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Hungover Rock Climber

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^qualm:

It's just too bad that the racist scumbag guy with the camera had to ruin an otherwise brilliant vid for me with his despicable mockery of a First Nations person at 2:44.

I'm sorry, I just don't understand. At 2:44 he says "At first I thought he was joking".

I'm really sorry if I'm missing the joke, but how is this racist?

Hungover Rock Climber

What Is Better Than The BFG9000? - The Vuvuzela in DOOM

Trailer for "The Human Centipede"

Obama Burned In Effigy

Red Dwarf - The Picture Zoom/Enhance Sketch

Trey Parker & Matt Stone on the 200th episode of South Park

silvercord says...

I don't think very many people understand this, but John Piper does. Here is a quote from the article at the link:

What we saw this past week in the Islamic demonstrations over the Danish cartoons of Muhammad was another vivid depiction of the difference between Muhammad and Christ, and what it means to follow each. Not all Muslims approve the violence. But a deep lesson remains: The work of Muhammad is based on being honored and the work of Christ is based on being insulted. This produces two very different reactions to mockery.

The whole thing is worth the read.

Alan Grayson says "Apologize to my 5 year old" to Teabagger

KnivesOut says...

You're off the reservation. How another sifter spends their hard-earned power points has fuck-all to do with you and your idealism.
>> ^choggie:

>> ^gwiz665:

Quality why num-nuts? Because one dumb-ass, over-reacting douche bag fuck stick of a tool, makes about as much a valid case for his self-serving rant as any other placed into a mold for people to digest some non-nutritive substance for their television-addled mind??? How about, the guy on the right maintained his composure(amid his insanity) while the complete moron in the left, showed his ass and made a fucking idiot of himself.
All this to stroke one team's fans and tell the other team's fans that "We're better than you, smarter than you, and our teams gonna beat YOUUUUUR team at the big game on Friday night! Nyah nyah nyah nyah!
THIS, NetRuiner, is journalism at its pathetic worst.
Look, I don;t even know who the teapartybaggers are, and could give a fiddler's fuck. If they have one valid proposal, like anything involving civil disobedience??...ALL for it. Otherwise, they are making a mockery of freedom, like every liberal douchebag, wannabe-informed and thoughtful, etc. dysfunctional in the U.S.
Now, if it was qualeety to show just how television in the U.S. is a mind-control experiment that performs and continues to perform admirably to dumb-down even the sharpest of the tools in the shed, great. This news blurb pushes the envelope of, "Aw, they're fucking lemmings, just sell them some more horseshit."

Alan Grayson says "Apologize to my 5 year old" to Teabagger

gwiz665 says...

Because I like it and because the tea party movement is a joke, numb-nuts. >> ^choggie:

>> ^gwiz665:

Quality why num-nuts? Because one dumb-ass, over-reacting douche bag fuck stick of a tool, makes about as much a valid case for his self-serving rant as any other placed into a mold for people to digest some non-nutritive substance for their television-addled mind??? How about, the guy on the right maintained his composure(amid his insanity) while the complete moron in the left, showed his ass and made a fucking idiot of himself.
All this to stroke one team's fans and tell the other team's fans that "We're better than you, smarter than you, and our teams gonna beat YOUUUUUR team at the big game on Friday night! Nyah nyah nyah nyah!
THIS, NetRuiner, is journalism at its pathetic worst.
Look, I don;t even know who the teapartybaggers are, and could give a fiddler's fuck. If they have one valid proposal, like anything involving civil disobedience??...ALL for it. Otherwise, they are making a mockery of freedom, like every liberal douchebag, wannabe-informed and thoughtful, etc. dysfunctional in the U.S.
Now, if it was qualeety to show just how television in the U.S. is a mind-control experiment that performs and continues to perform admirably to dumb-down even the sharpest of the tools in the shed, great. This news blurb pushes the envelope of, "Aw, they're fucking lemmings, just sell them some more horseshit."

Alan Grayson says "Apologize to my 5 year old" to Teabagger

choggie says...

>> ^gwiz665:


Quality why num-nuts? Because one dumb-ass, over-reacting douche bag fuck stick of a tool, makes about as much a valid case for his self-serving rant as any other placed into a mold for people to digest some non-nutritive substance for their television-addled mind??? How about, the guy on the right maintained his composure(amid his insanity) while the complete moron in the left, showed his ass and made a fucking idiot of himself.

All this to stroke one team's fans and tell the other team's fans that "We're better than you, smarter than you, and our teams gonna beat YOUUUUUR team at the big game on Friday night! Nyah nyah nyah nyah!

THIS, NetRuiner, is journalism at its pathetic worst.

Look, I don;t even know who the teapartybaggers are, and could give a fiddler's fuck. If they have one valid proposal, like anything involving civil disobedience??...ALL for it. Otherwise, they are making a mockery of freedom, like every liberal douchebag, wannabe-informed and thoughtful, etc. dysfunctional in the U.S.

Now, if it was *qualeety to show just how television in the U.S. is a mind-control experiment that performs and continues to perform admirably to dumb-down even the sharpest of the tools in the shed, great. This news blurb pushes the envelope of, "Aw, they're fucking lemmings, just sell them some more horseshit."

How you get to prison affects how you're treated inside

Stormsinger says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Mandatory sentencing is a mockery to justice and a result of the futile drug war here in the US. Accidental death should never carry a life sentence or be a capital offense.

