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U.S. Files Complaint Over Restrictions On Rare Earth Metals

Spacedog79 says...

It's funny that we actually have loads of easily accessible rare earth minerals in Monozite sands, but we don't use it because there is so much Thorium in it. A Thorium reactor also produces a significant amount of rare earths as a byproduct. Problem solved QED.

SC2: Cheese Fail

Psychologic says...

One thing Champs could have done to extend the game once the Command Center landed in his base would be to cancel all buildings in his base and make a Nexus at the minerals near his earlier cannons, then transfer workers the moment the Planetary Fortress in his base finished its conversion.

Champs would be behind on economy, but Ketroc didn't have any army units so he wouldn't be able to stop the Nexus. Then Champs could build cannons to attack Ketroc's gas geysers and some mineral patches (just outside the range of the Planetary Fortress).

From there he could tech to Voidrays or Colossi and possibly win the game, but it would be an uphill battle.

Chinese Youth Discuss what is Wrong with the USA

Asmo says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

>> ^renatojj:
United States knows the importance of free speech but doesn't have a free economy. China is reaping the benefits of a freer economy but is still scared of free speech.

Yeah, Go Foxconn, the employees are reaping some really good suicide benefits there! Or how 'bout all those miners killed every year in China. Those guys really reaped some benefits.
Melamine in your milk = Benefit of a freer economy
School collapses and kills your children because contractor cheaped out on concrete = Benefit of freer economy
People make unhealthy fake eggs through chemistry and sell them at the market = Benefit of a freer economy
Sign me up, sounds GREAT!
Yes, they actually do make fake eggs and sell them to unsuspecting customers in China, it's a big business.
Thank you, but no. I'd like some restrictions on the economy. China is a perfect example of why Libertarians are so damn wrong.

Get off your soapbox Snoopy, there wouldn't be a powerful China without American capitalists offshoring everything to take advantage of cheap labour/costs and then importing the products back. Or do Apple (a US company last time I checked) get off scott free because somehow they didn't know their products were being produced by near slavery..?

>> ^njjh201:

Cool let's now see the sequel, "Chinese Youth Discuss what is Wrong with what happened at Tiannenmen Square in June 1989"
Oh OK then.

And there's American arrogance, assuming that everything is exactly how you believe it is... The chinese government certainly represses knowledge of Tiannenmen, but you'd have to be a moron to believe people don't remember and word doesn't spread, and people are told to not get caught talking about it...

ps. Funny how the greatest assistant to the repression of knowledge re: Tiannenmen square is *drumroll* the US company Google and their willingness to allow regions to dictate what appears on their localised Google.

Chinese Youth Discuss what is Wrong with the USA

Drachen_Jager says...

>> ^renatojj:

United States knows the importance of free speech but doesn't have a free economy. China is reaping the benefits of a freer economy but is still scared of free speech.

Yeah, Go Foxconn, the employees are reaping some really good suicide benefits there! Or how 'bout all those miners killed every year in China. Those guys really reaped some benefits.

Melamine in your milk = Benefit of a freer economy
School collapses and kills your children because contractor cheaped out on concrete = Benefit of freer economy
People make unhealthy fake eggs through chemistry and sell them at the market = Benefit of a freer economy

Sign me up, sounds GREAT!

Yes, they actually do make fake eggs and sell them to unsuspecting customers in China, it's a big business.

Thank you, but no. I'd like some restrictions on the economy. China is a perfect example of why Libertarians are so damn wrong.

10 Misconceptions Debunked

ShakaUVM says...

>> ^Xaielao:

City tap water tastes like hell, and most bottled water (which more often than not IS tap water) contains salt to make you thirsty so you'll drink more. Don't believe me? Check that fancily named Dasani bottled water's ingredients. Makes me so glad I have a number of local springs that produce very high quality water that I get delivered monthly.

Uh, no. I actually have a mineral tester (Christmas present) for water. Bottled water is better than tap in terms of dissolved solids, and unless you think that bottled water companies are lying about the trace mineral contents in their water, the amounts are too small to matter. There's far more salt in Coke, or worse, V8 (

The person making the video thinks that in "functioning democracies" the tap water is always safe to drink. Well yes, it is. On average. Unless you happen to live in a house that gets mud in the water supply, like a friend of mine, or my in-laws' house (guess who gave me the tester?) in Los Angeles where the tap water is light yellow, and fizzes. I only drink filtered or bottled water there.

