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Shepppard (Member Profile)

GDGD (Member Profile)

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

blankfist (Member Profile)

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'young girl, national anthem, hockey, almost fail, elizabeth hughes' to 'young girl, national anthem, hockey, almost fail, elizabeth hughes, singing' - edited by calvados

AeroMechanical (Member Profile)

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

Xaielao says...

>> ^Deano:

It is a nice anthem, always liked it. I can't imagine having to sing your national anthem at sporting events though, that does strike me as weird.

Yea it is not an easy anthem to sing, that's for sure. But I love it, and every time I hear it I cant help but sing along. Makes me proud to be an American. But in the end isn't that what every anthem is supposed to do?

To those trolling her, I'd like to see you at eight singing the song in an arena with hundreds of people. Most adults would have a hard time keeping tune, let alone an 8 year old.

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'young girl, national anthem, hockey, almost fail' to 'young girl, national anthem, hockey, almost fail, elizabeth hughes' - edited by xxovercastxx

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

flechette says...

@rottenseed: I agree with you, the OTHER girl (not the one in THIS video, but the one that Aniatario linked) isn't singing as well as this girl did. That's just my opinion, I'm not trying to dig on her just to be a jerk. On the FLIP side of that coin, Aniatario did NOT say that his link WAS the girl singing the SAME song, just that she sang BETTER. The youtube comments in his link say "Kahnawake Mohawk Kwahara:ni Kieran Jacobs gives her rendition of the Canadian and American anthems at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston on Jaunuary 18, 2010."

@everyone else who think rottenseed is being a jerk (which he's not, I think there's just a bit of confusion going on here), he's not. It's an 8 year old girl who tried her best, but really, if it's a NATIONAL ANTHEM, wouldn't it make more sense to ALWAYS have everyone sing it from the start all the way through? Of course the crowd sounds better than the girl, she's not a professional singer, but I, myself, sure as hell wouldn't have the guts to do what she did. Good on her for being brave! That TOO is part of what it is to be an American.

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

GDGD (Member Profile)

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