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Headless chicken lives more than a year!

yourhydra says...

im guessing some brain matter was left over? because this is pretty nuts, i mean look at it, looks like a pretty low chop at the neck. i dont understand, someone explain this to me, and dont say ITS GOD's WILL...or that "it was so dumb it didnt realize its head was cut off so it lived" lol retarded farmers

US Military Burns Bibles In Afghanistan To End Proselytizing

entr0py says...

After googling the matter extensively over the last 10 minutes, I've found there is no agreed procedure for the disposal of bibles. Praying on this mystery for another 10 minutes, the correct ritual was finally revealed to me.

Tear out each page, and having torn them into the smallest possible pieces, proceed to tear them still smaller, eight or perhaps nine times. This biblical fluff should then be mixed with equal parts holy oil (for adherence) and sacramental wine (for color). The mixture is then poured into cross shaped molds and allowed to dry in the sun over the course of 6 days. These concentrated consecrated bricks are then piled into a silver lined cask, and buried at least 12 feet underground (to ensure that god can not escape).

Finally, the left over bindings are to be boiled for 77 hours (or until sacrosanct) and added to a special stew. This stew is then consumed by the most righteous man available. If there is contention over who is the most righteous, this can be settled by a simple duel.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

volumptuous says...

(She's blonde)
She's a blonde
And she comes along the sidewalk
She leaves a trail of blue and black
Up to you to fight it back

Steel chains
There's a noose of charms on our necks
I find nothing when we talk and sit
Blue heart passion and watch the set

Easy to fall
Part of your skull
Starts to break away

A cheaters walk
Down the block
Behind this evil street

She's a white girl
But I'm living with a white girl
She's a white girl
But I'm living with a white girl

She's Nineteen
Missing her man for an old girl
Drain every beer left over at home
Listen to ghosts in the other room

Why not
You're alone inside his keeping
I'll replace your drunk old man
Sit in the parking lot and hold your hand

Easy to fall
Part of your skull
Starts to break away

Drugged and in love
Out at a club
Pulling me outside


David Mitchell's Soapbox - "I Have In My Flat A Mouse"

Cork_Guy says...

Catch it in one of those non-fatal traps then call over to the house/flat of some horrible person you know, but for some stupid social contractual reason, you must must socialise with. And when they go to make you a coffee, or go to use the loo, unleash the mouse! Presto! No need to make a trip to the countryside, no need for a cat, no worries about the mouse realising that you can't bring yourself to kill it and the mouse probably won't care who's left over wasabi peas it's eating. And you get to stick it to some asshole who probably deserves it. Win-win

Zero Punctuation: Resident Evil 5

Krupo says...

>> ^StukaFox:
>> ^Payback:
Yes, I agree, what the Hell IS up with the game industry and Africa?

Because we already done all them other places:
Germany, Ukraine, New York City, LA, The Blue Mosque, Hell: First-person shooters
Middle Earth, a lot of places roughly modeled after medieval Europe, radioactive wastelands: role playing games.
The 9th level of hell, a godless place seen as an unending sea of child molesters and furries: Peggle.
So Africa was all we had left over. And Antarctica. But who wants endless random encounters with Leopard Seals and bored NOAA meteorologists?

Gunship 2000 also had an expansion where you flew choppers in Antarctica. Ah white-outs. Awesome.

Top 10 Godless Countries (data from 2007) (Religion Talk Post)

tsquire1 says...

hmmm. i thought vietnam had plenty of problems left over from the war including lack of infrastructure, disease, poverty, etc.

wiki says:
Vietnam is still a relatively poor country with an annual GDP of US$280.2 billion at purchasing power parity (2006 estimate).[24] This translates to a purchasing power of about US$3,300 per capita (or US$726 per capita at the market exchange rate). Deep poverty, defined as a percent of the population living under $1 per day, has declined significantly and is now smaller than that of China, India, and the Philippines.[25]

k so they are poor but not *as* poor. interesante....

Right-wing Bets Against U.S. in Pirate Standoff

quantumushroom says...

I reject the left's outright hypocrisy, that's all. The left "hates" Glenn Beck and Fox News with nothing left over for terrorists, warlords, un-Johnny-Depp-like pirates etc., mayhaps it's part of an underplayed blame-USA-first mentality.

Claiming that "all violence" is wrong is a form of moral cowardice. Even the Dalai Lama recognizes that some wars are just. With an aquaterrorist or the other kind, the only choices are to meet their demands or kill them. Meeting terrorist demands just gets you more of the same, while meeting the threat of further escalation with overwhelming force sends a clear message not to do it again.

Was the irony that the Maersk Alabama was delivering aid to Somalia lost on the left? The nobility of doing good deeds does not make said do-gooders invincible or open the hearts of evil people. And so there are SEALS.

Billy Mays with another fantastic product: Kaboom!

thinker247 says...

I do enjoy a good spaghetti dinner in the shower, but I also hate the residue left over after I end up having a food fight with Fred Savage and Maya Angelou. Luckily for me, there's Kaboom!

Baby Owl tries to Nom Nom Nom

Psychologic says...

>> ^osama1234:
Interesting fact about owls (i know this from highschool biology), they dont poop. They regurgitate whatever's left over when they're done.
It's really neat, you can dissect the pellet and pretty much reconstruct the mouse, or whatever they eat, as all the stuff besides bones,fur, and feathers is disgested from their last meal.

Owls do poop.

They regurgitate the skeletons and other undigestibles, but they have bowel movements like just like other birds (usually a white, pasty substance).

Baby Owl tries to Nom Nom Nom

osama1234 says...

