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So there's this construction site...

transmorpher says...

Idiots, the thief and the construction workers.

-Jumping onto of a moving vehicle
-Punching the windscreen(not possible to break with your hand).
-Holding on the car as it continues to gain serious speed
-RAMMING SAID VEHICLE (causing $$$$ damage to your own car)while your colleague is still hanging onto the front.

For what? a $200 bit of machinery? Not even worth the damage you'd do to your hand from punching the windscreen (considering you're a construction worker and your income relies on working hands!) let alone the potential brain damage, disability or death if you come off the bonnet.

I'm also not sure how the law would interpret ramming a car off the road, or flipping it, or squishing it against other cars and causing more collateral than the tool is worth (which you'd have to do to make it stop), just to stop a petty thief. And honestly if you damaged my car to stop a thief, you'd be paying for my car.

Do these people think they are living in an action movie? I know the Terminator jumped onto a car and punched through the windscreen, but they used a hydraulic ram and hid it with special fx.


Would love to see how this ends though cause I'd be very surprised if everything /everyone was fine.

Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad ...

Drachen_Jager says...

Honestly @Mordhaus, you can't even make up your own mind.

You start off saying "Almost every single country benefits from 'illegal' immigrants" Then you go on to list a bunch of reasons why they hurt the labor market.

True, immigrants drive wages down, especially illegal immigrants. That's part of the point, Right-wing politicians have protected businesses from the fallout, now they want to turn around and pretend to be the "good guys" protecting American jobs.

Americans complain when their McDonalds costs too much and complain when they can't get decent pay for working at McDonalds. Which do you want?

Still, none of that is the immigrants fault. It's the government and the businesses. Punish them.

No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

bcglorf says...

Stripping context is a stupid semantics game and your better than that. If I say "declaring it's ok to kill children" is an abhorrent thing to say and I condemn it unequivocally, you aren't being honest if you observe I uttered the words "'s ok to kill children...".

I stated the context being an act of war. If you are at war, and the enemy has managed to dig up a battle group with dual American citizenship, does every bomber sortie over them have to hold back until police can come in and arrest the group so they can stand trial first?

Your just being deliberately obtuse. Simply state you disagree on it qualifying as war like situation, then you and I otherwise agree on the whole thing.

newtboy said:

It's not what I refuse to acknowledge, it's the constitution and American law. You can't murder American citizens without due process and conviction. Period.

So, you THINK they are inhuman monsters that kill innocent children, and maybe some of them do, so you want to go ahead and kill their children, because killing children makes the killer the kind of human trash that we all agree should be eradicated, huh? Think about that.

Godus Prototype video 1

Babymech says...

“Look,” interrupted Molyneux, leaning forwards on his bucket. “Here’s the thing. I’m going to be very honest with you now. There are lessons to be learned in my line of work, hard lessons about horses. You talk about horses and rooms and," Molyneux pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, people’s imaginations run away with them. They suddenly have some fantastic notion of what this horse is capable of, and they conjure up the splendour of the room in which this horse supposedly lives. Even though I never said the horse lives in the room, just that he was there."

Will Smith slams Trump

newtboy says...

IMO, to be devout in any religion, you must be a fundamentalist. If you believe you have access to the direct instructions from GOD, and you believe in that god, yet you ignore the parts you dislike, you aren't following the religion and are an infidel, not devout. EDIT: Unless your text specifically allows you to use your own morality and interpretations, but I have not heard of a religion that does that.
As I see it, if you apply your own morality you are creating your own religion. Codified religions come with a defined set of morals that are unmodifiable, indisputable and unquestionable. If you question them, you question god, so can't be devout or following the religion. (This would be a good reason for any true believer to read only the original texts in their original tongue, not a translated version that's someone else's interpretation of the meaning.)

The religious texts are the central authority, they all contain specific rules and requirements. If you ignore some of those, IMO, you aren't honestly religious, you're a fan of religion.

I grew up in the deep south. I can say for certain that you are wrong that almost everyone ignores the outdated bits, but it's correct that most do hide the fact that they believe them because they know it makes them look terrible....but get them at a church picnic and you'll find out they do think slavery is fine, and whores should be stoned to death, etc. They are just mostly too chicken shit to do it themselves, as their book directs them to, because they're afraid of repercussion (and because they don't really believe god will protect them for being righteous, or that heaven is enough reward for being a martyr).

