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Joe Biden On Masks: ‘Not About Being A Tough Guy,’

newtboy says...

Of the near 210000 deaths, >181000 would have been saved, never infected, if everyone had worn masks and the "lockdown" was actually implemented two weeks earlier and was followed.

Trump's "nothing burger" claims and "wear a mask if you want, or not" and slow reactions, lack of concern, complaints about states that did lockdown, and contradictory messages directly caused >90% of all cases and deaths according to the CDC before he removed the real scientists and replaced them with Trump spokesmen who only repeat Trump, not science or facts. Politicizing the CDC is criminal.

Now, if Trump hadn't defunded and disbanded the international pandemic team Obama put in place, the virus likely wouldn't have made it out of China, making all deaths on American soil direct results of Trump's insecurity and inability to lead. Had he used the pandemic plan Obama left that they ignored and claimed didn't exist through June, America might have had a few cases, but not an epidemic. Trump's idiocy, his 80 IQ that seems genius to your ilk, caused it. It's poetic justice it's likely to take him down.

Btw, dumb shit, non n95 masks don't protect the users, they just help control the spread. Not a bit surprised you don't understand....but 3rd graders can.

Side might notice, Trump is on a huge cocktail of drugs, vitamins, and anti viral medications, but not hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine. Why not, @bobknight33? He's pushed it for months as a perfect cure, but won't take it himself. Don't tell me he lied about it's efficacy and safety!
Also, his doctors admitted he's been on them for 72 hours as of Sat morning, so they've known he's infected since Wednesday morning but he still handed out maga caps with bare hands at rallies and pressed the flesh indoors with his major donors during the most infectious period of his infection. He didn't care if he infected all of

bobknight33 said:

Of the 6 Million nicked by Covid and 200K dead how many wore masks?

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

newtboy says...

Here, since you're incapable of even looking....

Wouldn't it be nice if you supported someone who wasn't so despised by all news media and only supported by sycophantic opinion?
Wouldn't it be great if you had someone who, when they denied the disgusting, disrespectful, anti American statements was at least minimally believable?
Because Fox won't post the clip doesn't mean it doesn't exist, they often hide their own reporting and replace it with opinion because they fear Trump sending his crazy murderers and stalkers after their personnel?
Fortunately it went out and others recorded it, not hard to find took me 4 seconds...

You won't get whistleblowers against Trump coming out publicly, consider the threats the last whistleblower endured, any Trump whistleblower, it's a career ender even though retaliation is illegal, and the start of a life of fear because anyone anywhere might be the next right wing assassin attempting to murder your wife because you spoke up against the moronic messiah.

Wouldn't it be great if there weren't direct evidence of nearly everything he's accused of, (not the shit you made up)?

Trump hates blacks-definitely, undeniably, historically, on tape, video, and in business and investigatory documents going back at least 50 years without pause. Only the blind won't see it.
Trump hates women-if they don't serve his ego, definitely
Trump hates Gays-yep, as long as it makes him palatable to his base for certain
Trump hates military- definitely, thinks they're dumb because he doesn't understand service to anyone but himself
Trump hates poor people- absolutely unless they're stroking his ego and handing over their cash for his frauds
Trump hates everyone.- everyone who won't stroke his insecure ego, yes he does
Trump raped more woman- 24 is a lot, more than who?
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.- You made that claim up, that was Falwell
Trump raped little boys- you made that up, but maybe
Trump raped little girls- almost a certainty, his best friend did on Trump's properties for years and years after being prosecuted and convicted, with Trump's knowledge
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.- infinitely more likely than the one your ilk claim Clinton had. Trump's bestie could have given him pointers on the dungeon
Trump and Putin lies- yes, Trump and Putin lie constantly, often coordinated lies. I guess you don't believe the Republican created intelligence report that said clearly most of the impeachment charges were correct and every Trump administration witness lied under oath, eh?
Trump and China lies- Trump has certainly lied about China, but not really in collusion with them, but not for lack of trying both privately and on tv. The Chinese simply don't trust him, so aren't hitching their wagons to him.
Another investigation by Adam Schiff- if he waits until the facilitating republicans are out of the Senate and there's a chance of prosecution, not the prosecution working directly with the defendant like the first impeachment, then it's time to get Schiffty

Fake news like Fox. Funny, they went from the onlytrusted source to fake news the instant they actually investigated a Trump story instead of just repeating Trump's denial.

Trump picked a fight with the media before being elected so he could convince dunces that they're just all mad at him and willing to throw away their career by outright lying about him for no reason. Only a true idiot falls for that. Sadly that's at least 1/4 of Americans....definitely you believe it.

It is a Trump story, and he is lying as usual. Otherwise your tag would be erased.

bobknight33 said:

Sound like he has the smoking gun. Lets see it.

Yet not 1 FOX new clip confirming YTY.

Yet not 1 clip from any news source.


2 more months of lies from secrete source or Anti Trumpers,"close aids" etc etc etc.

