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If Cloud Gaming Was A Person

newtboy says...

Lol. My brother loved cloud gaming…so much he was really pissed he had to buy a disc version ps5 (or keep waiting) ….until some of the games and movies he “bought” disappeared that is. Now he hates cloud gaming, calls it a total rip off scheme, and says I was right all along to want a physical copy of my purchases.

He runs a server farm in Austin, so his internet connection was never an issue.

Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania

What if Akira Was Animated At 60 Frames Per Second

cloudballoon says...

I can tell the changes in the animation, but it doesn't improve a thing about Akira, and needn't be. I upvote because of Akira, not 60fps (as pointless as the CGI added Star Wars Ep IV-VI... and I'm being charitable). Akira is something that every generation needs to be aware of and watch.

Also, if you have access to it, read the comics (manga). While I wouldn't say it's more entertaining than the movie, it's far more intriguing. Same deal with many of the Studio Ghibli adaptations (like Valley of the Wind). Go for the comics, you'll get more of an emotional rollercoaster ride than the visually amazing, but plot-weakened film versions.

kir_mokum said:

so it would have tripled the cost and made it look worse.

people's obsession with 60+ FPS needs to stop. it looks bad and it's a shit-ton of work. its purpose is to sell more TVs. same with 8K+. even 4K is pretty overkill for most people's viewing habits.

Chris Pratt - Super Mario Remake - FIRST LOOK Gameplay

1974 Rocket Car Jump

noims says...

When I saw what they were trying to do I immediately thought of the trailblazing Ron Obvious, with the assumption that the result would be similar...

Hellraiser - Trailer

lucky760 says...

Scary movies have never affected me. I loved horror flicks as a kid.

So even now as a grown-ass man, horror movie trailers are always just nothing more than meh, whatevs.

This trailer was pretty well done though. I actually felt my skin crawl a little. Maybe it harkens back to the original Hellraiser movies I saw as a lad and the way those creeped me out a little.

Republicans Hate Dark Money Until They Love It

newtboy says...

Really?! Just like all knew Jan 6 was ANTIFA, like everyone knows Trump won and Democrats cheated to the tune of tens of millions of votes, but perfectly with zero traces, like everyone knows Covid is just a cold and won’t last 3 months? It’s true, both sides have corruption, but one side punishes and ostracizes those in their camp caught being corrupt, one side makes corruption their party platform and celebrates their members caught flagrantly violating ethics and finance rules, gladly donating towards paying their fines and shielding them from most consequences.

Point to the time Republicans put forth a serious bill to remove dark money that Democrats said no. I don’t think you can, nor can you deny Republicans just voted FOR corruption in government…and not for the first time….you just need to make up fake and false equivalents to pretend blatant Republican corruption is normal.

I’ll point you to Citizens United, the main cause of dark money in politics today, which started as an anti Clinton Republican movie that filed suit and appealed up to the conservative Supreme Court to allow corporations to spend essentially unlimited amounts in secret on political advertising and campaigns (because their “movie” was clearly a political advertisement with secret backers), or to say it plainly, they sued to legalize corporate bribery and conservatives loved it.

Again, point to some “egg on their face” instances that were Democrats fighting for dark money and Republicans trying to ban it, I can point to many times Democrats tried to ban it and Republicans blocked all efforts.

Republicans won’t even limit dark money, and can’t compete on equal funding so refuse to consider getting rid of it.

If you want bribery to be illegal, vote blue.
If you want freedoms beyond just what’s church approved (like in Iran), vote blue.
If you want ethics in government, vote blue.
If you want to fund border control better instead of using its lack of funding as a political ploy knowing your constituents are too dumb to see who caused the surge, vote blue.*
If you want publicly funded campaigns, vote blue.


bobknight33 said:

Why be upset about this? Both sides are corrupt. All know this.
Both sides act self righteous till a vote is placed. This shit happens all to often. The "other side" often puts to vote just to get the hatch video compilation . Today Rebs have egg on their face. Next cycle Rubs will set the trap for dems and they will get egg on their face.

The only fix is to get all public $ out of elections and just use Tax $ at a set amount. No 3 party vids or such just from candidates.

2 Girls Climb A 2000-Foot Tower But Never Find A Way Down

ant says...

Ditto. My heart was beating more even from this short summary video. At least, I didn't watch the whole movie!

BSR said:

These two girls must be professional climbers/actors. Gives me the willies just watching.

Misheard Lyrics

Mikhail Gorbachev Dead

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Mikhail Gorbachev, Dead' to 'Mikhail Gorbachev, Dead, Naked Gun, movie, film, flick, scene, funny, hilarious, fight' - edited by ant

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves | Official Trailer

cloudballoon says...

So dragons don't breathe fire but rather ... hot coals (or black dragon phlegm)? OK...

I didn't grow up on tabletop DnD, but rather on Wizardry, Eye of the Beholder, Ultima and later the BG/IWD/NWN series etc. on the PC ... this doesn't feel like any of those DnD PC games. Now now, I know a tabletop DnD game can feel vastly different depending on the DM and the players, it CAN be as silly as anything, please don't boooo me.

I mean, if I'm more charitable-minded I'd call this is more Discworld and The Bard's Tale than typical DnD.

But really, this, this feels like a lazy MCU formula movie put in a fantasy setting and call it DnD.

Tim Burton takes on Adams Familys, "WEDNSEDAY"

cloudballoon says...

Of the 1 second footage (i.e., don't want to be too judgemental), Guzman's Gomez is all menacing-like, which the TV & movie versions was not. I never read the comics though, but through the magic of Google Image Search.... I still don't see it. The 2019 animated movie did it better (of course) to mimick the comics.

thescapino said:

Actually, Luis Guzman is a spitting image of Gomez Addams as he is drawn in the comics.

Tim Burton takes on Adams Familys, "WEDNSEDAY"

cloudballoon says...

Not gonna comment on the acting & plot from a trailer, but mom & pop Addams characters felt... unrecognizable? They don't give me that vibe from the classic TV & '91 movie.

Hope this Wednesday is not just all creepy & 2 dimensional.

When I think of Oliva Newton-John, i think of...

newtboy says...

I was 8 for Grease. I only saw it because I went to the movies with a neighbor (and her kids) and she decided we would sneak into grease after and watch it for free. I got in trouble (as if I had a choice).

By then I listened to (what at the time was considered) hard rock…KISS, AC/DC, DIO, Sabbath, Judas Priest, etc. my family liked Barry Manilow, John Denver, and Neil Diamond. The music wasn’t for me.

Greaser/bobbysoxer stuff never excited me either, I wouldn’t have seen it by choice.

Disco…I still like. I don’t care that it’s not popular, in fact that helps. Xanadu came out when I was 10….it also wasn’t my choice of movie, and probably wasn’t as good a movie overall I don’t remember, but I liked it better at 10.

eric3579 said:

How old were you? I was thirteen and the idea of "mainstream" i'm sure, was nowhere near my wheelhouse of thinking.

My memories of her are exclusively from Grease which i really enjoyed. I do know her her hits, but her music and pop in general never interested me. I had been indoctrinated in progressive rock by the older neighborhood kids by this time. It was always the movie for me, not at all her music.

When I think of Oliva Newton-John, i think of...

eric3579 says...

How old were you? I was thirteen and the idea of "mainstream" i'm sure, was nowhere near my wheelhouse of thinking.

My memories of her are exclusively from Grease which i really enjoyed. I do know her her hits, but her music and pop in general never interested me. I had been indoctrinated in progressive rock by the older neighborhood kids by this time. It was always the movie for me, not at all her music.

newtboy said:

Grease was far too mainstream for my taste….

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