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2011 Blizzcon Starcraft II Grand Final

Jinx says...

Yah, it was pretty awful tbh. I upvoted mostly cos I like seeing e-sports on the sift, but honestly there have been better games.

Particularly frustrating to watch since I play Zerg. I've got into similar situations against Terran and often it really feels impossible to win lategame against an entrenched Tanks, Vikings, Thors, Ghosts etc. Partly its an issue of Terran having such a more efficient army in terms of both mineral/gas and supply but mostly I think it comes down to mules. Terran had 45 SCVs in the later stages of that game compared to Zergs 50ish, and that was after a nuke wiped out some 20-25 supply worth of drones. The fact Mules are supply free and can supersaturate the last remaining mining bases gives Terran such an advantage later on. Nestea could have handled it better, saccing drones for Spines/Hatcheries so he could remacro faster after he lost his army, but still its a really tough situation to deal with as Zerg imo, particularly on that map where the map is so often split down the middle with relatively safe expansions for both players and pretty tight choke point (well, for lategame) in the middle. I always endeavour to end Terran before they can get a 4th on that map because if I don't I know I'll likely lose later.

To win as Zerg there you really need to get on their production buildings and then begin to eat away at their army as best you can. Its suicide to directly engage their army and I've never had much success going for their economy unless I can complete deny the last remaining base, but generally I think its best to really deny them anything to spend their minerals/gas on.

Its funny, because for so long I whined about Terrans and Protoss never playing a macro game, always doing 1 base cheese as I struggled to get to I wish they'd stop playing for the long game and go back to their allins . Talk about being careful what you wish for.

(Oh, last thing, to be fair I think Nestea could have won that last battle had EMP not hit all his Infestors. A couple of Fungals on those ghosts and they would have been revealed and died quite quickly to the Broods. On top of everything else in this game I think perhaps that EMP was really the killing blow)

2011 Blizzcon Starcraft II Grand Final

shagen454 says...

I could see where this might be true. Both players play very cautiously like a dentist prodding teeth for cavities. But, that may be because of the amount of money on the line. Definitely not the best game I have seen but still immensely entertaining. I actually watched this twice all the way through.

>> ^mentality:

The game was a huge let down, very sloppy play by Nestea. He seemed content to just sit back with maxed supply, barely putting any pressure on MVP. Nestea just sat there, mining out the right half of the map even though he had +10K minerals - all that wasted drone supply could've gone towards a larger army. When he finally decides to move out with his 100+ baneling army, after much indecision, does he drop MVP's mining expansions? - No. Does he drop MVP's production facilities? - No. Does he try to take out MVP's army? No - he does a terribly executed drop in MVP's mined out main, accomplishing NOTHING. And in the end, Nestea decides to make a max army of unsupported broodlords even though he KNOWS that MVP has ghosts and vikings.
This had all the features of a showmatch between two good friends and teammates, which has many people in the community suggesting that the game was fixed. Pretty much the worst game of Blizzcon, and one of the worst tournament finales I've ever seen.

2011 Blizzcon Starcraft II Grand Final

mentality says...

The game was a huge let down, very sloppy play by Nestea. He seemed content to just sit back with maxed supply, barely putting any pressure on MVP. Nestea just sat there, mining out the right half of the map even though he had +10K minerals - all that wasted drone supply could've gone towards a larger army. When he finally decides to move out with his 100+ baneling army, after much indecision, does he drop MVP's mining expansions? - No. Does he drop MVP's production facilities? - No. Does he try to take out MVP's army? No - he does a terribly executed drop in MVP's mined out main, accomplishing NOTHING. And in the end, Nestea decides to make a max army of unsupported broodlords even though he KNOWS that MVP has ghosts and vikings.

This had all the features of a showmatch between two good friends and teammates, which has many people in the community suggesting that the game was fixed. Pretty much the worst game of Blizzcon, and one of the worst tournament finales I've ever seen.

Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

bcglorf says...