Trump hates blacks
Trump hates women
Trump hates Gays
Trump hates military
Trump hates poor people
Trump hates everyone.
Trump raped more woman
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.
Trump raped little boys
Trump raped little girls
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.
Trump and Putin lies
Trump and China lies
Another investigation by Adam Schiff

Fake news has no choice but to super dump on Trump next 2 months because they know he will win by a land slide and they need to stop it by all means necessary.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Here's the thing, Bob.
You were wrong. There are NOT known cases of Democrats cheating in elections in the last decade, only Republicans caught cheating thousands of times.

It's ok to be wrong if you can admit it....but you just can't. When you see you can't back up your claim, but you continue to make it, that's when you go from being duped to being a liar. I think you passed that point on this topic 7+ weeks ago.

It's ok to say you were misled, lied to. In fact, I think I can speak for most that that admission is what we all want for, and from you. Whoever told you there were known instances of Democrats cheating outright lied to you, born out by the fact that you can't find a single instance after two months of being harassed over claiming it.

You can't escape a lie until you admit it is one, something Trump has told you is bad, a sign of weakness, but that's backwards. Being unable to admit a mistake is a sign of weakness, an ego so fragile it can't survive being wrong, a lack of confidence so severe that one mistake makes a person worthless, so admitting a mistake is like suicide. That's nonsense, the kind of logic you get from clinically insecure narcissists. You deserve better.

Btw, your obsession with CNN is telling. I don't watch it, something I've told you a dozen times, but you have a pathological need to believe they're the source of anything bad about Trump. Sorry, but that source is Trump himself, not your CNN bogeyman. Nothing could make his words, actions, and plans worse that he makes them himself. He's the one doing us all wrong.

bobknight33 said:

For someone who has the answer on all matter you are suddenly dumbfounded in finding such issues.
Gather that fake news does not mention such things. brian stelter and Rachel Maddow are doing you wrong.

Hear why Bob from PA regrets voting Trump in 2016

newtboy says...

Thanks Bobby, I needed a laugh.
Boss Trump. LMAHS! You mean in the vein of Boss Hogg? Sounds about right, obese moron constantly trying to steal public funds and abuse his office with the help of his sycophantic toadies. Is that what you meant?

Trump bluster aside, there's nothing else there. He's pure bluster encasing, narcissism, rudeness, classlessness, and most of all massive insecurity. Rodney Dangerfield should play him in the movie.

PS, don't look at ANY polls, they might burst that little bubble you pretend to live in.
Also ignore that there are now at least 3 large, well funded conservative/Republican groups putting out anti Trump commercials daily that all regret voting for Trump....not to mention he's lost the vote of every Bernie Bro who voted out of spite, every farmer, and those 8% of minorities that voted for him...even the military is unhappy because he took money from military family housing for his fence, so their children live with black mold so trump can stage a photo op.
Lol, Bobby. It's far more likely YOU are a fake. It's a certainty you are a Russian agent, the only questionable part is if you know it or not.

bobknight33 said:

Its a fake.

Trump bluster aside no one regrets voting for BOSS TRUMP.

Figuring Out A Master Lock Combination just by looking at it

00Scud00 says...

Looked cool, too bad it's insecure as all hell.
I loved the first comment over on Youtube, "Decoded by sight?
It’s finally happened. He’s scared a lock open."

How Stephen King Predicted Trump's Rise Decades Ago

President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

newtboy says...

Duh, Bob. Your insecurities and ignorance are showing.

If the Russians interfered, clearly in favor of Trump, it's impossible that Trump won fair and square. Jebus fucking Christ. Trump won fair and square by cheating the system with illegal help from our enemies.

Carter still has more intelligence, honesty, and civility in his little toe nail than Trump's entire nepotistic family. He's also in better physical shape, Trump would die trying to do 1/4 the work Carter does daily. You forget, he was a nuclear submarine commander/designer. Trump at his best has never come close to Carter at his worst.
Also, Carter has nearly single handedly eradicated the guinea worm...hardly the work of the feeble. Name a humanitarian project Trump has been involved in that he not used as a personal piggy bank. You can't.

They started investigating and found interference for one candidate's benifit, granted they should have made it as public as the Clinton investigation that found nothing but Comey refused to mention it, since they found massive interference on behalf of Trump, Obama sanctioned Russia. Trump calls that investigation a witch hunt and illegally told Russia he would remove the sanctions day one (violating the Logan act, his messenger was convicted of that)....and has now publicly invited Russia to help him again, offering them a presidential shield from investigation or repercussions.

Trump lost the election by over 3million votes, but barely won the electoral college with foreign help he begged for during the campaign repeatedly, and has requested again.

Trump, and by extension you, are bitter "winners"....bitter because your win is illegitimate, and you know it.

bobknight33 said:

Important POV from a feeble old man.

Russians did interfere and Obama administration knew it and did nothing to stop it.

Trump won fair and square.

Bitter losers

Rambo-Last Blood

wraith says...

Us men seem to be way more insecure than I previously imagined.

I get the Action Movies where a young, fit, trained specialist takes out an army of bad guys (against all odds) because he is the hero..

