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Republican Socialists

newtboy says...

Corporate profits are up 54% while labor costs are only up <8% over the last 18 months. What’s driving inflation again?
The largest refinery in America (and the Shell name and distribution rights) was sold to the Saudis in a non publicized deal in 2017, and they have reduced production and raised prices ever since. So much for the energy independence lie, even our oil in country was sold off to the Saudis. Thanks Trump.

For Biden to have control over the main driving factors, he would have to nationalize all industry. That is the answer to the current main driving factors of the current inflation rates. Severely limiting outrageous corporate profits would cut inflation by more than half. Is that what you advocate, or are you just lobbing blame at your enemies despite them having little involvement or control?

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his party has accelerated the American economy on a downward spiral.

This has been decades in the making.

Trump spent a lot, but so did Obama and Biden.

The question is whats being done now to to correct the economy?

What is the answer?

Higher interest rates are not helping, not at the rate of change that has been put forth.

Republican Socialists

newtboy says...

Trump took the healthy economy off a cliff to the worst economy, employment, and gdp in history. It took him <4 years….and was responsible for over 1 million unnecessary deaths of Americans because of his lack of response to Covid. Downward spiral?! Trump put us in rocket assisted free fall. Biden accelerated the crawling failing economy into an upward spiral.
Obama and Biden spent a lot, but in 4 years Trump spent far more than their 10 years combined while lowering the amount the government brings in on multiple fronts (so increased the debt and deficit in two ways, spending more while making less), and Obama inherited a recession and left a boom, Trump inherited a boom and left a recession….Biden inherited economic collapse, active terroristic sedition, horrific unemployment, and pandemic…all 4 issues are better today than they were on Jan 20, 21.

The inflation reduction act, Bobby. That’s what’s being done.
Also student debt forgiveness.
Edit-Also raising interest rates, finally. Can’t blame Biden for the federal reserve’s hesitation, however….he doesn’t control them and can only make suggestions.
That’s the answer.
Almost every Republican opposed it (them) and voted against it (them), nearly every Republican then went home and took credit for it (them) and said it (they) was a great thing for their constituents (but pretended they hadn’t been against it (them) with every fiber of their being because it’s (they’re) really popular)….just like they did with the infrastructure bill.

Higher interest rates ARE helping, just not enough yet. It definitely should have started earlier than March…. .25% interest rates were just insanely low. Inflation has lowered, but as you well know, Trump’s administration just printed over 1/5 of every dollar in 2020….just made 20% more dollars while gdp went to -32.9% and unemployment skyrocketed to unheard of levels. This causes 20% inflation or more all by itself…Joe’s administration kept that below 10% miraculously.

If bankruptcy boy was still running the economy, we would have 20% inflation, more oil infrastructure sold to the Saudis (they bought the biggest refinery in America in secret under Trump and cut production), higher gas and oil prices, no infrastructure funding, no inflation plan, Ukraine would no longer exist, NATO would still be impotent, ….bankrupting a country is much worse than bankrupting 6 businesses. Trump did both.

Thanks Biden….

P.S.- Nice deflection from the undeniable hypocrisy the video is about. Way to completely ignore the right now taking credit for the popular and helpful Biden legislation they all opposed….praising it, explaining what a great thing it is for their states, economy, and constituents while pretending they didn’t ALL vote against it out of pure spite which outweighs any wish for America to succeed. Their sudden love for the law they diametrically and insultingly opposed is absolute proof they oppose beneficial legislation simply to avoid letting Biden succeed.

Edit: Will you ever get tired of begging for attention for being 100% wrong 99.6% of the time?

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his party [haven’t fixed the multifaceted disaster they inherited yet].

Ken Casey of Dropkick Murphys on an epic rant against MAGA

newtboy says...

No, anti democracy,anti American MAGOTS are not nice….and fuck your feelings snowflake, remember? Grow a pair and put your big girl panties on.

Red states always top in crime, gun deaths, poverty, worst on infrastructure, safety nets, economy, inflation. Worst on civil rights. Clearly the right doesn’t give a shit about crime since they are all criminal traitors who follow a criminal traitor who tried to overthrow the government violently and stole nuclear secrets and you say “nothing burger”…killed 1 million Americans through neglect, nothing burger.

This insanity that somehow refugees replace citizens is just nonsense insanity, bob. You drank the flavor aid and held the gun on the children who wouldn’t.

