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What Ke$ha sounds like without her precious autotune

Duckman33 says...

>> ^smooman:

and whats funny about karaoke? its fun (usually more so if you CANT sing like me), derp derp derp, ......and probably stuck up

Exactly, which is why I don't take it seriously when someone refers to a karaoke star as proof of talent. And yes if that makes me stuck up then so be it. I'm stuck up.

What Ke$ha sounds like without her precious autotune

Duckman33 says...

>> ^smooman:

if singing for 30 years makes you qualified, how is that different from my mother who's been singing for almost 50 years, my brother who's been singing for goin on 20 years, my friend Mandy who's also been at it for goin on 20 years? whats your point? that you made a lil money singing in cover bands that puts you in a better position than them? well pat yourself on the back for getting paid gas money to sing someone elses songs (me and my brother both were in a successful cover band at one time, me on guitar and him singing, it doesnt pay shit, so stop bragging, its nothing to brag about)
my point being, i got 4 other opinions to your one, they all disagree with you, so i win. nanny nanny boo boo!

I'm bragging because I list my qualifications? And your not but doing the same exact thing at the beginning of both of your rants? Then telling me how I should HERE your brother sing Faithfully in a karaoke bar? Hypocrite much?

OK, again with the putting words in my mouth thing. Where exactly did I say your mother, brother, and friend were not qualified to have an opinion? And how exactly do you keep missing the point that I NEVER SAID SHE DIDN'T SUCK.

FYI, we were paid anywhere from $2800-$3200 a week for our gigs depending on where we played. That's slightly better than "a lil gas money" or that "it doesn't pay shit" sorry to say. Back in the late 80's early 90's that was pretty good cash for playing the bar scene. As I said, I made a living doing this. That means I supported myself. If you were "in a very successful" cover band as you say, you wouldn't be bitching about the pay, because I certainly wasn't.

[Edit] Oh and on your "point". There seems to be more opinions in this thread backing mine up than yours, so actually you don't win shit.

What Ke$ha sounds like without her precious autotune

smooman says...

and whats funny about karaoke? its fun (usually more so if you CANT sing like me), me and my brother both enjoy having a good goofy time doin it, and he's a fucking badass singer. so because he sang a notoriously difficult song and nailed it, it means he sucks cuz it was at karaoke? youre fucking retarded......and probably stuck up

What Ke$ha sounds like without her precious autotune

Duckman33 says...

>> ^smooman:

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^owatadorkiam:
no processing on the vocals....she seems to still hit all the right notes...I'm sorry, but it doesn't sound that bad.

I didn't know the term "tone-deaf" described a real thing...but it does. And you suffer from it.

owatadorkiam is not tone deaf. I'm a vocalist (yes I was paid to do it for a living at one time in my life) and sorry to say I didn't hear any sour notes. Granted she's no virtuoso, but she's not singing off key at all. What I expected to hear was horribly out of tune singing and heard nothing of the sort. And yes, I really wanted to hear her choke.

yes, he most certainly is, and it would appear you are as well. an avid musician myself, this made me cringe....BUT went ahead and had my mother, a pianist and classically trained vocalist for over 40 years, my brother, a professionally trained vocalist and avid musician (you should here his Faithfully by journey, hit it at karaoke this last weekend and he fucking OWNED it), and my good friend Mandy, a vocalist and musician by hobby who trained under one of Jessica Simpsons former vocal coaches.....
and they unanimously agreed that she fucking sucks. and not just the talky verses (cuz i know thats kind of her unique stlye) but the chorus and prechorus (especially the prechorus)
you didnt hear any sour notes? that sentence alone condemns you as tonedeaf. It wasnt chock full of em but there were PLENTY to choose from.
what i will say is this: she is certainly trained, she can carry a tune (sort of), but she is mediocre at best
but thats the music industry for you. me and my brother have been in bands playing locally trying to get exposure since we were in high school........and justin fucking beiber gets a multi million contract?
it has little to nothing to do with how talented or unique you are and everything to do with one of two things: luck/right place right time, or knowing the right people

"My musician friends can beat up your musician friends!!! Derp derp!"

Look, I also used to sing "Faithfully", "Lights", "Separate Ways" along with "I want to Know What Love Is" (Foreigner), some Skid Row, Motley Crue, Nirvana, Def Leppard, Van Hagar, Van Halen, etc, etc. and many other songs from many other bands in my bands. I sang 6 nights a week 5 hours a night in one of the highest paid bands on the bar circuit at the time. I was told on a nightly basis that I covered the songs we played live better than the most of the original artists in a lot of cases. But yeah, whatever you say, I'm tone deaf. LOL I have been singing in bands since I was 17 and I'm 47 now. I'm pretty sure that alone qualifies me to have an opinion on her singing skills. So please don't try to lecture me on my ears, or singing ability.

