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"Vamos a la Playa" - Josh and the Jamtones

ulysses1904 says...

Here's one of my favorite Jonathan Richman, he writes simple likeable songs:

If you saw "There's Something About Mary" (which I never did) I read that Jonathan Richman played his guitar and sang, as a segue/commentary between the movie scenes.>> ^PlayhousePals:

>> ^ulysses1904:
¡Me gusta la canción! Reminds me of something Jonathan Richman would do.

I too liked the song [catchy] ... not familiar with Jonathan Richman ... will have to check him out, thanks =oD

"Vamos a la Playa" - Josh and the Jamtones

"Vamos a la Playa" - Josh and the Jamtones

Portal End Credits Song

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'portal, valve, video game, orange box, end credits, Jonathan Coulton' to 'portal, valve, Still Alive, orange box, end credits, Jonathan Coulton' - edited by Shepppard

jonathon davis-queen of the damned-system

Conservative Kid Jonathan Krohn Now Liberal -- TYT

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I guess I'm not following you @ChaosEngine because I'm referring to the "adults" who put him on that stage.
To me, it doesn't matter if he's 13 or 17. The kid's got a lot of growing up to do. Whose to say he won't change parties again? Then we'll get to hear the conservative pundits celebrate how he has come back into the fold. Quite frankly, no one has demonstrated to me why we should care what party he affiliates with. What's so special about this kid?

Sorry, I was actually agreeing with you, but obviously I didn't make myself clear.

My point was exactly that. At 13 you have very little meaningful life experience. Your values, attitudes and tastes will change. Basically, 13 year olds know nothing So yeah, an endorsement for a party from a 13 year old is to me the political equivalent of Celine Dion endorsing some music.

edit: basically what the article @bareboards2 linked to said.

Conservative Kid Jonathan Krohn Now Liberal -- TYT

Yogi says...

>> ^TheDreamingDragon:

I am merely thankful the kid woke up to the fact that he's being inodated with conservative all we need is the conservatives to wake up as well.

What happened is the kid got some Liberal Pussy and changed his mind. I don't think we can do that for everyone.

Conservative Kid Jonathan Krohn Now Liberal -- TYT

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

>> ^VoodooV:

How does a thirteen year old talking about ANYTHING prove the case about ANYTHING?
Seriously, I want to know what the thought process was when they thought it was a good idea to drag the kid out there and make him talk.
Did they honestly think the headlines would read: "Liberalism dead in America because of 13 year old's speech"

Think back to all the opinions you held when you were thirteen. Think about your favourite movies, music and foods at the time. Your political positions, too (assuming you had any).

Now, answer this: weren't you exactly right? Didn't everything you thought about life turn out to be completely correct?

Maher: "Republican party acts exactly like 14 year old boys"

Sean Bean on Jonathan Ross

alien_concept says...

>> ^Auger8:

Wow not a single word about Game of Thrones I wonder if this was before that was filmed? Or maybe it's just not that popular in Britain.

I know, it's completely bizarre. It's why I watched it in the first place! This was definitely filmed after he finished the first series, so I'm clueless as to why they'd neglect to mention it at all, it's pretty damn popular here!

Ewan McGregor With A Funny Star Wars Ancedote On Jonthn Ross

marinara (Member Profile)

Wil Wheaton on Leaving TNG, With Entire Cast

gorillaman says...

>> ^bmacs27:

Holy crap, is that Jonathan Frakes? He's aged poorly. He looks like he caught up to Patrick Stewart.

Patrick Stewart has looked exactly the same for the last thirty years. We will all catch up to him eventually.

Wil Wheaton on Leaving TNG, With Entire Cast

Ewan McGregor With A Funny Star Wars Ancedote On Jonthn Ross

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