Lol. 1 million dead- Republican neglect and making public health a political tool they used disastrously.
Jan 6, and the continued destruction of the election systems, Republican.
Trump- porn stars while wife pregnant, friends wives while married, Epstein island, his own daughter…child trafficking, making it legal to marry and have sex with prepubescent girls, exposing themselves to children, ending social security and Medicare people already paid for, all Republicans friendo.
Republicans are well ahead on death, destruction, and debauchery…miles ahead after loser Trump.

Bailouts for poor citizens not wealthy corporations, civil rights for women and non white men, jobs, gdp, healthcare, social security, infrastructure that’s the Democratic platform. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

MAGOTS now. That's not nice. This is your improvements-

Utter failures on all fronts,

Democrats are clearly anti America- Shit hole cites, Crime, Anti family values, Ok with murdering ---

Clearly Democrats dont give a shit about black on black crime. Illegals are just the replacement team of the dead blacks.

Death Destruction, Debauchery is the Democrat party platform

the danger of abstinence

noims says...

Very well put. I'd far rather the cost of essential services be inflated by bureaucratic inefficiancies than by someone trying to squeeze as much profit as possible out of them. Especially in the west, the former is far less likely to drive corruption.

The video puts across the case so well it definitely deserves a*promote, even though I think the quote and especially the graphic that the French pay "just a little bit more" in taxes is misleading. In Ireland I pay very roughly 40% on all income over 40k (20% on the first 40k), and I think France is about the same. As I understand it, American taxes are more like 20-30% (not than anyone understands American taxes).

cloudballoon said:

True, any government-run programs have a certain waste. But letting Big Corps profiteering run rampant instread proves, time-and-again, that doesn't improve the quality of living for the vast majority of the population a single bit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Over 40 TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED FOLDERS were found EMPTY and 23 “return to staff secretary/military aid” folders were also found empty (so military secrets) meaning he stole the documents and spread them around, mixed them with personal papers, sold them, gave them away, lost them, or just let foreign agents walk through and take them as a perk of being his guest at Maralago. He did not steal empty folders.

Every day more treasonous, anti American evidence comes to light, every day you squeeze your eyes tighter shut and ram your fingers in your ears and just scream “nonononononononono. Fake news fake news fake news. Lalalalalalala.”

You ignored the election frauds. You ignored the election fraud fraud. You ignored the coup. You ignored and supported the cries for Trump’s reinstatement or another election just because he says so. I’m sure you’ll ignore these hundreds of instances of intentional crimes 10000 times worse than Clinton’s minor mistakes, pretend espionage is nothing, national security is unimportant, and you’ll say they’re only going after Trump for these hundreds of treasonous, firing squad level attacks against America to stop him from running again, not because they’re all death penalty crimes he definitely committed, and likely MUCH WORSE seeing that well over 60 folders are EMPTY, the secrets already disseminated. Those state secrets already in Putin and the Ayatollah’s hands.

Side note: it’s turning out that inflation in red states like AZ and Texas is MUCH higher than blue states….once again, so much for blaming Democrats. Every accusation you lob is an admission.

Also, one of the voting machines that the Republican candidate for Michigan AG stole and tampered with after the 2020 election was just sold on eBay by a man who bought it from Goidwill. His group called Republican clerks claiming to be Republican representatives who needed to inspect voting machines for fraud, and the clerks were happy to turn them over without any paperwork or verification of who they gave them to. His team then disassembled them in air bnbs and hotels (didn’t want their homes or offices to be part of their crime spree) tampered with them, copied the software and photographed (and more) the hardware. The AG has said these machines were damaged, tampered with, and in some cases “lost”. The Republican that led this scam/fraud/election interference is now the Republican candidate for AG.
So, be clear, invalidate him for AG? Or is “wrong is wrong” just a thing you say to distract from supporting criminals in government? If “wrong is wrong”, and this criminal shouldn’t be on the ballot, certainly you can see putting forth an election fraudster as candidate for AG is wrong….so how can you support the criminal, “wrong” Republican Party at all.

Biden Approval WTF

JiggaJonson says...

I did. And I'm happy with the way things are going generally. At least, regarding Joe Biden.

Big picture: there's a lot of terrible things happening in the world. My own half-assed-survey based on personal experience: most people don't follow passing laws and what the executive branch really does with any kind of seriousness. They may self-proclaim they "like reading the news" But most people who say things like that are content with a surface understanding of what's happening.

I mean, you know inflation is up AROUND THE ENTIRE PLANET right?