And here we finally find something we agree on!

Mandatory sentencing, and the "zero-tolerance laws" are horrifically flawed attempts by politicians to make sure people know they're "taking action against crime". There's no evidence that they actually help, and plenty of examples where they've caused clear miscarriages of justice.

How you get to prison affects how you're treated inside

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Kreegath:
He did do something wrong, though. According to himself he dropped his child, which led to the child receiving injuries so bad that it later on died from them. I don't know the American terms for that kind of crime, but where I'm from you can be liable for indirect murder if, for instance, you drive and crash your car and survive while the other passengers are killed.
When a baby is involved it's even worse, since you're supposed to save the child from harm, not just avoid causing it yourself. It's that adolescent innocence and helplessness combined with his particular role as guardian which makes the situation worse. That he didn't mean for any of that to happen is of course mitigating compared to if he had premeditated the act, but it doesn't change the fact that his actions directly caused the incident.
Also, we don't know if his story is the truth and the court and jury's is wrong. Maybe I'm not cynical in that way, but do you think they made up evidence to give him a much harsher sentence? They do say in the video that there was evidence of physical abuse, which is what the guy had been sentenced for in the past, twice.
However, getting raped is not part of the prison sentence and is a practice that seems to be easily preventable. It probably boils down to the perception of prisoners as sub-human, as worth less and not having the same rights as the rest of us. To change that perception and to break up the gang culture which seems to run rampant at the moment would solve alot of problems I think, but sadly it's much easier said than done. Stuff like this goes on all over the world.

A plea means there was not trail or jury, only a sentence most likely determined by a judge and mandatory sentencing rules because it was his third felony. In this case, even if the death was completely an accident, the fact it was his third felon makes that point moot on sentencing.

Mandatory sentencing is a mockery to justice and a result of the futile drug war here in the US. Accidental death should never carry a life sentence or be a capital offense.

Rachel Maddow Channels Glenn Beck

Stormsinger says...

>> ^Throbbin:
With all due respect, that's BS. I have never seen Maddow say or do anything that can be characterized as 'hatred'. In fact, she makes a point of inviting people from "the other side" to her show and engaging in real adult conversation.

Absolutely. The only people who claim she's like Beck are the extreme rightwing crazies.

Maddow researches her stories (or at least has staff do it, I'm not privy to the division of labor there), and presents facts, inviting the other side to a reasoned discussion. The worst you can say is that she occasionally indulges in mockery when the right-wing crazies won't talk to her. And we've -seen- her ask Liz Cheney to be on the show.

Beck doesn't...he simply makes crap up, jumps to unbelievably paranoid conclusions (Rockefeller Center is full of secret Socialist messages) and then screams bloody murder. All while personally shilling his scammish advertisers.

Superhero Rescues Illegally Parked Cars with Angle Grinder

Samaelsmith says...

>> ^Payback:
>> ^Samaelsmith:
If a car is in the way, wouldn't it make more sense to tow it out of the way as opposed to making damned sure it stays in the way?
I have never understood these devices.

Tow trucks cost money, impound yards take up space. One enforcer can clamp dozens of vehicles per hour, and the powers-that-be still get the full impound charge for merely turning a key in a lock...

But if the car is now locked into the spot it shouldn't be in then doesn't that make a mockery of the supposed reason for it not to be there in the first place?
Wouldn't that mean that these "laws" aren't really for any good reason but just a way to arbitrarily extort money from the public?

Yeah, I know, just consider those to be rhetorical questions.

Should We Bring back the Siftquisition? (redux) (User Poll by dag)

peggedbea says...

no. never. never ever ever ever. never.

is anyone even being a pest lately?
usually, i mean since billoreilly and captainplanet were taken out, anyone pushing the envelope (that isnt a self linking probie spammer worthy of an instaban) is a seasoned member who isn't doing any real harm, gets hobbled immediately and no one would vote to ban them anyway.

you're opening up a slippery slope with this. "so and so got banned for this and this, but we didnt even call a siftquisition on this so and so for this similar thing". siftquisistions amount to nothing but unnecessary drama (remember burdturgler vs. usesprozac) or a place to make a public mockery of the whole process (remember thinker247 vs. peggedbea, yes, we were laughing hysterically at anyone taking it seriously).

we have hobblings to render anyone intent on doing any damage powerless immediately. and even that's ridiculous most of the time, but i don't object to it being an option in the case of someone abusing the discard or downvote button. but think that's pretty much the only time it should be used. the last time a rash of hobblings and discussion of bannings broke out it was over a provocative video that promoted healthy debate and i thought that was the point anyway? to foster intelligent conversation and healthy debate? seasoned members pushing the envelope and forcing us to redefine ourselves or reexamine ourselves is not a bad thing.

in cases of personal profile abuse, i really don't ever want to see that become a public spectacle ever ever again. especially since tone and intent are so hard to clearly distinguish online. and people are allowed to squabble and dislike each other and most of the time its just a joke anyway. leave that between the people involved and admins if it's really out of hand.

i will say that i think the ignore feature could use a tweak, maybe we could make it impossible for anyone you have on ignore to leave a comment on your profile. that would take care of profile abuse "i don't like what you're saying to me, so i'm not going to let you say it here anymore." done. no need for further drama.

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