Interesting fact about owls (i know this from highschool biology), they dont poop. They regurgitate whatever's left over when they're done.

It's really neat, you can dissect the pellet and pretty much reconstruct the mouse, or whatever they eat, as all the stuff besides bones,fur, and feathers is disgested from their last meal.

Zero Punctuation: Resident Evil 5

StukaFox says...

>> ^Payback:
Yes, I agree, what the Hell IS up with the game industry and Africa?

Because we already done all them other places:

Germany, Ukraine, New York City, LA, The Blue Mosque, Hell: First-person shooters

Middle Earth, a lot of places roughly modeled after medieval Europe, radioactive wastelands: role playing games.

The 9th level of hell, a godless place seen as an unending sea of child molesters and furries: Peggle.

So Africa was all we had left over. And Antarctica. But who wants endless random encounters with Leopard Seals and bored NOAA meteorologists?

An Overview Of Migraines

Hyperdrive says...

I get the classical migraine. Flashing lights slowly appearing from the periphery of my vision, and spreading until I lose about 60% of my eyesight. After about thirty minutes of this the headache kicks in, which will last for up to a couple of days. I usually feel a bit distant over this period and my speech gets a little slurred on occasion.

After identifying my triggers, the main one being caffeine, I've pretty much got things under control. Probably only a couple of attacks over the whole of last year. I do miss my coffee though, and unfortunately decaffeinated still has more than enough caffeine left over to set me off.

The wonderful aroma when I pass a coffee shop is as near as I get to a caramel frappuchino these days.

Happy Boxing Day, whatever THAT is... :-) (British Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

Fuck knows, something to do with everyone wrapped presents in boxes back in the olden days and the day after was the day to re-use or get rid of all the left over boxes. Just sounds like a great excuse for a day off work to me! Yay. Don't Canada have one too?

Cheers firefly, and an early Happy New Year to you

★DENNIS! talks about Auto Bail-Out ★

NetRunner says...

I'm with Kucinich on this bailout. I'm also in full agreement with the idea that the American auto companies need a huge wake-up call -- but if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not watch the big three unravel right when the economy is as unhealthy as I've ever seen it.

I don't think the Wall Street one was a good idea. I think something needed done, and something big, I just think the form it took, and the way it was handled was typically Bushian -- cling to ideology first, political maneuvering second, paying off friends in the industry third, and if there's time and money left over after servicing those, let's see if we can make a dent in the actual problem we're supposed to be solving.

From what I've read, Dems basically submitted to every one of Bush's demands in order to get him to not veto the bailout bill. That means this one is likely to be filled with bullshit landmines entirely designed to a) prevent the plan from working b) set back environmental and labor issues Democrats care about, and c) give congressional Republicans a chance to stand in opposition to a plan that Bush and Democrats agree on.

If I were just as evil as the average Republican representative, for political purposes I'd pray the Republicans block the damn thing, despite Bush ineffectually trying to convince them to vote for it. Then I'd have the Democrats say "call us when you grow up", and put the House and Senate on recess until Jan 20th. Then have them hit the talk show circuit to loudly gripe about how they tried their best to save the auto industry, but the Republicans stopped them from acting, and that they'll try again when they have more votes and a responsible President.

Part of me hopes that's how it'll play out...but I'd be really uncomfortable leaving things at an impasse like that, because I don't know that GM and Chrysler would make it, and I know their dying would not be good for the country.

I don't get the sense that Republicans give a shit about what's good for the country. If anything, they seem to actively want the American auto companies to die, and the Democrat-supporting UAW with it, impact on regular people and the economy be damned.

ROAST X: ITS XTREME!!!! (Parody Talk Post)

blankfist says...

This stupid thing still going on? If you haven't noticed, rasch187 ain't this important. He's Norwegian, remember? No one cares for the Norwegians. They're the turd-like residue left over after the Swedes left.

I'm glad to see thinker247 is here having a lot of fun with his 'First!' jokes. Those are so fresh. Thinker is like that guy that shows up at the high school reunion still making the jokes people didn't laugh at in high school. This clown had the misfortune to name himself 'thinker247', as if after a single comment post we wouldn't realize that was absolutely the opposite of what he should've named himself.

I'm glad they got Crosswords to MC this. That's a lot fun. Who's MCing the next roast? Anagrams? Nothing spells good times like a word puzzle with a knife welding raccoon avatar. I could not think of a more unremarkable person to host this, to be honest. Well, there is one: nibiyabi. "I'll put a pilgrim hat on Darwin and give him some googly eyes. That'll make me the life of the party!" No, nibiyabi, that makes you unfunny. Though, his profile claims he likes cat fart videos, so he can't be all bad, can he?

Who let rougy in here? Isn't there a warrant out for him yet? He's a forty something year old man with an avatar of a naked boy. Rougy fancies himself a poet. I normally like to encourage artists, but after reading his most recent poem Doorways & Beginnings I think encouraging him to continue would be like encouraging choggie to become a linguistics professor.

Good to see laura and alien_concept in here. Two of the resident women on the Sift. I'm not sure what good the two of you will do on here, though, because last I checked Dag and Lucky hadn't installed a kitchen. But, you're two progressive and self-actualized women, right? That's really great. Now, put a @$*# in that mouth and fetch me a ham and cheese sandwich.

Speaking of phallic items in mouths, I almost forgot this roast was about rasch. Rasch is an ugly guy. He is. I don't have a joke for that... he's just an ugly guy. I'm not saying he's the ugliest guy in the world, but his mom had to get drunk to breast feed him. When he was born, his mom tried to take home the placenta instead. Janet Reno is a handsomer man than he is.

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