Besides Israel, other countries with very large increases in inflation between 2020 and 2022 include Italy, which saw a nearly twentyfold increase in the first quarter of 2022 compared with two years earlier (from 0.29% to 5.67%); Switzerland, which went from ‑0.13% in the first quarter of 2020 to 2.06% in the same period of this year; and Greece, a country that knows something about economic turbulence. Following the Greek economy’s near-meltdown in the mid-2010s, the country experienced several years of low inflation – including more than one bout of deflation, the last starting during the first spring and summer of the pandemic. Since then, however, prices have rocketed upward: The annual inflation rate in Greece reached 7.44% in this year’s first quarter – nearly 21 times what it was two years earlier (0.36%).

Annual U.S. inflation in the first quarter of this year averaged just below 8.0% – the 13th-highest rate among the 44 countries examined. The first-quarter inflation rate in the U.S. was almost four times its level in 2020’s first quarter.

Regardless of the absolute level of inflation in each country, most show variations on the same basic pattern: relatively low levels before the COVID-19 pandemic struck in the first quarter of 2020; flat or falling rates for the rest of that year and into 2021, as many governments sharply curtailed most economic activity; and rising rates starting in mid- to late 2021, as the world struggled to get back to something approaching normal.


The pattern of rising and falling inflation happened because that flu that "will just go away like a miracle" ended up affecting the whole world's economy in a somewhat predictable pattern when it comes to inflation. Maybe the people who only casually glance at the news when they are flipping channels don't know better, but come on - you know that inflation rates in the United States are not specifically Joe Biden's fault right?

You still think they are? OKAY - HOW? Exactly. Point to legislation passed or not passed and the timeline of inflation in the United States.

Something like "Here you can see inflation beginning to spike, and it's the result of XXXXXXXXX that Joe Biden did, here's exactly how what he did affects inflation in this way."

Who wants to bet $20 that I'll get some response like that? What should the odds be set at if I am 100% certain all I'll get is just some snarky bullshit from an old bullfrog.

bobknight33 said:

This administration and its party are destroying the American pocketbook.

What a fuckstick voted for this frail old man?


newtboy says...

Considering the news, I’m surprised he’s not catatonic.

Trump facing tax fraud, bank fraud, theft of classified documents, keeping classified documents, keeping classified documents unsecured (a separate charge), election interference, election fraud(s), causing a riot, attempting a coup, deriliction of duty, obstruction….
edit: and a judge just determined there is a valid, legitimate, substantive justification for the house committee investigating Trump’s tax fraud to get his un redacted taxes…it’s been ruled to not be just a fishing expedition. Bad week!

Meanwhile Biden has erased the Trump employment losses completely, inflation In July was 0%, gas prices dropping precipitously, massive legislation wins….

Reality is kicking the cons in the balls, and it’s wearing soccer cleats. At this rate, Trump’s kindergarten sex slave dungeon should be discovered mid October, with the sign in sheet containing the signatures of nearly half the senate.

surfingyt said:

you know bewb is getting flustered when he can't even type out someone else's thought and just posts yet another video no one will watch bwahahaha

bewb is down with OPP (Other People's oPinions)


w1ndex (Member Profile)

Biden Approval WTF

newtboy says...

Are you really that ignorant? (That’s a rhetorical question, I know you are)
1) watch Argo. There were multiple attempted rescues, starting within days of the revolution.
2) read about Reagan who made a secret, illegal deal with the terroristic Iranians to not release the hostages until after the election to hurt Carter’s chances, then he later sold them weapons in another illegal deal to pay for another secret illegal war with the Contras. If a Democrat did anything near that, he/she would be (rightly) shot as a traitor if not legally then by some nut job….when Cons do it the anti American crimes are ignored and cons celebrate the treason.
3) Also read about the year+ of negotiations by Carter that actually gained their freedom on Jan 20 81. Would have been much sooner without Republican interference. Carter was the one who initially “held” (seized) those $8 billion of Iranian funds, and stopped buying Iranian oil costing them billions more…all legally, unlike the sneaky, illegal, back room collusion with and payoffs to the terrorists Reagan tried, knowingly and intentionally extending the hostage crisis for his personal political gains. The “deal” wasn’t struck on Jan 20…the Iranians delayed the release at Reagan’s request in exchange for promises of special treatment from president Reagan.