My question is; Where exactly did I say she didn't suck? What part of me saying, "What I expected to hear was horribly out of tune singing" and "I really wanted her to choke" didn't you understand? Yes, I heard no sour notes. At least not any that made me cringe. Do I really have to explain my comment to that extent for you to comprehend what I was saying?

Sorry your brother couldn't make the grade. Life is tough, huh? And I'm glad he "fucking OWNED it" in a karaoke bar. (seriously? LOL) Sounds like you have a bunch of sour grapes to me. Period.

What Ke$ha sounds like without her precious autotune

smooman says...

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^owatadorkiam:
no processing on the vocals....she seems to still hit all the right notes...I'm sorry, but it doesn't sound that bad.

I didn't know the term "tone-deaf" described a real thing...but it does. And you suffer from it.

owatadorkiam is not tone deaf. I'm a vocalist (yes I was paid to do it for a living at one time in my life) and sorry to say I didn't hear any sour notes. Granted she's no virtuoso, but she's not singing off key at all. What I expected to hear was horribly out of tune singing and heard nothing of the sort. And yes, I really wanted to hear her choke.

yes, he most certainly is, and it would appear you are as well. an avid musician myself, this made me cringe....BUT went ahead and had my mother, a pianist and classically trained vocalist for over 40 years, my brother, a professionally trained vocalist and avid musician (you should here his Faithfully by journey, hit it at karaoke this last weekend and he fucking OWNED it), and my good friend Mandy, a vocalist and musician by hobby who trained under one of Jessica Simpsons former vocal coaches.....

and they unanimously agreed that she fucking sucks. and not just the talky verses (cuz i know thats kind of her unique stlye) but the chorus and prechorus (especially the prechorus)

you didnt hear any sour notes? that sentence alone condemns you as tonedeaf. It wasnt chock full of em but there were PLENTY to choose from.

what i will say is this: she is certainly trained, she can carry a tune (sort of), but she is mediocre at best

but thats the music industry for you. me and my brother have been in bands playing locally trying to get exposure since we were in high school........and justin fucking beiber gets a multi million contract?

it has little to nothing to do with how talented or unique you are and everything to do with one of two things: luck/right place right time, or knowing the right people

variteks (Member Profile)

Chinese Pianist Plays Anti-American SongatWhite House Dinner

bareboards2 says...

excerpts from the NPR radio interview linked above (I left in all the annoying "you knows"):

Mr. LANG LANG (Pianist): The truth is, I only know this piece because it's a beautiful melody. And, actually, I played many times as encore before because it's, artistically, it's a beautiful piece. I never thought about, you know, and I never knew about anything about, you know, the background.

BLOCK: Well, some people, as you know, on blogs in China, are seizing on this, saying that it was a moment for a world famous pianist to sort of drop a note of nationalism, of Chinese nationalism into the States here.

Mr. LANG LANG: You know, that's the last thing I want to do because, first of all, you know, I grew up as a teenager in America. I mean, I studied at Curtis. And I feel both China and America is my home. And, you know, I have a really wonderful emotions towards American people. And I have a lot of my great friends, my teachers, are all from here.

So for me, you know, to be invited to play at White House is a great honor....

BLOCK: The song that you played, in the movie, in the "Battle on Shangganling Mountain," which came out in 1956, it is a very nationalistic song and it...

Mr. LANG LANG: You know, I never know about that movie. I just learned it afterward. It's like, 1956. This is when my mother was two years old. I mean, this is 55 years ago. And when I grew up, I only hear this as a beautiful melody. That's it. And this piece is very popular as a traditional Chinese song.

BLOCK: I've been told that this song is a favorite at karaoke bars.

Mr. LANG LANG: Yeah. I mean, it's just, you know, it's a song that, like, everyone in the Chinese world knows about the melody. You know, I mean, that's the truth. I mean, I choose it because its beautiful melody....

BLOCK: Well, Lang Lang, what were your - how did you react when you heard that in China, on the Web, people were adding meaning to this choice...

Mr. LANG LANG: I feel very sad. You know, I very sad. And, you know, and I must say, disappointing.... And once, you know, people use it as a political issue, that makes me really sad because I am a musician. I'm not a politician.

Star Wars Holiday Special... That everyone REALLY wanted

blankfist (Member Profile)

Tingles (Member Profile)

Guy with Tourettes Sings REM

Undercover Karaoke with Jewel

qualm (Member Profile)

Undercover Karaoke with Jewel

Morganth (Member Profile)

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