>> ^criticalthud:

@bmcs27 no i would call that a terrible waste of time. go ahead and look up the politics of landmines and you may be surprised at which country is both adamant about the production and continued use of them. and yeah, i've been to cambodia. another country we had absolutely no business sticking our nose into.
@NetRunner. "Al Queda" is a term created by the US government for a loose collection of groups who do not admire US foreign policy.
why are we there? well, before we hated the taliban, we loved em. but either way they are still sitting on trillions in minerals and rare earth deposits.
but hey, lets pretend little johnny is over there ensuring our safety from further crotch-bombers.

Your dead right on Cambodia, after all the horrific things Kissinger's lackeys did to there they followed it up by supporting the Khmer Rouge.

On Al-Qaida, you are just flat wrong. Bin Laden came up with the name for his particular cult of international islamic jihadists.

You are also wrong on the Taliban. During the push to remove the Soviets from Afghanistan, the American's backed Pakistan and it's training of Afghan and imported mujahideen warriors. Those mujahideen warriors were NOT the Taliban, they were a disparate collection of all manner of different local and imported fighters. The Taliban were not the only group to come from this Pakistan and American backed crowd, so where the Northern Alliance fighters whom the Taliban sought to destroy. It's fun to make cheap comments like yours, but that doesn't make them accurate or true.

Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

criticalthud says...

@bmcs27 no i would call that a terrible waste of time. go ahead and look up the politics of landmines and you may be surprised at which country is both adamant about the production and continued use of them. and yeah, i've been to cambodia. another country we had absolutely no business sticking our nose into.

@NetRunner. "Al Queda" is a term created by the US government for a loose collection of groups who do not admire US foreign policy.

why are we there? well, before we hated the taliban, we loved em. but either way they are still sitting on trillions in minerals and rare earth deposits.

but hey, lets pretend little johnny is over there ensuring our safety from further crotch-bombers.

Smoker's Lungs - scary!

nock says...

>> ^cybrbeast:

Lungs only get black when your a coal miner, or if you develop lung cancer (from smoking). Smoking itself doesn't cause black lungs.

Holy crap, what a load of BS. Smoking definitely does cause black lungs regardless of neoplasm. The ciliated portion of the airway terminates proximal to the alveolus/terminal bronchus, thus any small particles (carbon, tar, whatever) that deposit in this region will never be expelled from the lungs. In addition, some particles are retained by dust cells, further discoloring the lung parenchyma.

Smoker's Lungs - scary!

Paris Hilton "Attacked" By Topless Femen Activist

Diamonds: those pale, colourless, insipid things... should be replaced with: (User Poll by hpqp)

xxovercastxx says...

Amethyst: I didn't bother. Too close in color to ruby.

Of course the next "problem" we run into is that sapphire and ruby are both the same mineral, corundum, and so are of roughly the same value, with ruby having an ever-so-slight edge. It would be silly then, to get to 500 and have your gem downgraded.

Emerald, however, is far more valuable than either ruby or sapphire.

Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

jmzero says...

Oh yeah, the Arab Spring revolts were such a NATO conspiracy. They really had to spread it, topple a couple of other dictators peacefully, all that to be able to... whatever it is they're scheming to do.

Yes, and remember that the Afghan war was all about a pipeline. Then for a little while it was about minerals. I don't remember what it's all about now. Oh, and the Iraq war was all about oil too. Obviously. Also, the Cold War was all fake.

The general WTC conspiracy (ie. it was all done by the US government) is complete nutbars. It imagines a kind of omniscient foresight and complete control that it is quite clear the US government (and all of its fantastic, bumbling agencies) lacks.

It can be an oddly pleasing little fiction to imagine hyper-intelligent, all-powerful string pullers manipulating world events. The reality is that the guys at the top are, well, guys like George Bush - aggressive, not to smart, motivated by emotion and family grudges, and born in the right place to the right people to one day end up in power.