Like Biden, Carter actually solved a problem created largely by Republicans despite Republicans doing their utmost to work against America. Gas prices dropped nearly 10% in the last month and continue to drop despite a massive shortage world wide thanks to Russia and Saudi Arabia. Republicans have fought against every effort to lower them, voting against all mitigation efforts in a unified “fuck your gas prices” block.
They even voted against a bill to force oil companies to stop price gouging because it would have dropped prices significantly the day it passed, also helping inflation significantly, and cons REALLY don’t want prices to drop under Biden, certainly not before November.
It’s just like when every Con just voted to protect and keep neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and violent extremists in the military and federal police forces because they don’t want their voters to lose their jobs. Keeping their power is far more important to them than helping the country, and their main methodology is to try to hurt the country then blame the president….odd since they excused the former president from any and all responsibility for his lack of leadership and absolute horrific disaster that was his last year in office, from 1 million dead to -3.5% GDP to millions unemployed to rising inflation to supply chain failures to disastrously ruining the reputation of our elections to dividing the country horrifically to actually trying to overthrow the elected government by force…all for his own personal gain….and you whine that Biden hasn’t fixed everything yet!?

Pretty dishonest for Republicans to do everything in their power to stop any attempted plans on inflation, gas prices, or hostile foreign powers, then blame the president they blocked from fixing the issues they caused. It’s not weak leadership, it’s an anti American party with veto power and a chip on their shoulders willing to hurt the entire nation rather than let Biden (and America) have a “win”.

Now…how did Trump handle it when foreign powers kidnapped and dismembered an American? He covered it up, made excuses, declared the Saudi prince innocent (and Trump was recorded laughing about how he “saved his ass” over that murder)….then his son in law was given a $2 billion payment for future services his company was completely incapable of supplying.

So let’s measure Trump….
Nice guy, no. Moral, no. Ethical, no. Honest, no. Smart, no. Loyal, no. Trustworthy, no.
Fickle to the utmost, yes. Weak leader, yes. Treasonous, yes. Dictatorial, yes. Narcissistic, yes. Criminal, yes. Anti-democracy, yes.
Most American deaths-yes. Worst unemployment, yes. Worst economy, yes. Most domestic terrorism, yes.
Worst president ever by far….unequivocally by every measure. He actually made idiotic GW look benign by comparison.

bobknight33 said:

Nice guy, yes
Moral, yes

Weak leader, yes

He failed to get out hostages. I believe 52+ week
He did tried and mission failed. Mission mishap - 6 dead
Finally on his last day, last hours negotiated agreement that included 8 billion bucks of held money.
This issue had a looming cloud over his presidency.

Like Joe Biden>
Failed to control inflation
Failed to do much about gas prices.

Biden Approval WTF

bobknight33 says...

Nice guy, yes
Moral, yes

Weak leader, yes

He failed to get out hostages. I believe 52+ week
He did tried and mission failed. Mission mishap - 6 dead
Finally on his last day, last hours negotiated agreement that included 8 billion bucks of held money.
This issue had a looming cloud over his presidency.

Like Joe Biden>
Failed to control inflation
Failed to do much about gas prices.

newtboy said:

Yes…brilliant in fact…and moral to the extreme, and ethical beyond reproach, and a genuinely nice, thoughtful person too. None of those traits are positives to you though.
And let’s not forget, besides sea testing new nuclear submarines he was also “assisting in the design and development of nuclear propulsion plants for naval vessels.”…but only reached LT, not Captain.

Explain, specifically how was he poor as president?
Because he didn’t go to war in Iran (nor would he break the law and collude with them and sell them weapons like Reagan)?
Because he advocated for renewable energy that would have made us energy independent in the 80’s and oil free before 2000?
Exactly what?

Oh Bob. Always a laugh with you. The unintended self deprecation always brightens my day.

How One Powerful Family Destroyed A Country

newtboy says...

Sounds incredibly similar the Trump family.
Nepotism to the extreme, massive borrowing, huge financial ties to Russia and China, huge corruption and theft problems at the top, completely ignoring the plight of the quickly growing poor populace, relying on questionable at best future earnings to repay massive overspending wasted on useless wasteful projects, living lavish lifestyles as the country dwindles, printing money to pay for internal projects, causing massive inflation, refusing to leave office, ….

This could be America if Trump gets a second term. Good find, Bob.

Biden and the June job reports

bobknight33 says...

100% correct.
You ended up with less because of why?
What happened?
Did Trump take your job or did Democrats shut down you employer? Or other?

Trump isn't tanking the economy. What is Biden doing to curb inflation?