Starcraft 2 Siege Tank Exploit!

Psychologic says...

>> ^Asmo:

Anyone think the setup time vs a decent player would make this pointless?

The way he did it yes, especially since air units can still attack the tank.

If someone perfected doing this quickly then what might work is getting 2-3 tanks down there and then attacking the front of the enemy base with the remaining forces. Since they'll be defending pressure at the front it will be a lot harder for them to figure out what is attacking their mineral line or buildings.

Another possibility would be an early drop attack, especially against zerg. Use the glitched tanks to support a marine drop. The tanks can hit enemy units, but can't be attacked by melee units like speedlings or even roaches due to the short range. Then just kill off tech structures with the marines.

What might be more useful is stacking some tanks inside a few missile turrets on a high-ground corner for expansion defense. It would keep air units from sniping them and would keep the tanks from damaging each other. It would also hide the number of tanks you have from your enemy (much like the older "viking flower").

Starcraft 2 Siege Tank Exploit!

Jinx says...

Terran OP.

No but srsly. Bugs similar to this existed in Starcraft BroodWar. Stuff like being able to glitch a worker through mineral patches by trapping it between the minerals and warped in pylon, or glitching a vulture through with a spider mine. Often maps were designed with these bugs in mind to allow players to use them in creative ways. The bug with the patrol command that allowed some units to stop, turn 180, fire and move again in a fraction of a second were crucial to muta/vulture harass. Without the bug that allowed up to 11 mutalisks to stack all on more or less the same spot the TvZ matchup may well have been impossible to win for Z. Then there was also hold position lurkers that basically put Lurkers on hold fire to allow you to bait more of their army to death.

I just find it interesting that in older games often you'd find gameplay emerging out of bugs and glicthes the developer never intended. I'm not proposing that Terran should be allowed to move tanks around off the edge of the map, just that because these games are generally more polished there is less mutation, less potential for gameplay nobody imagined to evolve like bunny hopping, skiing in Tribes or Muta harass in SC:BW.

Sexy Bollywood dance routine: "Pain of Disco"!

Obama worse than Bush

bcglorf says...

>> ^cosmovitelli:

I read your stuff Yogi!
FWIW Involving the US in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan is all about money and power. Oil, minerals, rate earth shit etc etc.
In Iran they got rid of a benevolent democratically elected progressive who tried to return the oil wealth of the country to its people and replaced him with a foreign sponsored greedy foolish puppet.
When it swung back the other way the clerics took over. Doh!
They used Afghanistan as a proxy war with the soviets, training the mujahideen / aka Taliban fighters in improvised explosives, insurgency warfare and basically how to fuck up a mechanised invading army. Then they invaded. Doh!
In Iraq they supported Saddam despite his demented paranoid savagery until the Iraqi oilfields became too tasty to ignore.
Duck Cheney said it couldn't be done:
But they upped his end via massive Haliburton projects and installed a puppet moron to keep blaming Iraq for the Saudi attacks on 9/11.
Then they invaded, killing thousands of civilians, and dismantled the police and social services while fucking up the food and water supply. Just for good measure they disbanded the army and sent 375,000 heavily armed young men off to find food for their own families. Doh!
Never mind about panama, chile, Vietnam, Cuba, Russia, Pakistan etc etc.

I'd pretty much agree with your facts. I'm a little less sure on your point.

America helped train and support the Islamic fighter in Afghanistan to chase out the Soviets. America supported Saddam while he was using chemical weapons against Iran and even Iraqi Kurds. America propped up a strong man of their choosing in Iran which backfired and led to the current theocracy.

You needn't look far or very hard to find examples where almost any and every nation has selfishly done very bad things, or things with terrible consequences. America, Russia and China being such large nations, the examples for them are much bigger and numerous. It makes for great propaganda, and all 3 continually make heavy use of it to tarnish each other. America is characterized by the genocide of native americans and Vietnam, Russia by Stalin and China by Mao. It's great propaganda, but it's not insightful or helpful analysis.

Pretend you get be President when Bush Jr. was president. America's narrow self interests are being threatened by terrorism. Bin Laden has extremely close ties with Islamists not only in Afghanistan, but throughout nuclear armed Pakistan. AQ Khan, the father of Pakistan's nuclear program, is going around selling nuclear secrets and equipment to the highest bidder. That's an uncomfortably short path from Pakistan's nuclear arsenal to the hands of a very credible terrorist network. Do you demand Pakistan break it's ties with the Taliban, or just let it slide? Do you demand the Afghan Taliban break ties with Al Qaeda, or just let it slide? I think selfish American interest DID dictate making those two demands, and being willing to launch a war if they were refused.