ChaosEngine said:

So which is it?

Either you can be a Christian or a Muslim and apply your own morality to your religion ...


you're not a Christian or a Muslim unless you're a literal fundamentalist?

Given there isn't really some kind of central authority on who is or isn't Christian, Muslim, Hindu or whatever, I think it's fair to say that if you believe in the general tenets of your religion, you are a christian/muslim/pastafarian.

IMO, most people are generally good despite their religion. While a few do good works because of their religion, almost everyone ignores the outdated bits (slaverly, etc)

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

poolcleaner says...


better to have loved and been raped than to never have been loved at all. that's my silver lining. also, it is both a joke and my opinion, as i both love and hate my now deceased rapist. yeah, i'm being cheeky but so wut.

too complicated for me to give a shit if my fucked up life and sense of humor triggers someone. try sitting in group therapy with me, sucka. fuck your conservative sensitivity. boo fucking hoo. it's rape. it happens. people get over it and laugh. we don't have to live like goddamn trolls under a bridge just because we are rape victims. honestly, stfu.

i wrote something similar in a therapy session after forgiving my rapist and being annoyed at people that coddled me because i'm a "victim". great, i'm a victim? fuck you.

honestly, if you're not over your rape trauma, don't watch a fucking rape joke video. JESUS. if the world wasn't so overly protective of this shit, maybe we wouldn't be laden with our constipated emotional issues and ineffectual pharmacological solutions which turn into accidental overdose victims every goddamn day. if you can't laugh, that's when you die.

your psychiatrist and therapist and all those tools that convinced you to take all of those drugs and wear the cap of the victim: FUCK. THOSE. PEOPLE.

OOOOORRRR if you like self worth at the cost of a censored life of half triggered social anxiety: Riiiiiiiiiiide the train to proper thoughts and chilled out operational defintions that make doing business and living healthy in corporate america a snap! just shame people for laughing at things that hurt you. and convince others that not shaming others into this is not right. oooohhh, that's the moral thing to do!!!

yeah, no thanks on that one -- laughing at what hurts me most is the only thing that gives me the will to keep living. you wanna shame me for laughing at my problems? that's a bunch of HORSE SHIT. talk about rape -- let's talk about the rape of our fucking minds every fucking day by institutions that teach us this bullshit philosophy.

i'm just tired and hungry -- and i had a good fucking laugh at this video. before you respond to me, fuck you, don't bother. i don't wish to discuss how i deal with my victimization through humor and even if you do -- not reading it

Obama Talks About His Blackberry and Compromise

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I like his point at the beginning that we're actually living in the best time ever. It's counter-intuitive because the of the way media works today and we're getting blasted with so much bad news.

But honestly, do you think the world is in a more precarious situation than say 1942 or even 1962?

Idiocracy explains Trump voters

newtboy says...

Flocking to a demagogue who clearly is not capable of solving the problems that need addressing are the actions of idiots.
Being angry at your representatives for not being honest, then backing the least honest person you can find in the country is the act of idiots.
Believing the lies of someone who wrote a book about how to be successful by constantly lying is a thing only done by idiots (I'm also looking in your direction on this one, scientologists).
So I disagree, it's idiocy pure and simple.

Mordhaus said:

I don't think we can lay the ascendance of Trump at the feet of Idiocy. You see, people who are scared and angry of change have a tendency to 'flock' around a possible leader who promises them a return to the good old days. I mean, look at leaders like Mussolini and Hitler, people were suffering from the punitive effects of reparations from WW 1 and flocked to demagogues who promised better days.

This tendency to flock is littered with examples throughout history. The people not scared of change tend to look at those affected by the phenomenon and scold them for being out of their 'flocking minds'.

Yes, I absolutely wrote two paragraphs to get in a pun.

When Video Game Companies Pay To Get Their Game Reviewed.

Jinx says...

I'm not allowed to accept gifts etc at work... and I don't even work in anything close to journalism

Honestly tho, you got on a site, or youtubes or w/e for game reviews...and you don't pay a dime, hell, you might not even see any ads... hmm. Wonder how they make a living!