Under Trump I was getting min 20% /year growth in 401K/IRA.
Now I get dick. Make America Great Again, Yea, he was.

How much more $ do you have to spend compared to under Trump?

Inflation at 9% How is that helping. Make Americans poor again?

mram said:

What an amazingly inaccurate statement.

Contextually, during Trump, I ended up with less money in my pocket. If you're going to be absolutist, you're completely wrong. The question you now have to ask is ... just how wrong are you?

Biden and the June job reports

newtboy says...

Noooo….you still don’t like Biden. You still think self serving narcissistic Trump was a leader, but a lifelong frugal public servant isn’t. Nooooo! (I know there’s no breaking through your fantasy, bob. You are a lost cause, totally divorced from reality and totally uninterested in honesty).

No bob, I mean the Union…as in the United States of America. As in the Union vs the Confederacy. Trump nearly dissolved the Union, so much that Republican platforms now include secession as their goal. Derp. Another “L” for your column. Another dunce cap for your collection.
Republicans want to erase America out of infantile spite, but have no idea what to do afterwards. Better learn Chinese or Russian, red states can’t afford to defend themselves, you are all welfare queen states with the highest murder and crime rates.

Side note: But, this means you are anti union, so 100% anti worker? Really? What favors has Biden handed unions? Most unions (all you oppose) lobby for workers, blue collar employees. You would limit lobbiests to to those lobbying for billionaires and huge corporations (including religious corporations) that actively lobby against workers rights, pay, safety, ecological responsibility, hours, etc. Think about that.

You fucking moron, it went from 3.08% (higher than Trump ever reached) in 2015 under Obama to -3.5% in 2020 (the lowest ever in history). Who the fuck told you .2%? Who told you Trump left it at 2.5%? Overall Obama’s growth rate was actually 50% higher than Trump’s, and Obama inherited a deep recession, Trump inherited a boom. They outright lied to you, and you just lapped it up without ever looking. They’re feeding you poo pie bob, not chocolate. I really wish I didn’t have to spend so much time correcting your obviously fabricated statistics, especially since you only spout them to force a correction, getting you attention, not because you believe or even understand them. So you understand, printing 50% more money while your economy is in the worst contraction ever causes inflation, and that’s what Trump did in 2020 while focusing on the election he lost in a landslide and ignoring the pandemic and economy.

Jobs?!? Obama job growth was near 8% adding 12.5 million jobs, Trump was the only president ever to lose jobs, losing 3.2 million. Another 100% break from reality, buddy. I’m telling you, you need professional help.

Yes, Trump did turn us around, from a massive recovery and booming economy to massive economic losses, job losses, absolutely insane deficits and trying to double the debt, huge money printing in 2020 (magic wand waiving) that creates massive inflation (that he now blames Biden for), undreamed of losses of life, and teetering on the brink of depression and pandemic. He made us madder. For libs that means angry, for cons that means totally bat shit crazy with no ties to reality at all.

Far from it, lots of positive, but so much negative left from the previous one we are still in the red.

They have made policies that help the American pocketbook, Trump robbed it blind to hand to billionaires (and fake billionaires).

Who told you that lie. The Democrats have done everything they legally can to force oil companies to increase production and stop price gouging, Republicans all voted against doing anything, then claim “Biden’s fault”. No fossil fuel production has been cut. You’ve been lied to, and you aren’t intellectually honest enough to investigate for yourself…you don’t want to hear the truth.

Republicans are to blame for high fuel prices, Democrats are responsible for the recent lowering. Democrats are making efforts to lower them further, Republicans are 100% opposed to any actions.

Trump benefited on fuel costs thanks to the economic collapse he caused by denying and ignoring Covid for months, dropping the demand for fuel to nothing…not a good policy overall, or do you suggest killing another million and shutting down another year to lower gas prices?

Lol. You are claiming reports say the average American spends $500 more on fuel and goods per month than under Trump? What reports? Glen Beck, AON, or Rush Limbaugh’s ghost? Only if you are a trucker using hundreds of gallons of gas a month. Even in California, fuel cost has gone up less than 1/5 of what you say.

Trump cost you SO much more than $6k per year, over $60k per taxpayer on the official debt alone…and these extra expenses (probably $100-$200 per month tops) are thanks to Trump printing 1/3 of every dollar in circulation (inflation) and fuel supply and demand being out of hand intentionally because oil companies make more money by producing less, and aren’t nationalized so the government can’t force them to stop gouging.