And this video is clearly made by disingenuous douchebags. They don't acknowledge and counter the "official explanation" (and there is official explanations for this stuff, it's not new material) - they just kind of hand-wave it away. If they said "well, this is the official explanation but here's why we still think there's issues" then I'd have a bit of respect for them. Instead, they pretend this is stuff that hasn't been responded to; the same approach you see in, say, anti-evolution videos. Douchebags.

Humorously, the "1500 engineers agree" crap is also common in anti-evolution videos; similarly, I'm sure it would be easy to respond with 1500 engineers named Steve who accept the general "official" version. If they had good arguments, they should have led with them, instead of trotting out the same tired crap and hiding behind the "big numbers" of engineers they found.

9/11 Firefighters confirm secondary explosions in WTC lobby

marbles says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Anyone care to enlighten me as to why these supposed conspirators blew up the towers? I mean, it must have been a pretty extensive operation to plan, so I'm guessing they didn't just murder a few thousand of their own citizens for shits and giggles.
Hell, even maddox isn't retarded enough to actually believe this shit.

In his book, The Grand Chessboard, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski (former national security advisor for President Carter, former director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Trilateral Commission along with Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney) writes of an imperialistic endeavor of controlling the world's vast natural resources (oil, natural gas, minerals, gold, etc.) and also human labor in Eurasia (specifically central Asia/Uzbekistan) that the U.S. must undertake to maintain global domination despite the American public's indecisiveness towards the external projection of American power (in which he reminds the reader that the American public supported U.S.'s engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor) and cautions that it will become more difficult to establish consensus on foreign policy issues with an ever increasingly multi-cultural society in America unless the public widely perceives a massive direct external threat. (

Starcraft 2 tactic - The Sentry Drop

Jinx says...

You can forcefield the caps between minerals if they try that, or just pick them back up and fly away.

Pretty massive gas investment, if you lose 4 Sentries like that then you've probably just lost.

Fail costs MMA game but Idra fails harder

Psychologic says...

>> ^spoco2:

Fuck me, I must be getting old...
winners bracket of MLG columbus?
Gold 3rd exansion on Iccup Testbug MMA?
WTF are you talking about?

EG is Idra's team's name, and MMA was his opponent. Testbug was the map name, and I think Iccup was the version of the map (there are custom versions of maps for many competitions).

MLG = Major League Gaming... it's a big competition featuring multiple games (Halo, Starcraft, etc). Columbus was the city in which this one was held.

"Expansion" in Starcraft is when you build a new base at another mineral/gas source for additional income, and "gold" minerals provide faster income per harvester than standard minerals.

You may already know some of that, but I figured others may be curious too.

Hors D'Oeuvres - Beautiful Piece From the Belly of the Beast

Saving the world economy from Gaddafi

jmzero says...

Is not all paper money supposed to be backed by gold to start with.

Assuming this is a question without a question mark, the answer is no - all national currencies have been fiat money for a while now (not just US dollars).

From the video: "The United States should welcome the self determination of Africans". Guess what, it does. That's why it supports rebels not getting massacred by a horrible, moronic dictator named Qadaffi.

And I hate these "secret motivation" conspiracies. Remember how the Afghan war was all about oil, then a pipeline, then minerals, then drugs or illegal arms sales or something? Is it the same people coming up with these new dumb ideas? How come we never get a "oh yeah, guess I was wrong about all that" video? Does anyone still believe the stupid, stupid Afghanistan war-for-pipeline theory? Lots of people did. Do they experience any kind of cognitive dissonance now that the pipeline remains unbuilt? Or do they just not remember?

And the theories are pointless to begin with when we have perfectly believable explanations right in front of us. No big secrets or surprises, just human nature. For example, Afghanistan: Bush (and a good percentage of Americans) wanted a war mostly out of vengeance (and general hate), government thought it would be a huge win politically, Bush honestly thought he'd kill some terrorists and be remembered as a hero, and was certainly encouraged by a military contractors who'd make a killing (and did). That sounds like enough reasons to me.

Similarly, the humanitarian atrocity of a dictatorial government bombing its own populace sounds like enough motivation to want to help those being killed.

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