I'd love to know how much people are actually influenced by reviews. I tend to stick to developers who have delivered in the past. For everything else there is always a lets play or twitch stream shortly after release. Most of the time I read reviews after I've bought a game just to see what other people think about it...

Big Think: John Cleese on Being Offended

Imagoamin says...

"Push back? Do you mean intentionally suppress laughter for fear of being un-PC? Heckle (thats fine BTW)? Defame? Ban? Throw stones? Chase out of town? Burn books? Worse?"

Awfully hyperbolic. You seem to think someone saying "I don't like this" is brushing up with burning books?

Because I see that as an act of free speech. Protest, boycotts, etc aren't suddenly forcing anyone to do something or preventing anyone from saying anything. It's meeting speech with more speech. The pinion of free speech principles.

But free speech has never been freedom from consequences. You can say whatever edgu thing you like but you can't expect everyone to just shut up and be fine with it.

Either you accept being edgy is going to rile people up and get you reactions or you go back to doing boring ass material. Imagining that someone not enjoying your joke is akin to a mob trying to murder you only really shows how thin skinned comedians are to any criticism. Ignore it.

And the issue of disinvitations to colleges is, again, more free speech acts. Yet somehow, unless the speech is toothless and ineffective, its a melt down by thin skinned comedians.

Look, you need to know your audience when you do a gig. You don't walk into a bar mitzvah gig and tell all your edgy antisemetic jokes then get wounded at the "PC outrage" when people get mad. Yet somehow going to a college during a rise in college activism against racism/sexism and telling your "women are shit, right?" jokes is supposed to be no issue?

And the other issue in this: colleges are viewed more and more as a services paid transaction: I'm paying thousands to this place to provide me a product. So its no wonder students feel more empowered to complain, especially when their money from activity fees is being spent on something they don't like.

Saying "you owe us $500 and we're going to use it to pay the 'Muslims are all rapists' guy to come here and talk" isn't the best way to make people feel like their money is being used with their best interests in mind.

Honestly, if you feel like protests or any act of free speech you disagree with is akin to burning books or destroying lives... Maybe you should grow a thicker skin. Everyone doesn't have to like what you say and its not some afront to your rights when they don't.

Homeless Hero Sacrifies

Lawdeedaw says...

newtboy, death has long not been considered snuff if it newsworthy, historic or artful. Or haven't you seen the millions of fucking police and troops killing people on the sift? They are allowed because they are "unexpected" and newsworthy. In fact that is exactly what @lucky760 told me back then. Guess he was wrong back then eh?

Or how about when I posted the video of mother nature being a powerful, awe inspiring motherfucker? There was definitely death in this vein there. I was told it was fine, because it showed the artistic power of mother-nature. That came from the mods and nearly everyone else. A few did argue their point, "But, shows someone dying..."

Or how about the world's ten greatest tragedies that showed a fighter pilot drown with his jet? Oh the video was historically based, but that particular pilot's death was in no way historical at all. Yet it was defended and remained.

Honestly, if you have no clue what you are talking about, then shut up. You can argue the homeless saving people does not matter (not newsworthy,) you could argue that I could have edited it, but don't pull that bullshit "just because both die from gunshots."

In my opinion this is the definition of newsworthy. More of this needs shown to the world so they fucking have to eat the truth--that heroes can be poor street men. This is art in a very sad way. Like a fucking painting of a great man standing, defending a wall against a force much larger than his own. This is fucking news because no one expects it and it stuns people awake.

newtboy said:

I'm sorry, but by what insane definition or theory do you NOT consider this *snuff?!? It is the literal definition of the word, and is in fact double snuff as it seems both the 'hero' and the kidnapper are killed. Just because you feel the one death was 'heroic', and the other totally justified, does not make it any less a snuff film.
Good on the homeless man for saving the woman.
Bad on @Lawdeedaw for posting snuff.

Connie Britton's Hair Secret. It's not just for Women!

newtboy says...

Sweet Bastard Zombie Jesus!

You don't think well, and are 100% wrong about both my education and acquaintances, but you, on the other hand, do not seem to have either education or personal acquaintances to draw from on this subject. It seems some militant Feminist (they are not the only brand of Feminist, BTW) left a bad taste in your mouth, so now all feminism, to you, is distasteful. That's like eating a single spoilt sausage and from then on loudly telling people at dinner "meat is all tainted and it all makes you're just too dumb to know it", and continuing on that vein until they either (from exasperation) either stop eating it in your presence or find a way to ignore you, IMO, because attempting to rationally explain that some improperly handled meat is tainted, but not all, falls on deaf ears.