I think that is a strong argument that the Afghan war was indeed a good thing from the perspective of America's narrow self-interest.

What about the Afghan people though? Their self interest depends on what the end game is, and nobody can predict that. What we DO know is that the formerly ruling Taliban hated women's rights, and we fought against them. What we DO know is that the formerly ruling Taliban burnt off more of Afghanistan's vineyards than even the Russians had, because making wine was anathema to their cult. What we DO know is that the Taliban was one of the most brutal, backwards and hateful organizations around.

I can not say that the Afghan war ensured a better future for Afghanistan's people. What I CAN say is that leaving the Taliban in power in Afghanistan ensured a dark, bleak and miserable future for Afghanistan's people. I would modestly propose that a chance at something better was a good thing.

Obama worse than Bush

cosmovitelli says...

I read your stuff Yogi!

FWIW Involving the US in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan is all about money and power. Oil, minerals, rate earth shit etc etc.

In Iran they got rid of a benevolent democratically elected progressive who tried to return the oil wealth of the country to its people and replaced him with a foreign sponsored greedy foolish puppet.
When it swung back the other way the clerics took over. Doh!

They used Afghanistan as a proxy war with the soviets, training the mujahideen / aka Taliban fighters in improvised explosives, insurgency warfare and basically how to fuck up a mechanised invading army. Then they invaded. Doh!

In Iraq they supported Saddam despite his demented paranoid savagery until the Iraqi oilfields became too tasty to ignore.

Duck Cheney said it couldn't be done:

But they upped his end via massive Haliburton projects and installed a puppet moron to keep blaming Iraq for the Saudi attacks on 9/11.
Then they invaded, killing thousands of civilians, and dismantled the police and social services while fucking up the food and water supply. Just for good measure they disbanded the army and sent 375,000 heavily armed young men off to find food for their own families. Doh!

Never mind about panama, chile, Vietnam, Cuba, Russia, Pakistan etc etc.

What sets Curiosity apart from other Mars Rovers

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^longde:

What would be inconceivable about colonizing Mars? Maybe there are resources we could exploit.

Radiation, gravity, distance and atmosphere. Exploited resources at this range isn't really a boon to anything, unless they are of an extreme value. And miners there would have to do hard labor in relatively low gravity, which sounds like a plus except that low gravity is associated with bone loss and loss of heart muscle tissue. Not to mention that mining in a pressure suit is crazy hazardous, but it would also need to shield from radiation unless they do underground mining, which has its own perils. In that, though, I would be the first volunteer for such an operation

a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

jmzero says...

America was innovating, inventing, testing, and producing when the rest of the Western world was literally standing still.

Well... the US did grow quickly in the 19th century as it utilized its tremendous, largely untapped natural resources, but it didn't take its "super-power" position in the world until after WWII. And then it took the position by default; Europe was a series of craters.

Now clearly the US did well post revolution (I mean, compare it to other places in the Americas with similar opportunities), but I don't think we can ascribe this to specifically American stuff. Its advantages: good organization, infrastructure ideas, lack of corruption, strong property rights, rule of law, and empowerment culture - these were all borrowed ideas. No, its prime differentiator was fantastic natural wealth. By the time America was ascendant, countries in Europe (especially Britain) had to import tremendous amounts of raw resources while in America you could - for example - just cut down a tree if you needed wood, or wander over a few more miles if you wanted land and water and minerals and (later) oil.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of good things about American culture and institutions. But using its economic and innovation success as proof of that is a little too convenient.

ant (Member Profile)

How It's Made- Pressure Gauges

BoneRemake says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Hard to believe that things like this were once made by hand.
And that glycerine thing? I had no idea.
I love learning new things. Thanks, VS.

I had always wondered what the liquid was, I had thought I heard some wheres that the liquid was mineral oil. How long does yogurt last out side the fridge, I have this yogurt cup that's been out of the fridge for 24 hours and I kind of wanna eat it.

Cockroach Inside Human Ear! Nice Halloween *puke* Video..

calvados says...

Apparently if this happens and you don't have ear-bug tongs, you can fill your ear canal with mineral (?) oil and the bug will decamp (or float out). Patient should be lying on his side with the affected ear facing up.

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