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Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Obama Administration Issues New Medical Marijuana Policy

Bye bye electrical sockets. I shall not miss you

DonanFear says...

Year to year and a half? Bullshit! I've been hearing about stuff like this being ready "any day now" for at least 5 years...

>> ^Stingray:
Notice how she started to cut him off when he wasn't using the metric system.

Watts are metric and the pounds he was talking about were of the money variety...

Bye bye electrical sockets. I shall not miss you

QI - At What Temperature Does Water Boil?

1cm Thick UK Plug Concept

shole says...

1. make europlug The Standard for new appliances and enforce use for new buildings
2. make sure adapters are cheap for use in old houses
3. wait 30 years
congratulations, you now have a country with almost complete conversion to standards that make sense

now only if we could get the metric system to the US....

Everybody's Least Favorite Topic (Sift Talk Post)

Everybody's Least Favorite Topic (Sift Talk Post)

US Switching to the Metric System?

jubuttib says...

I wouldn't mind pounds, miles, feet, gallons, ounces and what-not so much if you could at least choose one of each and stick with it. It's like the old joke about which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of gold. Feathers of course, because gold is measured in troy units and a troy pound weighs less than the more standard Avoirdupois pound. And a Ton can be 2000 (short Ton), 2205 (metric Ton), 2240 (long Ton, or ton shortweight) or 2400 (ton longweight) pounds, depending what definition of Ton you have in mind. And let's not even get started on gallons and ounces.

But yeah, I don't know of a country that is 100% metric yet. Even here in Finland we still use inches (mainly in carpentry, 5" nails, two-by-fours, stuff like that) and horsepowers (though magazines are using the kW as a standard and sometimes omit the hp figure completely, people still use them in everyday speech).

>> ^xxovercastxx:
Don't you mean 84 cm per liter?

Don't you mean 117 607.2 l/100km? Just kidding. =)

US Switching to the Metric System?

Quboid says...

I was in Amsterdam last week and with magnificent foresight, if I do say so myself, I checked and of course they all use metric, as did the (mostly English or Northern Irish) buyers. Obviously I wouldn't be in an Amsterdam coffeeshop except that I thought their measurement system would be handy to know. So traumatised by drug usage was I that I had to sit down immediately and find some way to calm myself.

>> ^rottenseed:
Now you'll be tempted to do half-eighths for $25

Half-eighths??? Only a stoner would have trouble figuring out what half of 1/8 is! I assume this is some regional lingo and not actually because people can't figure out what 2x8 is, but I've never heard of a half-eighth before. I've heard of a sixteenth many times.

US Switching to the Metric System?

US Switching to the Metric System?

demon_ix says...

>> ^Asmordean:
>> ^djsunkid as metric as I am, I think of people's heights in feet and inches... and nothing else, nothing else I measure like that, just height. I know my height in feet and inches, but not cm... weird
I'm the same. I think it's just easier to deal with saying 6'1 instead of 185cm. It's also easier to deal with carpentry. A door is 3 feet wide. Nice, single unit number.
Yet I use metric for everything else.

You say your height is Six One. I say my height is One Eighty. It's not a matter of simpler there, it's just what you're used to. Let's disregard the fact that a smaller base unit (1 inch = 2.5 cm approx) gives you better precision.

Suppose when dealing with carpentry, your door isn't 3 feet wide, it's 3 feet, 2 inches and 1/4 inch. Is that still simpler?

US Switching to the Metric System?

Asmordean says...

>> ^djsunkid as metric as I am, I think of people's heights in feet and inches... and nothing else, nothing else I measure like that, just height. I know my height in feet and inches, but not cm... weird

I'm the same. I think it's just easier to deal with saying 6'1 instead of 185cm. It's also easier to deal with carpentry. A door is 3 feet wide. Nice, single unit number.

Yet I use metric for everything else.

US Switching to the Metric System?

Payback says...

>> ^longde:
Payback, switching to the metric system won't stop incompetence.

To alot of the commenters, I don't know a school (except maybe in Texas) that does not teach the metric system alongside the english system.

Oh... so the engineers that work on space missions are incompetent? I was a mistake. A mistake that may have not occurred if the extra calculations and built-in error they cause weren't used.

US Switching to the Metric System?

rottenseed says...

>> ^Payback:
If Imperial is so much better, why is pot not sold by pound and ounce?

It is if you're not one of those skeezy gram buying cheapos. Sack up and by and eighth of what you ask? An eighth of an ounce. If you're flippin birds big time you could be buying a pound (16 oz) of marijuana. Now, it gets tricky when you're buying grams cause there's some conversion involved. There's about 28.3 grams per ounce. So buy a $300 ounce, sell it as $20 grams and you've made roughly $560-$300=$260 profit. Now you'll be tempted to do half-eighths for $25, but you're actually losing about $10 dollars on the deal as that person is getting about 1.75 grams for $25 bucks. That's an extra .75 grams for $5! Save the price break for the bigger clients or long time clients that will come back with business for you later.

Do this a couple times and build a rapport with your dealer and you will be buying cheap half pounds to pounds of weed. Now with this quantity it's better to sell them as half to full ounces.

Not that I know...

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