilers, Oiltown is an amazing hockey place to visit. I love at 1:00 the equipment manager really going to town for it. The oils may be having some terrible luck this year, but next year Jodran Eberle (Captain Clutch!) and Taylor Hall (if the draft picks go right,) are coming in. Those two along will make Edmonton a power house again.

We hereby claim this website in the name of Canada

For ANZAC Day, "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda"

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