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Gag Reel - Star Trek "The Next Generation" Season 2

If Man Obeyed God

Man of Steel - Trailer 2

Sagemind says...


1). His love of humanity - Absolutely
2). Lois Lane (and Jonathan & Martha Kent)
3). Kryptonite - Proven Absolutely
4). Red Sun or Starless worlds would void his powers but first you have to make him go there.
5). Magic - Can slow him down, but can't kill him
6). Virus X - Kryptonian leprosy, the only form of disease for which Kryptonians had not found a cure (Turns out Blue Kryptonite is the cure)
7). Mind Control - He has no powers against mind control but he is a strong minded individual and has battled this and won before.
8 ). Extreme amounts of force/impact ("Darkseid and a few others have this power").
9). No air/Food/water - Superman could survive indefinitely without food, water, or rest due to the yellow sun's radiation sustaining him.

Shazam - Almost killed Superman with his lightning bolts which are magic
Lex Luthor used a magical artifact called the Powerstone to take his powers away.
Wonder Woman's magic sword can cut him.
Hulk kicked his ass once too but wasn't able to follow through.

Looks like his next major weakness after Kryptonite is Magic. Not all magic though. Only some magic granted by Gods, and then only some gods has the power to affect him. Magic has been able to lay him out but has never stopped him.

Check this forum where they clearly argue it out:

Boys Choir Makes A Point - International Children's Fund

Gangnam Style star PSY on Jonathan Ross show

doogle says...

Agreed. But I would like to transfer the votes.

I screwed up though. I sorta clicked submit twice, reviewing the url between each click.


Gangnam Style star PSY on Jonathan Ross show

Gangnam Style star PSY on Jonathan Ross show

Gangnam Style star PSY on Jonathan Ross show

Massive Bird Release

Philadelphia Cop Sucker Punches A Women

eric3579 says...

The Philadelphia police officer who was captured on video punching a woman in the face will be fired.

Police Commmissioner Charles H. Ramsey said today that he had issued a direct-action dismissal, an immediate step that commissioners can take if they have evidence that an officer has violated departmental policies or the law.

Lt. Jonathan Josey, 39, is a decorated 19-year veteran of the department who has been praised by some colleagues even after the video emerged. He declined to comment. As of Thursday, he is suspended for a month with the intent to dismiss.

Ramsey had previously said he was "deeply troubled" by the now-notorious video.

"From what I saw, it's difficult to justify the actions that took place," Ramsey said Tuesday.

Josey's punch to the woman's head, which knocked her to the ground and bloodied her face, appeared to be a case of excessive force being used to make an arrest, Ramsey said.

The woman, Aida Guzman of Chester, was arrested Sunday for disorderly conduct at a celebration in North Philadelphia following the city's Puerto Rican Day parade. Police said they thought she was throwing liquid at a group of officers, which led Josey to target her.

District Attorney Seth Williams said today that charges against Guzman have been dropped.

Ramsey said police still have not been able to interview Guzman, despite several attempts. He made a public request that she speak to police in order to help move the investigation forward.

Philly officer who sucker-punched woman will be fired

Laugh While You Can Monkey Boy

Samuel L jackson on Jonathan Ross

Breaking Bad - Final Scene of Season 5 Episode 8

Deano says...

>> ^kymbos:

Spoiler alert
Am I the only one who is just a tad let down by this season? Breaking Bad is the best TV since Deadwood in my opinion, but previous series have had me constantly on the edge of my seat. This one, I'm just kind of watching play out. I mean, season 4 - come on. That was gripping.
The last two episodes where Walter just becomes the kingpin and makes piles of money just left me a little empty...

I'm impressed that they like to be different. Working for Fring and the eventual high stakes is actually the kind of plot which they could have ended the entire show with the implication that White takes over, completing his ascent (or descent if you like).

If they didn't take chances they would still be stuck in that RV and we might never have had a Fring.

Season [edit] 5 [/edit] was impressive because it was about getting back into the saddle and the writers engineering the plot developments logically from what went before. I've always loved that about the show and the way they still get to focus on these characters and also extract great acting performances. Jonathan Banks was outstanding. And Dean Norris' awkward face when Walter visited his office was priceless.

As for pure gripping tension I think Dead Freight delivered in spades.

I know what you mean by "empty". I suspect this is how Walter feels after all his accomplishments, most of which seem to be about staying below DEA radar. Could they have moved him to a new location and allow him to develop into a Fring-style respected businessman with a dark secret? But then that would be close to repetition.

Usain Bolt on the Jonathan Ross Show

Yogi says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

Usain is nuts, but in a brilliant way!

Yeah he really is, I like athletes like this instead of the deer in the headlights or the WAY too full of themselves. I think Bolt is just the right amount full of himself and confident for what he's accomplished.

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

In reply to this comment by ulysses1904:
Here's one of my favorite Jonathan Richman, he writes simple likeable songs:

If you saw "There's Something About Mary" (which I never did) I read that Jonathan Richman played his guitar and sang, as a segue/commentary between the movie scenes.>> ^PlayhousePals:

>> ^ulysses1904:
¡Me gusta la canción! Reminds me of something Jonathan Richman would do.

I too liked the song [catchy] ... not familiar with Jonathan Richman ... will have to check him out, thanks =oD

Ice Cream Man ... delightful! The ditty that never ends [almost] I love how engaged the audience was. Don't know how he's slipped under my radar all of these years. Thanks for that link

Something About Mary is hilarious! [I love Ben Stiller] ... been quite sometime since I've seen it though. It deserves a revisit. =o)

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