Such nonsense bob. Your facts are all wrong, and since you won’t investigate you are just going to continue to believe the lies you were fed. The people you listen to are making money off your beliefs, bob, and they see you as a huge sucker they can convince of anything and get your money or support for their America destroying “get me richer quick” schemes.


Summary, since I don’t think you can read that much.
Union = United States Union, not unions
Gdp- Obama 1.59% rising consistently during his presidency Trump 1% falling precipitously to the worst ever in history. Also never beat Obama’s high.
Jobs- Obama added 12.5 million, Trump lost 3.2 million
Debt- Obama added $9 trillion, ending a recession and creating a boom over 8 years. Trump added $8 trillion on the books (and trillions more off the books) in 4 years ending a boom and creating a recession
Deficit- 2020 was the biggest budget deficit ever by >200% at $3.13 trillion and added well over $4.2 trillion to the debt that year, way more than 2021 at a still horrific $2.7 budget deficit but ending adding only $1.5 to the debt.

Oil/gas price - all cost cutting measures opposed by Cons.

bobknight33 said:

I applaud the jobs #

But when you say *quality leadership, -- You are Sadly mistaken .

Putting Union back together -- you mean political payback for all the $ spent buying Biden / Democrats that Biden is now paying back the unions in favors?

So you are saying that You are in favor of big business buying our politicians and getting special breaks using American tax dollars.

What Trump damage. Went from a 0.2% GDP growth /yr to 2.5 + Growth. Obama touted that this0.2% was the new norm and Trump claimed BS. Trump said he wold crate jobs and Obama dumbly said how by waving a magic wand.

Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.

A strong work force is the only positive news of this Admin.

Biden and Democrat policies can make policies that help the American pocketbook but wont.

This biggest is the party stance on oil. Americans are getting poorer mostly from this fact alone. The party decided to cut out fossil fuels and go green. This decision is costing families hundreds of dollars extra, that they don't have every month.

Not just from the extra at the pump but also the extra cost to deliver goods and services .

Current media reports that this extra cost is running about 500$/month 6K$/year.

This is you man Joe, and his party's policies?

I just assume to keep Trump , mean tweets and all, and keep the $6 grand / year in my pocket.

California is Running Out of Water

newtboy says...

What do they mean “running out”? We’ve been out of water for decades.

As bad as this sounds, I think he’s under selling the problem big time.

Federal officials announced in February that California farmers will get no federal water this year, zero (that’s the Central Valley Project), while the state has allocated agriculture only 15% of normal from its distribution systems.
Meanwhile the state has also demanded agricultural water districts and cities stop diverting water from rivers and streams along the San Joaquin River. This includes 200 cities in and around the Bay Area, like San Francisco which gets up to 85% of its water from those rivers and streams.
Some rivers and streams in California have stopped flowing, all have reduced flow. The Mad River, just blocks from me, is usually 6-8’ deep bank to bank (75-100’) for at least 6 months out of each year, the last 3 years it never reached its banks and remained a shallow stream all winter, becoming a creek in summer. It is abnormal, most rivers are worse off.
Aquifers have already been depleted so much that the entire Central Valley is sinking rapidly. Reservoirs are WELL below 50%, despite what this clip said (Shasta is reporting at 40% today, but driving over it it looks like maybe 10-20% full with no inflow).
So far this year along, over 1000 residential wells have gone dry. This includes many entire communities losing their drinking water supplies completely. The number of agriculture wells that can no longer function is uncountable. It’s estimated we will lose 2700 drinking water wells this year state wide.

The California water problem isn’t a pressing future issue, it’s an ongoing unmitigated disaster we’ve ignored for far too long. At this point, it’s likely insurmountable, and a collapse of California agriculture will make today’s inflation seem like the good old days when average workers could afford to eat. Start a garden, it’s going to get weird.

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

And what is the Republicans new plan?

Federally, block the fed from functioning.

In Texas, it’s start a trade war with Mexico by doing a “safety inspection” on every truck crossing the border, causing day long lines and making it impossible to ship perishable produce. Texas stores expect empty shelves by tomorrow.
This is forced, unnecessary inflation for a political stunt that he (Abbot) says hurts Mexico, but those spoiled goods belong to Texans, the higher shipping costs are paid by Texans, higher produce prices will be paid by Texans. The overtime is paid to Mexican drivers. Not sure how this hurts Mexico, or why that’s desirable in the first place.

bobknight33 said:

And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

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