Dictionaries are where you look up the definitions of words, which is exactly what I did. Because you can't grasp the concept doesn't make it wrong.

Because your mind can't grasp the difference between the name of a movement based loosely on an idea and that idea does not mean there isn't one. Sorry, fail, just like your second paragraph in your last post which included many ANTI-feminist theories along with some overboard militant Feminist theories...I wonder if you can follow that thought since you don't grasp the difference in the words and claim there isn't one.

Equality is not advancement of one group at the expense of the other, it's the discontinuation of that process.

MY dictionary?!? Me thinks you protest too much. What's your issue with the English language (or language in general) that use of one of the main tools of language causes you such consternation and spawns such disrespectful and angry sounding replies? I honestly think you're just angry that I proved your argument's major flaw (that flaw being your inability to distinguish between a loose group's name and an idea...which makes one wonder, do you believe there were roaming gangs of large, dark colored cats protesting and attacking police in the US in the 60's and 70's?), but can't bring yourself to admit your argument had any flaw.

"Cultural fiction of gender"?!? Oh...I didn't realize I was having a discussion with a completely crazy person. If you actually believe gender is a "cultural fiction", there's no point discussing anything with you, because you live in a different reality from the rest of us that actually HAVE a gender, and not just culturally derived gender, and have ancestors that had gender before there was such a thing as "culture". What an insane statement, one that totally missed the point as well.

Spit on me, you'll find yourself in a bad place, and you'll find that many in favor of Women's rights are also in favor of removing ALL involuntary cultural distinctions of gender, a thing that has NOT been done by far, and you wish to stop any advancement towards equality of genders while one side is SO far ahead based solely on their GENDER. (damn, that word again describing a thing that doesn't must hate that, huh?)

Yes, if you fail to even conceive that, unfairly, there is a gender split in society that 99% of the time favors one gender to the detriment of the other, you by default fall into that opposing force, opposing fairness and equality, and individualism. No question. It's sad to me that you can't see that.

I'll ignore your last 2 paragraphs, I'm not speaking for @bareboards2, she's perfectly capable of speaking for herself, but has intelligently decided that further discussion with you on this subject is pointless...and I see she's likely right, you just want to argue about it, as made clear by your never ending arguments spawning from a simple clarification of what 2 words (spelled the same, but one being a proper name, the other an idea) actually mean...according to THE dictionary, and your insistence that the dictionary is wrong because it doesn't support your position that feminism and Feminism are the same thing. BWAAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!! That's too funny. Thanks for the laugh.

Enjoy exploring that hypothesis further, but without my further input. My points are made, some repeatedly.

Most Entertaining Satanist

shinyblurry says...

That may be true, and I am not taking everything he said entirely seriously, but I think he was being more honest than you might think.

The popular image of a Satanist, now a days, is some kind of hyper skeptic, but that isn't always the case. There are also religious Satanists, some who believe in the literal existence of the devil, and some who don't, but they worship and serve dark spirits. I think the majority of Satanists have a supernatural element to their beliefs.

artician said:

The #1 goal of any "Satanist" is to make fun of Christians and their religion. They're just trolling you because it's so easy to get responses like the one you posted. They want to get responses like that because it frazzles you, and provides an infinite source of amusement for them.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Transgender Rights

GenjiKilpatrick says...


Talking at you is like playing fetch with a really dumb dog.

I throw out a ball. You come back with a pile of shit in your mouth.

Discussions don't work if you can't be logically consistent.

So for the purposes of this game of "comeback with anything that contradicts a liberal"..

Please stick to the rules:

We're on the Bobknight Logic-Train to Conservatopia.

Now.. your logic states that Minorities rights shouldn't take precedent over the thoughts, opinions & beliefs of the Majority.

If you're being honest - which you never are cause then you'd have to admit you're wrong on most things - wouldn't the logical conclusion to your argument mean..

You shouldn't have any rights on Liberalsift?

I know it hurts your tiny angry racist 53 yr old brain to admit glaring truths.

But try, okay hun?

newtboy (Member Profile)

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