Young men like to watch this, because they have to much Testosterone.

I partly get the Action Movies where a middle aged man of a srtictly civilian persuasion is "pushed too far"(tm), normally by bad guys abducting (or just threatening) his family, and wipes out the bady guys (usually career criminals with lots of training in killing people) by the dozen.

Middle aged men seem to need this to get through the day.

What I really don't get is this slew of movies over the last years, where a retired, old and tired looking man, (usually after his daughter gets kidnapped) decides to come out of retirement one last time (or multiple times) to kill hordes of young, highly trained bad guys.

I get it why some men like to watch this, Testosterone makes you stupid like that, no matter if it comes in syringes, but the rest?

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, because one guy, Noah, sucked hard as a proselytizer, God murdered everyone else?
It must have been his failing since his message was so true and undeniable, yet it was denied and ignored, right? Why not just kill him and prove the message by miracle? Better, why not make everyone KNOW, not guess or believe, he exists and go from there. Using unverified middle men to spread your message is just plain stupid when you don't have to, and downright evil when you then torture those who don't accept it from those con men.

Like I said, complete incessant obedient subservience and worship of himself and his son under threat of eternal torture for any found lacking. That's narcissistic insecurity with absolute power, not love. Edit:part of love is accepting or at least tolerating disagreement, even disagreeable behaviour, and murdering people you find unsavory is not tolerance, sending them to hell is far closer to hate than love.
You don't threaten people into "loving" you out of love. (and worshiping out of fear isn't love)
You don't murder millions because you love them, even when they're being naughty.

I believe in a guy named Jesus, he could walk on water when it freezes, and turn water into wine using his vineyard, but his mom was no virgin and his dad was a human being. Am I good?

shinyblurry said:

When you want to paint your own picture, it's helpful to leave out a few details. An important detail that you left out is that it took Noah 100 years to build the Ark. The scripture tells us that Noah was a preacher of righteousness and he pleaded with the people of the pre-flood world to escape the coming judgment. He didn't have a single convert proving the truth of what God had said about that world:

Genesis 6:5

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually

You also mentioned that you think Gods requirements are impossible. That is true except for one exception; they are not impossible when the Lord Jesus Christ has come into your life and changed you. As a Christian who is far from perfect I meet Gods requirements. His requirement is this, that we believe in His Son Jesus Christ and live for Him.

It's impossible without Christ to do what God wants. If you have Christ in your life you are well able to meet Gods requirements because what God is looking for is faith. He requires that you repent from your sins and receive the forgiveness He has provided for you through Christ. When you do that God will adopt you as His son and give you eternal life. That isn't the MO of a despot.

We here in America like to believe we are good people morally and that is how people present themselves in the public square. Yet we see all of the crime statistics and civil unrest in the country which is the spillover from the greatest character crisis this nation has ever faced. God sees it all, every wicked thing done in the dark and He knows what man is really like. It takes humility to admit that about yourself and realize that God is right about the carnality and futility of what men do in this world. It is only through Christ that men have received light to do what is eternally significant instead of living for their own selfish ends.

Mueller Complained About Barr’s Letter to Congress

BSR says...

Cop pulls a car over for speeding.

Says to the driver, "If you can give me a good reason for driving so fast I won't give you a ticket."

Driver says, "See the two women in the car? The one in the front seat is my wife. The woman in the back seat is my mother-in-law. She's going back home today. The two have been arguing all day and I'm just trying to get my mother-in-law to the airport before they make up.

Cop says, "Follow me!"

Cheer up @bobknight33. You sound insecure.

The Donald’s Border Wall: Who Profits?

BSR says...

I'm happy for you Bob. Now you can feel secure at night and feel a little braver. I can't imagine what it feels like to be so afraid and so insecure for decades.

Glad you finally have peace of mind. You deserve it.

bobknight33 said:

Another useless story.

Good news is that the wall IS going up after decades of political failings.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

newtboy says...

I think if you asked the average woman in Spain, they would say aggressive machismo and misogyny aren't attractive features of masculinity, and they would prefer to be treated as equals by strong men rather than objects by insecure men....but that's just my guess....I haven't polled them.

Mordhaus said:

It is about blaming things on something someone made up called 'toxic masculinity'. Please explain to me why we have so many 'issues' with it here in the USA when there are countries like Spain and others where it is considered OK to be masculine?

Ladies.. here is why 99% of Guys don't approach you..

Payback says...

Female friend once complained to me that all the guys she dates turn out to be insecure jerks. I asked her what is it about insecure jerks she finds attractive? She immediately got sensitive and said she likes men who know what they want and take control of a situation. I said, the most insecure people are the ones who try to control everything around them. Secure people, by and large, don't care and seem aloof. They lead, they don't dominate.

I was walled into the friend zone by that point so, meh. Whatevs.

VEX "It Could Be Sunshine" Love and Rockets tribute

Trump Trying To Talk About Technology

SaNdMaN says...

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault" - Trump's actual words


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